Logs for jabber
[00:16:37] * Tobias_ joined the chat.
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[09:37:04] * quincyadams19927 joined the chat.
[09:54:43] * kennedy750 joined the chat.
[09:55:34] <kennedy750> how to test my xmpp server is runing? how to connect? by a client
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[10:05:35] * Neustradamus left the chat.
[10:06:15] * Neustradamus joined the chat.
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[11:15:48] * yuppinturic left the chat.
[11:17:12] * taylor41942 joined the chat.
[11:17:56] <taylor41942> is there a way to (a webclient hosted somewhere) to check my xmpp server connectivity. ?
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[11:20:46] * wilson7375 joined the chat.
[11:21:03] <wilson7375> is there a way to (a webclient hosted somewhere) to check my xmpp server connectivity. ?
[11:24:45] * harding17060 joined the chat.
[11:26:35] * wilson7375 left the chat.
[11:27:53] <harding17060> helo
[11:27:55] <Kev> You don't need a webclient, just dig and telnet will tell you what you need to know.
[11:28:07] <harding17060> kev ok. command?
[11:30:40] <harding17060> kev i have setup fastpath for openfire , but i cant get any room list or get started. i have used kopete. the user gets online
but i dont know what next to do open-pages.com:6060/webchat/ http://www.open-pages.com/test.html http://www.open-pages.com:6060/webchat/email/offline-mail.jsp?workgroup=your@workgroup.example.com
[11:31:19] <Kev> If Kopete is connecting OK, the XMPP service itself will be running OK.
[11:31:39] <Kev> I know nothing about fastpath, though, and I haven't used Openfire in a very long time.
[11:32:12] <harding17060> kev how can i test and see rooms. chat etc.?
[11:32:30] <harding17060> kev which xmpp daemon do you recomend
[11:32:50] <Kev> You probably won't have any rooms unless you've already created them. Your client should be able to help create them - although
I don't know Kopete very well to help.
[11:33:01] <Kev> I usually recommend Prosody as a Free server and M-Link as a commercial server.
[11:33:26] <Kev> But I've no idea what this fastpath thing is - if you need a plugin that's only available for Openfire you're probably stuck
with it.
[11:34:33] * harding17060 left the chat.
[11:36:48] * fillmore65105 joined the chat.
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[11:39:34] * arthur959 joined the chat.
[11:40:02] <arthur959> how can i explore chatrooms?
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[11:45:10] * garfield58029 joined the chat.
[11:45:18] <louiz’> look around you
[11:46:06] * KiDo left the chat.
[11:46:37] <garfield58029> ......
[11:46:55] * KiDo joined the chat.
[11:47:04] <garfield58029> can any one visit open-pages.com for xmpp
[11:47:21] <garfield58029> and see if it works and give rooms list
[11:47:32] <garfield58029> or can create room
[11:50:58] * truman53483 joined the chat.
[11:51:05] <truman53483> ?
[11:51:23] <truman53483> can any one visit open-pages.com for xmpp
garfield58029: and see if it works and give rooms list
garfield58029: or can create room
[11:52:03] * garfield58029 left the chat.
[11:54:43] <truman53483> helo
[11:56:29] <truman53483> any one help please
[11:58:49] * treebilou joined the chat.
[12:01:57] * quincyadams19927 left the chat.
[12:05:48] <truman53483> iam unable to see room list or creat any room for xmpp based openfire server used kopete (didnt see any options for rooms)
and fastpath webased client (didnt showed a list either . any help?
[12:06:37] * KiDo left the chat.
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[13:19:32] * MattJ joined the chat.
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[14:17:59] * arthur40865 joined the chat.
[14:18:14] <arthur40865> which is the most feature full xmpp server ? any suggestions?
[14:18:27] * Alex left the chat.
[14:18:28] <arthur40865> which one is this jabber.org using?
[14:19:10] <arthur40865> how can i ban kick or gline (similer to irc) in jabber? using openfire at the moment? are there any stardard commands?
[14:19:39] <arthur40865> which xmppds have largets user communities
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[14:20:44] <KiDo> :-?
[14:20:46] <Kev> Jabber.org is running M-Link. Kicking is done using the protocol in XEP-0045.
[14:21:03] <Kev> (So clients will typically implement this).
[14:21:42] <Kev> You can't gline someone in XMPP, because it's a federated system (unlike IRC, which is clustered).
[14:22:11] <Kev> You could ban them from your own server, which is something that would be server-specific how to achieve.
