Logs for jabber
[00:03:49] * cleveland23776 joined the chat.
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[00:14:08] * Tobias_ joined the chat.
[00:19:16] * Tobias left the chat.
[00:22:10] * lurker41113 left the chat.
[01:37:40] * darkrain joined the chat.
[01:51:18] * error left the chat.
[02:12:03] * dynam1te joined the chat.
[02:50:26] * kjhfg joined the chat.
[02:55:46] * Se7enstars joined the chat.
[02:56:57] * kjhfg left the chat.
[03:30:39] * Se7enstars left the chat.
[03:56:19] * luvs joined the chat.
[04:40:01] * bharat joined the chat.
[04:44:18] * treebilou left the chat.
[04:49:45] * luvs left the chat.
[05:28:18] * bharat left the chat.
[05:38:39] * harlock joined the chat.
[06:06:26] * Alex joined the chat.
[06:37:44] * coolidge46844 joined the chat.
[06:38:35] <coolidge46844> Can anybody please tell me , which api is good for voice chat in silverlight ?
[06:38:35] * yuppinturic left the chat.
[06:39:52] <Alex> coolidge46844: Silverlight has some build in stuff for voice and video, as XMPP API look at MatriX
[06:50:42] * bharat joined the chat.
[06:53:17] * lincoln61077 joined the chat.
[06:53:27] * lincoln61077 in now known as willgo.
[07:08:05] <coolidge46844> will matrix handle all the negotiations like jingle,stun,ice ??
[07:09:07] <Alex> coolidge46844: no, And I don't think that you can do regular jingle with Silverlight, Silverlight has many restrictions
[07:10:00] <Alex> coolidge46844: I think it will be a challenge to write a jingle client in Silverlight
[07:11:08] * bharat left the chat.
[07:12:38] <coolidge46844> that means i have to write those jingle xmls,compress it,convert it to byte and send it to openfire...all by myself ?
[07:13:32] <Alex> coolidge46844: no
[07:14:50] <Alex> If you are going to use MatriX you can cretae your Jingel packets like described here:
[07:15:21] <coolidge46844> then who will handle the negotiation part ?
[07:15:49] <Alex> your code with the help of MatriX
[07:16:02] <Alex> or any other XMPP library
[07:17:22] <coolidge46844> ok thanks
[07:19:57] <Alex> AFAIK you can do peer to peer sockets in Silverlight only in Elevated Trust level
[07:20:23] <Alex> so you have to work either with elevated trust always, or a media relay
[07:20:59] <Alex> If you go with a media relay you can get rid of all this NAT and STUN stuff, makes it much easier
[07:21:20] <Alex> you have not many options because of all this restrictions which Silverlight has
[07:24:20] * bharat joined the chat.
[07:31:23] * bharat left the chat.
[07:31:29] * yuppinturic joined the chat.
[07:44:08] * aRyo joined the chat.
[07:44:41] * aRyo left the chat.
[07:52:25] * Tanguy joined the chat.
[07:58:08] * harlock left the chat.
[08:00:55] * harlock joined the chat.
[08:33:49] * willgo left the chat.
[09:11:02] * bharat joined the chat.
[09:13:41] * coolidge46844 left the chat.
[09:18:53] * luigiandrea joined the chat.
[09:25:22] * Alex left the chat.
[09:26:31] * Alex joined the chat.
[09:36:54] * harlock left the chat.
[09:37:31] * harlock joined the chat.
[09:37:55] * Z_God joined the chat.
[09:51:09] * bharat left the chat.
[10:08:05] * luigiandrea left the chat.
[10:29:51] * taylor5751 joined the chat.
[10:34:22] * treebilou joined the chat.
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[10:37:34] * taylor5751 left the chat.
[10:40:13] * thpo joined the chat.
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[11:42:52] * baaseeel joined the chat.
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[12:13:41] * silant.hil joined the chat.
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[12:16:49] * pak2army joined the chat.
