Logs for jabber@conference.jabber.org
[01:28:55] * chaotickjg joined the chat.
[01:30:11] * chaotickjg left the chat.
[01:30:12] * chaotickjg joined the chat.
[01:30:30] <chaotickjg> Any Psi+ users on?
[01:32:25] * stpeter left the chat.
[02:00:37] <sono> Yo
[02:00:51] <sono> Although I really kind of stopped due to some weird ways of handling contacts and stuff
[02:01:21] <sono> so I went with Gajim for windows now (Fugly as fugly can be due to using GTK+ 2, but it's functions are solid).
[02:01:38] <sono> (as far as the GUI is concerned)
[02:01:47] <sono> chaotickjg, what's your question.
[02:06:32] <chaotickjg> I can't find any option in the main window to look up user info (e.g. the info that users choose to store on-server as part
of their XMPP account)
[02:07:11] <chaotickjg> I'd look it up on their wiki, but that seems b0rken, and I won't post to their forum since it's on Google (a company I no
longer trust)
[02:08:24] <chaotickjg> I'm trying to reconnect with an old friend, it would be useful to see if his name is associated with a few JIDs I suspect
might be his :-)
[02:09:15] * naw left the chat.
[02:22:49] <sono> chaotickjg, hm
[02:23:17] <sono> Do you have him already as contact for your xmpp account(s)?
[02:23:38] <sono> because you can always select on top the "Show" option and then select "Offline Contacts"
[02:23:54] <sono> and then you should see all the offline contacts and check the info that you have of them that's most recent I think
[02:24:05] <chaotickjg> No, hence why I want to check the name associated with the JIDs :-)
[02:24:10] <sono> oooooh
[02:24:13] <sono> ouch
[02:24:15] <sono> uhm
[02:24:29] <sono> question who is the XMPP service provider for your friend?
[02:24:35] <sono> do you know who it could be ?
[02:24:38] <sono> Jabber.org for instance?
[02:24:40] <sono> neko.im?
[02:24:45] <sono> Ted Danson?
[02:25:32] <chaotickjg> Last I talked to him, he used Google
[02:25:52] <sono> chaotickjg, then see if you can add his gmail address then
[02:26:12] <sono> as far as bare one-on-one chat goes, Google is allowing that at the very least
[02:26:20] <sono> but not MUC (chatroom) access anymore
[02:26:34] <sono> so give that a shot
[02:26:39] <sono> it should resolve alright
[02:26:54] <sono> then all you have to do is have him get on a chat client that supports XMPP and that's it.
[02:26:57] <sono> it should work
[02:27:01] <chaotickjg> I could add it, I'd just rather know for sure it's really his :-)
[02:27:19] <sono> Only one way to find out
[02:27:46] <chaotickjg> He can talk to me from gmail.com, they support chat directly within the Gmail interface
[02:28:01] <chaotickjg> I think I have to send him the chat request though
[02:28:21] <sono> yeah I know that they have the web-based client built into the gmail inbox page and whatnot
[02:28:35] <sono> but he can use his account to use a XMPP supoorting desktop client
[02:28:39] <sono> as well
[02:28:52] <sono> is what I'm saying
[02:29:17] <chaotickjg> Actually, two ways: send a chat request and possibly get someone else annoyed with me (hence why I'd rather know before),
or find a way to look it up first. Personally, I prefer the latter :-)
[02:29:38] <sono> wait what? I mean you have his gmail address already right?
[02:29:48] <sono> so why need to verify?
[02:29:50] <chaotickjg> Um, no
[02:29:55] <sono> ...
[02:29:57] <sono> okay
[02:29:59] <chaotickjg> I "suspect" I know his gmail account
[02:30:13] <chaotickjg> Or actually, several possibilities
[02:30:16] <sono> Really I'd just email or run a background check.
[02:31:46] <chaotickjg> Background checks cost a little of something I don't have, plus I'm already logged in to Jabber so I figure that's the simplest
solution to what I'm trying to do
[02:32:00] <sono> Because any convention that I would allow you via client is if they had been online recently
[02:32:10] <sono> that would*
[02:32:49] <sono> so that way, even if they're offline shortly after that, you'll have only whatever was the most recent piece of info that
they had posted on their account when they were last time online and you were with your client on as well
[02:32:59] <sono> I mean that's what usually happens
[02:33:07] <sono> because if I have, oh say, someone that's not been a long time online
[02:33:26] <sono> I'll only have whatever was that info posted by that account holder last time they were online.
[02:34:00] <sono> that and there's a few other variables to that on the other end.
[02:34:38] <sono> the only sure fire way to find about if that account is really belonging to that person is if they're online and added to
your account's contact list.
[02:34:57] <chaotickjg> Sure, but what they've posted to their account might include their name, if the other server supports storing personal information
(which GTalk does)
[02:35:12] <sono> ehhh kind of
[02:35:19] * iv4n left the chat.
[02:35:38] <sono> usually it's their name and that's it plus some user hash string somewhere plastered on their profile.
[02:35:55] <sono> "G USER # #()@#$*)@#(%*)@#(*%#@)(*%" or something.
[02:36:03] <sono> :P
[02:36:09] <chaotickjg> The downside is, they don't allow setting of such info via XMPP client, it has to be done via their website, but it is still
retrievable via XMPP client
[02:37:18] <sono> Oh okay
[02:37:28] <chaotickjg> sono: i've never seen anything like that in the name field (I've already looked at the info of several of my Gmail friends
I have chatted with -- trouble is, the button to view it AFAIK is in the chat window only)
[02:37:46] <sono> I have with my clients that use Gmail
[02:37:48] <sono> weird
[02:38:12] <chaotickjg> Are you sure it's not some weird glitch in your client?