[14:24:03] <arthur40865> which xmppds have largets user communities
[14:24:33] <arthur40865> which is the most feature full xmpp server ? any suggestions?
[14:25:23] <arthur40865> how to add modes . user and channel and get close to irc. is there a way?
[14:25:35] <Kev> Different servers have different features. Work out what you need, and then check which servers support it.
[14:25:54] <arthur40865> i need to get close to irc
[14:26:09] <arthur40865> people are used to it. but xmpp is far more better protocol
[14:26:15] <Kev> Grab a server (try Prosody if you want something Free), grab an XMPP client and give it a go.
[14:26:43] <Kev> You can configure MUC rooms from XMPP clients.
[14:27:57] * arthur40865 left the chat.
[14:28:23] * Zash joined the chat.
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[14:33:25] * psa joined the chat.
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[15:07:25] * KiDo left the chat.
[15:09:14] * KiDo joined the chat.
[15:11:26] * lurker51630 joined the chat.
[15:12:55] * KiDo left the chat.
[15:12:56] <lurker51630> ok.
[15:13:18] <lurker51630> kev which xmpp has the larget community?
[15:15:17] * KiDo joined the chat.
[15:18:50] * KiDo left the chat.
[15:20:39] <lurker51630> community support is great for newbies
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[15:23:06] * Soulmate joined the chat.
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[15:29:28] <psa> lurker51630: hmm
[15:29:37] <psa> lurker51630: do you mean code project?
[15:29:52] <lurker51630> like ejabberd openfire
[15:29:53] <lurker51630> etc
[15:30:04] <lurker51630> i cant make a muc room in openfire by the way
[15:30:28] * Lastwebpage joined the chat.
[15:32:11] <Kev> Go try Prosody.
[15:40:32] * yuppinturic left the chat.
[15:42:25] <psa> yes, Prosody has a very active community, and Lua is fun
[15:57:06] * kf joined the chat.
[16:03:33] <lurker51630> hm
[16:03:56] <lurker51630> any comments about ejabberd and openfire?
[16:08:37] * Soulmate joined the chat.
[16:08:49] <psa> lurker51630: Openfire is close to abandonware, but you can go to igniterealtime.org for discussion and patches
[16:08:57] <psa> there is *some* activity there
[16:09:29] <psa> ejabberd has more of a corporate development model, by a company called ProcessOne
[16:09:52] <lurker51630> facebook is using ejabberd i think
[16:10:15] <lurker51630> basically iam a fan of java and elrang . and i choosed openfire
[16:10:52] <psa> ok, well, discuss at igniterealtime.org -- perhaps you can get involved there and help out
[16:11:16] <lurker51630> ok. any advices on a php based webclient. featurfull , good looking and easy?
[16:11:20] <lurker51630> psa hm
[16:11:41] <psa> most of the web clients are JavaScript, not PHP
[16:12:02] <lurker51630> psa hm..combination of php and js i meant
[16:12:41] <Kev> Facebook is using its own XMPP facade on top of its internal non-XMPP system isn't it?
[16:12:45] <lurker51630> i plan to integrate xmpp chats with facebook like (well its different) networking based on email addresses
[16:13:05] <psa> Kev: AFAIK yes
[16:13:17] <Kev> I don't think it's ejabberd (or any other mainstream server).
[16:13:28] <lurker51630> hm
[16:13:48] <lurker51630> so any web client closed to irc freatures?
[16:14:18] <lurker51630> are you guys the developers of xmpp?
[16:14:44] <lurker51630> .
[16:14:57] <Kev> Some of us do work in the standards community, yes.
[16:15:08] <Kev> But XMPP isn't a product, it's a protocol.
[16:15:19] <lurker51630> ya
[16:15:30] <lurker51630> what is jabber.org?
[16:16:22] <Kev> It's an XMPP server.
[16:17:01] <Kev> Or do you mean to ask what software it runs?
[16:17:15] <lurker51630> why every xmpp desktop client calls xmpp servers as jabber servers?
[16:17:44] <lurker51630> if its a server
[16:17:48] * Soulmate left the chat.
[16:17:52] <lurker51630> i mean.
[16:17:52] <Kev> Before XMPP was a standard there was a server called 'Jabber', which is what turned into jabberd1, and the protocol became
[16:18:24] <Kev> So you could say that "Jabber" is what XMPP was called before 2004.
