Logs for jabber
[00:20:19] * Tobias_ joined the chat.
[00:25:58] * Tobias left the chat.
[01:12:59] * emad.lionheart joined the chat.
[01:13:11] * emad.lionheart left the chat.
[02:11:52] * dynam1te left the chat.
[02:11:52] * dynam1te joined the chat.
[03:07:24] * MattJ left the chat.
[04:06:38] * Kevin joined the chat.
[04:19:08] * adams2570 joined the chat.
[04:20:41] * adams2570 left the chat.
[04:29:45] * anonymous65496 joined the chat.
[04:29:45] * anonymous65496 left the chat.
[04:43:42] * Kevin left the chat.
[04:55:56] * Tobias_ left the chat.
[06:00:26] * Alex joined the chat.
[06:10:25] * harlock joined the chat.
[06:27:42] * treebilou left the chat.
[06:28:43] * harlock left the chat.
[07:25:39] * bylreath joined the chat.
[07:26:04] <bylreath> Hi.
[07:26:17] <Kev_> Hello.
[07:26:35] <bylreath> Can I ask some questions about this system?
[07:26:39] <bylreath> I'm new on Jabber.
[07:26:47] <Kev_> Yes.
[07:27:34] <bylreath> Well, I'm worry about the emailing system! Can I send or receive emails?
[07:29:13] * wilson20829 joined the chat.
[07:29:14] * wilson20829 left the chat.
[07:30:00] <Kev_> No, XMPP isn't an email system - although some providers will give you both email and XMPP addresses that lookt he same.
[07:30:34] <bylreath> Which ones? Can you give me some references?
[07:30:46] <Kev_> Gmail does, at least.
[07:30:56] <Kev_> Although that XMPP service is a bit quirky.
[07:32:20] <bylreath> OK. Thanks for your help!
[07:33:35] * bylreath left the chat.
[08:05:14] * bush33174 joined the chat.
[08:26:12] * bush33174 left the chat.
[08:30:37] * Z_God joined the chat.
[08:39:55] * HELLLIOOOOO joined the chat.
[08:40:03] * HELLLIOOOOO left the chat.
[08:47:52] * treebilou joined the chat.
[09:01:22] * yuppinturic joined the chat.
[09:52:27] * yuppinturic left the chat.
[11:07:14] * Tobias joined the chat.
[11:30:21] * yuppinturic joined the chat.
[11:34:49] * harding37480 joined the chat.
[11:36:29] <harding37480> hi, please which clients can send movie files
[11:46:30] * harding37480 left the chat.
[11:49:30] <louiz’> wat.
[11:50:52] <Alex> hm, gone already, video sharing over XMPP, nice ;-)
[12:06:11] <Link Mauve> sàt supports that.
[12:10:53] * treebilou joined the chat.
[12:18:57] * Neustradamus joined the chat.
[12:20:55] * pengwen joined the chat.
[12:26:04] * roosevelt7700 joined the chat.
[12:26:04] * roosevelt7700 left the chat.
[12:27:07] * MattJ joined the chat.
[12:28:26] * Holger joined the chat.
[12:35:39] * pak2army joined the chat.
[12:35:49] * pak2army left the chat.
[12:38:09] * martbo joined the chat.
[12:39:32] * mpranj joined the chat.
[12:42:20] * mpranj left the chat.
[12:51:51] * nixon47062 joined the chat.
[12:52:05] * nixon47062 left the chat.
[12:55:10] * nkt joined the chat.
[12:58:40] * nkt left the chat.
[13:00:09] * naw joined the chat.
[13:28:14] * Z_God joined the chat.
[13:33:37] * naw left the chat.
[13:40:49] * Alex joined the chat.
[13:53:32] * Alex left the chat.
[13:53:33] * Alex joined the chat.
[13:56:51] * darkrain joined the chat.
[14:03:29] * Alex left the chat.
[14:04:43] * 1234me joined the chat.
[14:08:25] * 1234me left the chat.
[14:16:36] * anonymous51457 joined the chat.
[14:16:47] <anonymous51457> hello
[14:17:04] * jefferson30803 joined the chat.
[14:17:43] <anonymous51457> How do I change my nick here ?
[14:18:22] <anonymous51457> God, I love being a n00b lol
[14:18:57] <anonymous51457> anyone can help me set up pidgin to connect here ?
[14:21:50] <MattJ> Hi
[14:22:02] <MattJ> Type: /nick yournickname
[14:22:29] <MattJ> Are you connected to your account with Pidgin already?
[14:22:34] * jefferson30803 in now known as ccbiggesttdealer.
[14:22:56] <ccbiggesttdealer> hello
[14:23:38] <anonymous51457> Hi mattj
[14:23:41] <MattJ> Hi
[14:23:46] * anonymous51457 in now known as luvs.
[14:23:49] <ccbiggesttdealer> Hello Dear friendzzz
[14:23:50] <ccbiggesttdealer> how r u ?
