Logs for jabber
[00:14:00] * xa0c left the chat.
[00:16:40] * Ammar.net joined the chat.
[00:17:03] <Ammar.net> ع س
[00:17:27] <Ammar.net> عمارعرفونا
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[00:18:18] * dynam1te left the chat.
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[00:32:15] <Ammar.net> س ع
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[00:59:55] * нιтмάņ joined the chat.
[01:00:19] <нιтмάņ> Hi
[01:00:23] <нιтмάņ> :HI:
[01:02:16] <нιтмάņ> Are Jabber server supports emails for bots?
[01:03:28] <нιтмάņ> Link Mauve: Are Jaber server supports emails for bots
[01:03:32] <нιтмάņ> ?
[01:05:04] <Link Mauve> It depends on the server you chose, some can provide email (like google’s or gmx’s), but jabber.org don’t.
[01:05:08] <Link Mauve> doesn’t*
[01:05:28] <Link Mauve> And bots, erm, I don’t know what you want.
[01:08:52] <нιтмάņ> Link Mauve: I have bots and I want to run it and lift on the server Jabber Is this allowed on the server?
[01:09:23] <Link Mauve> You should do it on your own server.
[01:09:56] <нιтмάņ> Link Mauve: if i dont have a server?
[01:12:15] <Link Mauve> It’s not allowed on jabber.org.
[01:13:00] <Link Mauve> See the first point here: http://www.jabber.org/service-policy/
[01:14:08] <нιтмάņ> Link Mauve: ok just a sec
[01:19:46] <нιтмάņ> Link Mauve: thx
[01:19:49] * нιтмάņ left the chat.
[01:23:00] * dynam1te left the chat.
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[03:23:30] * Sarkasper joined the chat.
[03:37:11] * steamhackor joined the chat.
[03:37:37] <steamhackor> hey everyone
[03:37:37] <steamhackor> I need help with settup
[03:37:44] <steamhackor> jabber
[03:38:36] <steamhackor> I subscribed to a forum that uses jabber. I made an account and added my jabber in my profile. I didn't get any notifications
though. Is there anything I need to do?
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[03:54:14] * Sarkasper left the chat.
[04:24:12] * nikita left the chat.
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[06:44:40] * harlock joined the chat.
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[07:54:30] * Alex joined the chat.
[08:19:56] * cherry^ joined the chat.
[08:22:31] * treebilou joined the chat.
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[08:46:13] * mebs left the chat.
[08:47:53] * Kev joined the chat.
[08:52:37] * yuppinturic joined the chat.
[09:10:28] * cherry^ left the chat.
[09:10:35] * cherry^ joined the chat.
[09:13:49] * treebilou joined the chat.
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[09:16:03] * Kev left the chat.
[09:23:50] * Kev joined the chat.
[09:24:58] * cherry^ left the chat.
[09:34:02] * R joined the chat.
[09:34:26] <R> السلام عليكم
[09:36:04] <Kev> steamhackor: sounds like something you'd need to ask the forum people.
[09:37:26] <R> Kev:
[09:38:06] <R> martbo:
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[09:41:47] * Tobias joined the chat.
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[10:43:54] * Z_God joined the chat.
[11:00:04] * ana_barbu joined the chat.
[12:08:32] * treebilou joined the chat.
[12:31:10] * cherry^ joined the chat.
[12:48:37] * ana_barbu left the chat.
[12:54:26] * Lantizia left the chat.
[13:20:47] * MattJ joined the chat.
[13:22:35] * mebs joined the chat.
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[13:56:34] * cherry^ left the chat.
[14:01:20] * mv joined the chat.
[14:01:37] * mv left the chat.
[14:06:45] * Elessar joined the chat.
[14:07:01] <Elessar> hi all, does jabber.org supports peps?
[14:07:33] <Kev> Yes, but they don't persist across restarts.
[14:07:51] <Elessar> I receive service-unavailable error when try to set it
[14:08:14] <Kev> Pastebin the stanzas somewhere.
