Logs for jabber
[00:01:36] * alien joined the chat.
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[00:40:55] * MattJ left the chat.
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[06:29:55] * treebilou left the chat.
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[06:55:42] * Tobias joined the chat.
[07:00:30] * roosevelt57815 joined the chat.
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[07:06:33] * misha left the chat.
[07:12:39] * Alex joined the chat.
[07:21:00] * w3host_it joined the chat.
[07:30:12] * Sadanandamoolya2008 joined the chat.
[07:30:12] * Sadanandamoolya2008 left the chat.
[07:42:09] * yuppinturic joined the chat.
[07:51:00] * kf joined the chat.
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[09:53:35] * Tobias joined the chat.
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[10:57:30] * Wassem03 joined the chat.
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[11:08:45] * Alex left the chat.
[11:09:32] * Alex joined the chat.
[11:11:44] * Alex left the chat.
[11:13:41] * Alex joined the chat.
[11:31:49] * 3pir.homs joined the chat.
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[12:07:37] * pak2army joined the chat.
[12:07:49] <pak2army> Hi any body there?
[12:07:49] * Minos left the chat.
[12:08:31] <Alex> yes 19 anybodys
[12:09:07] <pengwen> o/
[12:09:29] <pak2army> and how many dead bodies
[12:09:33] <pak2army> :)
[12:10:28] <pak2army> Alex.... Ref: to your last link https://support.process-one.net/doc/display/MESSENGER/Using+ejabberd+with+MySQL+native+driver
[12:11:00] <pak2army> can you help me out because i dont know how to do this from terminal.:(
[12:12:47] <pak2army> ejabberd is running on my machine but i couldn't able to connect it to my wamp servers mysql database.
[12:13:10] <pak2army> plz help out.
[12:14:27] <pak2army> :(
[12:14:38] <pak2army> anybody helooo
[12:22:03] * MattJ joined the chat.
[12:22:51] <pak2army> hello
[12:23:34] <pak2army> Alex are you there?
[12:23:56] <pak2army> any body there for help
[12:25:02] <Alex> I guess in this link is all info you need
[12:25:29] <Alex> if you don't know how to execute the linux commands which I written there I guess I cannot help you
[12:27:45] <pak2army> ok can you clearify that if i have to use this script on a hosting server do they allow me to do this. if yes then where i
will find the terminal to run these line of code.
[12:28:17] <Alex> are yo on Linux?
[12:29:40] <pak2army> no currently i am on MAC but i have installed the window7 in it through VMWare and installed the ejabberd on windows locally.
[12:29:53] <pak2army> but hosting server is linux based
[12:30:38] <pak2army> the hosting comany is dream host and they already have installed the ejabber over here
[12:31:11] <pak2army> i can share with you the cpanel user name and password so that if you could help.
[12:31:38] <Alex> I don't think that you will achieve this at dreamhost
[12:31:55] * pak2army left the chat.
[12:31:56] <Alex> you would have to run your own server where you have full control
[12:33:36] * pak2army joined the chat.
[12:34:33] * naw joined the chat.
[12:36:26] <pak2army> mean if i ask to dreamhost to do this for me they can do this
[12:37:12] <Alex> I think so. I don't know how they host ejabberd
[12:37:28] <Alex> this works only if they host it with mysql and you have access to the database
[12:39:01] <pak2army> is there any other solution?
[12:40:44] <Alex> install your own server instead of choosing dreamhost
[12:41:06] <Alex> or talk to dreamhost if they will do it for you when you pay them
[12:41:37] <Alex> if they don't you can also look for another hoster which is flexible enough
[12:43:57] <pak2army> can you suggest me a hosting company for this solution?
[12:44:31] <pak2army> that configured the ejabberd with mysql.
[12:46:00] <pak2army> are you there?
[12:46:42] <Alex> yes I am there. No I cannot recommend you one. But I am sure that Google search will help you
[12:54:21] <pak2army> how will i search the google
[12:55:06] <pak2army> mean any specific words...:(
[12:55:18] <pak2army> with thanx
[12:59:53] <pak2army> many thanx alex for this help i will be more thankful if you could provide a link for a specific hosting comoany.
[13:00:33] <Alex> http://wiki.xmpp.org/web/Jabber_Hosting_Possibilities
[13:01:30] <Alex> the keywords xmpp and hosting showed this in Google after a second
[13:02:23] <pak2army> :) thanx actually confused and din't find the words for proper searching.
[13:02:36] <pak2army> Many thanx Alex for your help
[13:10:31] * Tobias joined the chat.
[13:12:17] * nkt joined the chat.
[13:19:26] * naw left the chat.
[13:26:25] * devil.harminder@gmail.com/Meebo joined the chat.
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[13:26:45] * pak2army left the chat.
[13:27:19] * devil.harminder@gmail.com/Meebo joined the chat.
[13:27:27] <devil.harminder@gmail.com/Meebo> hlo all
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[13:27:39] * nkt left the chat.
[13:30:14] * hoover62414 joined the chat.
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[13:52:35] * Alex left the chat.
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[14:10:52] * nkt joined the chat.
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[14:16:39] * Alex left the chat.
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[15:31:03] * jackson19803 joined the chat.
[15:31:35] * blinry joined the chat.
[15:33:35] <blinry> hello. i’m using pidgin 2.10.4. when i issue "/mood ?" my jabber.org-account is disconnected and is unable to connect again.
[15:34:00] <blinry> i suppose this is a problem with pidgin, but on other servers i can at least reconnect :-/
[15:34:01] <Kev_> What is your jabber.org account?
