Logs for jabber
[00:24:00] * darktide_rising left the chat.
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[00:38:28] * martbo joined the chat.
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[00:44:43] * sfyn@jabber.org joined the chat.
[00:44:44] * sfyn@jabber.org left the chat.
[00:49:21] * Tobias_ joined the chat.
[00:49:58] * darktide_rising joined the chat.
[00:54:21] * Tobias left the chat.
[01:15:27] * darktide_rising left the chat.
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[01:21:44] * treebilou joined the chat.
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[02:01:53] * darktide_rising joined the chat.
[03:44:31] * darktide_rising left the chat.
[04:45:37] * Link Mauve joined the chat.
[05:02:42] * darktide_rising joined the chat.
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[06:40:00] * harlock joined the chat.
[06:52:04] * treebilou left the chat.
[06:52:04] * ThurahT left the chat.
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[06:58:04] * pengwen left the chat.
[07:02:09] * ThurahT joined the chat.
[07:02:33] * harlock joined the chat.
[07:06:43] * PaulFertser joined the chat.
[07:06:50] * sfyn joined the chat.
[07:22:43] * yuppinturic joined the chat.
[07:26:35] * pengwen joined the chat.
[08:04:11] * Alex joined the chat.
[08:12:04] * Neustradamus joined the chat.
[08:12:09] * martbo joined the chat.
[08:12:19] * Holger joined the chat.
[08:13:19] * ThurahT joined the chat.
[08:13:50] * harlock joined the chat.
[08:23:31] * coolidge30909 joined the chat.
[08:24:08] <coolidge30909> hey
[08:24:22] <coolidge30909> is jabber.org functioning normally atm?
[08:24:36] <coolidge30909> i don't seem to be able to connect from russia
[08:25:38] * ThurahT left the chat.
[08:25:43] * ThurahT joined the chat.
[08:25:57] <ThurahT> at least I can connect from jabber.se
[08:27:56] <coolidge30909> that's a shame
[08:28:10] <ThurahT> no, that is good.
[08:28:35] <coolidge30909> shame is i can't do it :-)
[08:28:41] <ThurahT> : )
[08:28:52] <coolidge30909> i can't even `ping` it
[08:29:07] <coolidge30909> pings aren't disabled, are they?
[08:29:28] <ThurahT> you mean xmpp ping?
[08:29:37] <coolidge30909> nope, i mean `ping jabber.org`
[08:29:42] <ThurahT> ah.
[08:30:00] <coolidge30909> ><((°> ping jabber.org
PING jabber.org ( 56(84) bytes of data.
--- jabber.org ping statistics ---
31 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 30007ms
[08:30:10] <coolidge30909> ><((ˣ> ping www.jabber.org
PING www.jabber.org ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from athena.jabber.org ( icmp_req=1 ttl=39 time=171 ms
64 bytes from athena.jabber.org ( icmp_req=2 ttl=39 time=170 ms
--- www.jabber.org ping statistics ---
2 packets transmitted, 2 received, 0% packet loss, time 1001ms
[08:30:54] <ThurahT> is that a fish?
[08:30:59] <coolidge30909> yep
[08:31:07] <coolidge30909> :-)
[08:31:13] <coolidge30909> my fish shell prompt
[08:31:19] <coolidge30909> well, the part of it actually
[08:31:19] <ThurahT> nice : )
[08:31:43] <coolidge30909> thanks :-)
[08:35:51] * Tobias_ joined the chat.
[08:39:45] <coolidge30909> i can't ping it from my AWS server nor from Rackspace server, too
[08:40:48] <ThurahT> maybe they turned that off? Does it resolve correctly?
[08:41:28] <coolidge30909>
[08:42:58] <coolidge30909> I figure there are no ops here? Should I address Peter directly via e-mail with my questions?
[08:43:23] <coolidge30909> oh, I guess I should use mailing list
[08:43:34] <ThurahT> Kev would know. He usually comes in a bit later on
[08:43:48] <coolidge30909> oh, ok
[08:44:01] <coolidge30909> thanks
[08:51:51] * coolidge48201 joined the chat.
[08:52:16] * PaulFertser joined the chat.
[08:53:14] * coolidge48201 left the chat.
[09:09:31] * fillmore20090 joined the chat.
[09:19:04] * Link Mauve joined the chat.
[09:39:01] * Kev joined the chat.
[09:39:01] * Kev left the chat.
[09:39:01] * Kev joined the chat.
[09:43:45] * roosevelt11578 joined the chat.
[09:45:02] <roosevelt11578> hi
[09:45:46] <roosevelt11578> can any1 tell me hw can i create my own chat server using jabber
[09:49:12] <Kev> What was the earlier discussion about pinging jabber.org about?
[09:49:35] <Kev> roosevelt11578: Yes. I'd recommend that if you want a Free one you look at Prosody, and if you want a commercial one you go
with M-Link.
[09:50:37] <Kev> coolidge30909: Ping. What were you asking?
[09:54:27] <roosevelt11578> can i use it directly? I want to create an android chat app to communicate between two devices?
