Logs for jabber
[00:19:21] * dynam1te left the chat.
[00:47:23] * Tobias_ joined the chat.
[00:52:20] * Tobias left the chat.
[04:14:34] * Michael left the chat.
[04:15:08] * Michael joined the chat.
[04:53:08] * MattJ left the chat.
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[06:49:39] * treebilou joined the chat.
[07:42:39] * yuppinturic joined the chat.
[08:06:15] * Alex joined the chat.
[08:12:06] * Kev joined the chat.
[08:16:56] * kf joined the chat.
[08:27:38] * Kev left the chat.
[09:00:20] * Z_God joined the chat.
[09:13:06] * Alex left the chat.
[09:13:33] * Tobias_ left the chat.
[09:31:01] * Alex joined the chat.
[09:47:12] * _ataba_ joined the chat.
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[10:13:10] * Alex left the chat.
[10:25:41] * Tobias joined the chat.
[10:37:24] * Kev joined the chat.
[10:52:45] * the ♚ joined the chat.
[11:25:37] * drасо left the chat.
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[12:05:40] * Tobias left the chat.
[12:13:49] * nixon21725 joined the chat.
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[13:05:51] * Kev left the chat.
[13:22:36] * harlock left the chat.
[13:45:00] * Tobias left the chat.
[13:53:34] * naw joined the chat.
[13:55:58] * Tobias joined the chat.
[13:56:17] * NEOhidra joined the chat.
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[14:28:48] * naw left the chat.
[14:37:46] * psa joined the chat.
[14:38:21] * Tobias joined the chat.
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[14:41:16] * reagan15031 joined the chat.
[14:42:47] * stpeter joined the chat.
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[14:59:23] * MattJ joined the chat.
[15:14:24] * Kev joined the chat.
[15:38:40] * Lastwebpage joined the chat.
[15:42:58] * PaulFertser joined the chat.
[16:01:39] * dynam1te joined the chat.
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[16:52:16] * naw left the chat.
[16:52:24] * naw joined the chat.
[17:07:36] * Kev left the chat.
[17:40:49] * Ivor Jennings joined the chat.
[17:43:54] * Ivor Jennings left the chat.
[17:43:54] * Ivor Jennings joined the chat.
[17:44:32] * Ivor Jennings left the chat.
[17:46:43] * luvs joined the chat.
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[18:09:20] * hoover58964 joined the chat.
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[18:10:09] * vanburen48993 joined the chat.
[18:10:48] <vanburen48993> hi
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[18:16:08] * kf joined the chat.
[18:39:33] * japer8089 joined the chat.
[18:40:28] <japer8089> stpeter, @}->--
[18:42:07] <japer8089> hi
[18:42:15] <japer8089> im new here
[18:43:09] <psa> hi japer8089
[18:43:29] <japer8089> im from syria
[18:43:30] <stpeter> /me was chatting with japer8089 1-to-1
[18:43:44] <japer8089> and i want to be frind in first
[18:43:58] <japer8089> and im well be do somthings
[18:47:50] * Tobias left the chat.
[19:12:24] * the ♚ left the chat.
[19:19:46] * japer8089 left the chat.
[19:48:23] * Tobias joined the chat.
[19:53:19] * the ♚ joined the chat.
[19:59:24] * Tobias left the chat.
[19:59:37] * Tobias joined the chat.
[19:59:53] * Shani4 joined the chat.
[19:59:54] * Shani4 left the chat.
[20:13:23] * the ♚ left the chat.
[20:13:27] * the ♚ joined the chat.
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[21:19:21] * Lastwebpage left the chat.
[21:22:35] * the ♚ left the chat.
[21:22:43] * the ♚ joined the chat.
[21:30:11] * Alex joined the chat.
[21:38:04] * Z_God left the chat.
[21:47:46] * NEOhidra left the chat.
[21:53:11] * the ♚ left the chat.
[21:57:43] * Alex left the chat.
[22:26:11] * psa left the chat.
[22:27:03] * stpeter left the chat.
[22:27:47] * golden.girle joined the chat.
[22:27:48] * naw left the chat.
