Logs for jabber
[00:34:58] * Tobias left the chat.
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[01:03:58] * jackson55651 joined the chat.
[01:04:17] <jackson55651> Btc@chipchat.com
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[01:49:58] <ll> fghjukl;'
[01:50:02] <ll> ghkjlk;'
[01:50:07] <ll> liooihokjl
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[04:03:44] * Google222 joined the chat.
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[04:24:12] * jefferson57713 joined the chat.
[04:39:07] * jefferson57713 in now known as Dhaval.
[04:39:09] <Dhaval> Hi
[04:39:14] <Dhaval> i am back
[04:39:23] <Dhaval> some more quetion reted to XMPP
[04:39:29] <Dhaval> is anyone here?
[04:50:25] * abdulmanan58 joined the chat.
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[04:50:56] * abdulmanan58 joined the chat.
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[04:52:08] * Dhaval left the chat.
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[05:08:59] * carter22380 joined the chat.
[05:09:14] * carter22380 in now known as Dhaval.
[05:09:30] <Dhaval> can anyone sget goof forums for XMPP
[05:09:31] <Dhaval> ?
[05:36:45] <Dhaval> is anyone there?
[05:37:03] <Dhaval> matt are u here?
[05:41:56] * Dhaval left the chat.
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[06:03:26] * dhaval left the chat.
[06:05:26] * Dreamsyria joined the chat.
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[06:40:24] * aRyo joined the chat.
[06:55:21] * cherry^ joined the chat.
[07:08:10] * mebs joined the chat.
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[07:43:40] * Kev_ joined the chat.
[07:55:15] * monroe7189 joined the chat.
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[08:07:22] * Kev_ left the chat.
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[08:18:30] * mebs joined the chat.
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[09:09:00] * dhaval joined the chat.
[09:09:35] <dhaval> is anyioc can help me in XMPPne here wh
[09:09:44] <dhaval> who can help me in XMPP
[09:10:08] <dhaval> yestarday here 2 -3 frids have help me i have done some sucessful
[09:11:12] <dhaval> now i have some more quetion
[09:11:27] <dhaval> can anypne help me?
[09:16:51] * cherry^ left the chat.
[09:30:09] <dhaval> waiting for some frineds who help me
[09:34:08] <mebs> dhaval: you are already a big boy. I think you can achieve it by yourself
[09:35:06] <dhaval> yes but still have some query
[09:35:17] <dhaval> if freinds help it will sasy for me
[09:35:30] <dhaval> do you ever build XMPP chat aaplicetion
[09:35:31] <dhaval> ?
[09:35:39] <dhaval> 1 to 1 chat ike facebbok and gmail
[09:35:46] <dhaval> i want to test the proer code
[09:36:00] <dhaval> in bok and that all some limiteiton code
[09:36:03] <mebs> dhaval: no. I am only a user of jabber
[09:36:12] <dhaval> ok ok
[09:55:24] * cherry^ joined the chat.
[10:04:43] * dhaval left the chat.
[10:06:34] * Meadar82 joined the chat.
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[10:09:04] * yuppinturic joined the chat.
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[10:14:20] * Alex joined the chat.
[10:24:00] * Alex left the chat.
[10:25:22] * dhaval joined the chat.
[10:26:28] <dhaval> what is the difference between server and client ?>
this is client : http://xmpp.org/xmpp-software/clients/
this is server : http://xmpp.org/xmpp-software/servers/
[10:26:30] <dhaval> ?
[10:26:37] <dhaval> can any one tell me?
[10:26:42] <dhaval> use of clients
[10:26:42] <dhaval> ?
[10:26:49] <dhaval> this is client : http://xmpp.org/xmpp-software/clients/
[10:26:56] <Kev_> Are you sure you've read the book thoroughly?
[10:27:00] <Kev_> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Client%E2%80%93server_model
[10:29:14] * Alex joined the chat.
[10:29:18] * Alex left the chat.
[10:30:39] <dhaval> i am reding some part of bbok
[10:30:51] <dhaval> i am not programe so ingksthis the th
[10:31:15] <dhaval> i am not a programer that is why i am asking this quetions
[10:31:45] <dhaval> so i need to cannect with cleint server?
[10:31:58] <dhaval> mins open fire to other cleint pc?
[10:32:00] <Vincent V.> programer or not, this is general culture about IT, specially when u are part of the research team
[10:32:32] <Vincent V.> if u have problem ask developper in ur company to explain u ?
[10:32:58] <dhaval> sorry i am askng lots of besic quetionhere
[10:33:09] <dhaval> i know u all helping me very well
[10:33:19] <dhaval> and i am really thank full to u all
[10:33:24] <dhaval> please don't min
[10:33:30] <dhaval> don't mind
[10:44:54] <dhaval> what's google XMPP server?
[10:45:03] <dhaval> i know they are using his own
[10:45:13] <dhaval> but can anyone have that detail?
[10:54:10] * Tobias joined the chat.
[10:54:35] * Tobias left the chat.
[10:56:33] <dhaval> is anyone there?
[11:09:32] <dhaval> what's google XMPP server?
[11:09:38] <dhaval> any one have any info?
[11:30:36] * Alex joined the chat.
[11:36:52] * Alex left the chat.
[11:37:12] * Alex joined the chat.
[11:38:31] * barhoo88 joined the chat.
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[11:40:52] <dhaval> still any one online
[11:40:52] <dhaval> ?
[11:41:16] <Alex> yup
[11:42:28] <dhaval> hat's google XMPP server?
[11:42:29] <dhaval> \?
[11:42:36] <dhaval> can you please tell me alex?
[11:42:50] <dhaval> they are using there own but what's the name?
[11:42:52] <dhaval> any idea?
[11:43:41] <Alex> no idea, why are you asking?
[11:44:02] <Alex> its proprietary software, you can't download it. So i think it doesn't matter
[11:44:43] * Alex left the chat.
[11:45:14] * Alex joined the chat.
[11:45:49] * best.dpk joined the chat.