[09:56:18] <roosevelt11578> i just heard abt xmpp yesterday n hv 2 do it. SO plz cooperate
[09:59:19] <Kev> Yes, you can use XMPP servers for chatting.
[10:03:36] <Kev> coolidge30909: OK, so I guess you were pinging jabber.org. Jabber.org won't ping at the moment because that IP is being blackholed
(DDoS again). The SRV records are still in place and working fine - so service should continue as normal (although a client
may take a minute or two to connect). However, there are many broken clients and servers out there, it seems, who don't behave
correctly and so won't connect. If you know of such an application the best thing to do is to file a bug report against it.
[10:05:07] <roosevelt11578> Kev: Can u plz give me some more details/links? Or the steps to be followed?
[10:05:44] <Kev> http://shop.oreilly.com/product/9780596521271.do would be a good start for you to buy and read.
[10:06:54] * pengwen joined the chat.
[10:07:09] <roosevelt11578> Thanku:)
[10:18:54] * Alex joined the chat.
[10:34:42] <coolidge30909> Kev, hi. Sorry, was a the dinner.
[10:34:42] * coolidge30909 left the chat.
[10:34:42] * eisenhower38977 joined the chat.
[10:34:56] <eisenhower38977> oh, reconnected
[10:35:04] <eisenhower38977> It was me coolidge30909
[10:35:28] <eisenhower38977> Kev, anyway, that pinging stuff was about that I can't connect jabber.org from Russia
[10:35:40] <Kev> You're connected right now :)
[10:36:06] <Kev> If you can't connect to jabber.org, it suggests a bug in your client, or that your networking is broken somehow (maybe broken
DNS servers).
[10:36:13] <Kev> What OS are you?
[10:37:22] <eisenhower38977> Linux
[10:37:32] <eisenhower38977> Arch distro if that matters
[10:38:21] <eisenhower38977> and right now I'm connected via web client at speeqe.com
[10:41:36] <Kev> Pastebin the output of dig -t srv _xmpp-client._tcp.jabber.org please.
[10:44:18] <eisenhower38977> Kev, here you go: http://pastebin.mozilla.org/1768404
[10:45:16] <Kev> dig fallback.jabber.org
[10:45:59] <eisenhower38977> http://pastebin.mozilla.org/1768405
[10:46:06] <Kev> OK.
[10:46:17] <Kev> Can you ping
[10:46:30] <eisenhower38977> yep
[10:46:48] <Kev> Then it's a problem with your XMPP client that's causing you to not be able to connect.
[10:47:16] <eisenhower38977> how do you figure? :-)
[10:47:24] <Kev> Because you can connect to the server.
[10:47:35] <Kev> So if your client is telling you that you can't, it's fibbing.
[10:48:01] <eisenhower38977> but when I do "ping jabber.org" it is resolved in, not 218
[10:48:09] <Kev> Indeed.
[10:48:18] <Kev> But that's fine, your XMPP client isn't running 'ping jabber.org' :)
[10:48:30] <eisenhower38977> ok
[10:48:34] <eisenhower38977> but I tried two different clients with no luck
[10:48:42] <eisenhower38977> I tried mcabber and Gajim
[10:48:49] <Kev> Your client is doing (or should be doing, if it isn't broken) what I asked you to do earlier with dig :)
[10:48:54] <Kev> I know Psi works.
[10:49:08] <Kev> I know that Swift was fixed about a week ago too, although no fixed release yet.
[10:50:02] <eisenhower38977> well, alright then
[10:50:04] <eisenhower38977> thanks a ton
[10:50:39] <Kev> You're welcome.
[10:51:48] <eisenhower38977> so, the client should basically try all of them: hermes.jabber.org, hermes6.jabber.org, fallback.jabber.org?
[10:56:41] <eisenhower38977> Kev, btw, aren't you Kevin Smith?
[10:56:46] <eisenhower38977> /me is looking at Swift
[10:57:09] * vilius joined the chat.
[11:03:17] <Kev> Yes, I'm Kevin Smith.
[11:03:33] <Kev> There's rules about the order in which it should try them, but yes - it should try all the SRV results until it finds one
that works.
[11:04:09] <eisenhower38977> nice to meet you :-)
[11:04:17] <eisenhower38977> Maybe there is a huge timeout and I didn't wait enough…
[11:04:36] <eisenhower38977> Need to check the source
[11:04:40] <Kev> The timeout could be a few minutes - hermes.jabber.org is blackholing at the moment.
[11:21:15] <eisenhower38977> well, it's been 15 minutes
[11:21:41] <eisenhower38977> I couldn't find anything about timeouts in the source during this time
[11:25:16] <Kev> The socket open call should timeout though, eventually.
[11:25:23] <Kev> Without an explicit timeout in the calling function.
[11:27:19] * kennedy24500 joined the chat.
[11:27:29] <eisenhower38977> dang, building Swift didn't turn out a breeze, too
[11:27:42] <Kev> Oh? It should have been.
[11:27:46] <Kev> What went wrong?
[11:29:01] <eisenhower38977> #error "Sorry, no boost threads are available for this platform."
