Logs for jabber
[00:20:22] * Tobias_ joined the chat.
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[02:08:59] * aRyo joined the chat.
[02:23:01] * Kev joined the chat.
[02:23:14] * Kev_ left the chat.
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[03:37:35] * darkrain joined the chat.
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[04:27:25] * KiDo joined the chat.
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[05:30:51] <aRyo> hi all, please take a look at this illustration: http://yorapid.com/filestore/d4/X_wMZ3REOr.xmpp2gtalk_route.png._
can you tell me how to achieve that? i know that this is possible and has been done before
[05:32:49] <aRyo> anyone can point me to the right direction to create the bots.. many thanks before
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[05:57:21] * MattJ left the chat.
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[06:13:52] * Alex joined the chat.
[06:56:25] * drасо joined the chat.
[07:00:22] * Z_God joined the chat.
[07:01:19] * harlock joined the chat.
[07:31:31] * Rashaa joined the chat.
[07:40:41] * yuppinturic joined the chat.
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[09:27:52] * roosevelt21906 joined the chat.
[09:28:00] <roosevelt21906> hi
[09:28:16] <Alex> hi roosevelt21906
[09:28:35] * harlock joined the chat.
[09:28:53] <roosevelt21906> I can't find connection settings in jabber.org, how to connect?
[09:40:23] * polk55441 joined the chat.
[09:43:57] <polk55441> hi, i am not sure if this is the right place for this question/comment here it is: i run my own jabber server (openfire) for
several years now and never had any problems with server-to-server connections to jabber.org, but since 2 days i get the following
error http://pastebin.com/8RSUF5CP and my jabber.org users are shown as offline despite them beeing online!
[09:44:22] <polk55441> i whonder if you have made any changes to your configuration that could explain this error, since i did not...
[09:48:12] <Kev> Looks like a bug in your server.
[09:48:29] <Kev> Your server's noticing our IPv6 record, trying to connect, can't, and then isn't correctly using the other SRV record.
[09:48:32] <polk55441> i am running the same version for over a year now without any issues ...
[09:48:43] <Kev> We didn't have IPv6 a year ago.
[09:48:48] <polk55441> ah ok :D
[09:48:53] <Kev> That doesn't stop it being a bug in your server ;)
[09:49:28] <polk55441> so you have ipv6 support since 2 days?!
[09:50:18] <Kev> About a week.
[09:50:41] <polk55441> hm okay ... thanks for the hint, i will investigate in this direction!
[09:50:45] <Kev> But with two hosts to choose from (IPv4 and IPv6) maybe your server chose IPv4 for the last week, and only chose IPv6 two
days ago.
[09:51:13] <polk55441> mhm ...
[09:51:17] <polk55441> thank you!
[09:56:22] * taylor39527 joined the chat.
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[10:34:56] * carter24373 joined the chat.
[10:36:40] <carter24373> hi
[10:37:46] <carter24373> Can you help me please. I have 5222 port blocked in my job. I there any alternate rerver or port? Thank you.
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[10:43:00] * Adham.W96 joined the chat.
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[12:34:39] * MattJ joined the chat.
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[13:09:38] * hoover3280 joined the chat.
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[13:20:35] * dpwrussell joined the chat.
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[13:22:56] <hoover3280> hi, the problem with hermes6.jabber.org are ok?
[13:23:35] <MattJ> Should be
[13:23:42] * dpwrussell joined the chat.
[13:23:59] <ThurahT> problems should never be ok.
[13:24:17] <hoover3280> :) thank u
[13:25:28] <lunaphyte> i'm having trouble with hermes6 too.
[13:26:33] <lunaphyte> to be more specific, i'm having trouble with there being two srv records for _xmpp-server._tcp.jabber.org.
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[13:31:17] <MattJ> lunaphyte, what server are you using?
[13:31:36] <lunaphyte> openfire - version 3.6.4
[13:33:16] <lunaphyte> the method of using 2 srv records seems a bit odd to me.
[13:34:27] <MattJ> I think I agree. But still, it /should/ work :)
[13:35:04] <lunaphyte> let me pastebin a log snippit
[13:35:50] <lunaphyte> http://dpaste.com/778642/
[13:36:35] <Kev> Someone was here earlier reporting that Openfire's SRV handling is broken, too.