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[11:46:02] <Alex> you can only use it with your Gmail ID, or with Google APPs
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[11:50:21] * best.dpk left the chat.
[11:53:05] <dhaval> i don't need to download but just eant to know how they manges
[11:54:28] <Alex> there is no info available about the details of their server
[11:57:29] <dhaval> how can i develope my own smpp server?
[11:57:35] <dhaval> XMPP server
[11:57:54] <dhaval> i know first i need to under send detail of xmpp
[11:57:59] <dhaval> then i need to ask
[11:58:41] <Alex> why do you want to develop yor own? There are many servers available, open source and commercial
[11:59:14] <Alex> developing a server is a very complex task, and will probably take years when you are working alone on the project
[11:59:14] <dhaval> why google have devlope there own?
[12:00:15] <Alex> because I think one of teh existing servers did not fit thier requirements, and they are a huge company with lots of resources,
manpower and money
[12:00:58] <dhaval> for example if i work with openfire then how many user can able to chat?
[12:01:04] <dhaval> maximum?
[12:01:12] <dhaval> 1 miliaons?
[12:01:27] <Alex> no idea, you have to ask the developers.
[12:02:10] <dhaval> are you not devloper/
[12:02:15] <dhaval> ?
[12:02:22] <Alex> I am, but not for Openfire
[12:02:34] <dhaval> are you in which product?
[12:02:35] <Alex> do you have 1 million users?
[12:02:57] <dhaval> yes i am confident when i will onchmy site they will come more
[12:03:00] <Alex> I mean concurrent users, not registered users
[12:03:04] <dhaval> but take time
[12:03:15] <dhaval> not yet project lonch
[12:03:42] <Alex> then look at servers which support clustering
[12:03:49] <Alex> like Tigase or ejabberd
[12:03:58] <dhaval> what is clustering?
[12:04:01] <Alex> they have numbers available
[12:04:07] <dhaval> ok
[12:04:19] <dhaval> are you woking on which XMPP server?
[12:05:02] <Alex> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cluster_(computing)
[12:05:54] <Alex> I am not working on any server. I am working on other code and do XMPP consulting
[12:05:56] <dhaval> i sse this so that mins i need to use for example 100 CPU then i need to add oepnfire in all 100 cpu?
[12:07:27] <Alex> you can also talk to one of the commercial server vendors
[12:07:48] <Alex> they can tell you exactly how many connections they can handle and what hardware you need
[12:07:57] <Alex> but this depeds on so many factors
[12:08:03] <dhaval> ok
[12:08:42] <Alex> its a big difference if your users are only connected and write 1 message every 2 minutes, or if they write 20 messages per
[12:08:58] <dhaval> do you have any example code for one to one code?
[12:09:04] <Alex> how many contacts they have, if you use group chats and other features
[12:09:53] <dhaval> do you have any example code for one to one code?
[12:10:07] <Alex> before you can find example code you have to specify which programming language and techniques you want to use
[12:10:22] <Alex> You can find tons of examples in the web for XMPP code
[12:10:37] <dhaval> i need example like gmail
[12:10:43] <dhaval> yes need in xmpp code
[12:10:50] <dhaval> java screte will be fine'
[12:11:08] <Alex> Desktop, Mobile, Web?
[12:11:34] <dhaval> web base
[12:11:38] <dhaval> like gmail
[12:11:41] <dhaval> facebbok
[12:11:55] <Alex> go here:
[12:12:03] <dhaval> ok then
[12:12:10] <Alex> there are libraries for every programming langage
[12:12:15] <Alex> they all come with examples
[12:12:18] <Kev_> dhaval: You really need to read that book, whether you're a dev or not, if you want to understand.
[12:12:53] <Alex> Kev_: I told him at least 10 times ;-)
[12:12:58] <dhaval> osrry about lots silly quetions but somtime i don't understend
[12:13:04] <dhaval> :)
[12:14:35] <dhaval> i know i am keep reding but i am man like goin with direct example
[12:15:10] <dhaval> i know this methode is not good for sterting
[12:15:25] <Alex> dhaval: examples don't help if you don't understadn the basics
[12:16:01] <Alex> if you don't like readiing then start with downloading client software, install it and use it
[12:16:06] <dhaval> i have open this
[12:16:11] <dhaval> http://xmpp.org/xmpp-software/libraries/
[12:16:24] <dhaval> but where is the example of one to one chagt
[12:17:32] <Alex> it comes with th library when there is one
[12:17:47] <Alex> or the documentation of the library
[12:18:30] <Alex> for web stuff look at the "JavaScript" libraries
[12:18:53] <Alex> there are 9 listed on this page
[12:18:54] <dhaval> Strophe
[12:19:03] <dhaval> is this also librery
[12:19:04] <Alex> for example
[12:19:04] <dhaval> ?
[12:19:27] <Alex> the webchat you are using right now is written with strophe
[12:19:39] <Alex> but its not 1:1, its group chat
[12:19:47] <Alex> but strophe does also 1:1
[12:20:23] <dhaval> yes i need to use 1:1 liek gmail facebbok
[12:20:40] <dhaval> can you give me proepr link from Strophe for 1:1
[12:20:50] <Alex> no I can't
[12:20:59] <Alex> go to the web page and look for info
[12:21:14] <dhaval> i know u are engry for aksing loits quetion let me find out and confrm with you
[12:21:35] <Alex> or go here:
[12:21:50] <Alex> there are many existing clients. Many of the web clients are written with strophe
[12:22:02] <Alex> so when they are open source then download them and study the code
[12:22:03] <dhaval> but that is live website list
[12:22:44] <dhaval> ok so i need to go pletform " Browser "
[12:22:47] <dhaval> am i right?
[12:23:01] <Alex> right
[12:24:00] <Alex> http://jappix.org/ is similar to facebook
[12:24:01] <dhaval> there is 4 to 5 browser base
[12:24:04] <dhaval> ok
[12:24:08] <dhaval> let me open it
[12:24:11] <Alex> don't know if its based on strophe or not
[12:25:23] <dhaval> they are giving free soce code?