[11:29:17] <eisenhower38977> also, warning: QTDIR variable is not defined, using moc executable as a hint (QTDIR=/usr
[11:29:22] <kennedy24500> hi. It seems to s2s to gmail users had been broken
[11:30:53] <Kev> eisenhower38977: What platform is this?
[11:31:06] <Kev> Oh, Arch.
[11:31:11] <PaulFertser> kennedy24500: yep, do you think you can report that to google? Most probably it'll be ignored though :/
[11:33:52] <kennedy24500> Google will never answer. I thought you guys knocks the server and it will work itself =)
[11:36:20] <Kev> eisenhower38977: I know people keep having problems building on Arch, and we keep fixing stuff (latest is that Arch has upgraded
Boost to a version that drops support for some things we need). Sorry about that, I don't think I can help.
[11:38:32] <eisenhower38977> Kev, no problem.
[11:38:35] <PaulFertser> kennedy24500: i think google might answer if sufficiently many people ask. Anyway, that's google's fault that they do not
try to connect to the fallback server...
[11:38:56] <Kev> eisenhower38977: Oh, unless we can force it to use the bundled boost. Let me see.
[11:42:17] <Kev> No, seems we can't yet.
[11:43:12] * kennedy24500 left the chat.
[11:47:14] <eisenhower38977> hm, I figured it is used
[11:47:38] <eisenhower38977> because I get errors from 3rdParty/Boost/
[11:47:46] <eisenhower38977> E.g. /swift/3rdParty/Boost/src/boost/thread/xtime.hpp:88:1: error: expected declaration before '}' token
[11:47:50] <Kev> Oh, riiight.
[11:47:59] <Kev> Yes, someone mentioned something about this.
[11:48:11] <Kev> That the compiled Arch is now using is only compatible with Boost 1.50 and newer.
[11:48:16] <Kev> *compiler
[11:48:23] <Kev> Or something like that.
[11:48:26] <eisenhower38977> dang :-)
[11:48:47] <Kev> I'm sure Arch is great as a user, but as a dev I kinda appreciate that Deb, or even Ubuntu, isn't too much of a moving target.
[11:52:18] <eisenhower38977> I hear you. As primarily a web dev I will never use Arch on my deployment targets. Debian/Ubuntu it is.
[11:54:39] * oh carp joined the chat.
[12:06:39] <vilius> PaulFertser: I'd love GTalk S2S to get more stable and was wondering where would be the place to complain so that it gets
attention. Any ideas?
[12:09:54] <eisenhower38977> OK, it's been an hour and the socket still hasen't timed out. I guess it's just not displayed in the UI. :-D
[12:10:11] <PaulFertser> vilius: google support it is.
[12:10:19] <PaulFertser> alas
[12:11:51] <eisenhower38977> yep, it's not in netstat
[12:12:53] * Alex left the chat.
[12:18:47] <Kev> Even Swift had a bug here - related to timeouts (it correctly fell back through SRV records, but the first server took so
long to not connect that a timeout was hit and no other servers were tried).
[12:18:59] <Kev> So I'm not going to be surprised if some, or most, other clients also have issues.
[12:19:13] <Kev> The best thing to do seems to be to report the bugs and encourage the devs to fix them.
[12:19:43] * roosevelt11578 left the chat.
[12:21:47] * oh carp left the chat.
[12:22:29] <eisenhower38977> Yep, doing it. I might even be able to submit patches to Gajim as I've done it before and am somewhat familiar with the codebase.
[12:27:23] <Kev> Thanks.
[12:35:55] <eisenhower38977> "Issue #100 created", hehe GET
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[16:26:48] * Lastwebpage joined the chat.
[16:38:50] * monroe57700 joined the chat.
[16:41:08] <monroe57700> I use the program 'Kbot', when I try to connect I receive this message :
Unabble to connect... Wrong Jabber(Kbot control center) Username(ID) or Password(PIN)
and the window Control Center shows a CN 'Offline'
I've allready refreshed
Re-typed my User Login (ID and PIN)
The program 'Kbot' starts but the KOpenStealth doesn't work?
What do I need to do? Can you help me out here?
[16:41:17] * a.l.s.f.a.7 joined the chat.
[16:41:51] <Kev> monroe57700: KBot isn't allowed to use jabber.org, they're abusing it. It's also broken, which is why it can't connect.
[16:44:37] <a.l.s.f.a.7> Kev: Sir, I want to help you Alhso p
[16:45:40] <monroe57700> ok,thanks for the info
[16:46:57] * monroe57700 left the chat.
[16:48:45] <a.l.s.f.a.7> Kev: I have a rum and p this surfer trying to work inside, but there are some people within the hacker sends Rohm How can
I stop these messages
[16:49:21] <a.l.s.f.a.7> Kev: Sir, can you help me
[16:53:14] <a.l.s.f.a.7> Kev: You seem busy I see you at a later time and Thank you, Mr
[16:53:23] * a.l.s.f.a.7 left the chat.
[17:04:29] <PaulFertser> It's a nice thing he has rum, probably that'll help him and that fellow surfer to short-circuit the excessive Rohm.
[17:27:50] * Neustradamus left the chat.
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