[13:36:51] <lunaphyte> is that actually broken though?
[13:37:05] <MattJ> Yes, it should retry the second address
[13:37:08] <Kev> There are two SRV records, so it should fall back from one to the other.
[13:37:12] <lunaphyte> i see.
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[13:37:41] <Kev> I set it up this specifically so a slightly-broken implementation that didn't fall back from AAAA to A would still work by
falling back to the other SRV.
[13:37:53] <Kev> But it turns out there are not just slighly broken but completely broken implementations out there.
[13:37:54] <Kev> Yay.
[13:38:41] <Kev> I could set an A record for hermes6, too, I supposee
[13:38:46] <Kev> s/ee/e./
[13:39:55] * naw joined the chat.
[13:41:08] <Kev> Done.
[13:41:10] <lunaphyte> ah, i see.
[13:41:41] <lunaphyte> ok. i'll give it a try
[13:43:28] <lunaphyte> to be fair, i need to upgrade openfire. it's an older version, and i've just been inattentive and swamped with other things
[13:43:35] <Kev> ;; QUESTION SECTION:
;hermes6.jabber.org. IN ANY
hermes6.jabber.org. 900 IN A
hermes6.jabber.org. 900 IN AAAA 2605:da00:5222:5269::2:1
[13:43:44] <lunaphyte> it's possible the current version behaves better
[13:44:33] <lunaphyte> Kev: that's done the trick. i'm able to communicate now
[13:44:38] * westsibe joined the chat.
[13:45:43] <Kev> Glad to hear it.
[13:48:19] <lunaphyte> it sounds like psi is also affected. i have a colleague who uses that as their client and wasn't able to connect until just
[13:48:35] <lunaphyte> that was psi 0.14 on windows 7, fwiw.
[13:48:56] <Alex> I has no problems with Psi and Psi+ the last days on windows
[13:49:14] <lunaphyte> hmm
[13:49:58] <lunaphyte> when was that srv record changed?
[13:50:11] <Kev> Last week sometime.
[13:50:24] <lunaphyte> maybe thursday-sih?
[13:50:29] <lunaphyte> *thursday-ish
[13:50:33] <Kev> Wednesday, I /think/.
[13:50:39] <lunaphyte> sounds about right
[13:50:43] <lunaphyte> that's when it broke for him
[13:51:10] <Kev> Psi uses its own DNS resolver, it seems entirely possible it'd have some curious brokennesses.
[13:51:25] <Kev> Could you ask him to report the bug, please?
[13:51:28] * 0gis0 joined the chat.
[13:53:16] <lunaphyte> sure, will do
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[13:59:05] <hoover3280> i continue having problems with helmes6 on connect
[14:02:59] * sfyn joined the chat.
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[14:17:05] <Kev> hoover3280: Check if the DNS result is cached.
[14:19:15] <dpwrussell> w/in 6
[14:19:35] <dpwrussell> whoops, sorry
[14:21:49] * treebilou left the chat.
[14:35:20] * Alex left the chat.
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[15:58:23] * dpwrussell@jabber.org joined the chat.
[16:07:41] * yuppinturic left the chat.
[16:11:31] * dpwrussell@jabber.org left the chat.
[16:11:57] * Lastwebpage joined the chat.
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[16:56:05] * cherry^ joined the chat.
[17:19:17] * aRyo joined the chat.
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[17:26:16] * mentalguy@jabber.org joined the chat.
[17:28:05] * mentalguy@jabber.org in now known as mental.
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[17:38:12] * mentalguy@jabber.org in now known as Mental.
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[18:26:02] * werter joined the chat.
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[18:36:54] * Mental left the chat.
[19:20:52] * garfield13838 joined the chat.
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[19:39:27] * dynam1te joined the chat.
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[19:43:43] * PaulFertser joined the chat.
[19:50:31] * truman7593 joined the chat.
[19:50:36] <truman7593> hi
[19:51:05] <truman7593> how can i buy cvv
[19:51:10] <psa> hi
[19:51:20] <psa> I don't understand your question
[19:52:28] <PaulFertser> psa: hi :) BTW, are you aware of the Cogent-HE issues?