[12:26:25] <dhaval> is this a example of site?
[12:26:34] <dhaval> how can i use this?
[12:26:37] <dhaval> http://jappix.org/
[12:26:56] <dhaval> i know again silly quetion but if you can help me then really help ful
[12:26:56] <Kev_> dhaval: Please do a little research yourself instead of asking Alex to spoonfeed you.
[12:27:37] <dhaval> i think here people help ..i know allredy you all have help me lot i have sucessfull done server confgretion
[12:28:21] <dhaval> just last quetion for for now http://jappix.org/ is example but nor providing soce code am i right?
[12:28:36] <dhaval> nor providing = not providing
[12:29:09] <Alex> I think you need new glasses
[12:29:18] <dhaval> :)
[12:29:34] <Alex> when i visit the webpage I see one bog green download button for the sources
[12:31:15] <dhaval> i know i am asking silly qwutions but really thanks full all of u
[12:32:59] <dhaval> i have downloded thi but this not a sorce code i think
[12:37:27] <dhaval> please tell me the anskwer
[12:38:42] <dhaval> alex are you from ag-software?
[12:39:29] <Alex> yes I am
[12:40:31] <dhaval> did delte my post dear
[12:40:34] <dhaval> :)
[12:41:39] <Alex> dhaval: thats not funny
[12:42:34] <Alex> we all help you a lot, buut you should start reaseaching yourself now and learn, eg. by reading the book and understand the
[12:42:55] <dhaval> ye si am doiing it also ..i am really thanks full to you
[12:43:00] <dhaval> and other person here
[12:43:12] <dhaval> you all help me lot and my besic funda are very clear now
[12:43:23] <dhaval> ni am still trying to solve this query
[12:43:35] <dhaval> but anyway i will be soon come hre after some resarch
[12:43:41] <dhaval> thanks all frinds
[12:43:57] <dhaval> if possible alex just on my there so it will be help full for fure
[12:44:05] <dhaval> i will not post other wuetion there
[12:44:13] <dhaval> but there is ome answer i need to se furre
[12:44:18] <dhaval> so please just on that
[12:44:25] <dhaval> i am reqvesting you
[12:44:28] <Alex> if you want to do web development with strophe then buy this book:
[12:44:47] <Alex> its from the author of strophe and all about web development
[12:44:56] * Bruno :P joined the chat.
[12:45:13] * Bruno :P left the chat.
[12:45:28] <dhaval> ok sure but can u please on my post
[12:45:33] <dhaval> on that forums
[12:45:42] <dhaval> i will not paser any more quetion there
[12:46:24] <Kev_> I'm sure Alex would be happy for you to hire him if you want consultancy.
[12:47:31] <dhaval> at this time its very costly for our company
[12:48:07] <dhaval> Alex please on my post ...
[12:48:17] <dhaval> by har i am rewvesting you
[12:48:23] <dhaval> by heart
[12:51:16] <dhaval> alex are you still here?
[12:51:38] <Alex> yes I am
[12:51:52] <dhaval> can you on my post please?
[12:51:54] <Alex> I have deleted your post, there is no way to answer them anymore
[12:52:12] <dhaval> you must be on from admin
[12:52:21] <dhaval> i am not focing you but if you can then thanks
[12:53:35] <dhaval> and i am hoping one day you all use my chat applcietion..hope fully soon
[12:53:37] <dhaval> :)
[12:55:01] <Vincent V.> hopefully not :/
[12:55:11] <dhaval> ok then must be
[12:55:13] <dhaval> :)
[12:55:34] <Vincent V.> btw you look like going to rob open source project for ur company
[12:55:36] <dhaval> i am confident but need to do lots of reding
[12:55:41] <Vincent V.> if u find it ...
[12:55:49] <dhaval> what is rob?
[12:55:57] <dhaval> can u give me link?
[12:56:52] <Alex> rob == steal
[12:57:05] <Vincent V.> is he a robbot ? :/
[12:57:16] <dhaval> no no i am human
[12:57:26] <Vincent V.> so its sad
[12:57:34] <dhaval> i know no one have this type of lots of quetion before
[12:57:50] <dhaval> but i don't mind about you all anffy
[12:58:01] <Vincent V.> its ok to have questions but man u are asking same questions all the time
[12:58:30] <Vincent V.> understand on ur side
[12:58:38] <Vincent V.> it will help all ur life
[12:58:54] <dhaval> my english is not good that is why i need problem to under stend
[12:59:00] <dhaval> but i am thank full to you all
[12:59:45] * Jeffrey Weidner joined the chat.
[13:00:03] <dhaval> without your all help i don;t know this much knowlege
[13:00:14] <dhaval> so i am confused so i am sking again and againquetion
[13:00:34] <Jeffrey Weidner> Does anyone know how to read old jabber messages? I recently upgraded my jabber and I have all of my history files but they
seem to be in XML format
[13:02:16] <dhaval> any way thanks
[13:02:32] <dhaval> alex if you feel goood someting about please just on that post
[13:06:24] <Alex> Jeffrey Weidner: which client have you updated?
[13:07:03] <Jeffrey Weidner> I'm not on MomentIM. I think before I was on 3.0 (maybe)
[13:07:03] <Alex> Jeffrey Weidner: normally all clients have their own format for history. So I guess you can read them only with the old client,
or write a converter
[13:07:14] <Jeffrey Weidner> Ok
[13:07:26] * Jeffrey Weidner left the chat.
[13:08:24] <Alex> /me needs a break now, back later
[13:08:33] * dhaval left the chat.
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[14:27:12] <dhaval> hi
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[15:28:28] <MattJ> Kev, any idea how many messages/s and how many stanzas/s jabber.org routes?
[15:30:24] <MattJ> nm, I think I remembered how to answer myself
[15:30:29] <MattJ> if the stats are up to date
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[15:46:00] <Kev> You've found the graphs?
