Logs for jdev
[00:15:01] * darkrain_ left the chat.
[00:34:04] * abo.wadeeee.95 joined the chat.
[00:34:10] <abo.wadeeee.95> مرحبا
[00:34:56] <abo.wadeeee.95> no one is here
[00:35:08] <abo.wadeeee.95> I miss you
[00:37:55] * abo.wadeeee.95 left the chat.
[00:40:26] * Lance joined the chat.
[00:49:54] * mayanks43 joined the chat.
[01:19:16] * jcea left the chat.
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[02:13:31] * Treebilou joined the chat.
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[02:23:59] * Treebilou joined the chat.
[02:48:34] * psa joined the chat.
[03:05:20] * coyo joined the chat.
[03:14:07] * MattJ left the chat.
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[03:46:29] * Lance left the chat.
[04:01:18] * Lance joined the chat.
[04:30:17] * Treebilou left the chat.
[05:15:39] * coyo joined the chat.
[05:31:13] * coyo_ left the chat.
[06:05:46] * Lance left the chat.
[06:45:46] * guus joined the chat.
[06:58:08] * deryni left the chat.
[07:11:34] * Tobias joined the chat.
[07:14:43] * luca tagliaferri joined the chat.
[08:04:10] * Asterix joined the chat.
[08:15:40] * scippio joined the chat.
[08:16:45] * Alex joined the chat.
[08:18:09] * mayanks43 left the chat.
[08:18:58] * Treebilou joined the chat.
[08:20:01] * Alex left the chat.
[08:36:17] * Kev joined the chat.
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[08:59:52] * harrykar joined the chat.
[09:16:46] * Alex joined the chat.
[09:17:46] * Tobias left the chat.
[09:21:52] * ЌẮšЄÑĎЄŖ∕Ắ joined the chat.
[09:21:58] <ЌẮšЄÑĎЄŖ∕Ắ> /me
[09:22:14] <ЌẮšЄÑĎЄŖ∕Ắ> hi
[09:22:41] <ЌẮšЄÑĎЄŖ∕Ắ> how are yours
[09:23:26] <ЌẮšЄÑĎЄŖ∕Ắ> whay silent
[09:23:29] <ЌẮšЄÑĎЄŖ∕Ắ> :-|
[09:23:58] <ЌẮšЄÑĎЄŖ∕Ắ> good buy
[09:26:13] * Paul Peard joined the chat.
[09:26:13] * Paul Peard left the chat.
[09:26:25] * Paul Peard joined the chat.
[09:26:25] * Paul Peard left the chat.
[09:27:08] * Paul Peard joined the chat.
[09:27:26] <ЌẮšЄÑĎЄŖ∕Ắ> nice
[09:28:44] <ЌẮšЄÑĎЄŖ∕Ắ> :-| and you not talk
[09:28:48] <ЌẮšЄÑĎЄŖ∕Ắ> :lol:
[09:29:16] <ЌẮšЄÑĎЄŖ∕Ắ> /me ;-) good buy sensels
[09:29:21] * ЌẮšЄÑĎЄŖ∕Ắ left the chat.
[09:52:41] * Alex left the chat.
[10:16:25] * Paul Peard left the chat.
[10:18:07] * jcea joined the chat.
[10:18:47] * Flow joined the chat.
[10:28:00] * Tobias joined the chat.
[10:51:34] * Wojtek joined the chat.
[10:54:13] <Wojtek> Hello everyone - I have a quick question about multiple user sessions in the MUC (http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0045.html#enter-conflict)
- the assumptions are clear but there is one question - which session presence should be displayed in the occupants list?
[10:54:51] * abo.wadeeee.95 joined the chat.
[10:54:55] <abo.wadeeee.95> بع
[10:55:21] <abo.wadeeee.95> بضلو هون كس اختكن
[10:55:49] * abo.wadeeee.95 left the chat.
[11:00:01] <Kev> Wojtek: That's not defined. In fact all of nick-sharing is a bit vague at the moment. I *think* what we do is to just display
whatever the most recent presence is.
[11:01:22] <Wojtek> thanks Kev, shouldn't this be made more clear in the future?
[11:01:28] <Kev> Sure.
[11:03:14] <Kev> Or at least it should be made clear that it's up to the implementation.
[11:08:58] <Wojtek> I was pondering - wouldn't it be better if it were based on priority?
[11:09:12] <Kev> Oh, there are probably many ways it could be better :)
[11:14:53] <Wojtek> ok, one more question - in the http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0045.html#exit the second example (82) doubles the presence
to the leaving occupant -- is this valid or only some kind of copy&paste from the previous example?
[11:26:17] * Paul Peard joined the chat.
[11:26:18] * Paul Peard left the chat.
