Logs for jabber
[00:33:32] * nikita left the chat.
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[00:53:35] * ALAA joined the chat.
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[00:55:16] <alaa> hi
[00:55:32] <alaa> :-D
[00:55:48] * alaa left the chat.
[01:00:06] * ALAA joined the chat.
[01:00:44] <ALAA> How to Make a Chat Room IN JABBER.ORG servers
[01:01:34] <ThurahT> you just join a non existing MUC room. And that room will then be created.
[01:02:07] <ThurahT> And you will be the owner. Then you can set it up the way you want.
[01:05:42] <ALAA> How I hope to get a free room on the way
[01:07:33] <ALAA> How can I get Room ??
[01:07:53] <ThurahT> you want your room to be "room"?
[01:08:34] <ALAA> Yes
[01:09:23] <ALAA> انا اسف لان لغتي ليست جيده لانني اتكلم العربية
[01:09:36] <ALAA> I'm sorry because my language is not good because I speak Arabic
[01:10:44] <ALAA> How can I get a room ??
[01:12:01] <ThurahT> well.. as I said. You join a room of your choosing. And hopefully it won't already be taken..
[01:12:11] <ThurahT> "room" is taken btw...
[01:15:04] <ALAA> I want an example of how this room I run: جبلة@conference.jabber.org
[01:16:40] <ThurahT> I don't understand
[01:17:11] <ALAA> :'-(
[01:19:35] <ThurahT> I have to sleep. Goodnight.
[01:19:48] <ALAA> (Y)
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[01:45:00] * Rob joined the chat.
[01:46:36] * yuppinturic left the chat.
[01:51:07] * evilotto left the chat.
[02:54:08] * jef joined the chat.
[02:54:41] <jef> gmail is not showing status in the roster
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[03:50:22] * eisenhower10275 joined the chat.
[03:50:57] <eisenhower10275> hello?
[03:52:12] <eisenhower10275> is anyone in here active or is it too late?
[03:52:28] <eisenhower10275> i'm guessing this means too late
[03:52:30] <eisenhower10275> sad
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[03:59:28] * treebilou joined the chat.
[04:54:12] * AlKing2011 joined the chat.
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[06:33:12] * harlock joined the chat.
[07:02:39] * Alex joined the chat.
[07:02:56] * Alex left the chat.
[07:04:45] * ricky.him joined the chat.
[07:06:04] <ricky.him> Hi
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[07:07:10] * mebs joined the chat.
[07:08:00] * Alex joined the chat.
[07:09:13] <ricky.him> Hi...there r other rooms also on jabber?
[07:10:38] <Alex> ricky.him: there are lots of room
[07:10:47] <Alex> are you looking for anything special?
[07:11:25] <ricky.him> Alex: im new at jabber plz tell hw to search
[07:13:04] <Alex> which jabber client are you using?
[07:13:31] <ricky.him> Alex: bombus
[07:13:41] <Alex> you can use a client with service discovery to list all rooms on a server
[07:13:45] <ricky.him> Bombus mod
[07:13:47] <Alex> I don't know bombus
[07:13:55] <ricky.him> K
[07:13:59] <ricky.him> I try
[07:14:14] <ricky.him> Gv me any room name i try to join
[07:15:02] <Alex> you are already in the correct room. Its about jabber
[07:15:44] <ricky.him> Alex: i jst made new room so it showed jabber i dnt knw bout other rooms
[07:15:58] <ricky.him> Plz gv some gud room names
[07:16:40] <Alex> jdev for example when you want to write code for jabber/xmpp
[07:18:33] <ricky.him> Alex: ppl r so silent here:-|
[07:19:09] <Alex> yes, I guess most of them are programmers and work
[07:19:36] <ricky.him> Owh:-|
[07:20:13] <ricky.him> do we can check owners without entering the room?
[07:25:13] <Alex> no
[07:26:45] <ricky.him> Alex: all the ppl r mostly programmers in jabber?
[07:50:46] * harlock left the chat.
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[08:04:34] * Mkaysi joined the chat.
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[08:40:43] * Mkaysi left the chat.
[08:44:18] * Kev joined the chat.
[08:46:51] <ricky.him> Kev: where u frm?
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[08:55:13] * ricky.him left the chat.
[09:06:48] * yuppinturic joined the chat.
[09:08:09] * Tobias joined the chat.
[10:16:56] * taylor53086 joined the chat.
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[10:19:14] <taylor53086> the last couple of days I haven't been able to connect to my talk using friends with my jabber-account, there is a notice
from the end of february on the jabber site but nothing more recent. Is this a known issue? Is it possible to solve it somehow?
Using the messages beta on lion 10.7.3 and imo on the iPhone with a jabber.org account.