[16:19:09] <Kev> I take it back, BTW - http://cufp.galois.com/2009/slides/PiroLetuchy.pdf at least suggests that Facebook may have taken bits
of ejabberd to use as part of their XMPP facade.
[16:22:37] <lurker51630> hn
[16:23:21] <lurker51630> kev yes. erlang is very well suited for facebook type huge chats
[16:23:27] <lurker51630> i think only erlang...
[16:24:25] <lurker51630> kev psa silly I have been googling and cant find how to use muc xen 0045 with openfire......
[16:31:06] <KiDo> :ermm: he's not available
[16:31:20] <KiDo> Kev: do yo know when psa will come back?
[16:31:56] <lurker51630> kido kev you have any ideas?
[16:32:51] <KiDo> lurker51630: about???
[16:33:26] * monroe32520 joined the chat.
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[16:35:38] <KiDo> no owner available???
[16:35:40] * KiDo left the chat.
[16:35:58] <lurker51630> i dont know how to make muc rooms
[16:35:58] * KiDo joined the chat.
[16:36:50] <KiDo> lurker51630: on jabber?
[16:37:54] <lurker51630> KiDo on openfire...
[16:38:54] <KiDo> lurker51630: try this link
will help yo
[16:39:49] <lurker51630> hm
[16:40:14] <KiDo> didn't?
[16:41:54] <lurker51630> so i have to edit or add code in openfire server to achieve that. i thought there would be a ready made option or plugin?
[16:43:40] <KiDo> bro , i really would love to help yo
but there's someone floodin my friend's room , and i'm tryin to stop him
[16:45:31] <KiDo> i'm really so sorry
[16:45:41] <lurker51630> no problem. i can wait here
[16:46:56] <psa> KiDo: what room is being flooded?
[16:47:08] <psa> KiDo: I am on a conference call, but I can help
[16:47:10] <KiDo> psa: indonesia
[16:47:26] <KiDo> psa: yea , read ya status that's why i didn't wanna bother yo
[16:48:19] <psa> KiDo: thanks
[16:48:46] <lurker51630> that reminds me. i was thinking for an option to let users chat only if they register and past a code sent to their email
[16:48:51] <lurker51630> possible?
[16:49:13] <psa> lurker51630: yes, we have a spec for that
[16:49:29] <lurker51630> in xmpp or in jabber?
[16:49:35] <psa> :)
[16:49:39] <psa> xmpp is jabber
[16:49:41] <psa> jabber is xmpp
[16:49:49] <lurker51630> xmpp the protocol?
[16:49:50] <lurker51630> ok
[16:49:56] <lurker51630> which xen?
[16:50:22] <psa> http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0158.html
[16:50:23] <KiDo> psa: can yo just make it for members only
[16:50:23] <KiDo> lurker51630: in jabber , yea possible
[16:50:28] <lurker51630> thanks
[16:50:53] <psa> KiDo: do the flooders send mesages or change presence or both?
[16:52:02] <KiDo> psa: those r bots , just spam the room & privates and keep on changing their nicknames so it will be hard to kick them
[16:52:27] <psa> yes
[16:52:45] <KiDo> i'm using 4kbps internet connection
or else i would stop them with my bot
but i can't
and draco not available to close the room
[16:52:46] <psa> KiDo: we've been talking among the server operators about how to prevent such attacks, but it's not easy
[16:52:59] <psa> KiDo: another solution is to make the room members only
[16:54:18] <KiDo> psa: bots can stop them , i've tried it once and it worked so fine
[16:54:19] <psa> if the spammers are visitors, they don't have voice so can't send messages
[16:54:40] <psa> well
[16:54:43] <psa> if the room is moderated
[16:54:49] <lurker51630> psa xen 0158 is different than email registration
[16:54:51] <psa> I just changed the room config so it is moderated
[16:55:33] <KiDo> psa: but they still can send private msgs , they'r floodin my pvt now
[16:55:56] <lurker51630> KiDo may i join the room?
[16:56:07] <psa> KiDo: so we turn off PMs :)
[16:56:21] <KiDo> psa: turn of pm or make it only for members
[16:56:31] <Kev> KiDo: "Please"!
[16:56:34] <lurker51630> only for members would be fine
[16:56:34] <KiDo> lurker51630: yea sure , only if psa will allow to send the room name here
[16:56:38] <psa> so now PM only for people with voice :)
[16:57:04] <KiDo> Kev: yes???
