Logs for jabber

Show join/part/nick changes:

[00:34:01] * dynam1te joined the chat.
[00:45:19] * treebilou joined the chat.
[00:46:04] * treebilou left the chat.
[00:46:11] * treebilou joined the chat.
[00:52:26] * charchy joined the chat.
[00:54:44] * charchy left the chat.
[01:03:02] * louiz’ left the chat.
[01:03:20] * louiz’ joined the chat.
[01:38:56] * dynam1te left the chat.
[03:15:52] * taft51399 joined the chat.
[03:22:30] <taft51399> hi
[03:31:37] * MattJ left the chat.
[04:55:30] * simar joined the chat.
[05:08:15] * simar left the chat.
[05:12:55] * treebilou left the chat.
[05:13:35] * treebilou joined the chat.
[06:16:24] * امم joined the chat.
[06:18:41] * امم in now known as Hamood.
[06:18:59] <Hamood> :dntknw:
[06:19:51] * Hamood left the chat.
[06:27:07] * Hamood joined the chat.
[06:27:30] * harlock joined the chat.
[06:28:15] * Hamood left the chat.
[06:42:26] * harlock left the chat.
[06:44:18] * harlock joined the chat.
[06:45:22] * Willeam2 joined the chat.
[06:49:27] * Willeam2 left the chat.
[07:27:05] * harrison55300 left the chat.
[07:52:34] * kennedy38367 joined the chat.
[07:57:16] * harlock left the chat.
[07:58:07] * treebilou left the chat.
[08:03:24] * treebilou joined the chat.
[08:08:22] * Alex joined the chat.
[08:16:30] * treebilou left the chat.
[08:28:21] * kennedy38367 left the chat.
[08:42:07] * treebilou joined the chat.
[08:43:00] * treebilou left the chat.
[08:43:02] * treebilou joined the chat.
[10:48:00] * Tobias joined the chat.
[10:53:02] * Z_God joined the chat.
[10:56:10] * harlock joined the chat.
[10:59:27] * dumendil joined the chat.
[10:59:28] * dumendil left the chat.
[11:15:36] * ford60031 joined the chat.
[11:15:54] <ford60031> hi muslims greats fridays
[11:18:12] <louiz’> muslims?
[11:35:43] * pengwen left the chat.
[11:36:28] * pengwen joined the chat.
[11:49:04] * acteon123 joined the chat.
[11:54:34] * ford60031 left the chat.
[12:00:06] * acteon123 left the chat.
[12:17:23] * hoooo joined the chat.
[12:46:10] * Saad99 joined the chat.
[12:46:24] * Saad99 left the chat.
[12:56:20] * treebilou left the chat.
[13:09:19] * Alex left the chat.
[13:15:53] * harlock left the chat.
[13:30:31] * dynam1te joined the chat.
[13:37:57] * Alaa19090 joined the chat.
[13:37:57] * Alaa19090 left the chat.
[13:38:37] * Alaa19090 joined the chat.
[13:38:38] * Alaa19090 left the chat.
[13:39:52] * Alaa19090 joined the chat.
[13:39:52] * Alaa19090 left the chat.
[13:40:00] * hoooo left the chat.
[13:40:25] * Alaa19090 joined the chat.
[13:40:25] * Alaa19090 left the chat.
[13:50:27] * naw joined the chat.
[14:00:17] * naw left the chat.
[14:47:11] * treebilou joined the chat.
[15:10:17] * Alex joined the chat.
[15:19:50] * yuppinturic joined the chat.
[15:24:33] * Tobias left the chat.
[15:36:38] * mckinley35847 joined the chat.
[15:37:16] * mckinley35847 left the chat.
[16:05:05] * treebilou left the chat.
[16:14:17] * Alex joined the chat.
[16:14:55] * Alex left the chat.
[16:14:55] * Alex joined the chat.
[16:15:54] * Alex left the chat.
[16:16:12] * Alex joined the chat.
[16:16:53] * Alex left the chat.
[16:19:06] * Neustradamus joined the chat.
[16:20:38] * treebilou joined the chat.
[16:32:11] * pengwen joined the chat.
[16:35:06] * louiz’ joined the chat.
[16:35:17] <louiz’> :(
[16:41:01] <pengwen> :()
[16:42:27] <louiz’> :(){:|:&};:
[16:42:37] * harrykar joined the chat.
[16:49:46] * martbo joined the chat.
[17:05:32] * Tobias joined the chat.
[17:12:45] * Tobias left the chat.
[17:23:32] * MattJ joined the chat.
[17:32:16] * Link Mauve joined the chat.
[17:56:47] * kf joined the chat.
[18:16:44] * Tobias joined the chat.
[18:20:53] * arife2001 joined the chat.
[18:20:53] * arife2001 left the chat.
[19:07:41] * Kev joined the chat.
[19:58:14] * Z_God joined the chat.
[20:05:35] * harding31271 joined the chat.
[20:08:54] * Aaaalomer joined the chat.
[20:08:55] * Aaaalomer left the chat.
[20:20:45] * dreamcast joined the chat.
[20:47:41] * treebilou left the chat.
[21:19:23] * aldarwish85 joined the chat.
[21:19:23] * aldarwish85 left the chat.
[21:56:22] * Tobias left the chat.
[21:57:57] * Alaa19090 joined the chat.
[21:57:57] * Alaa19090 left the chat.
[21:58:20] * Alaa19090 joined the chat.
[21:58:26] <Alaa19090> في حد ا عربي
[22:01:40] * Alaa19090 left the chat.
[23:02:43] * kf left the chat.
[23:10:36] * Z_God left the chat.
[23:31:37] * dado0o93 joined the chat.
[23:31:46] * dado0o93 left the chat.