Logs for jabber
[00:37:40] <Neustradamus> Miranda IM is a strange client :D
[00:41:02] <ThurahT> yea, I was pretty relived when I changed.. Back then they released a new version every week. Was a hassle.
[00:42:04] <ThurahT> changed as in switched.
[00:55:25] * Zaheramar joined the chat.
[00:55:25] * Zaheramar left the chat.
[00:59:28] <ThurahT> just realized that I must have been really busy last July. Reading about Google+ Hangout..
[01:02:13] * solarius joined the chat.
[01:04:32] * whistlewright joined the chat.
[01:35:28] * سوسو joined the chat.
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[01:40:36] * A7rarr.2008 joined the chat.
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[02:02:21] * query123 joined the chat.
[02:02:44] <query123> hi all
[02:03:03] <query123> Just wondering if there is anything going on between jabber.org and chat.google.com
[02:03:06] * jef joined the chat.
[02:03:15] <query123> all my google contacts have been offline for two days
[02:03:31] <ThurahT> sorry to say, not much..
[02:03:51] <ThurahT> admins are aware though.
[02:03:59] <query123> that's good
[02:04:08] <ThurahT> yep
[02:04:13] <query123> known issue is better then "what issue?"
[02:04:35] <ThurahT> true
[02:04:44] * Saed joined the chat.
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[02:04:53] <query123> I blame google :) all my other contacts are fine
[02:05:51] * Saed joined the chat.
[02:05:52] * Saed left the chat.
[02:05:58] <ThurahT> well.. I got other accounts which can connect fine with google. So I don't know really what's wrong.
[02:06:12] <jef> i have the same problem
[02:06:39] <query123> One account lost contacts and then another about a day later
[02:07:06] <query123> But as I say other jabber servers seem to be fine
[02:07:18] <query123> the s2s stanzas go right through
[02:08:22] <ThurahT> yea.. other xmpp server works as usual.
[02:08:30] <ThurahT> *servers
[02:08:47] <query123> lol guess I should stop calling it jabber.. xmpp
[02:09:12] <ThurahT> nah.. I have trouble with that also..
[02:09:19] * jef left the chat.
[02:11:07] <query123> so are they still in the troubleshooting stage? or have they identified the problem and just trying to solve it?
[02:11:44] <ThurahT> no idea.. since this happened over the weekend I suspect not much work has been done.
[02:11:55] <ThurahT> but I don't know that
[02:12:43] <query123> np. I'm sure peter and the team will get to it
[02:13:00] <ThurahT> Kev, yes.
[02:13:08] <query123> just looking for info and this seemed the best place to ask
[02:13:18] <ThurahT> usually is : )
[02:13:52] <ThurahT> isn't the first time this particular problem occurs either. It's an ongoing troubleshoot.
[02:14:43] <query123> similar problem with another account is can't seen offline messages to a google account, but older google accounts can.
[02:14:48] <query123> is that also a known issue?
[02:14:59] <query123> removed auth and reauth no joy
[02:15:27] <ThurahT> I think I've seen that one before too.
[02:16:08] <ThurahT> problem is that google also break standards. Liek with file transfers and MUC joining, or the lack of it.
[02:17:49] <query123> true
[02:18:13] <query123> seems a lot like the M$ card.. follow standards 80% and then do what you want
[02:18:36] <query123> and xmpp is already so flexable
[02:19:28] <ThurahT> yes.. It's really good.
[02:20:08] * whistlewright left the chat.
[02:21:15] <ThurahT> about time open standards get more attention. Like html 5.
[02:22:59] <query123> will be interesting on how the video formats playout
[02:23:50] <ThurahT> so far so good I'd say.
[02:40:55] <ThurahT> gnight.
[02:41:38] <query123> night
[02:49:07] * iPwn left the chat.
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[06:02:14] * kid left the chat.
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[07:07:28] * Kev joined the chat.
[07:28:29] * harlock joined the chat.
[07:30:11] * Alex joined the chat.
[08:09:26] * Swapnilaranya joined the chat.
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[08:27:50] * Tobias joined the chat.
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[08:51:10] * Z_God joined the chat.
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[08:56:43] * Tobias left the chat.
[09:03:49] * yuppinturic joined the chat.