[16:57:35] <KiDo> psa: *OK* thanx
[16:57:57] <Kev> KiDo: I was suggesting it'd be nice to say "Please" when asking Peter to change the room config :)
[16:58:43] <psa> "please" and "thanks" are such good words :)
[16:59:11] <KiDo> Kev: > [19:50:32] | KiDo: psa: can yo just make it for members only
ain't this is same???
[16:59:25] <psa> lots of attackers in that room
[16:59:37] <Kev> psa: Or probably just one with bots, I imagine.
[16:59:39] <psa> KiDo: members-only is not the same as moderated
[16:59:45] <psa> Kev: sure
[17:00:11] <KiDo> psa: i apologize
just was bothered of those bots
[17:02:02] <KiDo> psa: yes i know , but still they will spam the pvt if it won't be closed
[17:05:37] <lurker51630> whats the room name?
[17:06:42] <psa> lurker51630: "indonesia"
[17:07:00] <KiDo> Kev: is it ok to give him room name?
[17:07:07] <Kev> Yes.
[17:07:15] <KiDo> nope
[17:07:22] <KiDo> Kev: excuse me , is it ok to give him room name?
[17:07:36] <Kev> Yes.
[17:07:52] <KiDo> lurker51630: indonesia@conference.jabber.org
[17:08:45] <psa> KiDo: I've disallowed private messages for people who are only "visitors" (i.e., who do not have voice)
[17:09:49] <KiDo> Kev: i apologize for my accent , it's just i'm gettin angry when i see arabs using chating for flooding only
[17:10:00] <KiDo> psa: yes sir , i've noticed that , thank you
[17:12:19] <Kev> KiDo: I understand that spammers are annoying, thanks.
[17:15:56] <KiDo> Kev: thank you for understanding
[17:17:02] <lurker51630> ok. i need a good web client for openfire and how to create muc rooms?
[17:17:42] * psa left the chat.
[17:17:51] * stpeter left the chat.
[17:18:20] <Kev> lurker51630: I think there's one called 'candy' or something like that, which people seem to like.
[17:18:28] <lurker51630> for irc type of chats
[17:18:41] <lurker51630> hm
[17:18:47] <Kev> Creating MUC rooms should just be a case of joining them with your client.
[17:18:49] <KiDo> lurker51630: sir , i think that URL will provide you with alot of informations
[17:19:14] <Kev> http://candy-chat.github.com/candy/
[17:19:21] <lurker51630> KiDo which url
[17:19:46] <KiDo> lurker51630: http://community.igniterealtime.org/thread/35216
[17:20:00] <KiDo> i've just read it , it helped the first man who used it
[17:21:16] <KiDo> lurker51630: and when you will read the answer of the admin page
you will find this
"Helpful AnswerRe: Creating a Chat Room via Plugin
Hi acm,
You'll want to take a look at the MultiUserChatServiceImpl part of the Openfire javadocs. In order to create a room and send
invitation you'd do something like:"
[17:21:44] <KiDo> press on
[17:21:56] <KiDo> to find another page only specified for muc rooms
[17:24:19] <KiDo> page's admin*
[17:29:24] <lurker51630> KiDo so i have to write code? no ready made solution?
[17:30:28] <lurker51630> KiDo in addmin panel. i dont have any option for muc
[17:30:47] <KiDo> lurker51630: i guess so
[17:30:59] <Kev> lurker51630: You're likely better off trying to get support from anybody still working on Openfire (or switching servers).
I doubt anyone here runs Openfire.
[17:36:28] <lurker51630> hm
[17:36:56] <lurker51630> thanks
[17:37:06] <Kev> It should be obvious how to set up a MUC domain in Openfire's web interface, though - I remember it being when I last used
it (which was, admittedly, donkey's years ago)
[17:37:27] <Kev> Once you've got a domain, you can just try joining a room on it in your XMPP client and it'll be created.
[17:38:20] <lurker51630> my server is runing. and i made a channel. from admin panel and one by a simple user by kopete. now i dont know is it a muc
[17:38:29] <Kev> Yes.
[17:38:44] <KiDo> Kev: excuse me sir , if yo join rooms yo'll be owner as mr.psa???
[17:38:45] <lurker51630> yes means?
[17:38:59] <Kev> lurker51630: Yes, those will be MUC rooms.