[11:30:35] * Paul Peard joined the chat.
[11:39:53] * Tobias left the chat.
[11:52:30] * Tobias joined the chat.
[12:26:20] * luca tagliaferri left the chat.
[12:26:43] * Paul Peard left the chat.
[12:27:10] * Paul Peard joined the chat.
[12:27:10] * Paul Peard left the chat.
[12:27:12] * Paul Peard joined the chat.
[12:27:12] * Paul Peard left the chat.
[12:27:23] * Paul Peard joined the chat.
[12:27:23] * Paul Peard left the chat.
[12:27:39] * Paul Peard joined the chat.
[12:27:39] * Paul Peard left the chat.
[12:32:14] * Paul Peard joined the chat.
[12:32:41] * Paul Peard left the chat.
[12:33:17] * Paul Peard joined the chat.
[12:33:18] * Paul Peard left the chat.
[12:33:33] * Asterix left the chat.
[12:35:41] * luca tagliaferri joined the chat.
[12:36:33] * Paul Peard joined the chat.
[12:38:46] * aRyo joined the chat.
[12:40:38] * bmalkow joined the chat.
[12:41:43] * aRyo left the chat.
[12:42:28] <bmalkow> Hi
[12:44:40] <bmalkow> Question about MUC: what if two (or more) resources (with the same BareJID) are joined to room with the same nickname, and
one of resources changes nickname?
[12:48:05] * elbatrap joined the chat.
[12:48:44] <Paul Peard> I am guessing here but the handling of nickname conflict is implementation specific - some support duplicate nickname for
identical bare jid - others give 409 conflict when you try and join - therefore I would say the case you describe is again
implementation specific
[12:49:22] <elbatrap> Hi... Have there been any pushes for Jabber MUC to replace IRC for sw dev+support?
[12:52:36] <bmalkow> Paul Peard: why conflick? I don't understand
[12:53:18] <bmalkow> My question is related to multiple user sessions in the MUC (http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0045.html#enter-conflict)
[12:54:08] <bmalkow> let user@hostname/a and /b and /c have the same nickname "X" in room. Now resource /b changes nickname to "Y"
[12:54:40] <Paul Peard> From that doc - "However, if the bare JID <localpart@domain.tld> of the present occupant matches the bare JID of the user
seeking to enter the room, then the service SHOULD allow entry to the user"
[12:54:41] <bmalkow> nickname "Y" is available of course. So no conflict
[12:54:58] <elbatrap> Is anyone seeing my messages?
[12:55:03] <louiz’> yes
[12:55:06] <bmalkow> elbatrap: yes
[12:56:14] <Paul Peard> so - if the server does not implement the SHOULD - then the 1st part of your use case can;t happen - you cannot join the room
with the same nick in the 1st place - you get (at least in one case of a server) a 409 conflict message
[12:57:16] <elbatrap> bmalkow: thanks. Are you aware of any pushes to have MUC replace IRC for what IRC is mostly used for now? Is there anything
that IRC does which MUC either doesn't or doesn't do as well?
[12:57:23] <Wojtek> Paul Peard: yes, but we are discussing the case that the server allows shared nick for the same bareJID
[12:57:26] <bmalkow> I'm implementing it now. But I have doubts
[13:04:33] <Paul Peard> and my point was that if the server allows it - it's implementation specific, so the response to the 2nd part of the use case
will also be implementation specific. If we are discussing what we think "should" happen then my vote is the connection changing
it's nick is flagged as a leaver, and the new nickname is flagged as a joiner since the new nick is not in conflict
[13:08:16] * guus left the chat.
[13:08:25] * Paul Peard left the chat.
[13:08:25] * Paul Peard joined the chat.
[13:08:25] * Paul Peard left the chat.
[13:08:25] * Paul Peard joined the chat.
[13:08:33] * Treebilou left the chat.
[13:08:35] * Paul Peard left the chat.
[13:10:04] * ЌẮšЄÑĎЄŖ∕Ắ joined the chat.
[13:11:24] * Tobias left the chat.
[13:11:28] * Paul Peard joined the chat.
[13:11:33] <ЌẮšЄÑĎЄŖ∕Ắ> psa: :SMOKE: هاي
[13:11:49] <Paul Peard> @Wojtek - yes, and my point was that the entry to the use case is implementation specific and therefore the response to the
2nd part is also in that category. If we are discussing what we think should happen - I think the connection changing it's
nick is leaving the room, and then rejoins as the new nick as if it had never been in the room
[13:12:08] <ЌẮšЄÑĎЄŖ∕Ắ> =:OO شو دينك لاعربي ولأنكلش بتفهم
[13:12:29] <ЌẮšЄÑĎЄŖ∕Ắ> :lol:
[13:12:51] <ЌẮšЄÑĎЄŖ∕Ắ> HI
[13:13:38] <ЌẮšЄÑĎЄŖ∕Ắ> :SMOKE: pleas am went talk withe ownor
[13:14:14] <ЌẮšЄÑĎЄŖ∕Ắ> اكسز
[13:14:15] * Wojtek left the chat.
