Logs for jdev
[00:00:27] * Lance left the chat.
[00:15:01] * darkrain_ left the chat.
[00:47:04] * £/ joined the chat.
[00:54:50] * psa joined the chat.
[01:54:40] * Lance joined the chat.
[01:54:48] * Lance left the chat.
[01:54:50] * Lance joined the chat.
[01:54:50] * Lance left the chat.
[01:59:51] * Lance joined the chat.
[02:01:17] * Lance left the chat.
[02:01:48] * Lance joined the chat.
[03:08:18] * psa left the chat.
[03:48:04] * Lance left the chat.
[03:52:04] * Lance joined the chat.
[04:58:49] * Dai joined the chat.
[04:58:50] * Dai left the chat.
[04:58:52] * Dai joined the chat.
[04:58:52] * Dai left the chat.
[04:58:55] * Dai joined the chat.
[04:58:56] * Dai left the chat.
[04:58:56] * Dai joined the chat.
[04:58:56] * Dai left the chat.
[05:02:49] * Dai joined the chat.
[06:34:53] * Steffen Larsen joined the chat.
[06:34:53] * Steffen Larsen left the chat.
[06:35:34] * Steffen Larsen joined the chat.
[06:53:06] * Lance left the chat.
[06:53:25] * scippio left the chat.
[06:54:26] * Treebilou joined the chat.
[06:54:48] * £/ left the chat.
[06:55:18] * Treebilou left the chat.
[06:55:23] * Treebilou joined the chat.
[07:00:40] * Steffen Larsen left the chat.
[07:13:04] * 11 joined the chat.
[07:24:23] * Asterix joined the chat.
[07:25:09] * luca tagliaferri joined the chat.
[07:32:51] * akuckartz joined the chat.
[07:47:19] * akuckartz left the chat.
[07:51:14] * akuckartz joined the chat.
[08:24:10] * guus joined the chat.
[08:28:13] * xnyhps left the chat.
[08:30:59] * xnyhps joined the chat.
[08:33:11] * 11 left the chat.
[08:36:04] * Tobias joined the chat.
[08:44:00] * jon joined the chat.
[09:26:30] * Neustradamus left the chat.
[09:27:08] * Neustradamus joined the chat.
[09:51:31] * Tobias left the chat.
[10:02:11] * guus left the chat.
[10:13:45] * akuckartz left the chat.
[10:16:42] * Tobias joined the chat.
[10:16:49] * Florob joined the chat.
[10:27:51] * Treebilou left the chat.
[10:28:40] * Treebilou joined the chat.
[10:39:21] * scippio joined the chat.
[10:39:41] * jon left the chat.
[10:56:04] * Neustradamus left the chat.
[10:56:39] * Neustradamus joined the chat.
[11:03:08] * guus joined the chat.
[11:18:51] * akuckartz joined the chat.
[11:19:08] * Florob left the chat.
[11:27:03] * Hermitifier left the chat.
[11:27:28] * Hermitifier joined the chat.
[11:37:24] * ? joined the chat.
[11:37:57] * dwd left the chat.
[11:37:57] * guus left the chat.
[11:37:57] * Treebilou left the chat.
[11:38:05] * dwd joined the chat.
[11:38:24] * Treebilou joined the chat.
[12:04:03] * Arafangion joined the chat.
[12:10:16] * guus joined the chat.
[12:15:16] * Arafangion left the chat.
[12:15:16] * Arafangion joined the chat.
[12:30:36] * Vincent V._ joined the chat.
[12:33:40] * Florob joined the chat.
[12:36:48] * Vincent V._ left the chat.
[12:41:47] * Kev left the chat.
[12:42:47] * Kev joined the chat.
[12:54:24] * naw joined the chat.
[12:59:28] * guus left the chat.
[13:04:38] * Arafangion left the chat.
[13:12:08] * guus joined the chat.
[13:23:33] * Zash__ joined the chat.