[10:19:39] <taylor53086> gtalk using friends I meant to say
[10:35:09] * mebs joined the chat.
[10:44:57] * Kev left the chat.
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[10:48:32] * Kev joined the chat.
[10:50:02] * ricky.him joined the chat.
[10:50:35] <ricky.him> Helo mr.alex
[10:51:04] <ricky.him> Can i open nimbuzz chatrooms from jabber too
[10:51:46] <Alex> I don't know if nimbuzz federates with the xmpp network
[10:51:52] <Alex> if yes you can, otherwise not
[10:52:25] <ricky.him> Alex: it works on openfire.nimbuzz.com
[11:05:06] * ricky.him left the chat.
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[11:12:53] <ricky.him> Sir alex, if the room get hacked n no owner get remained....cn we get back that room
[11:20:37] <ricky.him> Any1 can answer, if the room get hacked n no owner get remained....cn we get back that room
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[11:28:58] * cherry^ joined the chat.
[11:33:11] * jackson63563 joined the chat.
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[11:54:37] * treebilou left the chat.
[12:01:23] * Tobias left the chat.
[13:13:08] * cherry^ left the chat.
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[13:18:00] * madison18995 joined the chat.
[13:19:54] * kiwibird joined the chat.
[13:23:12] <kiwibird> hi, anyone know why if I have a contact added both to my jabber.org account and my gtalk account, the gtalk shows them online
while the jabber.org shows them offline?
[13:23:19] <kiwibird> happens even if the account is @aol.com …
[13:23:42] <Kev> AOL doesn't federate normally with XMPP, they have a special agreement with Google.
[13:23:54] <kiwibird> oh :/
[13:24:08] <kiwibird> bah
[13:24:09] <kiwibird> ok
[13:24:12] <kiwibird> thanks, Kev
[13:26:12] * madison18995 left the chat.
[13:35:19] * MattJ joined the chat.
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[13:39:06] * cheney12273 joined the chat.
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[13:41:27] <ricky.him> Can i make new messenger with the help of xmpp?
[13:41:49] <Kev> Depends what 'new messenger' means.
[13:41:53] <Kev> Probably, though.
[13:42:46] <ricky.him> I want to create for chatting in rooms
[13:43:11] <ricky.him> Like nimbuzz
[13:43:29] <Kev> Yes, you can create chat websites.
[13:44:11] <ricky.him> i have purchased website
[13:44:34] <ricky.him> What will be the process
[13:45:13] <ricky.him> What i have to do to create
[13:46:31] <Kev> Try searching for 'Jappix' and get that running.
[13:47:06] <ricky.him> Kev: jappix is a plugin?
[13:47:19] <Kev> It's a chat application for websites.
[13:47:23] <ricky.him> Im using wordpress in my site
[13:48:02] <ricky.him> Cn u tell any website which is using jappix
[13:49:39] * cherry^ left the chat.
[13:49:46] * NEOhidra joined the chat.
[13:50:32] <ricky.him> Ok after using them how to earn money from it?
[13:51:56] <MattJ> Step 1. Use Jappix
[13:51:59] <MattJ> Step 2. ???
[13:52:01] <Kev> Haha.
[13:53:05] <Alex> Candy is also nice if you need group chat only
[13:53:17] <ricky.him> :-D
[13:54:00] <ricky.him> I Need ur ppl guidance:-)
[13:54:21] <Alex> http://candy-chat.github.com/candy/
[13:54:31] <Alex> download teh software and read the manual
[13:54:40] <ricky.him> Alex: ok
[13:55:10] <ricky.him> Alex: n how to earn using them?
[13:55:38] * 0x6373 joined the chat.
[13:58:40] * mebs left the chat.
[13:58:57] <ricky.him> I go n check bout candy
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[14:07:30] * Z_God joined the chat.
[14:12:50] * Alex left the chat.
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[14:33:04] * harlock left the chat.
[14:41:44] * jefferson36348 joined the chat.
[14:42:44] * psa joined the chat.
[14:50:58] <jefferson36348> is there a basic instruction manual for the non developer? ( designer/limited coding ability)
[14:51:18] <jefferson36348> or other resources out there?
[14:51:28] <MattJ> What are you looking to do in particular?
[14:51:53] <jefferson36348> have a Wordpress site & add Chat functionality
[14:52:02] <jefferson36348> ie Candy
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[21:30:11] <buchanan14684> Hi all, I can't connect from my ichat with jabber to ichat with @me.com , both MacBooks and on the same wifi..... help please
[21:30:52] * Lantizia joined the chat.
[21:32:36] <psa> hi buchanan14684
[21:32:50] <psa> do we know that me.com uses XMPP?
[21:32:53] <psa> /me checks
[21:33:16] * ahmam.ede left the chat.
