Logs for jabber
[00:16:32] * PaulFertser left the chat.
[00:53:36] * Tobias_ joined the chat.
[00:59:12] * Tobias left the chat.
[02:17:24] * Jgpjdpgwtpd joined the chat.
[02:17:36] <Jgpjdpgwtpd> /me
شباب وصبايا
تم افتتاح روم السكس العربي
8-D 8-D 8-D 8-D 8-D 8-D
اللي بحب أو بتحب السكس والانبساط :-[ :-[ :-* :-[ :-[
:LICK: :LICK: :") :") :")
تزورنا برومنا الجديد
:-" :nose: :-"
:FIGA: سكسيات@conference.jabb3r.net
:FIGA: سكسيات@conference.jabb3r.net
:FIGA: سكسيات@conference.jabb3r.net
نحنا بأنتظاركن
ملاحظة: الأدارة فقط للبنات
[02:17:42] * Jgpjdpgwtpd left the chat.
[02:53:21] * westsibe joined the chat.
[03:01:45] * MattJ left the chat.
[03:21:38] * westsibe left the chat.
[03:42:48] * jaspreet.singh joined the chat.
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[05:24:24] <jaspreet.singh> misha, hi
[05:28:45] * jaspreet.singh left the chat.
[05:59:37] * test joined the chat.
[05:59:47] <test> 中文测试
[05:59:54] <test> 中文
[06:00:15] <test> test
[06:00:19] <test> test
[06:07:27] * test left the chat.
[07:37:16] * yuppinturic joined the chat.
[09:19:46] * Tobias_ left the chat.
[09:28:15] * heba...123 joined the chat.
[09:34:59] * heba...123 left the chat.
[10:08:03] * baaseeel joined the chat.
[10:08:08] * baaseeel left the chat.
[10:17:19] * deepfield joined the chat.
[10:19:21] * deepfield left the chat.
[10:42:44] * Tobias joined the chat.
[10:44:07] * Lastwebpage joined the chat.
[11:26:48] * hyan.rama joined the chat.
[11:26:54] * hyan.rama left the chat.
[11:35:55] * Z_God joined the chat.
[12:17:05] * Tobias left the chat.
[12:38:41] * Tobias joined the chat.
[12:39:04] * naw joined the chat.
[12:51:29] * aRyo joined the chat.
[13:01:33] * aRyo left the chat.
[13:02:54] * Tobias left the chat.
[13:03:25] * Tobias joined the chat.
[13:05:17] * Tobias left the chat.
[13:29:29] * naw left the chat.
[14:41:40] * Alex joined the chat.
[15:02:33] * Alex left the chat.
[15:14:40] * Milan joined the chat.
[15:15:24] * Milan left the chat.
[15:42:57] * psa joined the chat.
[15:43:19] * dynam1te left the chat.
[15:43:19] * dynam1te joined the chat.
[15:47:17] * martbo left the chat.
[15:49:17] * treebilou left the chat.
[15:49:56] * MattJ joined the chat.
[16:08:30] * Tobias joined the chat.
[16:29:37] * yuppinturic left the chat.
[16:40:25] * mattflaschen joined the chat.
[16:40:26] * mattflaschen left the chat.
[16:41:15] * mattflaschen joined the chat.
[16:41:19] <mattflaschen> Hey
[16:41:19] * Minos left the chat.
[16:41:43] * mattflaschen left the chat.
[16:41:46] * mattflaschen joined the chat.
[16:41:46] * mattflaschen left the chat.
[16:41:48] * mattflaschen joined the chat.
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[16:41:49] <psa> hm
[16:41:50] * Alex joined the chat.
[16:42:20] * mattflaschen joined the chat.
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[16:46:10] * b-seize joined the chat.
[16:46:14] * treebilou joined the chat.
[16:47:22] * mattflaschen joined the chat.
[16:59:07] * Alex left the chat.
[17:01:43] * mattflaschen left the chat.
[17:05:38] * Alex joined the chat.
[17:10:32] * chauhanramesh124 joined the chat.
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[17:14:10] <chauhanramesh124> ra
[17:14:13] * mattflaschen joined the chat.
[17:14:51] <ThurahT> Ancient Sun God.
[17:14:52] * chauhanramesh124 left the chat.
[17:24:00] <psa> :)
[17:25:33] * Alex left the chat.
[17:28:14] * b-seize left the chat.
[18:12:07] * Alex joined the chat.
[18:19:46] * darkrain left the chat.
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[18:34:00] * mattflaschen left the chat.
[18:55:02] * Lastwebpage left the chat.