[15:46:46] <Tobias> Kev, aren't the broken?
[15:46:57] <Kev> Are they? That's a shame.
[15:47:58] <Tobias> Kev, if nothing changed since jan 8th, were you wrote it doesn't work anymore
[15:48:27] <Kev> Seems we receive about 200:400 stanzas in via S2S, and about the same C2S and send out about 100:300 over S2S and 150:500
over C2S each second.
[15:49:12] <Tobias> Kev, nvm :)
[15:52:56] <Kev> MattJ: Why'd you ask?
[15:54:41] <MattJ> Kev, curious - someone asking about XMPP server performance, I wondered what "typical" IM traffic throughput was like
[15:55:28] <MattJ> From the graphs it looks like 700 stanzas/sec? That's well below the limit of most servers now
[15:55:53] <Kev> I don't think stanzas/sec is usually the most relevant statistic when talking about performance.
[15:56:04] <MattJ> It's been a long time since I benchmarked M-Link, but Prosody and ejabberd can handle twice that throughput on my laptop
[15:56:22] <Kev> Right.
[15:56:26] <MattJ> Indeed, hence I needed to back up my "I don't think" with some data :)
[15:56:37] <MattJ> and considering jabber.org likely sees a lot more than "IM" traffic...
[15:57:38] <Kev> It sees more traffic than most, and more than IM traffic, yeah.
[15:58:33] <Kev> MattJ: Are you going to join for another Quickest Council contest?
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[16:39:36] <truman56255> Hi all. I have an issue with my jabber server. if a user doesn't finish his session properly (because of network problems
for example), his status remains Online
[16:40:15] * Alex joined the chat.
[16:40:29] <truman56255> all messages are going to nowhere
[16:40:46] <truman56255> even if he connected again
[16:41:29] <ThurahT> what server software is it?
[16:41:41] <truman56255> ejabberd
[16:42:36] <truman56255> if the user connected again, connectivity is being restored in 15 mins
[16:43:05] <ThurahT> so its a ttl of some sort?
[16:44:43] <ThurahT> I haven't used ejabberd (or any server software) but the server should drop the connection sooner than 15 minutes...
[16:45:13] <ThurahT> is xep 0199 any use here? http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0199.html
[16:45:13] <truman56255> can i set ttl at 1 or 2 mins?
[16:45:41] <ThurahT> I don't know really..
[16:46:05] <ThurahT> if you hand around one of the gurus may pop by and give a pointer-
[16:46:13] <ThurahT> *hang
[16:47:20] <truman56255> the problem is that there are no gurus around
[16:47:36] <MattJ> Says who?
[16:47:41] <ThurahT> : )
[16:48:29] <Alex> truman56255: is your problem related to Muc?
[16:48:46] <MattJ> If a connection isn't closed cleanly then it can take some time for the TCP connection to die, depending on the type of disconnect
[16:48:58] <ThurahT> shouldnt
[16:49:07] <MattJ> The solution is really for the server to ping the client if it falls silent
[16:49:08] <ThurahT> it be replaced by the new?
[16:49:18] <Alex> MattJ: i have the same problem with MUC and ejabberd. users stay online forever until I kick them
[16:49:21] <MattJ> ThurahT, It's possible, if the new one uses the same resource
[16:49:34] <ThurahT> ok
[16:49:48] <MattJ> ThurahT, that also is up to the server though - they can also reject the new client instead of kicking the old one
[16:49:53] <Alex> ejabberd does not ping the connections over Muc, or at all
[16:50:12] * evilotto joined the chat.
[16:50:18] <MattJ> Alex, new to me
[16:50:30] <ThurahT> should be more logical to always kick the old connection.
[16:50:37] <MattJ> Prosody and M-Link both kick occupants that send error messages
[16:50:48] <MattJ> ThurahT, unless the old connection is still active (like it appears to be)
[16:50:56] <ThurahT> yeah..
[16:51:05] <MattJ> ThurahT, jabber.org does both - it pings the existing connection, if no response is received then it replaces
[16:51:14] <MattJ> if there is a response, if gives the newcomer a different resource
[16:51:25] <ThurahT> and that is done with xep 0199?
[16:51:30] <MattJ> Yes
[16:51:37] <Alex> MattJ: I have this problem since the last server update
[16:51:44] <Alex> so can be a bug in the latest version
[16:51:49] <MattJ> Alex, ah, sounds like a regression then
[16:52:15] <MattJ> It could be that they stopped sending service-unavailable in response to type="groupchat" to a non-existent resource
[16:52:31] <Alex> yes, I have not done mch research, because on my Todolist anyway to switch to Matts nice server software ,-)
[16:52:34] <MattJ> That would leave ejabberd users online in non-ejabberd rooms also
[16:53:21] <MattJ> :)
[16:53:25] <ThurahT> now when I look in the xmpp console my other accounts which I know runs ejjabberd refuses my clients ping requests.
[16:53:56] <MattJ> ThurahT, that's not a problem though - a response (even an error) is a response :)
[16:54:36] <MattJ> That's how clients and servers could immediately begin using XEP-0199, even if the other JID didn't claim to support it
[16:54:41] <ThurahT> hehe.. so the server thinks my client is mostly annoying..
[16:54:57] <MattJ> It only breaks with buggy XMPP software that doesn't respond to iq stanzas
[16:55:06] <ThurahT> ok
[16:55:12] <MattJ> because XMPP has always required that you respond, even if it's an error
[16:55:17] <Kev_> And there aren't many of those, I think.
[16:55:22] <Kev_> (Any more)
[16:55:24] <MattJ> Not since jabber.org :)
[16:55:39] * truman56255 left the chat.
[16:56:04] <ThurahT> hope he got all that..
[16:56:14] <ThurahT> : )
[16:56:37] <Kev_> MattJ: Right. It's a useful stick, where carrots don't work.
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[17:34:29] <ThurahT> I cant wrap my head around this really.. I am chatting with a gmail contact, she and me both using pidgin with OTR enabled.