[14:08:38] <Elessar> do you need exactly request+reply or full log?
[14:09:50] <Kev> request+reply.
[14:10:09] <Elessar> http://paste.kde.org/442892/
[14:11:52] <Kev> That is curious, yes.
[14:12:03] <Kev> I don't *think* we've disabled PEP.
[14:13:55] * domme joined the chat.
[14:13:55] <Elessar> so can you check it, please?
[14:14:26] <domme> would be much appreciated ;-)
[14:15:24] <Alex> resource problem? qutIM/Jreen
[14:15:48] <Kev> Alex: Very unlikely, the server doesn't do anything with the resource.
[14:15:54] <Alex> resource is valid, but strange
[14:16:26] <Kev> Not very strange :)
[14:17:10] <Elessar> Kev: resource part may contain lots of charachters which are invalid in it's bare part
[14:17:27] <Elessar> btw, libidn thinks that it's valid
[14:17:41] <Kev> It is valid, I said that.
[14:22:33] * harlock left the chat.
[14:26:00] * MattJ left the chat.
[14:31:45] * aRyo joined the chat.
[14:35:13] * aRyo left the chat.
[14:36:04] * MattJ joined the chat.
[14:38:26] * MattJ left the chat.
[14:39:00] * aRyo joined the chat.
[14:44:26] * nixon49686 joined the chat.
[14:45:26] * MattJ joined the chat.
[14:47:34] * MattJ left the chat.
[14:49:11] * MattJ joined the chat.
[14:52:23] * nixon49686 left the chat.
[14:53:28] * MattJ left the chat.
[14:54:09] * MattJ joined the chat.
[14:55:13] * MattJ left the chat.
[14:55:47] * MattJ joined the chat.
[14:56:42] * MattJ left the chat.
[14:57:14] * MattJ joined the chat.
[14:59:19] <domme> Kev: could you find out anything?
[14:59:26] <Kev> I've not looked, sorry.
[14:59:30] * MattJ left the chat.
[14:59:40] <Kev> I've got caught up with work stuff.
[14:59:45] <domme> oh bummer
[15:00:10] * MattJ joined the chat.
[15:02:28] <Elessar> Kev: if it helps - the same stuff is on "jabber:iq:privacy" query
[15:02:32] * Alex left the chat.
[15:02:46] <Kev> That's expected, jabber.org doesn't support privacy lists.
[15:02:52] <Elessar> oh о_О
[15:04:22] <domme> btw i can see other peoples' (on different servers) mood/currently listening but i cant set it for myself :)
[15:05:32] * buchanan3734 joined the chat.
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[15:05:46] <Elessar> Kev: also, jabber.org says by diso#info reply that it supports peps
[15:07:01] * NEOhidra joined the chat.
[15:12:29] * Elessar left the chat.
[15:12:30] * Elessar joined the chat.
[15:16:36] * psa joined the chat.
[15:19:18] * psa left the chat.
[15:20:00] * psa joined the chat.
[15:21:07] * Kev_ joined the chat.
[15:23:29] * Lantizia joined the chat.
[15:25:37] * Elessar left the chat.
[15:25:38] * Elessar joined the chat.
[15:48:26] * roosevelt28297 joined the chat.
[15:48:48] <roosevelt28297> hi
[15:49:26] <psa> hi
[15:49:29] <psa> can we help you?
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[15:59:29] * treebilou left the chat.
[16:01:44] * treebilou joined the chat.
[16:21:23] * tyler49728 joined the chat.
[16:22:01] <tyler49728> Hi
[16:22:11] <psa> hi
[16:22:38] <tyler49728> I can't seem to be able to connect to jabber.org through XIFF
[16:22:56] <tyler49728> the xmpp ActionScript3 api
[16:22:59] <psa> XIFF is a Flash library, right?