[17:39:07] <Kev> KiDo: Yes, if they're on jabber.org
[17:39:17] <lurker51630> what distinguishes a muc and nonmuc channel
[17:39:30] <Kev> lurker51630: Nothing - XMPP "Channels" are called MUC Rooms.
[17:39:32] <lurker51630> open-pages.com you can see for your self
[17:40:01] <KiDo> Kev: if it's possible , will yo please re-open indonesia room , because mr.pas & draco are not available
[17:40:52] <Kev> What do you mean by 'open' - do you want PM re-enabled, or moderation removed?
[17:41:07] <lurker51630> so . "open-pages" channel in open-pages.com is a muc channel?
[17:41:07] <KiDo> Kev: yes sir
[17:41:20] <lurker51630> kev can you join
[17:41:33] <Kev> KiDo: It's done.
[17:42:21] <KiDo> Kev: thank you , i appreciate it
[17:42:30] <Kev> You're welcome.
[17:42:49] <Kev> lurker51630: Join what? There doesn't seem to be a server running at open-pages.com. Or at least, not one that's federating
[17:43:23] * Alex joined the chat.
[17:43:37] <lurker51630> kev open-pages channel at open-pages.com
[17:43:56] <Kev> open-pages.com doesn't seem to be running an XMPP service.
[17:44:13] <lurker51630> Kev on port 5222 it is. and iam connected.
[17:44:22] <Kev> So it's not federating?
[17:44:39] <lurker51630> whats federating?
[17:45:03] <Kev> You can send messages between XMPP servers, like you can with email.
[17:45:15] <Kev> So I'm chatting on jabber.org (this room), but my account isn't on jabber.org.
[17:46:35] <lurker51630> hm.
[17:46:53] <lurker51630> i didnt allowed any other servers to link
[17:47:00] <lurker51630> i never configured it
[17:47:40] <Kev> It's not linking like IRC, it's much more like email.
[17:47:50] <Kev> Are servers are distinct, with distinct addressing.
[17:49:29] <lurker51630> hm i plan to let only registered users chat . (register by email and past code) so i never set it up
[17:49:36] <lurker51630> can you join by kopete or any otehr
[17:50:29] <KiDo> Kev: :hidden: excuse me sir , but still visitors can't send messages
[17:50:50] <Kev> KiDo: Right, but people shouldn't be visitors anymore - they should be participants as soon as they join the room.
[17:51:24] <Kev> Anyone who's already a visitor you can just promote, you don't need to be an owner to do that :)
[17:51:58] <KiDo> Kev: we have configured the bot to devoice all and ask them a question
who will answer it will be granted the voice
[17:52:43] <KiDo> Kev: yes i know , but they are tooooo much , and i'm about to go & have dinner
i can't keep on grant them voices
[17:52:51] <KiDo> bot will do it if they can send pm
[17:52:59] <lurker51630> kev ok. ill config it. soon
[17:53:44] <Kev> KiDo: I'm afraid I can't set that back - my client doesn't like it for some reason.
[17:53:50] <lurker51630> kev are there non muc rooms in conference.mysite.com service?
[17:54:14] <KiDo> Kev: aha , ok thank you anyway
i'll just remove that feature in the bot
[17:54:14] <Kev> lurker51630: Typically you only have MUC rooms on a MUC domain, and on a MUC domain you only have MUC rooms.
[17:54:36] <Kev> There's nothing in the protocol that would stop you having otherwise, but I know of no implementation that supports it.
[17:55:16] <lurker51630> how can i assure i have a muc domain?
[17:55:35] <MattJ> Prosody supports MUCs on a normal domain (but that's a secret feature)
[17:56:35] <Kev> lurker51630: You've already said you've got MUC rooms, so you must have.
[17:58:24] <Kev> MattJ: I bet it breaks things. I doubt even Swift behaves perfectly against that :)
[17:58:58] <lurker51630> this looks nice http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://gravityonmars.com/wp-content/themes/gom3/images/slideshow-balloons.jpg&imgrefurl=http://gravityonmars.com/&usg=__p9gPdPbDa5nSXlNGPeh8jtePZvU=&h=500&w=840&sz=41&hl=en&start=16&sig2=muOKCA9N6E5kQeSlJD6sJA&zoom=1&tbnid=SaN56v29-wo3_M:&tbnh=86&tbnw=145&ei=pfcGUO_BBMrqrAf88dy4Bg&itbs=1
[17:59:00] <MattJ> The only think I know to break is old versions of Telepathy, which would disco the host to make sure it was a MUC service
[17:59:04] <MattJ> *thing
[17:59:12] <lurker51630> kev i dont know that those are muc or not. i just created one from admin panel and one by kopete as normal user. i never saw
a muc feature in openfire admin panel
[17:59:13] <Kev> Well, that seems reasonable.