But she is also at the same time on here google account with her browser.. So is this encrypted or not?
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[17:36:09] <dhaval> hi
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[18:38:36] * anas-e joined the chat.
[18:39:13] <anas-e> hi
[18:39:43] <anas-e> I have an account on jabber.org which seems to always show me as online, Is there a way to reset my status
[18:40:20] <ThurahT> which client are you using?
[18:41:01] <ThurahT> nvm. pidgin should send the right status to the server..
[18:41:34] <anas-e> I'm using pdgin and IM+ on my android phone
[18:42:13] <ThurahT> yes,
[18:43:16] <anas-e> but it's like stuck on online status, although I'm not signed in from any client
[18:44:17] <ThurahT> are you sure that IM+ isn't online?
[18:45:30] <anas-e> ThurahT: yes sure
[18:46:49] <ThurahT> does it happen with pidgin If you log out and then check?
[18:48:24] <ThurahT> we just discussed this before.. And jabber.org as two ways of knowing if a client is connected or not..
[18:49:39] <anas-e> when I sign in with pidgin it seems that messages are not dilivered to this account, this is weird
[18:51:21] <anas-e> but when signing in again with IM+ I get messages at once, mosty friends asking me why I'm ignoring them while I'm obvouisly
online :)
[18:51:50] <Kev> This sounds like the IM+ proxy is staying logged in.
[18:52:10] <Kev> IM+ is one of these proxy services, right?
[18:52:18] <anas-e> IM+ directly connects to jabber server
[18:52:18] <ThurahT> and with higher priority
[18:56:33] * sfyn joined the chat.
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[19:00:01] <Kev> Right, after looking for some time, it claims you can check your chat history on their website. That makes it sound like they're
a proxy.
[19:01:24] <anas-e> Kev: is there a way I can sign out from all sessions
[19:07:39] <Kev> Not really.
[19:08:51] <anas-e> thank you all guys
[19:10:59] <ThurahT> kind of contradicts the idea with xmpp and resources. To have a system that blocks out everything else..
[19:20:46] * naw joined the chat.
[19:23:15] * dhaval joined the chat.
[19:24:22] <dhaval> hello
[19:27:13] <dhaval> is any one here?
[19:32:03] <naw> dhaval: yes
[19:32:10] <naw> how can we help you?
[19:36:20] <dhaval> i am trying fromt his bbok chepter 6 Professional XMPP - Programming with JavaScript and jQuery (Wrox, 2010, 0470540710)
[19:36:41] <dhaval> right and side name not come
[19:38:05] * mebs left the chat.
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[19:47:36] * coward47416 joined the chat.
[19:47:57] * coward47416 in now known as Dhaval.
[19:48:05] <Dhaval> dhaval: i am trying fromt his bbok chepter 6 Professional XMPP - Programming with JavaScript and jQuery (Wrox, 2010, 0470540710)
dhaval: right and side name not come
[19:48:11] <Dhaval> can any one guide me
[19:49:29] <naw> I haven't read it
[19:49:37] <naw> but kev is one of the authors
[19:49:48] <naw> oh, no
[19:49:58] <naw> I was thinking on another book
[19:51:18] <naw> anyway, if you describe what are you triyng to do, maybe we can help you
[19:51:42] <naw> you can also go to the jdev room, it's the room oriented for developers
[19:52:09] <Dhaval> oh so kev is the other of this book?
[19:52:11] <Dhaval> wow
[19:52:18] * anas-e left the chat.
[19:52:29] <Dhaval> hey kev are you online
[19:53:30] <Dhaval> kev ois which book autor?
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[19:56:40] <Dhaval> ok one quick quetion when i run example then they asking for " JID:Password:
[19:56:45] <Dhaval> what i need to add
[19:56:45] <Dhaval> ?
[19:57:28] * нιтмάņ joined the chat.
[19:57:58] <нιтмάņ> Hi
[19:58:26] <Dhaval> something is going wrong
[19:58:30] <Dhaval> with book esample
[19:58:36] <Dhaval> is anyonehere
[19:58:41] <Dhaval> so i can shre screenshot
[19:59:10] <нιтмάņ> psa: i need to get a free bot i want to send him to my conference where can i find that ?
[19:59:54] <Dhaval> some bady plesae help
[20:01:22] <нιтмάņ> Dhaval: i dont now what are you talking about your not writing good ? :-D
[20:02:56] <naw> Dhaval: no, kev psa and remko wrote another book for o'reilly http://shop.oreilly.com/product/9780596521271.do
[20:03:28] <naw> JID is your jabber id, it will have the form username@server
[20:03:44] <naw> like an email address
[20:03:50] <Dhaval> when i run the example form book ( Professional XMPP - Programming with JavaScript and jQuery )
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[20:04:05] <naw> I assume that you have a xmpp account
[20:04:16] <Dhaval> i have install openfire
[20:04:25] <Dhaval> so my user id is admin
[20:04:42] <Dhaval> so admin@openfire ?
[20:04:49] <Dhaval> am i right?
[20:05:02] <naw> if you don't, you can create one at jabber.org, or in other server
but since you are going to test software, it's ussually advised to install your own server to make tests with it
[20:05:24] <Dhaval> how can i install my own server
[20:05:24] <Dhaval> ?
[20:06:03] <Dhaval> i am really confused
[20:06:08] <naw> admin@hostname, the hostname will be whatever you configured in openfire. if you didn't configure anything, try the name of
your pc, or localhost
[20:06:31] <Dhaval> ok adn password?
[20:06:37] <naw> the openfire installation guide: http://www.igniterealtime.org/builds/openfire/docs/latest/documentation/install-guide.html
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[20:07:30] <нιтмάņ> naw: i need to get a free bot i want that i can send him to my conference where can i find that ?