[09:05:33] * Vincent V. left the chat.
[09:05:44] * Vincent V. joined the chat.
[09:20:37] * Tobias joined the chat.
[09:21:20] * mebs joined the chat.
[09:22:40] * sholl joined the chat.
[09:23:53] <sholl> hi all, probably a FAQ: Why are google-accounts not visiable anymore to jabber.org-XMPP-accounts for a couple of days? Are
there workarrounds available?
[09:24:47] <Kev> The Google servers seem to not be connecting to jabber.org - we've sent a mail to our contacts at Google and are waiting to
see if they can shed any light on it.
[09:25:59] * Alex left the chat.
[09:26:00] * Alex joined the chat.
[09:27:28] * Vincent V. left the chat.
[09:27:39] * Vincent V. joined the chat.
[09:31:55] <sholl> Kev: thanks for the update!
[09:32:07] <sholl> I really appreciate your hard work at jabber.org.
[09:35:25] <Kev> Thank you.
[09:35:40] * reagan6316 joined the chat.
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[09:41:46] <ThurahT> I wonder what it is that makes googles servers so reluctant to keep a steady link with jabber.org
[09:45:16] <Alex> ThurahT: I got some spam lately over my GTalk account, so I think they also have to fight a lot currently with SPAM
[09:48:53] <ThurahT> how can SPAM be used with xmpp when contacts has to subscribe to one and another before messaging can take place?
[09:49:10] <ThurahT> or doesn't gtalk work like that?
[09:49:26] <Alex> subscription SPAM
[09:49:55] <ThurahT> the name is the message?
[09:50:11] <ThurahT> I mean SPAM message
[09:54:30] <Alex> the last 3 days when got to my computer in the morning the client showed hundreds of subscrition requests from AOL Jids, all
with a SPAM message in the reason
[09:54:49] <Alex> and there are also many server which route messages when you are not subsribed
[09:55:06] <ThurahT> ah, ok.
[09:55:33] <Alex> funny thing was that Google rotes several subscription requests from teh same user
[09:55:58] <ThurahT> that's weird.
[09:56:00] <Alex> if I got one then I think the server should not send me more until I either accept or deny it
[09:56:19] <ThurahT> yeah.. that would be preferable..
[09:59:21] <ThurahT> but I guess s2s aol <-> is working fine despite that? : )
[10:00:03] <Alex> from teh SPAM I get over this link I would say yes :D
[10:00:13] <ThurahT> : )
[10:00:13] <Alex> but I have no "real" AOL user on my roster
[10:02:20] <ThurahT> ye ok. well I'm off for work, afk. bbl.
[10:15:16] * mckinley34518 joined the chat.
[10:18:08] <mckinley34518> Hi. I had a question. since last week I can't see any of my contacts who use google as their xmpp provider. They can see me
online, but I can't see them. Also, when they try to write me a message, I don't receive it. Does anyone know what might be
the problem?
[10:20:48] <Kev> hi all, probably a FAQ: Why are google-accounts not visiable anymore to jabber.org-XMPP-accounts for a couple of days? Are
there workarrounds available? sholl @ 9:23
The Google servers seem to not be connecting to jabber.org - we've sent a mail to our contacts at Google and are waiting to
see if they can shed any light on it. Kev @ 9:24
[10:24:08] * paulmad left the chat.
[10:24:24] <mckinley34518> Ah ok. So it's a problem on googles side.
[10:24:56] <mckinley34518> thanks. I already thought it was a jabber.org issue.
[10:25:10] <Kev> Possibly. I won't claim that, it could still be something on our side, but it seems to only affect gmail.com, and it only
affects gmail connecting to us, not us connecting to gmail.
[10:28:52] * Vincent V. left the chat.
[10:34:32] <mckinley34518> ok thanks. I'll just wait and see if it changes. Too many use gmail and the bad thing, I got them to use their gmail as xmpp
so they can get away from aol/msn/icq etc, now this :D
[10:38:31] <Kev> The situation is 'not ideal', yes.
[10:40:11] <Holger> rr
[10:40:28] <Holger> (Sorry.)
[10:47:50] * Alex left the chat.
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[11:11:37] * harlock left the chat.
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[11:29:10] * Z_God left the chat.