[18:57:32] * Lastwebpage joined the chat.
[19:39:00] * jefferson54456 joined the chat.
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[20:45:28] * Alex left the chat.
[20:46:06] * lincoln48273 joined the chat.
[20:47:02] <lincoln48273> hello
[20:47:34] <lincoln48273> bye
[20:47:42] * lincoln48273 left the chat.
[20:48:28] <psa> um, bye :)
[20:50:23] <MattJ> I don't know why you say goodbye, I say hello
[20:50:36] <psa> :)
[20:50:55] <psa> MattJ: I didn't know that you listened to such modern music :P
[20:51:19] <MattJ> It's inescapable :)
[20:51:26] <psa> I suppose so!
[20:53:51] * adams3495 joined the chat.
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[20:54:18] * slashtwit\40jabber.org joined the chat.
[20:54:53] * slashtwit\40jabber.org left the chat.
[20:56:09] <Kev> psa: Define "modern" :)
[20:56:21] <Kev> I have this feeling you pretty much mean "since Bach".
[20:58:17] <psa> Kev: non-folk music, i.e., all that recent stuff with non-anonymous authors
[21:00:27] <louiz’> oh, that’s pretty common, then
[21:17:21] * westsibe joined the chat.
[21:17:21] * westsibe left the chat.
[21:17:50] * PaulFertser joined the chat.
[21:23:25] * treebilou left the chat.
[21:28:14] * anonymous11184 joined the chat.
[21:28:14] * obama49836 joined the chat.
[21:28:14] <anonymous11184> ddfg
[21:28:17] * anonymous11184 left the chat.
[21:28:39] * treebilou joined the chat.
[21:29:34] <louiz’> ddfg
[21:29:54] <psa> /me reviews http://dev.w3.org/html5/spec/single-page.html#web-scheme-prefix and related topics
[21:29:55] <obama49836> So it appears I was having connect issues again today. (I mentioned them yesterday around this same time). Seems like they
started around 14:00PDT and just corrected itself (finally). I know psa was looking into it. I just wanted to update you guys/him.
And I have some logs from the IM client but I'll have to sift through them to find the relevant ones.
[21:30:05] <obama49836> Interesting username it gave me too
[21:30:24] <psa> heh
[21:30:44] <psa> Speex generates semi-random nicknames based on U.S. presidents
[21:30:47] <psa> er
[21:30:49] <psa> not Speex
[21:30:51] <psa> Speeqe
[21:31:33] <obama49836> oooh
[21:31:43] <obama49836> explains why I was truman the other day or something
[21:31:51] <psa> obama49836: I think it might be related to a data backup job that we have running every day, but I need to verify
[21:31:54] <psa> right
[21:32:22] * carter14134 joined the chat.
[21:32:28] <psa> see?
[21:32:44] <carter14134> pubsub node configuration has pubsub#subscribe - Whether to allow subscriptions
[21:32:46] <obama49836> oooh
[21:32:57] <psa> obama* and carter* in the room at the same time -- that's appropriate!
[21:32:58] <obama49836> That would be interesting.
[21:33:02] <obama49836> lol
[21:33:03] <carter14134> and pubsub#access_model - Who may subscribe and retrieve items
[21:33:11] <psa> carter14134: right
[21:33:18] <carter14134> isn't this a duplicatation?
[21:33:38] <obama49836> So your backup job takes up that many resources to kick people off? That's crazy.
[21:33:46] <obama49836> Intense backup. ha ha
[21:33:58] <psa> well pubsub#subscribe kind of defeats the point, eh? that removes the possibility of subscribing to everyone
[21:34:08] <psa> obama49836: maybe -- further research required
[21:35:49] <psa> brb, on the phone
[21:36:40] * chris joined the chat.
[21:36:50] <chris> Much better.
[21:36:54] * obama49836 left the chat.
[21:38:41] * naw joined the chat.
[21:59:02] * carter14134 left the chat.
[22:12:27] <ThurahT> I have to concur with obama/trumans findings. The connection loss happens between 23:00 and 23:20 GMT+1 almost every single
The account gets dropped though the conference which I join from another account remains connected. Al right. Have a good
night all!
[22:23:07] <psa> ThurahT: ok I will check things -- I have not experienced this problem
[22:23:30] * naw left the chat.
[22:29:56] * Z_God left the chat.
[22:36:12] * grant47643 joined the chat.
[22:36:16] * chris left the chat.
[22:36:19] * grant47643 left the chat.
[22:50:11] * psa left the chat.
[23:11:46] * Lastwebpage left the chat.
[23:14:57] * Tobias left the chat.