[20:07:34] <Dhaval> openfire installation is allredy done
[20:08:22] <naw> нιтмάņ: no idea
[20:08:57] <нιтмάņ> naw: :ermm: ineed it so much :ermm:
[20:09:00] <naw> Dhaval: about the username and password... try admin, admin
I don't see the default configuration in the guide
[20:10:18] <Dhaval> not working
[20:11:04] <Dhaval> someting is wrong
[20:11:27] <Dhaval> in the book
[20:11:29] <Dhaval> XMPP Addressing
Every entity on an XMPP network will have one or more addresses, or JIDs. JIDs (short for jabber
identifiers) can take a variety of forms, but they normally look just like e‑mail addresses. darcy@
pemberley.lit and elizabeth@longbourn.lit are two examples of JIDs
[20:11:36] <нιтмάņ> Who knows where ican find afree bot to send him into my room
[20:11:36] <Dhaval> so what my?
[20:11:44] <Alex> can you login to the web interface of opefire?
[20:12:06] <Alex> openfire sets the name of your workstation as xmpp domain by default
[20:12:44] <Dhaval> yes i am login in open fire web interface
[20:13:07] <Dhaval> Server Properties
Server Uptime: 18 minutes -- started Mar 8, 2012 1:12:45 AM
Version: Openfire 3.7.1
Server Directory: C:\Program Files\Openfire
Server Name: pankaj-pc
Java Version: 1.6.0_18 Sun Microsystems Inc. -- Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM
Appserver: jetty/7.0.2-SNAPSHOT
Host Name: Pankaj-PC
OS / Hardware: Windows 7 / x86
Locale / Timezone: en / India Standard Time (5 GMT)
Java Memory
9.36 MB of 247.50 MB (3.8%) used
[20:13:55] <Dhaval> so wahts my JID?
[20:14:11] <Alex> there must be a property xmppdomain
[20:14:17] <Alex> which value is there?
[20:14:18] <Dhaval> let me cehck
[20:14:33] <Alex> in server settings I think
[20:15:31] * нιтмάņ left the chat.
[20:15:37] <naw> Dhaval: try admin@pankaj-pc
[20:15:47] * /gentili.nicola left the chat.
[20:15:55] <Dhaval> password?
[20:16:02] <Dhaval> open fire admin passwrod?
[20:16:34] <Alex> yes
[20:17:24] <Dhaval> not wroking
[20:17:42] <Dhaval> i need to add .lit?
[20:17:49] <Dhaval> after dmin@pankaj-pc
[20:18:25] <Dhaval> in bbok darcy@
pemberley.lit and elizabeth@longbourn.lit are two examples of JIDs
[20:19:09] <Dhaval> not working
[20:20:01] <Dhaval> can i show u some sccn shot?
[20:21:28] <Alex> how do yo login to the admin console?
[20:21:37] <Alex> and what value is listed as xmpp domain?
[20:22:49] <Dhaval>
[20:23:31] <Alex> I mean user and pass
[20:23:41] <Dhaval> username admin
[20:23:44] <Alex> and what is listed in teh admin console as xmpp domain?
[20:24:06] <Dhaval> how can isee xmpp domain?
[20:24:11] <Dhaval> can i see in openfire?
[20:24:29] <Dhaval> xmpp.domain pankaj-pc
[20:24:49] <Dhaval> Property Name: xmpp.domain
Property Value: pankaj-pc
[20:25:03] <Alex> then your jid is:
[20:25:13] <Alex> password i sthe same as for the web admin console
[20:25:25] <Alex> this is the only user account which exists after install
[20:25:50] <Alex> you can add moew users in teh webadmin, there are pages for user administration
[20:26:51] <Dhaval> ok let me add one more username
[20:26:59] <Dhaval> wghat right i need to give that user name
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[20:29:20] <Dhaval> menwhile can you see this 2 screen shot
[20:29:22] <Dhaval> http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-UieprlGMZOc/T1fE-azXiHI/AAAAAAAAAKQ/D4sq6xWO6Nc/s1600/1.png
[20:29:28] <Dhaval> http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-GOynsjaSapQ/T1fE-3fvrTI/AAAAAAAAAKY/Hav305H_5Yo/s1600/2.png
[20:30:48] <Alex> which webclient is this?
[20:31:33] <Dhaval> openfire
[20:31:59] <Dhaval> where i see webclient ?
[20:32:11] <Alex> on your screenshots
[20:32:12] <Dhaval> i have created user but still the same screen come
[20:32:32] <Dhaval> C:\inetpub\wwwroot\ch04\peek.html
[20:34:35] <Dhaval> webclient mins iis 7?
[20:35:02] * tyler16591 joined the chat.
[20:35:02] <Alex> have to changed this sample code doe your server?
[20:35:09] <Alex> at least the Bosh Uri?
[20:35:39] <Alex> in peek.js there is http://bosh.metajack.im:5280/xmpp-httpbind
[20:35:48] <Alex> which must e changed to your Bosh uri
[20:36:11] <Dhaval> where i need to chage?
[20:36:42] <Dhaval> in server seting
[20:36:48] <Dhaval> HTTP Bind Settings
[20:36:57] <Dhaval> Script Syntax
Enabled - Allows BOSH clients with limited access to connect to the server
Disabled - Does not allow clients with limited access to connect to the server
[20:37:18] <Dhaval> right now this option is tick : Disabled - Does not allow clients with limited access to connect to the server
[20:37:22] <Alex> don't change it in the server
[20:37:28] <Dhaval> ok
[20:37:34] <Alex> you have to put in the peek sample the values of your server
[20:37:56] <Alex> something like http://yourip:7070/http-bind/
[20:38:13] <Alex> I think openfire uses 7070 by default as port
[20:38:55] <Dhaval> yes post is 7070
[20:39:19] <Alex> try: http://localhost:7070/http-bind/
[20:39:40] <Dhaval> HTTP ERROR 404
Problem accessing /http-bind/. Reason:
Not Found
[20:40:03] * treebilou left the chat.
[20:40:22] <Dhaval> -- when i open http://localhost:7070/http-bind/ then i see this mesege
[20:40:47] <Alex> thats fine
[20:42:05] <Alex> if you get this then the Url is correct
[20:42:13] <Dhaval> so what can i do?