[14:24:29] * luvs in now known as Yos.
[14:24:37] * Yos in now known as luvs.
[14:24:41] <luvs> ok
[14:25:01] <ccbiggesttdealer> Friends what are you doing there?
[14:25:03] <luvs> I'm an IRC'er but looking for a more secure way to communicate
[14:25:12] <ccbiggesttdealer> hnmm
[14:25:17] <luvs> xmpp is totally new to me
[14:25:18] <ccbiggesttdealer> i am Seller CVV, Fullz and dumps
[14:25:36] <MattJ> ccbiggesttdealer, do you need help with something?
[14:25:41] <ccbiggesttdealer> yes
[14:25:44] <ccbiggesttdealer> i am totally new
[14:26:03] <ccbiggesttdealer> and i am want to know what is Jabber and how to use it?
[14:26:20] <ccbiggesttdealer> i am seller and already selling my cvv, fullz and dumps at ICQ
[14:26:44] <ccbiggesttdealer> now i want to promote my business thats why i join jabber.org and finding the messenger or chat peoples
[14:27:04] <MattJ> erm, ok...
[14:27:22] <ccbiggesttdealer> Sir would u like to guide me about it?
[14:27:42] <MattJ> Well to anyone who wants to make an account: https://register.jabber.org/
[14:28:09] <ccbiggesttdealer> Sir i want to know how to use jabber and where i get the peoples which are using jabber?
[14:28:15] <MattJ> Then just add an "XMPP" account in Pidgin and tell it the username and password you used
[14:28:24] <ccbiggesttdealer> and how to download jabber messenger
[14:28:29] <ccbiggesttdealer> xmpp? is site?
[14:28:34] <MattJ> ccbiggesttdealer, Jabber is not ICQ, we don't have network-wide user directories to help spammers :)
[14:28:52] <ccbiggesttdealer> Sir what is benefit of jabber?
[14:29:06] * Yos joined the chat.
[14:29:13] <MattJ> It's an open network, that isn't owned by anyone
[14:29:26] <MattJ> jabber.org is just one server in it
[14:29:39] <Yos> ah
[14:29:49] <MattJ> The protocol is open, which means anyone can create a client that speaks it
[14:30:00] <MattJ> and the same is true of servers, anyone can run one
[14:30:41] <Yos> Hi again MattJ
[14:30:49] <MattJ> The architecture is very like email (in fact Jabber IDs resemble email addresses)
[14:31:05] <MattJ> Only Jabber/XMPP has better security/identity than email in general
[14:31:12] <MattJ> and hi :)
[14:31:31] * luvs left the chat.
[14:31:40] * Yos in now known as luvs.
[14:32:08] <ccbiggesttdealer> what is xmpp
[14:34:02] <luvs> so is registering a nick here the same as on irc ?
[14:34:34] <MattJ> luvs, depends what you mean by 'nick'
[14:34:46] <MattJ> In chatrooms, no, it's not really like IRC
[14:34:54] <MattJ> You can have different nicks in different rooms for example
[14:35:36] <MattJ> Some servers support nick registration, and then will either reserve it for you in a specific room or perhaps the whole conference
[14:35:44] <ccbiggesttdealer> Sir if you don't mind i want to know how to use IRC
[14:36:09] <MattJ> ccbiggesttdealer, then you're in the wrong place... http://irchelp.org/ was where I started :)
[14:36:42] <luvs> irc doesn't welcome spam though :)
[14:37:30] <MattJ> Evidently ICQ isn't so profitable nowadays, I wonder why...
[14:37:50] <luvs> so MattJ, you want to show a newB around the place :)
[14:40:31] <MattJ> luvs, well, what are you looking for? :)
[14:40:58] <luvs> a new chatroom I can call home :O)
[14:41:01] <MattJ> I'll warn you up-front that IRC is a lot more active in the general "open discussion" space - you won't find half as many
active chatrooms here
[14:41:12] <ccbiggesttdealer> bro i need to know how to use irc
[14:41:19] <MattJ> ccbiggesttdealer, http://irchelp.org/
[14:41:59] <luvs> MattJ: I'm looking for quality over quantity
[14:42:19] <MattJ> I think in general most Jabber users use it for one-to-one communication rather than chatrooms
[14:42:54] <MattJ> I think the only two "official" rooms on conference.jabber.org are this one and jdev (for developers)
[14:46:25] <luvs> So you have any hang outs ?
[14:47:41] <MattJ> If only I had time :)
[14:48:01] <luvs> what do you do ?
