Logs for jabber
[00:20:00] * Mohmde2011 joined the chat.
[00:20:13] * Mohmde2011 left the chat.
[01:04:39] * lemur joined the chat.
[01:46:57] * lemur left the chat.
[01:51:28] * lemur joined the chat.
[01:51:36] <lemur> hey budz
[01:53:27] * lemur left the chat.
[01:54:41] * aRyo joined the chat.
[02:01:23] * aRyo left the chat.
[02:03:29] * lemur joined the chat.
[02:03:40] <lemur> is it possible that there is a s2s issue with xmpp.ru?
[02:06:29] <ThurahT> I just joined with my j.org account
[02:06:40] <lemur> great
[02:07:13] <ThurahT> so It seems to work as expected.
[02:07:39] <ThurahT> though the topic of the support muc breaks ppidigns im window..
[02:20:15] * bush18520 joined the chat.
[02:20:51] <bush18520> hii
[02:21:09] <lemur> hii
[02:21:13] <ThurahT> hii
[02:21:51] * bush18520 left the chat.
[02:22:07] <ThurahT> aaw..
[02:23:00] <ThurahT> too swag I guess.. (Secretly We Are Gay)
[02:56:51] * lemur left the chat.
[03:08:45] * jackson10735 joined the chat.
[03:10:15] <jackson10735> anybody in here?
[03:40:51] * Zilzal.119 joined the chat.
[03:41:09] * Zilzal.119 left the chat.
[03:47:53] * polk38845 joined the chat.
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[03:58:13] * tyler13456 joined the chat.
[04:19:41] * jackson10735 left the chat.
[04:56:03] * sono left the chat.
[05:39:47] * loreto joined the chat.
[05:43:29] * loreto left the chat.
[05:57:27] * lemur joined the chat.
[06:04:47] * aRyo joined the chat.
[06:05:26] * aRyo left the chat.
[06:09:24] * lemur left the chat.
[06:09:32] * Alex joined the chat.
[06:10:45] * Alex left the chat.
[06:10:48] * Alex joined the chat.
[06:19:38] * sono joined the chat.
[06:27:17] * lemur joined the chat.
[06:50:39] * Alex left the chat.
[06:50:39] * Alex joined the chat.
[07:20:38] <sono> Kev_ is there anything about XML in particular that I should know before reading your book?
[07:21:32] <Kev__> Only as much as knowing <it looks="like"><this/></it>
[07:21:56] <sono> Kev_ fair enough :D
[07:38:57] * lemur left the chat.
[07:39:13] * lemur joined the chat.
[07:40:27] * obama10142 joined the chat.
[07:43:24] * obama10142 left the chat.
[07:49:21] <Kev__> sono: If you don't know anything about namespacing, it's worth knowing that first, I guess. Probably easiest is just to read
the book and hit wikipedia if there's something that doesn't make sense.
[07:50:12] * aRyo joined the chat.
[07:50:49] <sono> Kev_ sure thing. I mean I have this intro to XML book laying around. I didn't get to namespacing yet and I remember from my
time learning XHTML a mention or two about that when that comes up I'll be sure to reference.
[07:51:52] <sono> that and doctypes
[07:52:03] <sono> but the latter is just for web stuff :P
[07:53:37] <sono> oh and thanks for the tip
[07:56:24] <Kev__> YW.
[08:16:19] * yuppinturic joined the chat.
[09:00:43] * Tobias_ left the chat.
[09:04:03] * lemur left the chat.
[09:14:03] * tyler13456 left the chat.
[09:17:23] * naw joined the chat.
[09:21:42] * sono left the chat.
[10:08:33] * obama38837 joined the chat.
[10:11:30] * obama38837 left the chat.
[10:14:40] * aRyo left the chat.
[10:20:20] * lemur joined the chat.
[10:31:53] * Tobias joined the chat.
[10:34:02] * cleveland47574 joined the chat.
[10:34:18] * cleveland47574 left the chat.
[10:46:26] * lemur left the chat.
[11:28:23] * FALLAHAO joined the chat.
[11:28:23] * FALLAHAO left the chat.
[11:28:27] * FALLAHAO joined the chat.
[11:28:27] * FALLAHAO left the chat.
[11:29:13] * FALLAHAO joined the chat.
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[12:43:39] * aRyo joined the chat.
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[13:44:26] * johnson14995 joined the chat.
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[13:49:09] * Aburuba242 joined the chat.
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[13:50:16] * Aburuba242 joined the chat.
[14:27:29] * rakibusd joined the chat.
[14:32:01] * rakibusd left the chat.
[14:47:44] * Alex left the chat.
[14:48:14] * Aburuba242 left the chat.
[15:06:19] * Aburuba242 joined the chat.
[15:06:46] * Aburuba242 left the chat.
[15:09:49] * Aburuba242 joined the chat.
[15:41:14] * psa joined the chat.
[15:50:50] * kennedy11981 joined the chat.
[15:50:58] <kennedy11981> sa
[15:51:15] <kennedy11981> bot çalışmıoö
[15:51:22] <kennedy11981> göt
[15:51:24] * kennedy11981 left the chat.
[15:57:48] * Lastwebpage joined the chat.
[15:58:43] * Aburuba242 left the chat.
[16:23:24] * yuppinturic left the chat.
[16:33:07] * Lastwebpage left the chat.
[16:33:07] * Lastwebpage joined the chat.
[17:16:37] * wilson44713 joined the chat.
[17:17:04] <wilson44713> hi
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[17:27:54] * ayman.deeb2 joined the chat.
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[17:34:20] * misha joined the chat.
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[17:35:34] * misha joined the chat.
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[17:37:41] * buchanan22900 joined the chat.
[17:38:22] * harrison50966 joined the chat.
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[17:44:36] * buchanan22900 left the chat.
[17:49:43] * psa left the chat.
[17:49:50] * psa joined the chat.
[18:30:46] * cheney23656 joined the chat.
[18:31:04] <cheney23656> Hi !
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[18:50:05] * bush33147 joined the chat.
[18:50:17] <bush33147> a.s
[18:50:48] <bush33147> kennedy11981
[18:51:01] * bush33147 left the chat.
[18:56:26] * Alex joined the chat.
[19:02:44] * Lastwebpage left the chat.
[19:33:40] * Z_God joined the chat.
[20:06:28] * MattJ left the chat.
[20:30:34] * nikis joined the chat.
[20:34:37] * yuppinturic joined the chat.
[21:06:12] * MattJ joined the chat.
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[21:44:32] * yuppinturic joined the chat.
[22:22:52] * psa left the chat.
[22:31:38] * Z_God left the chat.
[22:33:41] * Alex left the chat.
[22:45:49] * sniper.copra joined the chat.
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[22:49:31] * naw left the chat.
[22:49:45] * yuppinturic left the chat.
[22:59:05] * Tobias_ joined the chat.
[22:59:09] * Tobias_ left the chat.
[23:03:47] * Tobias left the chat.