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[12:25:04] * cheney1538 joined the chat.
[12:47:37] * Lala.jablh. joined the chat.
[12:48:38] <Lala.jablh.> انامشروع شهادةفداالأسدوالبلد
رسالة إلى جنود سوريا الأسد: دقيت لأمي أحكيا
ردت أختي وقالت من البرد مافيا .بس وقف شوي التلفون رح أعطيا
قلتلها مساء الخير ياضوعينيا
قالت حبيبي ومساك بالخيريا ابن سوريا
قلتلها يا أمي برداني أنشاءالله روحي إلك بعطيا.
قالت والله ياحبيبي سوريا مازوت مافيا بدنا شي تنكة مازوت ندفا عليا .والدولة ما عم
تلحق لكل المحافظات مازوت تعطيا
قلتلا..........أخ يا أمي هي كلمتي بترجا تسمعيا:
عسكر سوريا بالبراري عم يتحدا البرد ومن الخونة عم يحميا
لو كنت عسكر وبردان وعم قدم روحي ف
[12:49:47] <Alex> Lala.jablh: I don't understad what you are telling us ;-)
[12:49:50] <Kev> Not here, please.
[12:50:15] * Jamsheerpc1 joined the chat.
[12:50:16] * Jamsheerpc1 left the chat.
[12:50:33] * Jamsheerpc1 joined the chat.
[12:50:33] * Jamsheerpc1 left the chat.
[12:50:44] * Jamsheerpc1 joined the chat.
[12:50:44] * Jamsheerpc1 left the chat.
[12:51:07] * Jamsheerpc1 joined the chat.
[12:51:34] <Jamsheerpc1> No
[12:51:52] * Lala.jablh. left the chat.
[12:51:53] * Jamsheerpc1 left the chat.
[12:53:55] * westsibe joined the chat.
[12:54:51] * Se7enstars joined the chat.
[12:56:55] * westsibe left the chat.
[13:10:30] * nkt joined the chat.
[13:17:45] * harlock left the chat.
[13:40:12] * Se7enstars left the chat.
[13:51:35] * nkt left the chat.
[14:02:09] * yuppinturic left the chat.
[14:02:27] * yuppinturic joined the chat.
[14:10:40] * thpo joined the chat.
[14:14:27] <thpo> hi, I have the problem, that only users of jabber.org can no longer connect to my conference-server as of today; direct xmpp
chat to jabber.org users is still possible and for all other domains, there seems to be no problem at all
[14:15:06] <Kev> What's the MUC domain in question?
[14:15:40] <thpo> conference.dotrc.de
[14:16:30] <Kev> Ah.
[14:16:47] <thpo> Ah?
[14:17:14] <thpo> my wild guess would be anything related to the CN of my certificate
[14:17:32] <Kev> Nope, the problem is that your server's not listening.
[14:18:13] <Kev> Is it possible that you're advertising IPv6 support, but running a server that doesn't support it or such?
[14:18:26] <thpo> oh sh...
[14:18:48] <Kev> May 30 11:59:49 hermes xmppd[26429]: I-MBOX-Info lookup initiating an orginating session from jabber.org to conference.dotrc.de
May 30 11:59:49 hermes xmppd[26429]: I-MBOX-Info failed to connect to 2a01:4f8:120:2ffd:218:51ff:feab:ccf1:5269 host for conference.dotrc.de
because Connection refused
May 30 11:59:49 hermes xmppd[26429]: I-MBOX-Info failed to connect to any host for conference.dotrc.de
[14:18:51] <thpo> yes sorry, I was just in the middle of migration to IPv6
[14:19:09] <thpo> thanks a lot
[14:19:18] <Kev> NP.
[14:19:29] <Kev> We're just getting it set up ourselves.
[14:19:56] <thpo> thats why it broke just as of today ;-)
[14:20:25] <Kev> Yes.
[14:21:04] * .saleh.82 joined the chat.