[02:38:28] <sono> I don't know really because Psi and Psi+ are quite funky overall
[02:38:39] <sono> and it's why I stopped using them
[02:38:52] <chaotickjg> Because when I've seen it, it's always been either their real name, their gmail user name, or a nickname they've set via Youtube
[02:38:53] <sono> but then again no
[02:39:03] <sono> because the same thing would show up with other clients too such as Pidgin
[02:39:18] <sono> Gajim as well (in both Windows and Linux environments) so I can definitely be sure that it's my contacts
[02:39:21] <sono> and not my clients
[02:40:14] <chaotickjg> Maybe it only does that if they have a non-unique user name? Or some weird thing Google does for people who haven't set it?
Or some weird glitch on their servers?
[02:40:39] <chaotickjg> Like I said, I've never seen it, neither on Psi+ or Pidgin (those are the only two I've used)
[02:41:00] <sono> okay
[02:41:02] <sono> well I have :D
[02:41:07] <sono> but anywa
[02:41:19] <sono> yeah, back to your issue, uhm. I don't know just email
[02:41:22] <sono> see what's up
[02:41:29] <sono> and that's the best I can think up at the moment
[02:42:53] <chaotickjg> If I can't figure it out, I'll probably just send some chat requests from Psi+. Would be easier for me than messing around
with email :-)
[02:43:02] <sono> /me nods
[02:43:20] <chaotickjg> Personally, I love Psi+, this is actually the first issue I've had with it
[02:43:28] <sono> I love it too
[02:43:36] <sono> but it's behaved quite odd with me
[02:43:41] <sono> but other than that it's a great client
[02:43:49] <sono> One recommendation
[02:43:52] <sono> for the future
[02:44:09] <sono> why not exchange GNU PG keys with one another
[02:44:23] <sono> just to verify next time that it's that person for that contact?
[02:44:35] <sono> that way you'll be sure it's that person and you can use it start encrypted chats
[02:44:58] <chaotickjg> He doesn't use PGP of any form, nor could I convince him
[02:45:06] <sono> mmk
[02:45:12] <sono> you could always just send him your pub key
[02:45:22] <sono> so he can use it for in case of whatever I guess.
[02:45:23] <sono> :P
[02:46:04] <chaotickjg> He's what I call a WinFreak, a person who's a hard-core MS support who thinks there's no need to use thinks like PGP or GNU/Linux
that can help protect his privacy
[02:46:28] <sono> chaotickjg, that's most people including lay persons
[02:46:38] <sono> so it's not something to be surprised about.
[02:46:53] <sono> chaotickjg, le met pm you quick
[02:46:55] <chaotickjg> Aye, sad, but true
[02:48:15] <sono> chaotickjg, alright I hope you find your friend.
[02:48:51] <chaotickjg> No PM? :-)
[02:49:54] <sono> chaotickjg, come again?
[02:50:14] <chaotickjg> You said you wanted to PM me
[02:50:37] <sono> and you replied with a question so I'm not following.
[02:50:57] <chaotickjg> /
[02:50:59] <chaotickjg> ?
[02:51:18] <sono> >[7:49:17 PM] chaotickjg: No PM?
[02:52:17] <chaotickjg> Oh, because it looked like you were already getting ready to wave goodbye just before that :-)
[02:53:09] <sono> okay sending pm...
[02:54:22] <sono> chaotickjg, did you get anything?
[02:54:51] <chaotickjg> No
[02:55:36] <sono> hm werid
[02:55:50] <sono> well anyway if you need me I'll be also hanging out at tcafc@conference.neko.im
[02:56:08] <sono> http://youtu.be/YPwFuCL33I8
[02:56:37] <chaotickjg> You're trying to use jabber.org for my JID, right?
[02:57:30] <sono> uhm no I just clicked on your nick that's listed on here room to PM you
[02:59:05] <sono> ...you mean to tell me you're using gtalk?
[02:59:12] <sono> a gmail account address?
[02:59:27] <chaotickjg> Try now, maybe it's auto-blocking because my status was DND
[02:59:49] <chaotickjg> sono: nooooo! I hate Google! XD
[03:00:00] <sono> chaotickjg, got anything?
[03:00:04] <chaotickjg> I use Jabber.org for my XMPP account :-)
[03:00:10] <chaotickjg> Nope
[03:00:15] <sono> /me shakes head
[03:00:37] <sono> anyway yeah that's all I was going to tell you really
[03:00:46] <sono> that i'm there and if you need me you can find me there as well as here
[03:00:59] <sono> in case you want to shoot the shit or something.
[03:01:02] <chaotickjg> Maybe this room doesn't allow PMs?
[03:01:08] <sono> could be
[03:01:14] <chaotickjg> I can PM myself from my own rooms
[03:01:33] <sono> mh
[03:01:43] <chaotickjg> But not from this one
[03:02:24] <sono> mh
[03:04:38] <chaotickjg> Anyways, it's past my bedtime and lots to do tomorrow, so g'night :-)
[03:06:49] <sono> late
[03:22:25] * nomadofnorad left the chat.
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[03:23:05] * FRENKY joined the chat.
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[03:39:22] * HedgeMage joined the chat.
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[06:19:04] * Mackenzie joined the chat.
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[08:16:45] * sono left the chat.
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[08:35:06] * iv4n joined the chat.
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[09:12:02] * Naoy joined the chat.
[09:12:03] <Naoy> Ping
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[12:41:23] <chaotickjg> Pong
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