[17:59:49] <lurker51630> so i dont know if its muc or not
[17:59:55] <lurker51630> how could i confirm
[18:15:39] <lurker51630> after i learned irc. i rejected it. now its time for xmpp
[18:15:42] <lurker51630> :)
[18:17:38] <lurker51630> http://abhinavsingh.com/blog/2010/01/jaxl-bosh-demo-im-chat-client-for-all-wordpress-blogs/ the youtube in chat feature
looks nice. i wonder if a client could thumbnail website address too and for you tube . just shorten the size of that you
tube. and it will be a nice idea in chat
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[18:34:01] <lurker51630> anyone home?
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[18:34:58] <lurker51630> i see no chat channels for openfire or ejabbered . niether on irc or xmpp . (just a channel with 6 users on freenode
[18:35:05] <lurker51630> who dont talk
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[18:37:09] <Kev> Openfire has been mostly abandoned.
[18:37:21] <Kev> ejabberd@conference.jabber.ru is a MUC about ejabberd, I think.
[18:39:08] <lurker51630> hm
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[18:43:38] <lurker51630> kev how can i join it by speeqo?
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[18:44:20] <lurker51630> never mind its russian
[18:44:24] <lurker51630> i dont know
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[19:11:36] <lurker51630> can anyone tell which web based client would be best for voice and video in xmpp?
[19:11:47] <lurker51630> any ajax based client will do?
[19:12:10] <Link Mauve> There is none, WebRTC is very recent and I don’t know any that already implemented it.
[19:12:33] <lurker51630> so is there a solution/
[19:12:48] <Link Mauve> To write such a client. ^^
[19:13:13] <lurker51630> in what language? (to make it web based)?
[19:13:38] <KiDo> lurker51630: for voice on xmpp
try talkonaut
[19:13:55] <Link Mauve> lurker51630, JS is the only web language.
[19:14:11] <lurker51630> Link Mauve so voice and video can be done in javascript?
[19:14:17] <lurker51630> its web based?
[19:14:22] <lurker51630> Link Mauve well we have php too
[19:14:39] <lurker51630> KiDo is talkonaut web based?
[19:15:08] <Link Mauve> No, PHP is just a preprocessor to generate HTML pages or other stuff, but it can’t interact with e.g. your webcam.
[19:15:22] <Link Mauve> With WebRTC, yeah, you can.
[19:15:28] <Link Mauve> In very recent browsers though.
[19:15:50] <KiDo> lurker51630: i apologize , don't know what does web based means
so gimme seconds to see what do yo mean
[19:15:56] <lurker51630> Link Mauve fash can
[19:16:00] <lurker51630> flash*
[19:16:13] <Link Mauve> Flash is flash, it’s still not web.
[19:17:59] <lurker51630> hm
[19:18:03] <lurker51630> correct
[19:18:46] <lurker51630> so a simple js can do it. confirmed?
[19:19:45] <Link Mauve> Yes.
[19:19:56] <Link Mauve> They keyword you want is "WebRTC".
[19:21:12] <KiDo> lurker51630: does that mean , yo askin if yo can join it using web site???
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[19:44:06] <lurker51630> ok
[19:44:27] <lurker51630> KiDo yes
[19:44:54] <KiDo> lurker51630: try
[19:45:02] <KiDo> maybe yo will get what yo askin for
[20:12:02] <lurker51630> ok
[20:14:53] <lurker51630> its made in java
[20:15:01] <lurker51630> nice though
[20:15:06] <lurker51630> but for mobiles
[20:15:22] <KiDo> lurker51630: there's for pc
[20:15:32] <KiDo> lurker51630: get.talkonaut.com/win32
[20:16:11] <KiDo> this will start downloadin automatically
[20:16:32] <KiDo> automatically :-? i think it's wrong word
[20:17:30] <KiDo> it's right :oops:
[20:19:39] <lurker51630> need it webbased
[20:38:12] <lurker51630> see you all tomorow
[20:38:14] <lurker51630> thanks alot!!
[20:38:17] <lurker51630> :)
[20:38:31] <KiDo> take care
[20:38:44] <lurker51630> thank
[20:38:46] <lurker51630> s
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