[13:27:24] * aRyo joined the chat.
[13:32:44] * Dai left the chat.
[13:36:57] * ? in now known as &#.
[13:37:02] * jcea joined the chat.
[13:38:25] * guus left the chat.
[13:38:56] * naw left the chat.
[13:40:17] <&#> //А б ц д е ф г х и й к л м н о п ь р с т у в ш х ы з А б ц д е ф г х и й к л м н о"_"_"_"_"_"_"_"////А б ц д е ф г х и й
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в ш х ы з А б ц д е ф г х и й к л м н о"_"_"_"_"_"_"_"////А б ц д е ф г х и й к л м н о п ь р с т у в ш х ы з А б ц д е ф
г х и й к л м н о"_"_"_"_"_"_"_"////А б ц д е ф г х и й к л м н о п ь р с т у в ш х ы з А б ц д е ф г х и й к л м н о"_"_"_"_"_"_"_"////А
б ц д е ф г х и й к л м н о п ь р с т у в ш х ы з А б ц д е ф г х и й к л м н о"_"_"_"_"_"_"_"////А б ц д е ф г х и й к л
м н о п ь р с т у в ш х ы з А б ц д е ф г х и й к л м н о"_"_"_"_"_"_"_"////А б ц д е ф г х и й к л м н о п ь р с т у в ш
х ы з А б ц д е ф г х и й к л м н о"_"_"_"_"_"_"_"////А б ц д е ф г х и й к л м н о п ь р с т у в ш х ы з А б ц д е ф г х
и й к л м н о"_"_"_"_"_"_"_"////А б ц д е ф г х и й к л м н о п ь р с т у в ш х ы з А б ц д е ф г х и й к л м н о"_"_"_"_"_"_"_"////А
б ц д е ф г х и й к л м н о п ь р с т у в ш х ы з А б ц д е ф г х и й к л м н о"_"_"_"_"_"_"_"////А б ц д е ф г х и й к л
м н о п ь р с т у в ш х ы з А б ц д е ф г х и й к л м н о"_"_"_"_"_"_"_"////А б ц д е ф г х и й к л м н о п ь р с т у в ш
х ы з А б ц д е ф г х и й
[13:40:57] <&#> //А б ц д е ф г х и й к л м н о п ь р с т у в ш х ы з А б ц д е ф г х и й к л м н о"_"_"_"_"_"_"_"////А б ц д е ф г х и й
к л м н о п ь р с т у в ш х ы з А б ц д е ф г х и й к л м н о"_"_"_"_"_"_"_"////А б ц д е ф г х и й к л м н о п ь р с т у
в ш х ы з А б ц д е ф г х и й к л м н о"_"_"_"_"_"_"_"////А б ц д е ф г х и й к л м н о п ь р с т у в ш х ы з А б ц д е ф
г х и й к л м н о"_"_"_"_"_"_"_"//
[13:42:00] <&#> //А б ц д е ф г х и й к л м н о п ь р с т у в ш х ы з А б ц д е ф г х и й к л м н о"_"_"_"_"_"_"_"////А б ц д е ф г х и й
к л м н о п ь р с т у в ш х ы з А б ц д е ф г х и й к л м н о"_"_"_"_"_"_"_"////А б ц д е ф г х и й к л м н о п ь р с т у
в ш х ы з А б ц д е ф г х и й к л м н о"_"_"_"_"_"_"_"////А б ц д е ф г х и й к л м н о п ь р с т у в ш х ы з А б ц д е ф
г х и й к л м н о"_"_"_"_"_"_"_"//
[13:42:10] <Zash__> Kev:
[13:42:24] * &# left the chat.
[13:42:47] <Zash__> Kev: What did this guys nickname look like to you in Swift?
[13:42:54] <aRyo> what's going on?
[13:43:10] <Kev> Just someone spamming.
[13:44:11] <aRyo> they logged in as a guest or as a member?