[15:34:07] <blinry> blinry
[15:35:09] * jackson19803 left the chat.
[15:35:39] <Kev_> I don't see anything particularly interesting about your account in the logs.
[15:35:56] <Kev_> AlthoughI do see you connecting and disconnecting lots.
[15:36:35] <blinry> i will try to use another client and set the mood to something proper there
[15:36:59] <blinry> (and report a bug to pidgin)
[15:37:47] <Kev_> I'm aware that Pidgin allows you to set illegal moods, because I've had a report of this from elsewhere - there's a bug in
the server as well (fixed in newer versions) that allows Pidgin to do this.
[15:40:53] * reagan27346 joined the chat.
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[15:45:09] * psa joined the chat.
[15:50:37] <blinry> oh my, please recommend me a good xmpp client that is able to set the mood. command line tool is ok as well.
[15:51:03] <Kev_> I would give Psi a go - it's quite resilient to XML errors and can set moods.
[15:51:20] <Kev_> I don't guarantee it'll work, but I think it's the client with the best chance.
[15:52:07] <blinry> yeah, ill try it, thanks. i was afraid it was out of development.
[15:52:26] <Kev_> It's not as active as it once was, but it's not dead yet.
[15:52:42] <blinry> still alive, i see ;-)
[15:58:56] * Alex joined the chat.
[15:59:42] * stpeter joined the chat.
[16:01:21] <blinry> still getting "XML parse error" in pidgin, can connect in other clients. not sure setting the mood in psi worked, as i got
no feedback
[16:01:43] * kf left the chat.
[16:01:48] <blinry> i’ll contact the pidgin guys so i don’t have to bother you. keep up the good work!
[16:03:18] <Kev_> There's two bugs at play here - Pidgin shouldn't be sending junk, but the server accepted junk and I suspect the problem is
that it's now sending it back to you when you log in. So Pidgin can fix their bug, but I'm not sure it'll help you connect.
[16:03:29] <Kev_> Of course, I don't know that - an XML dump from your session would help.
[16:03:36] * kf joined the chat.
[16:04:42] <blinry> i’ll try to capture it. wait a moment.
[16:05:12] * Alex left the chat.
[16:05:21] * w3host_it left the chat.
[16:05:56] * Alex joined the chat.
[16:06:09] * kf left the chat.
[16:11:21] * stpeter left the chat.
[16:11:34] * stpeter joined the chat.
[16:17:41] * Alex left the chat.
[16:21:04] <blinry> http://files.morr.cc/blinry-dump.xml
[16:21:46] <Kev_> That doesn't contain a user mood.
[16:22:01] <blinry> i noticed that, too
[16:22:23] <blinry> and it looks like sane xml
[16:22:30] <Kev_> Is it possible that is only a dump of the parsed XML, and not what was actually received from the server?
[16:23:31] <blinry> i used pidgins xmpp-console to capture this. my attempt with wireshark produced encrypted stuff, of course.
[16:24:09] * yuppinturic left the chat.
[16:33:06] * Tobias_ joined the chat.
[16:39:02] * Tobias left the chat.
[17:05:13] <blinry> Kev_: pidgin has an awesome "debug window" under "help" which helped us find out that one of my contacts sent me the mood
"<-/>". darkrain from #pidgin on freenode will contact you.
[17:06:19] <Kev_> Already spoken to him - but as I said I know about this bug in the server and it'll be fixed when we upgrade to a newer version.
[17:07:47] * Alex joined the chat.
[17:16:00] <Tobias_> stpeter, what's got xmpp to do with cement?
[17:16:14] <stpeter> I have no idea!
[17:16:39] <stpeter> Tobias_: it's related to some "internet of things" work happening at IEEE
[17:16:53] <stpeter> http://standards.ieee.org/develop/project/1451.1.4.html
[17:17:10] <Tobias_> ah..that makes, a bit more sense
[17:17:36] <Tobias_> XMPPI, first time hearing of it
[17:21:04] <stpeter> /me wonders why Thunderbird was taking up 99% of CPU on his machine
[17:21:31] <Kev_> I have more problems with memory usage of TB than CPU.
[17:21:40] * blinry left the chat.
[17:50:28] * alroh.2012 joined the chat.
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[17:58:26] * kf joined the chat.
[18:03:33] * naw joined the chat.
[18:40:43] <Neustradamus> XEP-0277 has updated http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0277.html
[18:47:30] * treebilou left the chat.
[18:47:38] * Neustradamus left the chat.
[18:48:56] <Link Mauve> Neustradamus, you know, everybody here has a mail client, they can subscribe to the ML they want.
[18:50:17] <ThurahT> yeah, enough with all this racket about xeps.. Some are trying to idle here.
[18:51:10] * treebilou joined the chat.
[18:53:59] * Neustradamus joined the chat.
[19:01:39] * Alex left the chat.
[19:16:12] <louiz’> louiz’
[19:16:31] <louiz’> And some are waiting to be hled by some random guys. Please be quiet.
[19:16:42] <ThurahT> haha
[19:49:35] <Kev_> louiz’
[19:49:48] <louiz’> thanks
[20:13:01] * Tobias_ left the chat.
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[21:51:18] * Tobias left the chat.
[21:55:39] * treebilou left the chat.
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[22:17:25] * Z_God left the chat.
[22:22:51] * naw left the chat.
[22:27:47] * psa left the chat.
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[22:40:19] * kf left the chat.
[22:44:09] * arthur23604 joined the chat.