[13:14:38] * guus joined the chat.
[13:14:46] <ЌẮšЄÑĎЄŖ∕Ắ> اكسز
[13:14:56] <ЌẮšЄÑĎЄŖ∕Ắ> بوسه :lol:
[13:15:19] <ЌẮšЄÑĎЄŖ∕Ắ> شب او بنت انت كيس :lol:
[13:16:06] <ЌẮšЄÑĎЄŖ∕Ắ> كود باي
[13:16:31] <ЌẮšЄÑĎЄŖ∕Ắ> ;-) بيكوز يورز نت نو انكلش
[13:16:49] <ЌẮšЄÑĎЄŖ∕Ắ> :HAPPY: تعو اعطيكن كم درس
[13:17:03] <ЌẮšЄÑĎЄŖ∕Ắ> :lol:
[13:17:03] * Treebilou joined the chat.
[13:17:43] <ЌẮšЄÑĎЄŖ∕Ắ> good bye snsels
[13:19:01] <ЌẮšЄÑĎЄŖ∕Ắ> /me
[13:19:17] <bmalkow> Paul Peard: thanks. Let be new nickname then :)
[13:19:36] <ЌẮšЄÑĎЄŖ∕Ắ> what
[13:20:03] <ЌẮšЄÑĎЄŖ∕Ắ> am not understond dongi
[13:20:13] <ЌẮšЄÑĎЄŖ∕Ắ> ;-)
[13:20:37] * Paul Peard left the chat.
[13:20:43] * Paul Peard joined the chat.
[13:20:43] * Paul Peard left the chat.
[13:21:43] <ЌẮšЄÑĎЄŖ∕Ắ> and whtas you so talk withe me ;-|
[13:22:02] <ЌẮšЄÑĎЄŖ∕Ắ> you not memubre :-P
[13:22:46] <ЌẮšЄÑĎЄŖ∕Ắ> ;-) becuse sht up okay sensel
[13:23:18] <ЌẮšЄÑĎЄŖ∕Ắ> :HAPPY: good bay body
[13:23:29] <ЌẮšЄÑĎЄŖ∕Ắ> lol
[13:24:35] <ЌẮšЄÑĎЄŖ∕Ắ> :lol: بجد بايخين انتو
[13:25:00] <ЌẮšЄÑĎЄŖ∕Ắ> :SMOKE: بيباي دبب
[13:25:08] * ЌẮšЄÑĎЄŖ∕Ắ left the chat.
[13:25:29] * guus left the chat.
[13:25:36] * Paul Peard joined the chat.
[13:38:31] * Paul Peard left the chat.
[13:40:41] * Paul Peard joined the chat.
[13:42:46] * naw joined the chat.
[13:43:25] * Kev left the chat.
[13:43:32] * Tobias joined the chat.
[13:50:20] * Paul Peard left the chat.
[13:50:34] * Paul Peard joined the chat.
[13:50:35] * Paul Peard left the chat.
[13:54:21] <psa> I've banned kasendera@syriatalk.org
[13:54:43] <psa> otherwise known as ЌẮšЄÑĎЄŖ∕Ắ
[13:54:46] <psa> just so you know
[13:55:06] * Paul Peard joined the chat.
[13:55:14] * naw left the chat.
[13:55:30] <psa> bbiab
[13:55:34] * psa left the chat.
[14:09:59] <elbatrap> /me tests /me functionality.
[14:10:05] * elbatrap left the chat.
[14:10:29] * Paul Peard left the chat.
[14:10:43] * Paul Peard joined the chat.
[14:21:19] * Paul Peard left the chat.
[14:21:55] * Paul Peard joined the chat.
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[15:20:29] * Florob joined the chat.
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[16:59:16] * Hermitifier left the chat.
[17:08:36] * Lance left the chat.
[17:08:41] * Lance joined the chat.
[17:15:52] * Kev joined the chat.
[17:17:33] * Paul Peard left the chat.
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[19:21:09] * Flow joined the chat.
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[20:14:41] * stpeter left the chat.
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[21:13:30] * MattJ left the chat.
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[21:57:12] * Florob left the chat.
[22:17:20] * Lance left the chat.
[22:28:44] * psa left the chat.
[23:01:38] * Tobias left the chat.
[23:02:54] * Treebilou left the chat.
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[23:41:59] * luca tagliaferri left the chat.