[16:23:01] <tyler49728> yep
[16:23:10] <MattJ> Probably because we don't have a crossdomain.xml for it
[16:23:12] <psa> I wonder if it depends on the old "Flash hask"
[16:23:14] <psa> hack
[16:23:15] <psa> ah
[16:23:16] <psa> yeah
[16:23:18] <psa> that might do it
[16:23:34] <Kev_> MattJ: That's needed for direct TCP stuff too?
[16:23:50] <MattJ> Yes, at least with AS2
[16:23:50] <tyler49728> yeah, I think its something to do with policy files
[16:23:57] <Kev_> I guess that would make sense.
[16:23:59] <tyler49728> There is one at http://www.jabber.org/crossdomain.xml
[16:24:19] <Kev_> That should be enough, then?
[16:24:32] <MattJ> You do have to load it explicitly I think
[16:24:38] <tyler49728> but I'm not sure that the xmpp server (I think on just jabber.org) gets it
[16:24:50] <MattJ> No, Flash needs to request it
[16:30:02] <psa> it is OK to have it served by www.jabber.org or does it need to be jabber.org?
[16:32:00] <tyler49728> it might have to be jabber.org
[16:32:10] <psa> I think so
[16:57:04] * reagan29580 joined the chat.
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[17:04:09] * domme left the chat.
[17:05:00] * MattJ left the chat.
[17:06:17] * MattJ joined the chat.
[17:07:24] * domme joined the chat.
[17:25:37] * evilotto joined the chat.
[17:30:58] * yuppinturic left the chat.
[17:31:37] * Lastwebpage joined the chat.
[17:34:10] <tyler49728> hmm
[17:34:13] <tyler49728> Error: Ignoring policy file requested from http://www.jabber.org
because a cross-domain redirect to http://www.jabber.org/ occurred.
[17:36:08] <tyler49728> Error: [strict] Ignoring policy file at http://www.jabber.org/ due to incorrect syntax. See http://www.adobe.com/go/strict_policy_files
to fix this problem.
[17:46:00] * mckinley56545 joined the chat.
[17:46:14] * domme left the chat.
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[17:58:04] <psa> tyler49728: unfortunately, we prefer not to host the crossdomain file on the machine for jabber.org (not www.jabber.org) because
that machine has never been accessible via port 80/443
[17:58:38] <psa> (sorry about the slow reply -- too many windows open on this machine)
[17:58:41] <Kev_> If you go to http://jabber.org/crossdomain.xml, you will get that file, after a redirect.
[17:58:56] <psa> right, but isn't the redirect evil?
[17:59:09] <psa> if only HTTP had SRV records ;-)
[17:59:44] <Kev_> Right.
[18:01:30] <tyler49728> it looks like it only needs it for port 843
[18:02:17] <psa> what is 843?
[18:04:52] <tyler49728> thats the port that socket policy files are served on for flash
[18:05:56] <tyler49728> heres a page about socket policy files
[18:05:57] <tyler49728> http://www.adobe.com/devnet/flashplayer/articles/socket_policy_files.html
[18:06:32] <psa> ok
[18:07:37] * Kev_ left the chat.
[18:28:17] <tyler49728> Yeah, I get the log
[18:28:28] <tyler49728> OK: Searching for <allow-access-from> in policy files to authorize data loading from resource at xmlsocket://jabber.org
:5222 by requestor from (my flash swf)
[18:29:38] <tyler49728> Error: Failed to load policy file from xmlsocket://jabber.org
Error: Request for resource at xmlsocket://jabber.org
:5222 by requestor from http://dl.dropbox.com/u/10089605/xifftest.swf has failed because the server cannot be reached.
[18:35:38] * mv joined the chat.
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[19:01:57] * aRyo left the chat.
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[19:17:21] * Alex joined the chat.
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[19:21:23] * naw_ joined the chat.
[19:26:22] * Tobias left the chat.
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[20:02:23] * dynam1te left the chat.
[20:04:32] * MattJ left the chat.
[20:05:39] * MattJ joined the chat.