[14:21:43] * .saleh.82 left the chat.
[14:32:57] * Alex left the chat.
[14:34:09] * MattJ joined the chat.
[14:41:22] * Z_God left the chat.
[14:43:41] * Z_God joined the chat.
[15:00:54] * psa joined the chat.
[15:04:35] * psa left the chat.
[15:04:54] * Z_God left the chat.
[15:06:18] * Z_God joined the chat.
[15:30:50] * NEOhidra joined the chat.
[15:46:11] * error joined the chat.
[15:51:30] * error left the chat.
[15:55:56] * psa joined the chat.
[15:57:49] * Tobias_ left the chat.
[16:00:38] * thpo left the chat.
[16:03:58] * Tobias joined the chat.
[16:21:19] * ALNSEAAN.88 joined the chat.
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[16:27:29] * yuppinturic left the chat.
[16:40:04] * stpeter joined the chat.
[17:08:38] * Alex joined the chat.
[17:12:30] * Jimmy joined the chat.
[17:12:40] <Jimmy> a
[17:12:45] * Jimmy left the chat.
[18:05:00] * cheney1538 left the chat.
[19:21:17] * Alex left the chat.
[19:27:25] * MattJ left the chat.
[19:40:53] * elmo joined the chat.
[19:41:04] * elmo left the chat.
[19:45:23] * MattJ joined the chat.
[19:49:24] * naw joined the chat.
[19:55:22] * varunsharma joined the chat.
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[20:55:03] * Minos joined the chat.
[20:55:10] <Minos> coligout
[20:55:12] * Minos left the chat.
[20:59:22] * stpeter left the chat.
[20:59:58] <psa> sheesh
[21:00:11] <psa> some guy from Syria pesting me about a chatroom on conference.jabber.org
[21:00:22] <psa> hard to tell if he was one of the good guys or just launching a social attack
[21:00:30] <psa> I told him to create another room
[21:00:32] <psa> sigh
[21:06:42] * arthur61725 joined the chat.
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[21:08:09] <ThurahT> yes, they are very concerned about their rooms..
[21:08:16] <psa> indeed
[21:08:30] <psa> this guy really really thought that needed to have aleppo@conference.jabber.org
[21:08:45] <psa> he wasn't satisfied with creating aleppo2 or anything else
[21:08:59] <ThurahT> that's a funny word..
[21:09:04] <psa> hard to tell if he was one of the good guys there or one of the bad guys, but he certainly was annoying!
[21:09:06] <ThurahT> even in Swedish..
[21:09:08] <psa> funny?
[21:09:13] <psa> it's a city in Syria
[21:09:16] <ThurahT> lol
[21:09:19] <ThurahT> I see.
[21:09:20] <psa> a very ancient city
[21:09:29] <psa> you need to study some geography :)
[21:09:31] <psa> maps are fun
[21:09:39] <psa> I used to spend hours just looking at maps
[21:09:56] <ThurahT> I did too.. but it didn't stuck..
[21:10:01] <psa> in the olden days we had entire books of maps -- we called such a book an atlas ;-)
[21:10:33] <ThurahT> I've seen one or two in my early school years..
[21:10:50] <psa> :)
[21:10:54] <ThurahT> then it came on CD-ROM. That was the future...
[21:11:04] <psa> heh
[21:11:21] * Kev left the chat.
[21:15:27] <ThurahT> Ah.. it is Halab. That I think I knew. Smthng moved far back in my mind.
[21:18:15] <psa> :)
[21:18:23] <psa> brb
[21:25:30] * Neustradamus left the chat.
[21:46:15] * Storm12 joined the chat.
[21:46:30] * Storm12 left the chat.
[22:06:39] * Z_God left the chat.
[22:28:01] * psa left the chat.
[22:45:18] * naw left the chat.
[22:55:20] * ahmad_live111 joined the chat.
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[23:15:53] * Tobias left the chat.
[23:49:54] * MattJ left the chat.