[13:44:16] <Zash__> &# has entered the room
[13:44:25] <Kev> They're still in here as ?
[13:44:44] <Zash__> http://tmpx.zash.se/i/hL.png
[13:45:39] <Zash__> & # 38 ; #
[13:45:39] <aRyo> can't you just kill their session?
[13:45:55] <Kev> Yes.
[13:46:56] <Link Mauve> Here it was just the ampersand and hash characters.
[13:47:51] * & joined the chat.
[13:47:54] <aRyo> ejabberd captcha will be usefull on this condition
[13:48:09] <Kev> Zash: What are you doing? :p
[13:48:19] <Kev> aRyo: No, not very.
[13:48:39] <Zash__> " &amp; has entered the room. "
[13:48:51] * & left the chat.
[13:49:44] <Zash__> hmm
[13:55:38] * guus joined the chat.
[13:56:59] <aRyo> ? < that looks like a symbol of the riddler
[13:58:58] <aRyo> http://images.wikia.com/batman/images/c/cb/The_Riddler_01.jpg
[13:59:07] * mathieui left the chat.
[13:59:21] * louiz’ left the chat.
[13:59:27] * mathieui joined the chat.
[13:59:37] * louiz’ joined the chat.
[14:02:26] <aRyo> this one look much better http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/363/a/0/the_riddler_4_by_insane_pencil-d35yedm.jpg
[14:07:29] <Kev> This isn't really a cosplay channel aRyo.
[14:07:52] <aRyo> oops..
[14:08:23] <aRyo> okay i leave then, sorry guys
[14:08:25] <louiz’> :D
[14:08:45] <aRyo> see yaa.. :D
[14:08:54] * aRyo left the chat.
[14:11:16] * MattJ joined the chat.
[14:11:30] <Kev> MattJ: MAM.
[14:12:54] <MattJ> Yes
[14:12:55] <dwd> Kev/MattJ, MAM, bam, Thank-you, Wham?
[14:13:21] <Kev> Surely that should be Wham, bam, thank-you MAM?
[14:15:32] * guus left the chat.
[14:16:20] <MattJ> I have a meeting in 15min, let's see what I can do...
[14:17:12] <MattJ> In other good news, I should be back on my primary account by the end of the week
[14:18:09] <dwd> Kev, I was thinking that George Michael's old duo would have as much likelyhood of submitting MAM as Matt, really.
[14:30:19] <Kev> MattJ: You just say "I'm submitting this, I'll sort out the XML later", and link to mwco.uk.
[14:38:59] * psa joined the chat.
[14:45:04] * darkrain_ joined the chat.
[14:45:18] * akuckartz left the chat.
[15:07:08] <Hermitifier> Hm, Mcabber said '[15:42:24] <jdev@conference.jabber.org/&#>: Unknown role "na"'
[15:07:08] <Hermitifier> Isn't 'none' proper value?
[15:07:33] <mathieui> 'na' isn’t
[15:07:39] <MattJ> "na" certainly isn't a role
[15:08:40] * *◄(((T/H/£(♥)K/Í/Ñ/G)))►* joined the chat.
[15:11:24] < *◄(((T/H/£(♥)K/Í/Ñ/G)))►*> /me _Hi_
[15:12:30] < *◄(((T/H/£(♥)K/Í/Ñ/G)))►*> /me :nose:
[15:14:48] * *◄(((T/H/£(♥)K/Í/Ñ/G)))►* left the chat.
[15:14:56] * *◄(((T/H/£(♥)K/Í/Ñ/G)))►* joined the chat.
[15:15:08] * *◄(((T/H/£(♥)K/Í/Ñ/G)))►* left the chat.
[15:15:14] <dwd> Banned, this time.
[15:15:35] <Kev> I considered that, but decided they hadn't done anything very offensive.
[15:15:44] <Kev> Other than being a bit strange.