[20:05:47] * Tobias joined the chat.
[20:14:28] <Elessar> Kev: is there any success in pep's issue?
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[20:42:08] * Alex left the chat.
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[20:53:15] * mckinley36395 joined the chat.
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[21:22:30] * psa left the chat.
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[22:08:01] <ThurahT> .
[22:08:46] * aRyo left the chat.
[22:09:37] * domme left the chat.
[22:09:43] * abaskdr99 joined the chat.
[22:09:51] <MattJ> .
[22:09:51] <MattJ> Here we go again?
[22:09:54] * evilotto left the chat.
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[22:11:43] * abaskdr99 left the chat.
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[22:13:30] <ThurahT> seems like it
[22:13:45] * Lastwebpage left the chat.
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[22:14:27] * treebilou left the chat.
[22:15:01] * treebilou joined the chat.
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[22:17:59] * domme joined the chat.
[22:20:12] <Elessar> may be anybody else knows why peps don't work on jabber.org?
[22:20:33] * xa0c joined the chat.
[22:20:50] <ThurahT> anybody else than who?
[22:21:10] <Elessar> than Kev :)
[22:21:15] <xa0c> hi all
[22:21:32] <ThurahT> oh.. I wouldn't think so.. : )
[22:22:01] <xa0c> Does anybody has an issue with certificate?
[22:22:41] <ThurahT> jabber.org certs works here.
[22:23:50] <xa0c> my jabber-client notifies me that the centificate is untrusted )
[22:24:11] <ThurahT> which client is that?
[22:24:16] <xa0c> gajim
[22:24:48] <ThurahT> maybe they know smthng we don't.. : )
[22:24:55] <xa0c> i'll try one more time
[22:25:01] * xa0c left the chat.
[22:25:58] * xa0c joined the chat.
[22:26:17] <xa0c> i was a little bit wrong
[22:26:35] <xa0c> it says that
"The authenticity of the jabber.org certificate could be invalid.
The certificate does not cover this domain."
[22:27:10] <xa0c> in details of the warning it shows that it is issued to "*.jabber.org"
[22:27:24] <xa0c> a little bit strange...
[22:27:34] <ThurahT> oh.. yeah a bit.
[22:28:10] <MattJ> xa0c, what client?
[22:28:20] <ThurahT> maybe it treats the * in a special way
[22:28:28] <xa0c> anyway jabber.org doesn't belong to *.jabber.org mask
[22:28:40] <xa0c> client - Gajim
[22:30:03] <xa0c> MattJ, you also use it ) do you have same issue?
[22:30:36] <MattJ> No
[22:30:51] <MattJ> If I recall correctly, the certificate has a separate entry for "jabber.org"
[22:31:55] * xa0c left the chat.
[22:32:32] * xa0c joined the chat.
[22:33:05] <xa0c> Common Name (CN): *.jabber.org
[22:33:23] <MattJ> Yes, CN is not the correct way of verifying a certificate
[22:33:30] <MattJ> There are other entries
[22:34:04] <xa0c> GUI didn't show anything else...
[22:34:07] <ThurahT> I have common *.jabber.org also
[22:34:33] <xa0c> is it possible to see cartificate details in some other way
[22:34:37] <xa0c> ?
[22:34:57] <xa0c> maybe via console?
[22:36:47] * Kev left the chat.
[22:41:12] * Bruno :P joined the chat.
[22:41:23] * Bruno :P left the chat.
[22:42:03] <MattJ> Yes, via the console is possible - if I can remember the command
[22:42:42] * mebs left the chat.
[22:44:21] * tyler49728 left the chat.