[20:42:21] <Dhaval> why i get this erro?
[20:42:24] <Alex> put it in the sozrce code of the example and with some luck you can connect ;-)
[20:42:36] <Alex> because this URl does not work in a webbrowser
[20:42:47] <Alex> it works only for a xmpp client over bosh
[20:43:05] <Alex> Openfire has no test page for this like other serers have
[20:43:15] <Dhaval> so for now wht can i do
[20:43:18] <Dhaval> >
[20:43:25] <Dhaval> you have seen my sceern shot
[20:43:46] <Dhaval> is jid and passowrd nessesary
[20:43:47] <Dhaval> ?
[20:44:17] <Alex> you said you want to run this example:
[20:44:42] <Alex> here in line 170 is the URL:
[20:44:54] <Alex> if you don't change it the example will not work with your server
[20:45:33] <Dhaval> so in .js file i need to cahnge any thing?
[20:46:00] <Dhaval> "http://bosh.metajack.im:5280/xmpp-httpbind");
[20:46:16] <Dhaval> ok so i need to js
[20:46:18] <Dhaval> http://localhost:7070/http-bind/
[20:46:22] <Dhaval> am i right?
[20:46:39] <Alex> right
[20:46:51] <Dhaval> let me try
[20:47:29] <Alex> in when you run the example try a real browser, not IE
[20:48:54] <Dhaval> i am using crome
[20:48:57] <Dhaval> is this fine?
[20:49:42] <Dhaval> http://localhost:7070/http-bind/ or http://localhost:7070/http-bind
[20:49:50] <Dhaval> without . at the end?
[20:50:15] <Alex> chrome is perfect
[20:50:27] <Alex> try with slash at the end
[20:50:38] <Alex> http://localhost:7070/http-bind/
[20:50:39] <Dhaval> $(document).bind('connect', function (ev, data) {
var conn = new Strophe.Connection(
conn.xmlInput = function (body) {
Peek.show_traffic(body, 'incoming');
conn.xmlOutput = function (body) {
Peek.show_traffic(body, 'outgoing');
[20:50:44] <Dhaval> is this ok?
[20:50:50] <Dhaval> ok let me add /
[20:52:49] <Dhaval> what user id and password i need to add which i have created new?
[20:53:13] <Dhaval> can you check on my screen
[20:53:18] <Dhaval> do u have team viewer?
[20:53:23] <Alex> teh one we said before, admin@........
[20:53:34] <Dhaval> let me try
[20:53:42] <Dhaval> admin@pankaj-pc
[20:54:12] <Dhaval> stillblank screen come
[20:54:16] <Dhaval> not wroking
[20:54:23] <Dhaval> can you please check on my screen
[20:54:39] <Dhaval> it will tak 5 min
[20:56:37] <Dhaval> Alex please help
[20:58:36] <Alex> look in the debug console of chrome if you see there anything
[20:58:36] <Dhaval> Alex are you there?
[20:58:56] <Dhaval> where i see debug console ?
[20:58:59] <Alex> F12, and then in the network tab
[20:59:24] <Alex> there should be the traffic to your BOSH uri
[20:59:40] <Alex> or an error in the console
[21:00:15] <Dhaval> erro concel not open crome via f12
[21:01:32] <Dhaval> let me download mozila
[21:01:46] <Alex> you should press F12 when chrome has teh focus
[21:01:59] <Alex> to start the chrome developer tools
[21:02:20] <Dhaval> nothing open
[21:02:58] <Dhaval> can you please check my screen
[21:03:05] <Dhaval> if its fine from your side
[21:03:07] <Alex> menu => tools => developer tools in chrome
[21:03:33] <Dhaval> yes open
[21:04:09] <Alex> then run the sample again with the tools open
[21:04:23] <Alex> and see if it makes a request to your Bosh Url
[21:05:11] <Dhaval> in loginscreen or peek scree?
[21:06:56] <Dhaval> in consple nothing come
[21:06:59] <Dhaval> blank come
[21:07:03] <Dhaval> no error nothinh
[21:07:30] <Dhaval> if its fine please chec my screen it willgive fast solutoon
[21:08:34] <Dhaval> hey now i see some red line
[21:08:39] <Dhaval> ----
[21:08:41] <Dhaval> ncaught Error: 11, flXHR::abort(): Failed, The abort() call failed to complete.
[21:08:42] <Dhaval> ----
[21:09:25] <Alex> yup, cross domain policy problem
[21:09:34] <Dhaval> means?
[21:09:52] <Alex> are you loading the page from your local IIS?
[21:09:59] <Dhaval> yes
[21:10:19] <Alex> try to open diretly from the file system
[21:10:34] <Alex> without IIS
[21:10:57] <Dhaval> ok mins if i have downloaded all in my destop then i will oepn fromd estop
[21:10:58] <Dhaval> ?
[21:11:03] <Alex> I think when a page is loaded from the file system then in chrome XHR policies don't apply
[21:12:24] <Alex> there is also a command param to start chome in a mode to ignre XHR
[21:12:26] <Dhaval> not i am not able to open direct from folder
[21:12:55] <Dhaval> can i try in mozila
[21:12:57] <Dhaval> ?
[21:13:25] <Alex> you can, but it will not work either
[21:13:29] <Dhaval> i am really confused
[21:13:41] <Dhaval> so whats the solution
[21:13:43] <Dhaval> >?>
[21:13:43] <Alex> double click the html file to open it in chrome
[21:15:06] * tyler16591 left the chat.
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[21:16:36] <Alex> see: http://ripple.tinyhippos.com/forums/3-ripple/topics/36-disabling-web-security-in-chrome-for-cross-domain-calls
[21:17:09] <Dhaval> it will oepn in nontepad
[21:21:21] <Dhaval> Another update to this post: In v0.5.4, you can now manually disable the XHR proxy in Ripple by:
1. Going to the Settings panel
2. Under "Cross Domain Proxy" switch the select to "disabled"
This will fully disable the proxy when running Chrome without web security (as mentioned in previous post). This should solve
a number of idiosyncratic issues with our XMLHttpRequest implementation for the time being (if not all). Of course if there
are any still existing issues please let us know!
