Logs for jabber
[00:02:21] * psa left the chat.
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[01:59:25] * Link Mauve joined the chat.
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[05:46:42] <owner> ب
[05:47:11] <owner> Test
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[06:14:34] * Alex joined the chat.
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[06:27:56] * Alex joined the chat.
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[07:12:59] * Minos joined the chat.
[07:36:54] * Holger joined the chat.
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[08:32:54] * Lantizia joined the chat.
[08:45:07] * buchanan53386 joined the chat.
[08:45:25] <buchanan53386> ?
[08:45:51] <buchanan53386> can you help me?
[08:46:16] <buchanan53386> i have a error
[08:46:19] <psa> what's the question?
[08:46:31] <buchanan53386> xdb_file failed to open file /usr/local/jabber/jabberd-1.4.3/thanh/thanhcoltech.jabberd.org/jabberuser.xml: No such file or
[08:46:41] <psa> ah
[08:46:54] <psa> I haven't run jabberd 1.x in a long time :)
[08:46:55] <buchanan53386> i very bad english
[08:46:57] <buchanan53386> :D
[08:47:11] <buchanan53386> oh
[08:47:23] <psa> that looks like (possibly) a permissions problem
[08:47:47] <psa> e.g., jabberd isn't allowed to write to that directory
[08:48:03] <buchanan53386> i set full permissions for /usr/local/jabber/jabberd-1.4.3/thanh/thanhcoltech.jabberd.org
[08:48:14] <psa> ok
[08:48:33] <Alex> does that file exist?
[08:48:43] <buchanan53386> no
[08:48:53] <buchanan53386> i only create folder
[08:49:14] <Alex> and you try to login with "jabberuser" ?
[08:49:27] <buchanan53386> yes
[08:50:06] <buchanan53386> i try test :<iq id='reg2' type='set'>
<query xmlns='jabber:iq:register'>
[08:50:54] <buchanan53386> but server error above
[08:51:28] <buchanan53386> sorry because i come from vietnammess
[08:51:36] <buchanan53386> english very bad
[08:51:51] <Alex> ok, you try to register that user
[08:51:56] <buchanan53386> yes
[08:52:03] <psa> hmm
[08:52:20] <Alex> its writes that file when you regsiter a user
[08:52:30] <Alex> you this really look like a permission problem
[08:52:46] <buchanan53386> yes
[08:52:56] <buchanan53386> i read error.log
[08:53:01] <psa> and you're sure that /usr/local/jabber/jabberd-1.4.3/thanh/thanhcoltech.jabberd.org/ exists and is writable by the jabberd
[08:53:20] <buchanan53386> yes
[08:53:28] <buchanan53386> sure
[08:53:50] <buchanan53386> drwxrwxrwx 2 root root 4096 Mar 26 22:24 thanhcoltech.jabberd.org
[08:54:24] <Alex> jabberd runs as root?
[08:54:29] <buchanan53386> yes
[08:54:47] <buchanan53386> i testing on VMW
[08:56:50] <Alex> http://mail.jabber.org/pipermail/jadmin/2004-October/145613.html
[08:58:31] <Alex> see in teh admin guide:
[08:58:38] <Alex> If everything worked correctly, you will receive the following XML indicating that your registration was successful:
<iq id='reg2' type='result'/>
Note that one xdb_file failed to open file ...: No such file or directory warning at this point in jabberd's debug output
is perfectly normal (as the user's spool file does not exist yet and is about to be created) and can be safely ignored.
[08:59:25] <buchanan53386> yes
[08:59:37] <buchanan53386> i test with manual at http://jabberd.org/1.4/doc/adminguide#config
[09:00:15] <buchanan53386> and i config correctly to checkpoint 5
[09:00:53] <buchanan53386> but at checkoint 6 it fail
[09:02:23] <Alex> what is the response to your register iq?
[09:02:50] <Alex> response to that packet:
<iq id='reg2' type='set'>
<query xmlns='jabber:iq:register'>
[09:03:21] <buchanan53386> yes
[09:03:27] <buchanan53386> Connection closed by foreign host
[09:03:48] <buchanan53386> server response above
[09:04:03] <buchanan53386> and server auto disconnect
[09:04:37] <Alex> have you loaded the register module in your config?
[09:04:40] <Alex> <mod_register>./jsm/jsm.so</mod_register>
[09:07:02] <buchanan53386> yes
[09:07:14] <buchanan53386> i had loaded
[09:07:27] <Alex> I have no idea then. Have no used jabberd 1 in ages
[09:07:57] <buchanan53386> yes
[09:08:02] <buchanan53386> thanks
[09:08:05] <buchanan53386> hmmmmmmmm
[09:08:17] <Alex> any specific reason why you use jabberd 1.x?
[09:08:29] <buchanan53386> do you want file config?