[22:48:11] <MattJ> Well I found at least a long way to do it
[22:48:27] <MattJ> Run: openssl s_client -host jabber.org -port 5223
[22:48:35] <MattJ> Press Ctrl+C to exit
[22:48:47] <MattJ> In the output you will see the encoded certificate
[22:48:58] <MattJ> Copy/paste it (including the BEGIN and END lines)
[22:49:04] <MattJ> to a file, and save that file
[22:49:41] <MattJ> Then you can view a human-readable version with: openssl x509 -noout -text -in <filename>
[22:50:10] <MattJ> The relevant parts are in the "X509v3 Subject Alternative Name" section
[22:50:20] <MattJ> Where you see "*.jabber.org" and "jabber.org"
[22:50:46] <MattJ> My OpenSSL won't display some other entries there, they are probably XMPP-specific ones (which XMPP clients should be able
to understand)
[22:52:20] <ThurahT> nice tut MattJ.
[22:53:11] <xa0c> i'm here again
[22:56:49] <MattJ> Here's a single command-line to do it: echo | openssl s_client -host jabber.org -port 5223 | sed '/^-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----$/,/^-----END
CERTIFICATE-----$/p;d;' | openssl x509 -noout -text
[22:57:18] <xa0c> this is waht i got
[22:57:20] <xa0c> X509v3 Subject Alternative Name:
DNS:*.jabber.org, DNS:jabber.org, othername:<unsupported>, othername:<unsupported>, othername:<unsupported>, othername:<unsupported>
[22:57:31] <MattJ> Yep, same here
[22:57:58] <xa0c> sorry. i'm a little bit busy. will be back in 15 minutes
[22:58:02] <MattJ> np
[22:59:23] * Elessar left the chat.
[22:59:23] * Elessar joined the chat.
[23:04:20] * Alex left the chat.
[23:18:02] * Z_God left the chat.
[23:20:05] <xa0c> i'm here again. so should 'X509v3 Subject Alternative Name' contain jabber.org entry also?
[23:22:32] * xa0c left the chat.
[23:22:44] * NEOhidra left the chat.
[23:23:35] <MattJ> Yes
[23:24:15] * xa0c joined the chat.
[23:25:57] <xa0c> then why didn't your gajim version show any warnings?
[23:26:11] <xa0c> btw i use 0.15
[23:26:15] <MattJ> Because jabber.org is listed there?
[23:26:26] <MattJ> I don't know why yours shows warnings
[23:27:07] <xa0c> quote - "MattJ: Yep, same here"
[23:27:24] <MattJ> Your list has "jabber.org" in it
[23:27:25] <MattJ> Mine too
[23:27:27] <xa0c> so do you have jabber.org entry there?
[23:27:29] <MattJ> Yes
[23:29:02] <xa0c> i should be more attentive next time. sorry )
[23:29:38] <MattJ> What platform are you running Gajim on? Distro, version, etc.
[23:30:32] <xa0c> slackware64-current with 3.2.7 kernel
[23:30:58] <xa0c> pure 64bit
[23:31:15] <MattJ> Check Help->Features in Gajim
[23:32:01] <xa0c> ty. i see the problem
[23:32:13] * mv joined the chat.
[23:32:40] <xa0c> new gajim needs new version of pyopenssl to work
[23:32:54] * mv left the chat.
[23:33:11] <xa0c> will update now. then will return for feedback )
[23:33:21] <MattJ> :)
[23:35:41] * Elessar left the chat.
[23:35:41] * Elessar joined the chat.
[23:42:04] * xa0c left the chat.
[23:46:01] * Elessar left the chat.
[23:46:02] * Elessar joined the chat.
[23:48:15] * xa0c joined the chat.
[23:49:13] <xa0c> no warnings now. thanks, MattJ
[23:49:52] <MattJ> Great :)
[23:50:13] <MattJ> The fun thing is that it works for me, and I realised I don't have either of those dependencies :P
[23:50:41] <MattJ> I have pyopenssl, but it's 0.10, the dialog says it needs 0.12
[23:50:57] <xa0c> lol ) linux magic )
[23:51:46] <xa0c> maybe you have python package with all-included libs?
[23:54:18] <MattJ> Maybe, but Gajim doesn't indicate certificate verification is enabled