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[12:03:20] * grant60116 joined the chat.
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[12:17:20] * creation joined the chat.
[12:17:33] <creation> good day
[12:17:58] <creation> i need some help in deleting a chat room
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[12:26:20] * mebs left the chat.
[12:30:29] * aLXander joined the chat.
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[13:23:05] * yuppinturic left the chat.
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[13:51:32] * Z_God joined the chat.
[13:53:51] * celebear joined the chat.
[13:54:17] * yuppinturic joined the chat.
[13:56:43] <celebear> I see the google issue persists; could a news item be made on jabber.org so everyone doesn't have to ask here? ;)
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[14:03:09] * naw joined the chat.
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[15:32:18] * tmk@jabber.org joined the chat.
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[15:43:05] * whistlewright joined the chat.
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[15:48:08] * mebs joined the chat.
[15:52:14] <mebs> hmm, server restart and no gmail connectivity (until now)
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[15:56:17] * treebilou joined the chat.
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[15:58:07] * nkt joined the chat.
[15:58:35] <nkt> googs is back
[15:58:56] <mebs> yeah
[16:02:36] * anonymous10766 joined the chat.
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[16:06:01] <anonymous10766> I'm sorry if this may be thew wrong place to ask, but has any reports of problems joining a group chat using conference.jabber.org
been reported this morning. Using pidgin some can join and others cant on a persistent room. Using Psi I can join but even
being an owner only have moderator rights in the chat.
[16:06:22] * psa joined the chat.
[16:06:28] <anonymous10766> Using google talk accounts
[16:07:41] * vanburen54889 joined the chat.
[16:08:49] <vanburen54889> I have the same problem, I can't join my chat room at conference.jabber.org, but my friends can.
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[16:10:19] <psa> I have contacted the google talk team about this but have not yet received a reply
[16:13:13] <mebs> psa: After the server restart, google is ok again. Would it be possible to add a notice on www.jabber.org if the problems
occure again?
[16:15:57] <psa> mebs: yes, I was supposed to do that Friday :(
[16:16:04] <mebs> it is a bit annoying issue, because gmail contacts see me as online, but when they try to contact me, messages arrive. They
may think that I am ignoring them or something.
[16:18:14] <psa> exactly
[16:19:09] <nkt> very annoying since i rely on Gtalk/Jabber for work communication :(
[16:19:10] * whistlewright left the chat.
[16:19:12] * whistlewright joined the chat.
[16:33:41] <anonymous10766> Question, I'm unable to ping / nslookup conference.jabber.org (jabber.org works fine, but not with the prefix). This may
be why the servers are not responding. I have tried a few different DNS with the same results. can anyone else confirm his?
[16:35:09] <psa> hmm
[16:36:08] * whistlewright left the chat.
[16:36:29] <psa> I see an SRV record for it:
$ dig +short -t SRV _xmpp-server._tcp.conference.jabber.org
30 30 5269 hermes.jabber.org.
[16:36:34] <psa> which is all that other servers should need
[16:36:53] * Kev joined the chat.
[16:40:46] <mebs> hi, Kev. any news?
[16:41:08] * nkt left the chat.
[16:41:23] <Kev> I restarted jabber.org earlier, and that seems to have cleared out Google's faux connection.
[16:41:40] <Kev> Or just by coincidence the problem went away.
[16:42:36] <mebs> thanks for the update
[16:44:17] * whistlewright joined the chat.
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[16:45:33] * Tobias joined the chat.
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[16:57:50] * garfield41977 joined the chat.
[16:58:46] <garfield41977> group chats using conference.jabber.org started working for us again about 5 minutes ago. Thanks for checking on it.
[16:59:18] <garfield41977> (This was anonymous10766) just name was changed.
[16:59:34] * anonymous10766 left the chat.
[17:00:44] <garfield41977> One last question if you have seen of this issue. every once in a while the chat history about 10-20 lines will re-type itself.
Only using group chat not with individual IM's. have you heard of this before?
[17:01:20] <psa> when you rejoin the room, yes
[17:01:23] <psa> that's chatroom history
[17:01:38] <Kev> psa: Not when you rejoin.
