Logs for jabber
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[06:39:44] * cherry^ joined the chat.
[07:11:10] * harlock joined the chat.
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[07:18:50] <kevinaparton> Morning all from the uk
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[07:30:03] * Ken Hagler joined the chat.
[07:40:08] * Alex joined the chat.
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[10:02:04] * tyler35684 joined the chat.
[10:05:08] <tyler35684> good morning, have some little questions about jabber.org
[10:06:21] <Kev> Shoot.
[10:07:05] <tyler35684> I still want to use jabber.org for my IM-"work". Is jabber.org and the jabber-service for free ? or must I pay some dollar
[10:07:46] <Kev> Jabber.org is free, but isn't available for all use. What do you want to do with it?
[10:08:25] <tyler35684> some text-messages to my wife and back. no video or something like that.
[10:08:47] <Kev> If it's just personal use of IM, that's absolutely fine.
[10:09:42] <tyler35684> only personal. not for work.
[10:12:14] <tyler35684> I wrote an email to stpeter about the same thing. But there was no reply. maybe he is on hollyday. Could you send him a message
that he can kill the mail ?
[10:12:41] <Kev> Peter's been at the XMPP summit for several days.
[10:12:48] <Kev> And it's better you follow up.
[10:12:51] <Kev> (Better than me)
[10:14:00] <tyler35684> Sorry cant come to the summit. But I see that XMPP is a extreme good work.
[10:15:29] <tyler35684> Thanks for your help Kev. Sorry must go out. Will try to jabber with my wife ;)
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[10:25:40] * Sidheektirur joined the chat.
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[11:42:43] <louiz’> :)
[11:42:46] <louiz’> so cute
[11:54:03] * washington16015 joined the chat.
[11:54:29] <washington16015> help me please!!
[11:55:27] <washington16015> ................
[11:56:06] <louiz’> about what?
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[15:12:06] * Kenan_2012 joined the chat.
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[15:39:46] * taylor33732 joined the chat.
[15:40:41] <taylor33732> Gmail/Gtalk users are once again showing as offline in my iChat client. known issue?
[15:44:44] <mebs> it is broken for me too
[15:45:12] <Alex> same here :(
[15:45:40] <mebs> communication (messages, status messages) seems to work one way: from jabber.org to gmail
[15:46:13] <mebs> in direction from gmail to jabber.org there is no status and no messages for me
[15:47:08] * Alex left the chat.
[15:47:50] * psa joined the chat.
[15:57:43] <mebs> this implies a strange situation: gmail contacts probably see you online, but no messages from them arrive to you. You see
all gmail contacts as offline, but when you send a message to a contact which is really online, he receives it successfuly.
[16:02:13] * Tatsh86 joined the chat.
[16:04:25] <Tatsh86> Vincent V._:
[16:04:28] * MattJ joined the chat.
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[16:17:14] * mebs left the chat.
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[16:32:50] * Ammar.net joined the chat.
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[16:33:09] * Ammar.net left the chat.
[16:37:29] * Tobias left the chat.
[16:51:16] * evilotto joined the chat.
[16:53:45] * truman17435 joined the chat.
[16:53:59] * Ammar.net joined the chat.
[16:55:36] <taylor33732> is this a continuation of connectivity problems with gmail users that we've seen intermittently over the last year or so,
or something entirely new?
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[17:01:13] * tabitha.graham35 joined the chat.
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[17:01:13] * tabitha.graham35 joined the chat.
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[17:01:16] <psa> taylor33732: probably just a continuation
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[17:07:53] * Alex joined the chat.
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[17:17:16] * Alishasayyed49 joined the chat.
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[17:26:46] <taylor33732> i don't mean to be a jerk or a troll, but these continuous problems are really frustrating. What is even more frustrating,
though, is the lack of communication about the issues and status of jabber.org. I know it's a free service, but i would be
willing to pay for support if it meant more information about connectivity.
[17:27:03] * tabitha.graham35 left the chat.
[17:29:07] <psa> taylor33732: fair enough (although I doubt that many people would pay :)
[17:29:53] <psa> personally, I'll have more time to devote to jabber.org administration starting in April
[17:37:39] * Lastwebpage joined the chat.
[17:47:33] <MattJ> The last Gmail problems I remember were actually caused by Google, we asked them to help, they fixed the problem and we blogged
about it: http://www.jabber.org/2011/08/connectivity-issues-solved/
[17:48:06] <MattJ> I'm personally not aware of any other issues (I'm not saying there aren't any)
[17:48:31] <Kev> There's the issue where if gmail disconnects from jabber.org, it doesn't try to reconnect.
[17:48:34] <MattJ> but I object to saying there's a lack of communications about the 'issues' - nothing is going on regarding gmail.com that
you don't know about
[17:48:57] <psa> it also doesn't help when all the admins are at FOSDEM at the same time :)
[18:01:45] * taylor33732 left the chat.
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[18:06:19] * ford25080 joined the chat.
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[18:36:42] * alibungker\40jabber.org joined the chat.
[18:37:08] <alibungker\40jabber.org> ttes
[18:37:21] <jackson57588> I wouldn't say 08/11 was the last service disruption. I have experienced regular, periodic connectivity issues with gmail/gtalk
users for at least 12 months (probably often google's "fault"). I often have to come here to ask if there are problems. When
i do come here, people usually are helpful, so i'm glad to have this as a resource. Some sort of status page or something
a little more accessible and proactive would be nice, however.
[18:38:07] * nkt\40jabber.org joined the chat.
[18:38:49] * nkt\40jabber.org_ joined the chat.
