Logs for jabber
[00:26:32] * MattJ left the chat.
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[02:30:38] <roosevelt20555> jl;jl;ljl;
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[06:45:03] * Holger joined the chat.
[07:03:31] * Tobias joined the chat.
[07:06:14] * martbo joined the chat.
[07:45:02] * Kev joined the chat.
[08:11:58] * Arafangion joined the chat.
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[09:11:28] * Link Mauve joined the chat.
[09:15:29] * Alex joined the chat.
[09:19:44] * regit joined the chat.
[09:20:21] <regit> hello, is there a doc somewhere with commands associated to administration of a conference room ?
[09:24:10] <Alex> regit: like that? http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0045.html
[09:24:42] <Alex> admin commands: http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0045.html#admin
[09:25:57] * Tobias left the chat.
[09:37:44] <regit> Alex: is there a client implementing this ?
[09:38:44] <Alex> most clients with group chat support have these features
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[09:52:29] * regit left the chat.
[10:01:29] * Tobias joined the chat.
[10:15:14] * Alex left the chat.
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[10:52:08] * Alex joined the chat.
[11:06:53] * louiz’ joined the chat.
[11:24:55] * aRyo joined the chat.
[11:30:47] * washington46848 joined the chat.
[11:31:11] <washington46848> Hi all. Can someone help with a few questions re XMPP clients please?
[11:31:46] <Kev> Try asking the questions.
[11:31:57] <Kev> Then we'll know :)
[11:32:38] <washington46848> We need to connect to a suppliers XMPP service over the standard 5222 port. They suggested using the Windows Pigin client.
[11:34:44] <washington46848> We would prefer to not use this client as it supports a lot of other IM services which we don't want our users to use. So
would prefer a client that is A. preferably just XMPP. B. Works with both Windows and Apple Mac. C. Supports certs
[11:35:07] <Kev> By 'supports certs' do you mean allowing users to auth with client certs?
[11:36:16] <washington46848> Sorry to be vague... I tried SWIFT but couldn't connect, also tried Spark but couldn't connect. Then we tried Pidgin and got
as far as being prompted to trust the cert.
[11:36:31] <washington46848> None of the other clients gave us a prompt about a cert...
[11:36:49] <Kev> I'm a Swift developer.
[11:37:06] <Kev> What version did you use, and what was the problem?
[11:37:18] <washington46848> I can export the *.PEM file from Pidgin, but SWIFT requires a .cert file
[11:37:40] <Kev> You're trying to use the cert to auth with, right? (Not trying to trust a server cert).
[11:37:45] <Kev> i.e. passwordless auth.
[11:38:09] <washington46848> No password auth. Trusting server cert. No client cert authentication
[11:38:36] <washington46848> No password auth = using password auth rather than client cert authentication
[11:38:37] <Kev> Oh, then you don't want to click the button in Swift that does client cert authentication.
[11:38:42] <Kev> :)
[11:38:55] <Kev> Just put in the JID and password and it should connect to any compliant server.
[11:39:12] <Kev> Although I don't preclude that there could be a bug somewhere.
[11:39:44] <washington46848> Ah ok. Sorry, couldn't find any help user documentation on SWIFT (verion 1.0). and there are no dialog messages / feedback
[11:40:12] <Kev> Writing a user guide is something I'm trying to do in the 2.0 timeframe.
[11:40:46] <washington46848> However when we try to connect using the suggested Pidgin we get "Not Authorised". So at this stage I'm guessing that the
account has been created (Username@domainname.com) but not "Enabled" as yet...
[11:40:49] <Kev> You can always drop by the Swift MUC if you have questions, mind.
[11:41:17] <washington46848> no that's cool. I salute you for even being able to write a client ;)
[11:41:33] <Kev> That sounds like something to speak to your server vendor about - and as you said your vendor is suggesting Pidgin I don't
believe that's us.
[11:42:54] <washington46848> Does Swift support Server certs? I thought I read that 5222 uses it's own encryption and 5223 is OPENSSL?
[11:43:04] <washington46848> I probably have this completely wrong... :\
[11:43:05] <Kev> I think you've been misinformed.
[11:43:16] <washington46848> See above ^^^ ;)
[11:44:06] <Kev> Both 5222 and 5223 (which is legacy/pre-standardisation) use TLS.
[11:44:30] <Kev> 5223 applies TLS immediately to the socket, 5222 applies TLS to the stream after the client has said which domain it wants
to talk to.
[11:44:39] <Kev> The encryption is the same either way.
[11:44:58] <Kev> And yes, Swift supports TLS, it's a requirement of all XMPP clients/servers.
[11:45:57] <washington46848> Ok cool. Appreciate that. Thanks. I'd prefer to use SWIFT over Pidgin. - Can't be bad after I selected to use your client
over all the other ;)
[11:47:03] <Kev> (Note that Swift only does XMPP - it doesn't do pre-XMPP stuff like 5223)
[11:48:09] <washington46848> Thanks. Should I be prompted by the Swift to import the server cert if connectivity is successfull?
[11:48:19] <Kev> Only if the cert isn't trusted by your OS.
[11:51:37] * yuppinturic left the chat.
[11:59:53] <washington46848> hmm.Can now connect by Pidgin and Spark, but not Swift..