[17:01:41] <garfield41977> when joining a room and at times on it's own
[17:01:53] <Kev> This is the google bug where it tells the MUC that the user isn't in it and wants to rejoin every 5 minutes.
[17:02:14] * xa0c left the chat.
[17:02:21] * xa0c joined the chat.
[17:02:22] <Kev> garfield41977: Every few minutes, the Google server sends a message to the MUC room telling it that you want to rejoin - so
the MUC room rejoins you, including sending you the history.
[17:02:23] * solarius joined the chat.
[17:02:52] <garfield41977> If I remote the history length or change it to 0 would that stop the history sends ?
[17:03:10] <garfield41977> change the history length * (Sorry)
[17:03:18] <Kev> In your own room, or in here?
[17:03:25] <garfield41977> my own room
[17:03:34] <Kev> Yes, if the room has no history, it can't send it to you :)
[17:03:35] <garfield41977> I don't have the issue here
[17:03:40] <garfield41977> thanks
[17:04:21] <garfield41977> Thank you all for you time. have a good day :)
[17:04:28] <Kev> And you.
[17:05:06] * Tobias left the chat.
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[17:05:35] * Tobias joined the chat.
[17:05:35] <psa> /me looks up hotels for the IETF meeting in Paris
[17:05:46] <Kev> Fun.
[17:06:05] <Tobias> psa, one meeting after another?
[17:06:15] <psa> Tobias: yeah
[17:06:39] <psa> at least it should be warmer in Paris at the end of March than it was in Brussels at the beginning of February
[17:08:39] <Tobias> one can expect that :)
[17:09:11] * Lastwebpage joined the chat.
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[17:15:11] * Minos joined the chat.
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[17:52:25] * paulmad joined the chat.
[17:53:33] <Kev> Speaking of Google Talk spam, as we were earlier, I just got some subscription spam on my GTalk account (which I rarely use,
I just happened to be logged in for testing S2S).
[17:53:52] <psa> beautiful
[17:54:11] <Kev> This isn't XMPP spam, mind, this is AOL spam bridged onto GTalk.
[17:55:48] <psa> oh
[17:55:54] <psa> federation is evil!
[17:56:38] <Kev> Right. Wouldn't have happened in a walled garden.
[18:02:44] * whistlewright left the chat.
[18:02:45] * Neustradamus joined the chat.
[18:02:49] * whistlewright joined the chat.
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[18:06:50] <Tobias> heh
[18:12:37] * paulmad left the chat.
[18:40:39] * louiz’ joined the chat.
[18:53:21] * Z_God joined the chat.
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[20:09:52] * buchanan25235 joined the chat.
[20:10:16] <buchanan25235> hallo
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[20:11:48] <winand> Hoi
[20:11:50] <winand> :P
[20:13:10] <buchanan25235> i have a problem jabber
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[20:14:00] * Dvorak joined the chat.
[20:14:27] <buchanan25235> writes by vocabulary
[20:14:55] <buchanan25235> whether i'll find here aid?
[20:15:16] <Dvorak> What are you looking for?
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[20:20:03] <buchanan25235> I search equipment in renewal jabber
[20:20:42] * Vincent V. joined the chat.
[20:21:14] <psa> buchanan25235: what is your native language?
[20:22:45] <buchanan25235> I from poland I do not know english
[20:22:51] <psa> ok :)
[20:23:15] <buchanan25235> from you?
[20:23:24] <psa> you can use http://translate.google.com/ (or similar) to post English here
[20:23:39] <buchanan25235> oki
[20:23:41] <psa> psa: I'm from America, so my native language is English
[20:24:06] <psa> buchanan25235: many years ago I visited Gorzow Wielkopolski, but I don't speak Polish :)
[20:24:24] <buchanan25235> How can I restore jabber?
[20:24:34] <psa> buchanan25235: you lost your password?
[20:25:50] <buchanan25235> I do not use jebbera 12 months
[20:26:02] <psa> buchanan25235: ok
[20:26:11] <psa> buchanan25235: you have an account at jabber.org?
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[20:27:54] <buchanan25235> so much and there is a problem because I have Kbot which is no longer licensed by it because there is a fault lies with jebber
[20:28:18] <Kev> Oh good, another one.
