Logs for jabber@conference.jabber.org
[00:03:07] * genius joined the chat.
[00:03:07] * genius left the chat.
[00:03:11] * genius joined the chat.
[00:03:11] * genius left the chat.
[00:03:11] * genius joined the chat.
[00:03:11] * genius left the chat.
[00:03:12] * genius joined the chat.
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[00:03:33] * genius joined the chat.
[00:03:33] * genius left the chat.
[00:03:59] * geniuse joined the chat.
[00:03:59] * genius in now known as .
[00:03:59] * geniuse in now known as .
[00:03:59] * geniuse left the chat.
[00:05:26] * geniuse joined the chat.
[00:05:26] * geniuse left the chat.
[00:08:22] * geniuse joined the chat.
[00:25:32] * geniuse left the chat.
[00:25:56] * geniuse joined the chat.
[00:25:56] * geniuse left the chat.
[00:26:11] * geniuse joined the chat.
[00:26:11] * geniuse left the chat.
[00:31:14] * geniuse joined the chat.
[00:35:50] * geniuse left the chat.
[01:23:40] * Z_God left the chat.
[02:22:20] * HedgeMage left the chat.
[02:24:12] * HedgeMage joined the chat.
[03:44:15] * KiDo left the chat.
[03:54:50] * naw left the chat.
[03:55:25] * KiDo joined the chat.
[03:59:15] * geniuse joined the chat.
[03:59:15] * geniuse left the chat.
[03:59:30] * geniuse joined the chat.
[03:59:30] * geniuse left the chat.
[04:04:34] * geniuse joined the chat.
[04:11:36] * geniuse left the chat.
[04:11:51] * geniuse joined the chat.
[04:11:51] * geniuse left the chat.
[04:47:15] * Neustradamus left the chat.
[04:47:36] * Neustradamus joined the chat.
[04:53:01] * sono joined the chat.
[05:26:06] * Naoy joined the chat.
[05:31:55] * Naoy left the chat.
[05:35:13] * Naoy joined the chat.
[05:45:23] * Naoy left the chat.
[05:50:47] * Naoy joined the chat.
[06:08:49] * FRENKY joined the chat.
[06:31:33] * Naoy left the chat.
[06:39:41] * Kev joined the chat.
[06:59:37] * jiaff joined the chat.
[06:59:50] * jiaff left the chat.
[07:42:11] * vincent_v joined the chat.
[07:55:19] * FRENKY left the chat.
[08:15:52] * romson joined the chat.
[08:16:53] <romson> i tried to search the JUD at jabber.org but the search window just closes and no results. Is there an active JUD jabber user
[08:44:18] * romson left the chat.
[09:12:58] * sono left the chat.
[09:38:21] * vincent_v left the chat.
[10:53:24] * FRENKY joined the chat.
[11:14:03] * Z_God joined the chat.
[11:19:22] * nomadofnorad left the chat.
[12:21:04] * Naoy joined the chat.
[12:56:22] * Scall joined the chat.
[13:20:46] * Ghanm33 joined the chat.
[13:20:46] * Ghanm33 left the chat.
[13:33:06] * mittwinter left the chat.
[13:35:50] * mittwinter joined the chat.
[14:04:59] * arvent joined the chat.
[14:05:34] <arvent> Hi guys
[14:06:04] <arvent> Can I post a question about chatroom here/
[14:07:21] * arvent left the chat.
[14:18:35] * arvent joined the chat.
[14:18:53] <Kev> You can always try.
[14:21:02] <arvent> thanks, I gues I can.
[14:21:32] <arvent> It was about a room with autoconnect for wich I forgot the password
[14:22:13] <arvent> and every time when the program start it was autoreconnect
[14:22:42] <arvent> but find the where it was hiding, so
[14:22:46] <arvent> thanks anyway
[14:25:57] * arvent left the chat.
[14:29:19] * Scall left the chat.
[14:30:16] * arvent joined the chat.
[16:05:59] * arvent left the chat.
[16:06:08] * arvent joined the chat.
[16:22:18] * Naoy left the chat.
[16:55:56] * Link Mauve joined the chat.
[17:07:05] * FRENKY left the chat.
[17:37:56] * arvent left the chat.
[19:32:21] * KiDo left the chat.
[19:32:23] * KiDo joined the chat.
[19:58:12] * nomadofnorad joined the chat.
[19:58:12] * nomadofnorad left the chat.
[19:58:25] * nomadofnorad joined the chat.
[19:58:25] * nomadofnorad left the chat.
[19:58:25] * nomadofnorad joined the chat.
[19:58:25] * nomadofnorad left the chat.
[20:00:44] * nomadofnorad joined the chat.
[20:26:54] * Naoy joined the chat.
[20:45:01] * Naoy left the chat.
[20:52:25] * romson joined the chat.
[21:11:25] * romson left the chat.
[21:33:21] * Naoy joined the chat.
[22:24:07] * boothj5 joined the chat.
[22:29:10] * sono joined the chat.
[23:42:39] * boothj5 left the chat.