Logs for jdev
[00:15:01] * darkrain_ left the chat.
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[06:08:35] * Alex joined the chat.
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[12:09:08] * Vincent V. joined the chat.
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[15:23:21] * Tobias joined the chat.
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[16:00:32] * Kev left the chat.
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[16:08:28] * luca tagliaferri left the chat.
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[20:27:48] * Flow joined the chat.
[20:29:36] <Flow> Hi there. About the mentioning of aSmack on http://xmpp.org/xmpp-software/libraries/ . I would link to my community fork https://github.com/Flowdalic/asmack
instead of rtreffers inital projekt repo. It hasn't been updated in 2 years and mine is up to date (smack 3.2.2)
[20:30:19] <MattJ> I did email rtreffer to ask if he was still maintaining it in any way, but I received no response
[20:30:32] <MattJ> that was a few months ago
[20:30:38] <Flow> I made the same experience
[20:30:38] <MattJ> I think we're using your fork now
[20:31:21] <Flow> He seems to be active. maybe you should ask the buddycould guys (that was the initial reason for asmack)
[20:31:52] <MattJ> Yeah, I know
[20:32:50] <Flow> one general question: what do you think is the most feature rich and "complete" xmpp lib?
[20:32:52] <MattJ> I never manage to catch him online, which is why I emailed him instead
[20:33:02] <MattJ> and indeed, he left the Buddycloud room a couple of hours ago
[20:33:32] <MattJ> For Android? in Java? I'd say asmack from what I've seen so far
[20:33:39] <Flow> you could ask him to take the google project page down, since it's not updated any more
[20:34:07] <Flow> Hehe asmack is unrivaled on android. no i meant in general
[20:34:12] <Flow> from all libraries listed
[20:34:27] <MattJ> All libraries? I'd be biased and say my own (Verse) :P
[20:34:31] <Zash__> +1
[20:35:15] <MattJ> and Zash__ won't be biased either, being the #2 contributor :)
[20:35:43] <Flow> i see :)
[20:35:46] <Zash__> Heh
[20:36:02] <Zash__> I'd keep an eye on Stroke if I were you tho :)
[20:36:03] <Flow> is there a feature list somewhere?
[20:36:36] <Lance> I can vouch for Verse as a non contributor, though I'm biased toward Sleek
[20:37:01] <Zash__> The major missing thing is SASL
[20:37:01] <MattJ> http://code.matthewwild.co.uk/verse/file/tip/plugins is the closest to a feature list
[20:37:13] <MattJ> SASL anything-but-PLAIN
[20:37:23] <MattJ> SASL PLAIN is supported
[20:37:57] <Flow> Hmm I found stroke, but it isn't mentioned on http://xmpp.org/xmpp-software/libraries/
[20:38:27] <Flow> a stroke port to android would be interesting in the future
[20:38:42] <MattJ> Yes
[20:38:47] <Zash__> Kev: Do you consider Stroke mature enough to be added to the list?
[20:39:29] <Flow> seems like stroke and smack are the only active xmpp libs left
[20:39:54] <Zash__> *java
[20:40:09] <Flow> ups, yes java xmpp libs *g*
[20:47:03] <Kev> "Kev: Do you consider Stroke mature enough to be added to the list?"
xmpp.org list? Yes, probably. It's used in Isode management tools.
[20:47:18] <Kev> It's not as complete as Swiften, but then Swiften's hard to beat :)
[20:48:14] * Tobias left the chat.
[20:52:49] <Flow> hmm do I want to parse xml with expat or libxml2?
[20:53:01] <Kev> In a Java lib? :o
[20:53:06] <Flow> nooo
[20:53:14] <Flow> in swiftens gentoo ebuild :)
[20:53:32] <Flow> s/swiftens/swift
[20:53:43] <Kev> Ah. Up to you. I believe we use libxml2 as the default when both are available.
[20:53:45] <Kev> I *think*.
[20:53:48] <MattJ> /me has a soft spot for expat
[20:57:54] * psa joined the chat.
[20:58:51] <Flow> Kev if both are installed (expat and libxml2) I can't choose which one I want to use (or link against)?
[20:59:05] <Kev> That's a jolly good question.
[20:59:14] <Kev> I don't know the answer without checking the build system, let me ask Remko.
[20:59:28] <Flow> I would be nice to have this option for gentoo users
[21:02:06] <Flow> There seems to be a few more issues with swifts scons build system: https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=334887#c9
[21:05:56] <Kev> I'm not sure I speak enough Gentoo to be able to parse that, I'm afraid.
[21:06:34] <Flow> Well maybe your scons guy nows what to do
[21:06:52] * Tobias joined the chat.
[21:07:09] <Flow> The import thing is that scons should allow the user to choose the xml parser if path are present
[21:07:21] <Flow> s/path/both
[21:07:46] <Kev> I don't understand why that's important - either will do the job, so why not just let Swift use libxml (which is the default).
[21:08:48] <Flow> Well it's about gentoo's philosophy: It's about choice. If swiften ebuild has the expat use flag enabled one would expect
to build it with expat and not libxml
[21:09:17] <Flow> you can have your default, just make a scons config option that overrides this
[21:09:43] <Flow> and both sides are happy
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[21:34:39] <Flow> Hmm, so distinguish between xmpp clients, servers and libraries. what about xmpp software that doesn't fit in any of those
categories? Like GTalkSMS. Would be nice to see that too :)
[21:40:10] * Alex joined the chat.
[21:52:18] * Vincent V. left the chat.
[21:52:21] * Vincent V. joined the chat.
[22:06:33] <Zash__> Flow: There was talk about creating a page for components I think
[22:07:02] <Flow> that would be great!
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[22:18:17] * Florob left the chat.
[22:22:09] * Lance left the chat.
[22:23:26] * Treebilou left the chat.
[22:23:37] * Treebilou joined the chat.
[22:30:09] * psa left the chat.
[22:40:29] * Alex left the chat.
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[22:48:33] * xnyhps joined the chat.
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[23:01:27] * Flow left the chat.
[23:10:52] * Zash__ left the chat.
[23:51:40] * louiz’ left the chat.
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