[22:31:25] * golden.girle left the chat.
[22:55:41] <ThurahT> Syrians and their roses.. I don't get it..
[23:25:25] * arthur56768 joined the chat.
[23:25:33] <arthur56768> hello
[23:27:02] <MattJ> Hi
[23:27:04] <arthur56768> well im about to start working on a website and i want to integrate a chat similar to Facebook i just dont known where to
[23:27:41] <MattJ> Try something like https://mini.jappix.com/
[23:28:16] <arthur56768> damn that was easy thanks so much
[23:28:32] <MattJ> If you need something customised: http://www.xiaoka.com/portfolio#chat
[23:29:09] <arthur56768> could you tell me a little about xmpp
[23:29:32] <arthur56768> currently im working on html css php jquery
[23:29:34] <MattJ> I wrote this article recently: http://prosody.im/doc/xmpp
[23:29:58] <arthur56768> your good lol
[23:30:58] <MattJ> I spend too much time on XMPP :)
[23:31:26] <arthur56768> are you able to make your own client?
[23:31:55] <MattJ> Yes, I tend to make my own for most things I do
[23:32:20] <arthur56768> on a scale from one to ten what difficulty would you say
[23:36:20] <MattJ> Depends exactly what features you need it to support
[23:36:39] <MattJ> A full-featured IM client is a lot of work
[23:37:13] <MattJ> A simple thing to exchange messages would take 1-3 days for someone familiar with the technology (starting from scratch)
[23:37:29] <arthur56768> i want to try it :P
[23:37:46] <MattJ> There are two good books
[23:37:58] <MattJ> which are the best resources I think you'll find
[23:38:05] <arthur56768> crap i have a long book list
[23:38:15] <MattJ> General XMPP: http://shop.oreilly.com/product/9780596521271.do
[23:38:26] <MattJ> XMPP web dev: http://professionalxmpp.com/
[23:38:31] * arthur56768 left the chat.
[23:38:36] * eisenhower59935 joined the chat.
[23:38:47] <eisenhower59935> i think site point has one too
[23:38:58] <MattJ> The second one doesn't assume much prior knowledge of XMPP, so if you don't need to understand the whole XMPP ecosystem then
I think it's fine to start ther
[23:38:59] <MattJ> e
[23:39:02] <eisenhower59935> im arthur btw
[23:39:08] <MattJ> I gathered :)
[23:39:47] * dynam1te left the chat.
[23:39:47] <eisenhower59935> is there anyway we could one on one chat
[23:39:48] * dynam1te joined the chat.
[23:39:51] <MattJ> The author of the second book developed the web chat you're using now
[23:40:44] <eisenhower59935> oh really does this chat works with PHP
[23:41:02] <eisenhower59935> i mean MySQL
[23:41:20] <MattJ> XMPP web clients are typically all client-side, in Javascript
[23:41:35] <MattJ> Speeqe uses some server-side stuff for history I think
[23:41:42] <MattJ> but I think it uses Python rather than PHP
[23:42:00] <eisenhower59935> arnt they pretty similar
[23:42:04] <MattJ> There are XMPP libraries for PHP, but the Javascript ones are generally a lot more practical
[23:42:34] * ALONZO joined the chat.
[23:42:40] <MattJ> I don't think Python and PHP are very similar, though of course all languages have various similarities and differences
[23:43:48] <eisenhower59935> could we chat one on one?
[23:44:20] * Tobias left the chat.