[12:00:14] <Kev> What happens with Swift?
[12:00:46] <washington46848> Just stays there. Flashing Grey / Green icon in tray
[12:00:57] * yuppinturic joined the chat.
[12:01:13] <Kev> And the login screen remains greyed out trying to connect?
[12:01:32] <washington46848> Yes, only cancel button available
[12:01:52] <Kev> Hit cancel, turn on the debug console, try logging in again and see if anything happens.
[12:01:56] <washington46848> I'd prefer to not use the other clients due to security of public UM services. Thus one of the benefits of Swift :)
[12:02:15] <Kev> It suggests that either the server isn't responding at all, or that it's starting to respond and then hanging.
[12:03:02] <washington46848> There is output on the debug screen
[12:03:11] <washington46848> I'm not sure if its to do with the username supplied...
[12:03:21] <washington46848> For example...
[12:03:39] <washington46848> The Domain name provided is xmpp.suppliername.com
[12:03:57] <washington46848> The username is firstname.sirname and port is 5222
[12:04:44] <Kev> So you put firstname.surname@xmpp.supplier.com into the JID field, and the password into the password field?
[12:04:57] <Kev> Do you want to pastebin the output to see if it's obvious what's wrong?
[12:05:04] <washington46848> However when lookin at the clients that are connected (Pidgin and Spark) the username looks like firstname.sirname@suppliername.com
rather than firstname.lastname@xmpp.suppliername.com. I've tried both in Swift but no luck...
[12:05:40] <Kev> Is this stuff externall accessible?
[12:05:49] <washington46848> dont think so
[12:05:52] <Kev> *externally
[12:07:13] * Tobias left the chat.
[12:07:49] <Kev> washington46848: When you set it up in Pidgin, what did you do?
[12:08:01] <Kev> Did you tell it to manually connect to a server different from the one in the username or anything?
[12:08:09] <Kev> (i.e. your DNS isn't set up correctly)
[12:08:16] <washington46848> Just entered uname, password and domain name
[12:08:21] <washington46848> DNS is fine ;)
[12:08:35] <Kev> Then just entering the address (user@domain) and password into Swift should be fine.
[12:08:53] <Kev> Feel free to pastebin the output of the Debug Console if you'd like me to look at it.
[12:09:51] <washington46848> <!-- OUT -->
<?xml version="1.0"?><stream:stream xmlns="jabber:client" xmlns:stream="http://etherx.jabber.org/streams" to="xmpp.atlasit.com"
<!-- IN -->
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><stream:stream xmlns:stream="http://etherx.jabber.org/streams" xmlns="jabber:client"
from="atlasit.com" id="34694e9d" xml:lang="en" version="1.0">
<!-- IN -->
<stream:features><starttls xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-tls"></starttls><mechanisms xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl"><mechanism>PLAIN</mechanism></mechanisms><compression
xmlns="http://jabber.org/features/compress"><method>zlib</method></compression><auth xmlns="http://jabber.org/features/iq-auth"/></stream:features>
<!-- OUT -->
<starttls xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-tls"/>
<!-- IN -->
<proceed xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-tls"/>
[12:10:32] <Kev> Ah, interesting.
[12:10:48] <Kev> So TLS negotiation seems to be hanging for some reason.
[12:10:57] <Kev> Are you on OS X or Windows at the moment?
[12:11:12] <washington46848> Win 7 x64 SP1
[12:11:37] <washington46848> I can try on an x86 Sp1 if you want and try again.
[12:11:39] <Kev> Would you like to try a 2.0 preview that uses Windows's TLS stuff instead of OpenSSL, and see if that's any different?
[12:11:47] <washington46848> Sure
[12:12:09] <washington46848> That would be great
[12:13:01] <Kev> http://files.swift.im/share/Swift-2.0alpha-dev576.msi is reasonably recent - although do note that this is a dev build, not
a final release, with all that entairs.
[12:13:03] <Kev> *entails.
[12:13:34] <washington46848> Thats cool thanks. It's only a few people and I'll put in a virtual sandbox so it wont cause any issues :)
[12:15:13] <washington46848> Were in ! :)
[12:15:18] <washington46848> We're
[12:15:38] <Kev> Excellent.
[12:16:02] <washington46848> Thanks a million!
[12:16:07] <Kev> You're welcome.
[12:18:08] <washington46848> I'll check by the site for updates. Thanks again, and hats off to you for being able to do this in the first place! ;)
[12:18:32] <Kev> We're hoping to release the first public 2.0 beta in a couple of weeks, FTR.
[12:20:40] <washington46848> Do you mind if I roll this alpha out?
[12:20:47] <Kev> I do not.
[12:21:26] <washington46848> K. Thanks again and have a great day. :) Cya
[12:21:32] <Kev> Thanks, bye.
[12:22:44] * washington46848 left the chat.
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[12:52:25] * Кухулин joined the chat.
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[16:34:04] <monroe38485> hey someone mind helping me setup a chat room for my phpbb site?
[16:34:29] <monroe38485> it keeps saying connection refused
[16:35:45] <monroe38485> anyone here?
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[20:46:02] <naw> 1 month for the Open Discussion Day
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[20:49:44] <psa> oh yeah
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