[09:08:41] <buchanan53386> ah
[09:09:00] <buchanan53386> i research about XMPP
[09:09:09] <Alex> you can find many other servers here:
[09:09:09] <buchanan53386> and i build one XMPP server
[09:09:23] <buchanan53386> yes
[09:09:26] <buchanan53386> i will
[09:09:31] <buchanan53386> thanks for you
[09:09:42] <Alex> jabberd is not very active in development
[09:09:52] <Alex> so for other servers its much easier to get support
[09:10:23] * RandomGuy joined the chat.
[09:10:25] <Alex> prosody, openfire, ejabberd, tigase, jabberd2.....
[09:10:28] <buchanan53386> yes
[09:10:37] <psa> most people these days use ejabberd, Prosody, and Openfire (I think)
[09:10:40] <buchanan53386> do you think about openfire
[09:10:58] <psa> Openfire is not so actively maintained, either :(
[09:11:05] <Alex> Openfire is very easy to install and get started with
[09:12:40] <buchanan53386> you can advice about one XMPP server?
[09:13:01] <Alex> as Peter said Openfire is also not very active in development, but there are no critical bugs and there is still a huge community
[09:13:16] <Alex> So if you just want to learn Openfire is good to start with
[09:13:42] <Alex> if you want to run a production server then you should probably consider other server software
[09:13:53] <buchanan53386> yes
[09:13:57] <buchanan53386> ok
[09:14:02] <Alex> what is your favorite OS?
[09:14:07] <Alex> Linux, Windows, Mac?
[09:14:12] <buchanan53386> i will use openfire
[09:14:18] <buchanan53386> ah
[09:14:19] <buchanan53386> linux
[09:14:25] <psa> brb
[09:14:48] <buchanan53386> thanks for you
[09:14:51] <Alex> start with openfire its a good choice
[09:14:51] <buchanan53386> bb
[09:14:56] <buchanan53386> yes
[09:15:07] <Alex> once you are more familiar with XMPP play also with other servers
[09:15:29] <buchanan53386> yes
[09:16:44] <buchanan53386> goodbey
[09:16:51] <Alex> bye
[09:17:42] * buchanan53386 left the chat.
[09:32:46] * Alex left the chat.
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[09:59:17] * Tobias left the chat.
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[10:07:38] * sun_roze joined the chat.
[10:08:10] <sun_roze> هاي
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[10:25:35] * treebilou left the chat.
[10:36:02] * coolidge49967 joined the chat.
[10:36:17] * Tobias joined the chat.
[10:37:03] <coolidge49967> hello everone :)
[10:37:38] <coolidge49967> i need help enabling network. using empathy im client
[10:38:58] <coolidge49967> im using chatme.im server, port 5222, using #old ssl optinon#
[10:39:11] <coolidge49967> anybody usues empathy?
[10:39:46] <coolidge49967> anyone here?
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[12:01:09] * Tobias left the chat.
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[12:15:12] * monroe33198 joined the chat.
[12:19:10] * Tobias joined the chat.
[12:21:11] <monroe33198> hello
[12:22:05] <monroe33198> i am interested in working on "Multi-account Support" project. Any buddy let me know starting point
[12:22:18] <Kev> Hi there.
[12:23:19] <Kev> I'd suggest submitting an initial application (I just simplified the form greatly), and then you can start asking questions
of us/we can ask questions of you/etc. etc.
[12:23:47] <Kev> http://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/proposal/submit/google/gsoc2012/xsf
[12:24:42] <monroe33198> i want to make my proposal better. Thats why i need some initial information
[12:25:30] <monroe33198> i have good hand on the skill needed for this project. What i want is just some initiation
[12:25:31] <Kev> Sure. Why not drop by the swift@rooms.swift.im MUC room and you can ask Remko and me about it.
[12:26:12] * Alex left the chat.
[12:26:24] <monroe33198> is that a chat room
[12:26:43] <monroe33198> or an email id
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[12:27:23] <Kev> It's a MUC room.
[12:27:29] <Kev> Chat room.
[12:28:40] * Alex joined the chat.
[12:29:42] <Kev> But be aware that there's a bug with the gmail.com servers that mean you can't join MUC rooms properly from there.
[12:29:53] <Kev> In case you use Google Talk for your JID.
[12:38:32] <monroe33198> i type this swift@rooms.swift.im in url
[12:38:39] <monroe33198> i am getting nothing
[12:38:54] <monroe33198> is there any web based interface of that chat room
[12:42:20] * treebilou joined the chat.
[12:43:40] <RandomGuy> monroe33198: you can probably use speeqe.com or jabbix if you want a web interface.
[12:48:41] <Alex> or candy
[12:49:48] * naw joined the chat.
[12:56:42] <monroe33198> which room should i choose
[12:57:22] <Alex> the one you liek best and works for you
[13:00:00] <monroe33198> but there is no option
[13:00:25] <RandomGuy> Try something like this http://speeqe.com/room/swift@rooms.swift.im/
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[14:46:30] * MattJ joined the chat.
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[15:44:25] * taylor31681 joined the chat.