[21:21:47] <Dhaval> so i need to go openfire setng?
[21:23:06] <Alex> all you have to do is start chrome from the console with this command:
chrome.exe --disable-web-security
[21:26:01] <Dhaval> noting
[21:26:13] <Dhaval> how can i --disable-web-security>
[21:26:42] <Dhaval> can you please see my screen via team vier
[21:26:52] <Dhaval> it will very easy to solve this issue
[21:26:57] <Dhaval> i am rewvesting you
[21:27:15] <Alex> it would be easy when you read carefully here
[21:27:28] <Alex> i told you 10 times what the problem is and what you have to do
[21:27:40] <Dhaval> i trying but not solve
[21:27:49] <Dhaval> that is why i am reqvesting yu
[21:28:09] <Dhaval> please atlist i setup besic and run eameple sucefful then i get more idea
[21:29:04] <Dhaval> pleaseeee
[21:29:17] <Dhaval> i knwo u r helping lot
[21:29:28] <Dhaval> but somthing is wrong
[21:29:46] <ThurahT> the problem is that you lack basic knowledge about software as a whole. You are not trying to run before you are trying to
walk.. You are trying to go to the moon before walking..
[21:30:19] <Dhaval> i understend what you are trying to say
[21:30:29] <Dhaval> but i am really new in xmpp and all
[21:30:37] <Dhaval> so please atlist setup this besic
[21:30:46] <ThurahT> I noticed
[21:31:17] <Dhaval> the problame is i am not devloepr
[21:31:31] <Alex> you must be also new to computers when you are unable to start a program with a command parameter
[21:32:26] <Dhaval> can ypu please helpp via team vier?
[21:32:32] <Alex> you are not a developer but want to develop a web based chat for millions of users?
[21:32:52] <Dhaval> yes i am very positive man
[21:33:14] * yuppinturic joined the chat.
[21:33:15] <Dhaval> its; my night 3 but without solution i will not sleep today
[21:33:24] <Dhaval> so please help in besic setup
[21:33:33] <Dhaval> i will try my bset to lern from bbok
[21:33:38] <Dhaval> but if somthing run
[21:33:46] <Dhaval> then i can go for next step
[21:34:19] <Dhaval> please help me
[21:35:35] <Dhaval> can i give me you my team viewer id?
[21:35:51] <ThurahT> you need to tinker and use the software to begin understanding the software.. And then you can move on.. Read books and look
through internet for articles.
[21:35:53] <Alex> I am on a tablet
[21:36:06] <Alex> there is no teamviewer on this tablet
[21:36:10] <Dhaval> can you arenge somthing?
[21:36:22] <Dhaval> can u download it?
[21:36:31] <Dhaval> it wil no longer time
[21:36:44] <Dhaval> ot if you can come om PC then that would be great
[21:37:08] <Dhaval> i know my englsih is not good that is why some time i need to ask same thing 2 -3 times
[21:37:14] <Alex> thats your problem:
[21:37:23] <Alex> read the article and try to understand it
[21:37:38] <Dhaval> ok
[21:37:45] <Alex> start chrome with the command parameter i told you and you are fine
[21:38:17] * hoover38545 joined the chat.
[21:38:40] <Dhaval> so i need to close all other crome?
[21:38:49] <Dhaval> i m chating with you via crome
[21:38:54] <Dhaval> that is why
[21:39:30] <Dhaval> what can i write in comand promt
[21:39:31] <Dhaval> chrome.exe
[21:39:38] <Dhaval> or only chrome.e
[21:39:44] <Dhaval> chrome.exe
[21:40:11] <Alex> yes you must close all other chrome, otherwise it will not work
[21:40:16] * hoover38545 left the chat.
[21:40:29] <Dhaval> can i oepn mozla?
[21:40:43] <Dhaval> from comand promet?
[21:41:04] <Dhaval> is this fine,,bcoz i am chat via crome
[21:41:31] <Alex> then open the chat in firefox, IE ir whatever, where is the problem?
[21:42:11] <Dhaval> ok wait let me canct chat
[21:42:26] * jackson29987 joined the chat.
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[21:42:39] * jackson29987 in now known as dhaval.
[21:42:42] <dhaval> hi
[21:42:51] <dhaval> i am from mozila
[21:42:55] <louiz’> ok
[21:43:15] <dhaval> now in run can right chrome.exe ?
[21:43:25] <louiz’> what
[21:43:39] <louiz’> ah, google chrome, ok
[21:43:48] <dhaval> chrome.exe --disable-web-security or chrome.exe
[21:43:50] <dhaval> ?
[21:57:19] <Alex> last time, chrome.exe --disable-web-security
[21:57:19] * Alex left the chat.
[21:58:24] * evilotto left the chat.
[21:58:57] <dhaval> still not work
[21:58:57] <dhaval> Alex pleassse help me
[21:58:57] <dhaval> hello
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[22:06:41] <buchanan18837> /Dhaval
[22:06:56] * buchanan18837 in now known as Dhaval.
[22:07:02] <Dhaval> hi i am back
[22:07:21] <Dhaval> Alex are you still online?
[22:07:29] * /gentili.nicola joined the chat.
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[22:07:39] <Dhaval> or any otehr person
[22:07:40] <Dhaval> ?
[22:07:45] <Dhaval> can help ,e
[22:08:28] <Dhaval> please help meto run example
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[22:43:31] <Dhaval> hello
[22:43:47] <Dhaval> i am tryin gbut still sthe same error come
[22:54:09] * ThurahT left the chat.
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[23:38:20] <Dhaval> hi
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[23:49:13] <Dhaval> YES FINLEY DONE
[23:49:17] <Dhaval> GOT THE ERROR
[23:49:21] <Dhaval> yessss
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