[23:44:41] <ALONZO> hi all
[23:44:49] <MattJ> eisenhower59935, Sure, I don't mind... but be warned that if you need general help, here or the 'jdev' room will be better
avenues of support
[23:44:58] <MattJ> I'm incredibly busy at the moment
[23:45:32] <eisenhower59935> hey alonzo i dont need general help
[23:47:31] <ALONZO> :ermm: connection
[23:47:41] <ALONZO> What do you want to prefer
[23:48:29] <eisenhower59935> your in the UK im in the US
[23:48:41] <ALONZO> Need help?eisenhower59935
[23:48:48] <eisenhower59935> no
[23:48:56] <eisenhower59935> thank you
[23:49:06] <ALONZO> ok
[23:49:20] <MattJ> eisenhower59935, correct, I'm in the UK
[23:49:41] <ALONZO> How are you doing ؟ MattJ
[23:50:07] <eisenhower59935> i wanted someone to help me with this project everyone i depended on fell short at the last minute
[23:50:25] <MattJ> ALONZO, I'm well thanks
[23:50:47] <MattJ> eisenhower59935, unfortunately I can't offer anything in the way of development right now, I'm beyond maxed out
[23:51:33] <ALONZO> :SMOKE:
[23:51:45] <eisenhower59935> yeah i understand have you written any books
[23:51:55] <MattJ> ALONZO, smoke is what comes out of my ears while I'm working
[23:52:10] <MattJ> eisenhower59935, I haven't
[23:52:56] <eisenhower59935> this conversation reminds me of the one i had with Kevin Yank
[23:55:12] * ALONZO left the chat.
[23:55:14] * ALONZO joined the chat.
[23:55:55] <ALONZO> :kicked: I have a bad network
[23:56:25] <eisenhower59935> » Please read and accept the terms of use available in our legal disclaimer document.
To make things simple, you are not allowed to use our service to:
Overload our server and/or put it down
Broadcast injurious, racist, pornographic, libelous or pedophile content
Steal someone's name or brand
As the chatbox owner, you and only you, are responsible of the messages that are shared across your users.
[23:57:36] <eisenhower59935> these are the terms for jappix "As the chatbox owner, you and only you, are responsible of the messages that are shared across
your users." i cant control that if the website im making is a social media
[23:57:58] <MattJ> eisenhower59935, that sounds like they're hosting it for you
[23:58:01] <ALONZO> I want to ask you sir MattJ
[23:58:09] <MattJ> If you host it yourself then your terms are your own...
[23:58:21] <ALONZO> If not do not bother you
[23:58:58] <MattJ> ALONZO, just ask
[00:00:14] * ALONZO left the chat.
[00:00:15] * ALONZO joined the chat.
[00:00:49] <ALONZO> :ermm: net bad
[00:01:17] <ALONZO> Are you the owner of this server?MattJ
[00:01:55] <MattJ> No, I am one of the admins though
[00:02:48] <ALONZO> This means you have to do with the server
[00:02:51] <MattJ> Yes
[00:03:08] <eisenhower59935> so if i use jappix then my IM feature on my website is hosted by jappix meaning its on their server?
[00:04:35] <MattJ> eisenhower59935, sorry, I didn't realise... that site is basically all assuming you want it hosted by them
[00:04:40] <MattJ> this is a better link: https://project.jappix.com/
[00:08:23] * ALONZO left the chat.
[00:08:26] * ALONZO joined the chat.
[00:09:44] <ALONZO> MattJ I want to talk bad but the network apologized to Mr.
[00:09:58] <ALONZO> :-(
[00:09:59] <MattJ> No problem
[00:10:47] <eisenhower59935> Alonzo are you OK?
[00:10:53] <ALONZO> Thanks
[00:11:25] <ALONZO> Rather
[00:12:27] <ALONZO> I have a network problem severed adsl
[00:12:58] <eisenhower59935> im a noob so i dont know what your talking about
[00:13:07] <eisenhower59935> :p
[00:13:54] <ALONZO> Choose the person identified and the intervention of special options
[00:14:46] <eisenhower59935> i still dont understand
[00:15:21] <eisenhower59935> so i would download jappix and upload it to my hosting server
[00:19:05] <MattJ> eisenhower59935, yes, and it would connect to your own XMPP server
[00:20:16] <eisenhower59935> i was about to slam my head on my computer XMPP server? does all web hosting have one
[00:22:09] <eisenhower59935> could you send me an email at lockerz324@yahoo.com with your answer my eyes hurt from being on the computer all day
[00:22:15] <eisenhower59935> i havent taken a break
[00:22:20] * eisenhower59935 left the chat.
[00:23:46] * obama26635 joined the chat.
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[00:29:55] * ALONZO left the chat.
[00:35:42] * luvs joined the chat.