[19:52:39] <Kev> Interesting. Looking for credit card numbers.
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[19:52:59] <Kev> PaulFertser: No, I've not done anything about it yet (other than setting DNS so it doesn't matter in the short term).
[19:53:28] <psa> PaulFertser: I am not aware, no
[19:53:41] <psa> PaulFertser: I've been mostly offline for the last 6-7 days
[19:53:52] <PaulFertser> Kev: i just wanted to let psa know about that curious situation.
[19:53:52] <Kev> People on HE tunnels, rather than 'native' v6, can't route to jabber.org
[19:54:13] <PaulFertser> Not only tunnels but everybody whose uplink is HE.
[19:54:21] <Kev> Seemingly because Jer's carriers don't peer with HE.
[19:54:51] <PaulFertser> Well, HE would like to peer with Cogent but Cogent wouldn't like to peer with HE.
[19:55:31] <PaulFertser> But Monticello Networks have several uplink, it's not only Cogent so with a little pushing they should announce their prefixes
via them too, and the world-wide reachability would be fixed.
[19:57:52] <PaulFertser> Ah, i remember one other question i wanted to ask PSA about as he's the only "standards" person i know. But it's offtopic
here. May i please?
[19:58:13] <psa> PaulFertser: fire away!
[19:58:42] <Kev> I think one could reasonably claim all of the XSF is about standards :p
[20:00:44] <PaulFertser> psa: What is the sane method to manage traffic accounting for web-browsing in a usual "corporate" setting? HTTP proxies are
apparently do not fit as they require explicit configuration on all the clients. Transparent proxies ugly and do not work.
Accounting by IP requires IPSec. etc etc. Can't see any sane and reasonable way in line with the nice standards.
[20:01:16] * naw joined the chat.
[20:01:39] <Kev> 'Manage traffic'?
[20:02:16] <PaulFertser> I mean just to know who downloaded how much.
[20:02:43] <PaulFertser> Manage (traffic accounting)
[20:02:48] <Kev> Surely that just needs tracking in the router for traffic on port 80 - it doesn't need protocol awareness.
[20:03:08] <PaulFertser> Tracking by IP?
[20:03:15] <PaulFertser> Then the IPSec is mandatory.
[20:03:41] <PaulFertser> And it's not easy to deploy, and there was some other gotcha with this route.
[20:09:30] <PaulFertser> The gotcha with IPSec is that there's no working/established Kerberos IPSec IKE method.
[20:09:56] <PaulFertser> And single-sign-on is important for manageability and usability of the network.
[20:12:09] * Darlan joined the chat.
[20:12:56] <PaulFertser> HTTP Proxies support Kerberos but there's no working standard way to configure using a proxy on every client. Also, it's unclear
what credentials should be used for e.g. system-wide apt-get.
[20:13:34] <psa> PaulFertser: I don't have answers for you, sorry
[20:14:56] <PaulFertser> psa: i hope my questions were clear enough though, probably you'll learn the answer one day and share with me :)
[20:19:30] <PaulFertser> Ah, another point is that when tracking by IP apparently "system services" (as apt-get) need to use one ip, and the user applications
should be using another. IPSec in theory allows that but in practice it doesn't seem to be implemented anywhere, and also
there's an issue with abscence of a suitable SSO solution.
[20:23:17] <PaulFertser> I tried hard to understand how this task should be done "the right way". But couldn't. And have no idea whom to ask. Probably
there's no "right way" because this is not a "right task". But it seems legit all right.
[20:28:39] <PaulFertser> I'd expect the right way would be IPSec with key management based on Kerberos plus an easy way to use different IPs for different
users on the same machine. But i couldn't find any relevant useful standards or implementations.
[20:34:18] <psa> PaulFertser: sorry, my attention is not really in this room right now, because I'm paying attention to an IETF WG session
[20:54:58] * KiDo joined the chat.
[20:55:03] <PaulFertser> psa: sure thing, np :) I'm just hoping you'll probably remember this question some time and tell me what to do with it.
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