[15:46:31] <taylor31681> Our server keeps crashing and the only thing I'm seeing in the logs is this - Error trying to connect to remote server: eu.jabber.org(DNS
lookup: eu.jabber.org:5269)
[15:47:17] <taylor31681> Nothing has changed in server settings or on the network side and everything was working seamlessly until Friday.
[15:47:28] <Kev> Well, you seem to have two problems there.
[15:47:39] <Kev> 1) You're trying to connect to a server that has never existed
[15:47:39] <martbo> doesn't look like eu.jabber.org exists
[15:47:41] <Kev> 2) Your server is crashing.
[15:48:21] <Kev> I can't imagine why you'd be doing lookups for eu.jabber.org.
[15:48:27] <Kev> Oh, wait.
[15:48:39] <Kev> You're not using Openfire are you?
[15:48:43] <taylor31681> Yes
[15:48:46] <Kev> I know it used to have a nasty bug there.
[15:48:48] <Kev> Ahhar.
[15:48:50] <taylor31681> ha
[15:49:37] <Kev> If it can't connect to a server, it invents other servers to try and connect to instead. It's quite insidious.
[15:49:53] <taylor31681> oh wonderful.
[15:49:59] <taylor31681> is there a fix for it?
[15:50:07] <Kev> As for it crashing, this must be an Openfire bug - I'd see if they have any updates available.
[15:50:37] <taylor31681> ok, that's a start, thank you!
[15:50:41] <Kev> It'd be worth checking the forums before you do so, though, to make sure the version you upgrade to works - some of their
newer releases broke S2S (although I *think* that's resolved now).
[15:51:00] <taylor31681> Gotcha, awesome, thanks
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[17:15:10] * aRyo joined the chat.
[17:48:05] * bush4650 joined the chat.
[17:49:02] <bush4650> Is there an issue with jumping ahead releases? we use openfire and are on 3.6.4 but need to upgrade to release 3.7.1
[17:49:40] <Kev> You'd have to ask Openfire people that.
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[18:39:02] * taylor10496 in now known as novadeviator.
[18:39:17] <novadeviator> hi. i seem to be having problems connecting my empathy client to jabber.org
[18:39:26] <novadeviator> it's been for days now...
[18:41:03] <ThurahT> what's down?
[18:41:12] <ThurahT> in contrary to up
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[18:46:56] <novadeviator> h, id don't know.. i have an address/account at jabber.org ... but resource field is empty, is this ok?
[18:47:34] <ThurahT> ye
[18:47:49] <novadeviator> what is the server override that i can put in...
[18:47:50] <ThurahT> it's optional, like home or work
[18:48:06] <ThurahT> what is a server override?
[18:53:49] <novadeviator> apart from settings like Login ID, password, SSL/TLS, ignore certificate errors, there are also two fields that are part of
section called "Override server settings" which has "Server", "Port" (which has default setting of 5222, and "Use old ssl"
check box.
[18:54:26] <novadeviator> "Server" field is empty.
[18:55:26] <novadeviator> when i enable this account, it immediately sais, "disconnected - Network error"
[18:55:57] <ThurahT> I guess that's alternate connect server or smthing. Dont use it on jabber.org
[18:58:50] <novadeviator> but why i cannot connect
[19:00:40] <ThurahT> depends on what error message you get
[19:00:45] <ThurahT> what is it?
[19:04:05] <novadeviator> Disconnected - Network error
[19:04:24] * dynam1te left the chat.
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[19:09:39] <ThurahT> well, that could be anything. Do you have a debug log or smthng?
[19:10:26] <ThurahT> if you find any use pastebin.com or smthng to show it to us.
[19:14:10] <novadeviator> ok, i tried finch (commandline jabber client) and it throws and error "Invalid XMPP ID"
[19:16:26] <ThurahT> I don't know finch. You could try #pidgin on irc.freenode.net
[19:24:00] <novadeviator> oh now it works. i added resource, and server as jabber.org disabled SSL first, it connected alright, and re-enabled SSL and
it worked too/again. have no idea what was wrong...
[19:24:10] <ThurahT> novadeviator: you could always try here first: http://developer.pidgin.im/wiki/Using%20Finch#UsingFinch
[19:26:31] <novadeviator> thanks a lot!
[19:28:07] <ThurahT> hm, neither do I.. But ssl/tls works ok now?
[19:45:01] * Alex left the chat.
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[21:29:32] <zachary.j.werner> I could use some help. I made a conference room, but whenever someone else tries to join they get "407: Registration required"
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[21:34:54] <Link Mauve> zachary.j.werner, the room needs configuration, as you are running Pidgin try to type /config when you are in the room you
just created.
[21:37:38] <zachary.j.werner> Perfect, thanks
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[21:46:04] <reagan1583> Hey, quick question for anyone that can answer. Has anyone's Jabber PW sudden changed out of the blue?
[21:46:13] <reagan1583> suddenly rather...
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