[21:34:01] <buchanan14684> no... but it´s in the same ichat, and the ichat app supports xmpp
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[21:34:13] <buchanan14684> shouldn´t it work then?
[21:34:17] <psa> right
[21:34:40] <psa> iChat is a multi-protocol client -- they might use some other protocol for @me.com addresses
[21:34:55] <buchanan14684> when I add a new buddie, I don't get an mail, or something, to approve the buddie
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[21:36:49] <buchanan14684> okey, found out... it does not support .me to jabber chat... damn...
[21:37:05] <buchanan14684> just added a test jabber account, and that works....
[21:37:26] <psa> aha
[21:37:26] <psa> ok
[21:37:30] <buchanan14684> so how about OCS and Lync, would that work?
[21:37:34] <psa> yeah, I don't see any xmpp interface at me.com
[21:37:59] * ahmam.ede left the chat.
[21:38:16] <psa> buchanan14684: as far as I know, Microsoft uses a custom authentication method, so normal IM clients might not work with OCS
and Lync
[21:39:07] <buchanan14684> hmmm, I know that a cisco client (webex) to an MS works...
[21:39:20] <buchanan14684> isn't that xmpp?
[21:45:42] * Assaluck joined the chat.
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[21:47:29] <psa> buchanan14684: I doubt that's XMPP, because Microsoft announced their XMPP support only recently
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[22:05:19] <ThurahT> could wiresharks help file get any crappier..
[22:05:34] <ThurahT> I think not.
[22:05:46] <psa> /me laughs
[22:07:59] <ThurahT> I cant use a capture filter since it's not a display filter. Ok, thanks for the info.
[22:11:11] <ThurahT> so when I try to use a display filter instead it tells me that its not a valid capture filter.
[22:15:39] <MattJ> What are you filtering on?
[22:17:50] <ThurahT> I want to capture "tcp.dstport == 5222" but it isn't a valid syntax.
[22:18:57] <MattJ> Should be fine
[22:19:05] <ThurahT> I see a not so remote future where I will flip this table..
[22:19:25] <ThurahT> that's what I thought.. wireshark says nneeeii..
[22:19:39] <MattJ> Should work for both display and capture
[22:19:43] <MattJ> What version of Wireshark?
[22:20:12] <ThurahT> Version 1.2.2 (SVN Rev 29910)
[22:21:29] <MattJ> Oh wait, capture filters use the tcpdump syntax
[22:21:37] <MattJ> just use "port 5222" (no quotes)
[22:21:51] <MattJ> tcp.dstport is definitely a valid display filter
[22:23:10] <MattJ> `man pcap-filter` for capture syntax
[22:23:14] <ThurahT> neither works.. : / I'll just try a fresh install.. I may have borked this to pieces..
[22:23:21] * mebs left the chat.
[22:23:46] <MattJ> You're entering the capture one into the dialog of options that pops up before you start a capture?
[22:24:21] <ThurahT> yes. In the dialog.
[22:24:43] <MattJ> Sounds broken then
[22:24:47] <MattJ> Works fine for me
[22:25:26] <MattJ> Another option would be using tcpdump to write a pcap, and opening that in Wireshark (common solution to not have to run Wireshark
as root)
[22:25:26] <ThurahT> well, at least that is some what good news..
[22:25:41] <ThurahT> then I know I have a faulty installation..
[22:26:13] <ThurahT> for a moment I thought it was my brain..
[22:26:25] <MattJ> tcpdump -s0 -w <filename>.pcap tcp port 5222
[22:26:57] <MattJ> oh, and -i eth0 (or whatever interface)
[22:27:25] <ThurahT> I'll do a fresh and check. Thanks for your pointers
[22:27:32] <MattJ> np
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[23:20:36] <ThurahT> nice. I got it up and running.. and it works correctly now..
[23:23:57] <psa> yay :)
[23:25:12] <ThurahT> : ) I almost lost hope about my self before..
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[23:37:14] <ricky.him> Guys where i can find flood control bots?
[23:37:48] <psa> bots that prevent flooding in chatrooms?
[23:38:00] <ricky.him> psa: yes
[23:38:10] <MattJ> Better to implement that on the server side
[23:38:46] <ricky.him> MattJ: u mean better i use that bot thru server?
[23:39:14] <MattJ> It's better if the server filters the user, a bot has to be in the room, and see the messages
[23:39:25] <MattJ> By the time it's kicked the user, it's too late - the flood has already happened
[23:39:40] <MattJ> Servers can be far more clever
[23:40:01] <MattJ> Like delaying messages that are sent too quickly
[23:40:50] <ricky.him> Server bots will ban the ids before flood?
[23:41:12] * AlKing2011 left the chat.
