Logs for jabber@conference.jabber.org
[00:04:44] <> (hey, nothing wrong with mIRC and the '90s!)
[00:05:15] <> and you have to admit, Khalid put together a great client
[00:05:59] <> :)
[00:06:33] <Donovan> one of the reasons the DoD uses XMPP is they thought that Khalid was an Al-Qaeda sympathizer
[00:06:48] <> <shrug> he responded to and implemented one of my feature requests personally. Can't get much better than that
[00:06:53] <Donovan> about which I have no information, mind you
[00:07:40] <> I do take back what I said about the '90s though ... (because Nickelback)
[00:07:42] <> :D
[00:08:19] <stpeter> /ne shrugs
[00:08:22] <stpeter> did not know that
[00:08:43] <Donovan> probably just paranoia
[00:08:52] <stpeter> but then I haven't used mIRC in ages and ages, despite having written high-level tools in mircscript
[00:08:54] <Donovan> of which we have such a copious supply in this country
[00:09:12] <stpeter> it's about the only thing we produce domestically, you'd think sometimes
[00:12:23] <stpeter> /me eyebrows
[00:12:46] <stpeter> I know exactly where in my archives all that mirc stuff is
[00:13:04] <stpeter> what's slightly shocking is that the latest timestamp on it is 28 oct 2001
[00:13:19] <Donovan> hmm
[00:13:40] <stpeter> (it's been a long time)
[00:13:51] <stpeter> but that was the tail end of the good old days on undernet
[00:16:11] <stpeter> /me rolls eyes
[00:16:14] <stpeter> seriously?
[00:16:14] <stpeter> http://www.militaryaerospace.com/articles/2014/02/parc-ibm-vapr.html
[00:16:34] <stpeter> why bother to steal them? just hack in and trigger the destruct yourself
[00:20:01] <stpeter> I get what they're trying to achieve, but it seems far more cost effective to design a shaped charge in with existing tech
and set the trigger up as they propose
[00:20:29] <Donovan> haven't read it yet, trying to finish a customer proposal
[00:20:40] <Donovan> BTW I quit Cisco, now working for a small company called &yet
[00:22:10] <stpeter> remotely or have you moved?
[00:22:34] <Donovan> remotely
[00:22:44] <stpeter> nm, I'll just read your team intro
[00:22:44] <Donovan> they have a number of people working remotely
[00:23:04] <Donovan> not that it really matters from your perspective, just FYI
[00:24:03] * hitman-homs joined the chat.
[00:25:38] <> مرحبا
[00:26:21] <> hello
[00:26:24] <> Hai
[00:27:30] <> I want young people account GS Saraf Jaber Org
[00:28:34] <> no, the client is a real piece of work. I admire it. Like Ghislers Total Commander or Roshals WinRar. Been going for twenty
year each now.
[00:30:35] <> funny you mention TC, as I ran across that as a tangent when googling earlier today
[00:32:40] <> but yeah, I used mirc heavily from pretty much 1995 when it started through the end of 2001
[00:34:03] <stpeter> I'd kill for an XMPP client that was that programmable
[00:34:10] <stpeter> ~easily~ programmable
[00:34:56] * hitman-homs left the chat.
[00:35:39] <> Yea, TC is one great piece of software. Hehe, I used to write this scripts to mIRC. Good times..
[00:39:07] * hitman-homs joined the chat.
[00:41:09] <> بست
[00:48:19] <> homs, "This room chats in English."
[00:48:32] <> (also, 'six' doesn't mean anything by itself)
[00:50:17] <> Unfortunately, I want to help
[00:50:30] <> to help, or to get help?
[00:52:15] <> I am I want to calculate the GS Saraf Jaber Org
[00:52:30] <> and I don't understand the question
[00:54:02] <> I need an account on the exchange Jaber Org
[00:54:56] <> ah
[00:55:19] <> well, unfortunately account registration is currently disabled
[00:56:53] <> Do you have a former account I want to Astkhaddmho
[00:58:30] <> I need an old account if there is a problem
[00:58:40] <> if you want to recover the password for an old account, see http://www.jabber.org/faq.html#password
[01:01:44] <> You, you Aasedki Taerni account
[01:02:59] <stpeter> /me does not have anything closely resembling an arabic mental map
[01:03:32] <stpeter> seeing as I know only a few words in it, and they're all potentially deadly insults :)
[01:05:58] * hitman-homs left the chat.
[01:08:29] * elmotron joined the chat.
[01:26:33] <> So uh....does jabber.org have registrations going up yet? I just heard the news of the DDOS(?)
[01:30:22] * elmotron left the chat.