[15:16:22] <dwd> Ah. You don't get their presence <status/> splurged across your screen, of course.
[15:17:14] <Kev> Of course not, that'd be silly :D
[15:17:29] <Kev> It was quite a long status, I'll grant you.
[15:19:29] <dwd> It made my chat window scroll, yes.
[15:19:41] <dwd> (I actually misread it as several /me things, originally)
[15:25:40] * Destructhor joined the chat.
[15:31:30] * Destructhor left the chat.
[15:39:23] * Tobias left the chat.
[16:05:08] * luigiandrea joined the chat.
[16:08:38] * Tobias joined the chat.
[16:11:16] * xnyhps left the chat.
[16:11:54] * xnyhps joined the chat.
[16:12:14] * luigiandrea left the chat.
[16:12:16] * luigiandrea joined the chat.
[16:23:02] * luca tagliaferri left the chat.
[16:28:59] * luigiandrea left the chat.
[16:34:06] * Florob left the chat.
[17:11:31] * Zash__ left the chat.
[17:14:00] * Florob joined the chat.
[17:38:41] * scippio left the chat.
[18:07:39] * Neustradamus left the chat.
[18:08:02] * naw joined the chat.
[18:09:45] * Neustradamus joined the chat.
[18:22:15] * Neustradamus left the chat.
[18:24:02] * Neustradamus joined the chat.
[18:25:56] * Neustradamus left the chat.
[18:28:09] * Neustradamus joined the chat.
[18:37:57] * guus joined the chat.
[18:38:14] * Tobias left the chat.
[18:38:19] * Tobias joined the chat.
[18:48:38] * admin joined the chat.
[19:08:13] * xnyhps left the chat.
[19:08:15] * xnyhps joined the chat.
[19:11:18] * admin left the chat.
[19:12:53] * xnyhps left the chat.
[19:12:58] * xnyhps joined the chat.
[19:18:00] * xnyhps left the chat.
[19:18:00] * xnyhps joined the chat.
[19:18:28] * luca tagliaferri joined the chat.
[19:41:16] * xnyhps left the chat.
[20:19:18] * scippio joined the chat.
[20:22:21] * psa left the chat.
[20:22:37] * psa joined the chat.
[20:43:20] * scippio left the chat.
[20:46:28] * scippio joined the chat.
[20:51:18] * guus left the chat.
[21:13:54] * Asterix left the chat.
[21:17:56] * Asterix joined the chat.
[21:25:12] * Asterix left the chat.
[21:30:59] * Lance joined the chat.
[21:31:05] * Lance left the chat.
[21:31:10] * Lance joined the chat.
[21:31:13] * Lance left the chat.
[21:33:00] * Lance joined the chat.
[21:35:38] * scippio left the chat.
[21:36:42] * scippio joined the chat.
[21:41:04] * Florob left the chat.
[21:50:41] * Treebilou left the chat.
[21:51:51] * Treebilou joined the chat.
[21:57:21] * naw left the chat.
[22:07:52] * Treebilou left the chat.
[22:27:21] * Lance left the chat.
[22:28:22] * psa left the chat.
[22:37:39] * luca tagliaferri left the chat.
[22:38:03] * luca tagliaferri joined the chat.
[22:39:31] * Lance joined the chat.
[22:41:55] * Tobias left the chat.
[22:49:04] * Florob joined the chat.
[22:53:36] * MattJ joined the chat.
[22:54:21] * darkrain_ joined the chat.
[22:56:20] * Xificurk joined the chat.
[22:56:25] * Minos joined the chat.
[23:00:03] * elmex joined the chat.
[23:02:16] * jcea joined the chat.
[23:35:58] * Neustradamus joined the chat.
[23:37:17] * mathieui joined the chat.
[23:48:49] * Neustradamus left the chat.
[23:48:54] * Neustradamus joined the chat.
[23:54:09] * Lance joined the chat.