[23:41:15] <MattJ> Depends how they work, but they can filter messages before they reach the room
[23:41:52] <ricky.him> MattJ: gv me name of any bots which cn do it
[23:42:54] <MattJ> Bots? I don't know any that do flood control myself - I used to have one that managed flooding, but it's not released
[23:43:15] <MattJ> I'm (slowly) working on a better version that is open-source, but it doesn't do flood control yet
[23:43:25] <MattJ> I'm sure there are many out there, try a search engine
[23:43:37] <ricky.him> Ok
[23:45:31] <ricky.him> I saw some floods which does get banned. How they do it?
[23:48:04] <MattJ> Who is "they"?
[23:48:45] <ricky.him> MattJ: people who using that flood
[23:49:16] <MattJ> The flooders? They usually use bots
[23:49:47] <ricky.him> MattJ: bots doesnt get ban?
[23:49:59] <MattJ> Sure, if someone bans then...
[23:50:02] <MattJ> *them
[23:50:23] <MattJ> I guess I don't know what you're asking
[23:52:55] <ricky.him> MattJ: i try banned the ids..bt that ids nt generally banned by some clients. I tried it havnt done but when ma friend tried
with has client by copying the ids its done.
[23:53:42] <MattJ> Sounds like a bug
[23:54:20] * xa0c left the chat.
[23:55:02] <ricky.him> MattJ: can i get knw who is the owner of room without enter in it
[23:55:22] <MattJ> I don't think so
[23:55:24] <ricky.him> Without admin or owner power
[23:55:35] <ricky.him> Owh
[23:57:36] <psa> yeah, you need to be in the room to know how the admins and owners are (well, they need to be in the room, too)
[23:57:45] <psa> or someone with super powers can look it up for you
[23:57:54] <ricky.him> When the room get created its information get store somewhere?
[23:58:03] <psa> ricky.him: are you having trouble with a particular room at conference.jabber.org?
[23:58:07] <psa> ricky.him: yes
[23:58:14] <ricky.him> » psa> or someone with super powers can look it up for you
[23:59:21] <ricky.him> psa: my friend had 1room. It got hacked bt it doesnt hv owner or got created again by owner who never came
[00:00:50] <psa> ricky.him: and what is the name of the room?
[00:01:34] <ricky.him> psa: england_london_usa@conference.nimbuzz.com
[00:01:57] <psa> oh
[00:02:06] <ricky.him> psa: i hv the same room name too with 1fake font too
[00:02:12] <psa> I don't have special powers at conference.numbuzz.com
[00:02:17] <psa> only at conference.jabber.org
[00:02:22] <psa> (i.e., here)
[00:02:31] <ricky.him> Owh ok
[00:03:05] <ricky.him> Bt i think nimbuzz also works on xmpp
[00:03:12] <psa> sure
[00:03:32] <psa> but that's a different domain
[00:03:51] <ricky.him> psa: people hack the passwords easily. Any way to stop it?
[00:04:05] <psa> it's like saying "both jabber.org and google.com run on http, can't you fix things in both places?"
[00:04:23] <ricky.him> Ok
[00:04:53] <psa> hack what passwords? the chatroom passwords or the user account passwords?
[00:05:11] <ricky.him> psa: user account password
[00:05:17] <psa> really?
[00:05:20] <psa> at nimbuzz?
[00:05:26] <ricky.him> psa: yea
[00:05:27] <psa> we don't have that problem at jabber.org
[00:05:37] <psa> so you need to contact the nimbuzz people and complain to them :)
[00:06:30] <ricky.him> They dnt hv any help centre. Cant contact them
[00:06:52] <ricky.him> People chat less at jabber y it is so
[00:06:54] <psa> maybe send email to webmaster@nimbuzz.com or something like that
[00:07:28] <psa> or use http://www.nimbuzz.com/en/contact-us
[00:08:08] <ricky.him> psa: Will they be able to solve my hacked room problem
[00:08:16] <psa> ricky.him: I have no idea!
[00:08:23] <ricky.him> Ok
[00:08:23] <psa> they should be able to!
[00:08:35] <psa> but I don't know if they as helpful as we are here at jabber.org ;-)
[00:09:19] <ricky.him> Where r u from guys?
[00:09:38] <psa> all over
[00:09:43] <psa> I'm in Denver, Colorado, USA
[00:09:53] <psa> MattJ is in the UK
[00:09:56] <ricky.him> Ok
[00:09:56] <psa> etc.
[00:10:29] <psa> speaking of which, it's time for me to cook some dinner here
[00:10:33] <psa> I'm hungry :)
[00:10:33] <ricky.him> Gv me some room names for chat
[00:10:42] <psa> bbiab
[00:10:52] <ricky.him> Oh take ur time
[00:11:49] <psa> ok :)
[00:11:53] * psa left the chat.