[14:48:02] <MattJ> I develop an XMPP server, Prosody - the chatroom for that is my main hang-out
[14:48:20] <MattJ> (prosody@conference.prosody.im)
[14:50:37] <ccbiggesttdealer> sir how to join the room conference.jabber.org
[14:50:43] <ccbiggesttdealer> please paste the commond for it
[14:51:28] <MattJ> You're in jabber@conference.jabber.org - if you want to join with a client you need to create an account
[14:51:54] <ccbiggesttdealer> how
[14:54:16] <ccbiggesttdealer> sir please tell me any room name for hackers and sellers
[14:55:47] <MattJ> I'm afraid I don't know any (honestly)
[14:55:58] <ccbiggesttdealer> ok
[14:56:03] <ccbiggesttdealer> i have found 2 rooms
[14:56:04] <MattJ> Probably there are a load on jabber.ru, I know they're always struggling against such things :)
[14:56:27] <ccbiggesttdealer> but i don't know how to starting to use chat with the peoples
[15:01:48] * ccbiggesttdealer left the chat.
[15:04:43] * psa joined the chat.
[15:05:29] * stpeter joined the chat.
[15:33:47] * yuppinturic joined the chat.
[16:19:58] * luvs left the chat.
[16:20:42] * subhidaod joined the chat.
[16:20:42] * subhidaod left the chat.
[16:21:02] * mckinley42759 joined the chat.
[16:21:03] * luvs joined the chat.
[16:24:22] * mckinley42759 left the chat.
[16:43:59] * Z_God left the chat.
[16:46:55] * Z_God joined the chat.
[17:17:47] * sfyn joined the chat.
[17:17:52] * sfyn left the chat.
[17:32:46] * Tobias joined the chat.
[17:49:33] * harrykar joined the chat.
[18:09:21] * Tobias left the chat.
[18:13:53] * louiz’ joined the chat.
[18:22:56] * Alex joined the chat.
[18:31:20] * naw joined the chat.
[18:36:15] * luvs left the chat.
[18:37:53] * luvs joined the chat.
[18:43:56] * Alex left the chat.
[18:44:43] * luvs left the chat.
[18:59:05] * luvs joined the chat.
[19:22:59] * Tobias joined the chat.
[19:51:44] * ThurahT joined the chat.
[20:10:35] * the ♚ joined the chat.
[20:12:11] * jackson51689 joined the chat.
[20:12:25] * jackson51689 left the chat.
[20:24:56] * the ♚ left the chat.
[20:25:03] * luvs left the chat.
[21:04:20] * Holger left the chat.
[21:04:54] * Holger joined the chat.
[21:18:17] * Kev joined the chat.
[21:21:13] * Kev left the chat.
[22:00:41] * louiz’ left the chat.
[22:00:55] * louiz’ joined the chat.
[22:02:53] * a1975rk joined the chat.
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[22:12:13] * Tobias left the chat.
[22:12:58] * naw left the chat.
[22:14:33] * yuppinturic left the chat.
[22:19:24] * stpeter left the chat.
[22:29:01] * psa left the chat.
[22:54:07] * tester joined the chat.
[22:54:51] * tester left the chat.
[22:58:03] * Z_God left the chat.
[23:03:05] * yaseeen joined the chat.
[23:09:56] * yaseeen left the chat.
[23:12:44] * gshandelman joined the chat.
[23:12:51] <gshandelman> how do I create my own chatroom?
[23:12:51] * gshandelman left the chat.
[23:13:15] * MattJ left the chat.
[23:13:30] * MattJ joined the chat.
[23:13:57] * gshandelman joined the chat.
[23:14:04] * gshandelman left the chat.
[23:14:04] * gshandelman joined the chat.
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[23:14:26] * lincoln55230 joined the chat.
[23:14:54] <lincoln55230> hello?
[23:15:13] <lincoln55230> can someone tell me how to create my own chatroom?
[23:15:29] <ThurahT> join a non existing room
[23:15:42] <lincoln55230> how do you format the room?
[23:15:51] <ThurahT> which client are you using?
[23:15:52] <lincoln55230> something@conference.jabber.org?
[23:15:53] <lincoln55230> ichat
[23:16:07] <MattJ> Join it
[23:16:19] <MattJ> and yes, that's how you format it
[23:16:31] <ThurahT> you need conference.jabber.org
[23:16:39] <MattJ> Though some clients will ask you for the name (something) and server (conference.jabber.org) separately
[23:16:40] <lincoln55230> what's that?
[23:17:04] <ThurahT> oh weird.. I didn't see that you wrote conference there..
[23:17:22] <lincoln55230> its not working
[23:18:36] <lincoln55230> it says "iChat can’t connect to the chat room “cuttingroom@conference.jabber.org”."
[23:19:24] <ThurahT> I just joined it fine. Does ichat say smthng else?
[23:19:53] <lincoln55230> thank you it works
[23:20:00] <lincoln55230> would you mind leaving the room?
[23:20:08] <ThurahT> no, I like it there
[23:20:10] <lincoln55230> thanks for your help
[23:28:24] * lincoln55230 left the chat.
[23:36:39] * luvs joined the chat.
[23:39:56] * luigiandrea joined the chat.
[23:41:12] * luigiandrea left the chat.