[01:32:46] <> Oh, was THAT why I couldn't get on here and other the other jabber chatroom all day yesterday? Some script-kiddies somewhere
doing a DDOS attack? oO
[01:33:28] <> Oh, was THAT why I couldn't get on here and my other frequented jabber chatroom all day yesterday? Some script-kiddies somewhere
doing a DDOS attack? oO
[01:40:29] <> http://mail.jabber.org/pipermail/juser/2014-February/007048.html
[02:36:19] <> ty
[02:40:08] * elmotron joined the chat.
[02:40:27] <> nomadofnorad: one little, two little, three little .ru servers, four little, five little, six little .ru servers, seven little,
eight little, nine little .ru servers all went on a spree!
[02:40:47] <> wii u!
[02:40:50] <> :D
[02:42:05] <> Well then I guess it's a "no" then.
[02:42:06] <> Fudge
[02:42:08] <> oh well
[02:42:29] <> Sec > convenience; it's sad but hey what can you do right?
[02:45:43] * elmotron left the chat.
[02:48:27] * elmotron joined the chat.
[02:48:36] * elmotron left the chat.
[03:00:48] <> so. mostly russian script-kiddies?
[03:28:44] <> nomadofnorad: eeehhh I'd say yeah pretty much.
[03:29:26] <> That's my guess but all I know that its .ru xmpp servers with very lax registration policies that are letting this happen.
[03:29:31] <> But as to the perps
[03:29:37] <> Who knows?
[03:30:46] <> and I'm not going to string this and say it might have to do with all those weird reports about hacks going on in sochi.
[03:31:12] <> lulz Olympics
[04:09:50] * stpeter left the chat.
[04:27:03] * FRENKY joined the chat.
[04:34:22] * KiDo joined the chat.
[04:58:38] <> speaking of, I love the quote under Google's Olympic doodle
[06:20:50] * KiDo left the chat.
[06:30:24] * sono left the chat.
[06:40:20] * harlock joined the chat.
[07:17:07] * intosi left the chat.
[07:17:25] * Isodetosi left the chat.
[07:17:35] * Isodetosi joined the chat.
[07:28:52] * intosi joined the chat.
[07:37:44] * SouL joined the chat.
[07:39:36] * Neustradamus left the chat.
[07:48:28] * Bharadwaj.v15 joined the chat.
[07:48:28] * Bharadwaj.v15 left the chat.
[07:57:09] * yuppinturic joined the chat.
[08:34:39] * vilius joined the chat.
[08:53:15] * harlock left the chat.
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[09:05:43] * KiDo joined the chat.
[09:20:04] * KiDo left the chat.
[09:28:57] * SouL left the chat.
[09:30:38] * SouL joined the chat.
[09:55:51] * nomadofnorad left the chat.
[11:29:01] * elmotron joined the chat.
[11:29:28] * elmotron left the chat.
[12:23:13] * Kev joined the chat.
[12:24:24] * Kev left the chat.
[13:24:12] * FRENKY left the chat.
[13:46:13] * naw joined the chat.
[14:12:24] * Tanguy joined the chat.
[14:14:01] * harlock left the chat.
[14:25:56] * SouL joined the chat.
[14:34:11] * SouL left the chat.
[14:37:07] * naw left the chat.
[14:50:38] * stpeter joined the chat.
[15:06:36] * FRENKY joined the chat.
[15:17:38] * SouL left the chat.
[15:20:21] * SouL joined the chat.
[15:50:57] * KiDo joined the chat.
[17:01:07] * yuppinturic left the chat.
[17:21:39] <stpeter> mitigation seems to be holding up fine
[17:22:00] <Donovan> so far so good
[17:47:21] * vilius left the chat.
[17:58:00] <Donovan> we're blocking communications from a bunch of Bad Servers™
[17:58:55] <stpeter> so I noted
[17:59:24] <stpeter> fwiw, the vast majority of the fake account spammers that have been getting through at DP have been from .ru and .pl
[17:59:54] <stpeter> I have really got to get off my ass and write some proper user account management tools
[18:11:55] * SouL left the chat.
[18:26:52] * SouL joined the chat.
[18:28:53] * SouL joined the chat.
[18:37:23] * naw joined the chat.
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[18:43:53] * test joined the chat.
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[18:57:01] * Z_God joined the chat.
[19:15:31] * FRENKY left the chat.
[19:19:58] * ♟ joined the chat.
[19:41:14] * Neustradamus joined the chat.
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[20:21:59] * naw left the chat.
[20:43:14] * nomadofnorad joined the chat.
[20:43:14] * nomadofnorad left the chat.
[20:43:14] * nomadofnorad joined the chat.
[20:43:14] * nomadofnorad left the chat.
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[21:26:17] * ♟ left the chat.
[22:02:08] * SouL left the chat.
[22:04:53] * KiDo left the chat.
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[22:49:43] * pengwen left the chat.
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[23:51:41] * Z_God left the chat.
[23:59:23] * KiDo left the chat.