[18:39:27] <alibungker\40jabber.org> halo
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[18:44:12] <alibungker\40jabber.org> hao
[18:44:15] <alibungker\40jabber.org> hallow
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[18:46:25] <psa> jackson57588 makes a good point about a status page, although I wonder if it would be just for "connectivity to google" :)
[18:47:09] * mebs joined the chat.
[18:47:38] <nkt> that's important since 100% of my jabber contacts are using google :)
[18:47:39] <psa> bbiab, I'm not really working today so I'm going to mostly disappear for a while
[18:47:59] <psa> nkt: hmm yeah, that's probably a common occurrence
[18:48:19] * Alex left the chat.
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[19:04:40] <alibungker\40jabber.org> hai
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[19:07:58] * naw joined the chat.
[19:31:53] * fillmore17725 joined the chat.
[19:34:40] <fillmore17725> just joined...anyone up for reiterating the status of the google connection problems?
[19:51:11] * psa left the chat.
[19:51:11] * psa joined the chat.
[19:51:18] <psa> hi fillmore17725
[19:51:45] <psa> your primary server admins were away at FOSDEM and the XMPP Summit all weekend so we weren't tracking things
[19:52:22] <psa> I'll take a look at it a bit later, still catching up on a million things here
[19:53:59] <MattJ> I'd connect to Google Talk, but their cert keeps changing...
[19:54:07] <psa> really?
[19:54:12] <MattJ> According to Gajim, yes
[19:54:17] <MattJ> Especially every time I change network
[19:54:24] <MattJ> I believe they're all valid, but all different
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[19:54:55] <MattJ> and I've not managed to find anyone else mention this, or confirm any of the fingerprint(s)
[19:55:03] <MattJ> so I've just stopped connecting
[19:55:45] <mebs> I am connecting to gmail regulary and I didn't have any cert related problems
[19:56:32] * Tobias joined the chat.
[20:01:25] * mckinley46924 left the chat.
[20:01:47] <mebs> I am curently connected to both jabber.org and gmail and have "myself" in contactlist. In gmail roster I see jabber.org account
as Online, in jabber.org account I see gmail account as offline. I can send messages from jabber.org account to gmail account
successfully. other direction does not work.
[20:01:59] <Kev> Yeah.
[20:02:07] <Kev> Sometimes gmail decides to stop connecting to jabber.org.
[20:11:48] <fillmore17725> Thanks psa -- yes, mebs you have described the problems I'm seeing, too.
[20:13:15] <Kev> I *think* that the problem is that gmail gets disconnected from jabber.org when the machine slows down for a couple of minutes,
and that it then won't try and reconnect for a long time (hours?).
[20:14:10] <mebs> I see this problem at least 12 hours
[20:14:48] <Kev> Oh.
[20:15:00] <Kev> The last time I saw it for that sort of length of time, they'd broken dialback on one of their nodes.
[20:16:50] <mebs> at ~00:30 UTC+0100 it was ok, but in the morning (~09:00 UTC+0100) the problem was here
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[20:48:16] * paulmad joined the chat.
[20:48:57] * cheney15579 joined the chat.
[20:51:22] <cheney15579> so we have a problem eh ?
[20:52:11] <mebs> Kev: do you know any effective mean of contacting google support? I think that gmail users should complain too (and I am a
gmail user too)
[20:58:08] <Neustradamus> mebs: what are your problems with gmail... ?
[20:58:11] * yuppinturic joined the chat.
[21:00:24] <mebs> I have described this above: messages does not come from gmail to jabber.org
[21:02:18] <mebs> I don't know whether this is problem of gmail or jabber.org, but I think that gmail people should be engaged too.
[21:03:39] <nkt> i think it's usually a gmail issue
[21:03:53] <psa> mebs: typically we have good communication with the google team, I can ping them again
[21:04:09] <mebs> and I simply think that a complain from a user is something different then when an administrator says that gmail don't want
to talk with his server
[21:04:56] <psa> bbiab
[21:04:59] * psa left the chat.
[21:05:00] <mebs> psa: yes, your intervention will be probably much more useful
[21:05:25] <cheney15579> in my case - i cant even connect to my jabber account
[21:07:58] <Kev> cheney15579: What's the problem?
[21:10:14] <mebs> maybe it would be good to express somehow that not only jabber.org admins but also gmail users want s2s with jabber.org to
be working. but maybe it is not necessary now
[21:10:29] <cheney15579> from todays morning - i cant connect (shows: Waiting for network connection) - and the 2 times that let me connect - i cant
see Google accounts - only Jabber ones
[21:11:23] <Kev> I've just checked, and logins are working fine.
[21:11:28] <Kev> Are you unable to connect at the moment?
[21:11:51] <cheney15579> i m trying again - brb
[21:14:34] <cheney15579> ok - i m in from my android cell - but shows no Google accounts
[21:18:01] * naw left the chat.
[21:37:37] <nkt> this has definitely been the longest gmail has been "down" for quite some time.
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[22:00:21] <mebs> hmm... server restart
[22:00:37] <pierce16910> yeap
[22:00:54] <mebs> test
[22:01:13] <mebs> latency 4 seconds
[22:01:32] * Minos joined the chat.
[22:01:58] * Kev joined the chat.
[22:01:58] <Kev> I've restarted it, so let's see if gmail's any happier now.
[22:02:20] * mebs left the chat.
[22:03:12] * mebs joined the chat.
[22:03:44] <mebs> it works :)
[22:03:55] <mebs> Thanks Kev!
[22:04:58] <pierce16910> yes !!
[22:05:03] <pierce16910> thanks Kev
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[22:34:43] <nkt> woot. it is back@
[22:38:56] * iPwn joined the chat.
[22:40:40] <iPwn> hi
[22:40:59] <iPwn> does anyone knows if there is a conference chat for miranda users?
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