[20:28:38] <psa> Kev: yes, I've been processing a bunch of those recently
[20:28:41] <buchanan25235> Kbot operator can not see my jebbera
[20:28:56] <psa> buchanan25235: yes, you need to cheat at DarkOrbit -- I understand
[20:29:34] <psa> buchanan25235: send email to me, stpeter@jabber.org, with subject "I cheat at DarkOrbit" and I will help you
[20:30:04] <Kev> I wonder if these are really problems, or the author trying to con people into buying new licenses. I mean, he sells software
to cheat...
[20:30:15] <buchanan25235> it's good because they make on us we earn on them
[20:30:20] <Kev> (Or she, I shouldn't be sexist about cheats)
[20:30:31] <psa> yes, he
[20:30:37] <psa> I've talked with this person before
[20:31:20] <buchanan25235> can also be so but I do not like him to prove it
[20:31:39] <buchanan25235> ha
[20:32:23] <buchanan25235> I can give you what I wrote on the gg
[20:33:35] <buchanan25235> I wanted to move to other license id and he wants the money
[20:34:29] <psa> buchanan25235: we can't help you with the kbot developer
[20:34:34] <psa> that is your problem
[20:34:41] <psa> if you lost your password, I can help you
[20:36:22] <buchanan25235> or how I will e-mail where he was captured jabber you are able to help me
[20:37:10] * Vincent V. left the chat.
[20:37:13] <psa> buchanan25235: send email to stpeter@jabber.org with subject "I cheat at DarkOrbit" and I will try to help you
[20:37:26] <buchanan25235> He said with the jabber is not licensed and I read the account is deleted after 12 months as it is not active
[20:37:59] <psa> buchanan25235: right now we don't delete the account
[20:38:53] * Link Mauve joined the chat.
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[20:39:53] <buchanan25235> account was established over a year ago, if you are able to check whether it is active?
[20:40:43] <psa> buchanan25235: if you send me email, yes
[20:41:26] <buchanan25235> ok
[20:42:55] * fillmore63432 joined the chat.
[20:43:34] <fillmore63432> Hello, is there someone who could help me delete my jabber account?
[20:44:09] <psa> fillmore63432: do you really need it deleted?
[20:44:18] <fillmore63432> I really do...
[20:44:22] <psa> ok
[20:44:22] <buchanan25235> email to you went to the post office
[20:44:25] <psa> then read the FAQ
[20:44:25] <psa> http://www.jabber.org/faq/#delete
[20:44:39] <psa> fillmore63432: follow those instructions and I'll delete your account
[20:44:53] <psa> buchanan25235: I received your email
[20:45:45] <fillmore63432> You're saying you already got my email? Or do you still need me to send it?
[20:45:59] <buchanan25235> at this email account was logged on a few because I had a problem then with Kbot and myslelm with by this
[20:46:02] <fillmore63432> Oh, sorry sounds like you still need me to send it. Who am I sending it to?
[20:46:06] <psa> buchanan25235: I replied
[20:46:11] <psa> fillmore63432: to me
[20:46:29] <psa> fillmore63432: you can send it PGP encrypted if you would prefer
[20:46:51] <fillmore63432> OK, I'll try that right now thanks
[20:46:57] <psa> fillmore63432: super
[20:47:09] <psa> speaking of email, just got down below 400 messages in my inbox -- progress!
[20:47:58] <fillmore63432> Am I sending it to you by IM or by email? Sorry for my lame questions...
[20:49:02] <psa> fillmore63432: email or IM is fine, but it seems that I'm not logged into my stpeter@jabber.org account right now, will log
[20:49:54] * stpeter joined the chat.
[20:50:30] <buchanan25235> I am on this site but what she has to help me
[20:51:57] <buchanan25235> I sent you to the post office last my nicknames
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[20:52:52] <psa> buchanan25235: ok
[20:52:59] <psa> buchanan25235: I will reply via email
[20:54:56] <fillmore63432> Oops, not sure why that was red :)
[20:55:22] <psa> fillmore63432: note sure :)
[20:55:53] <fillmore63432> I thought I had an account with "matt.lund@lundfam.net" as the account name. Are you able to see whether such an account
even exists?
[20:56:08] <psa> fillmore63432: I can help only with accounts at jabber.org
[20:56:27] <psa> for help with lundfam.net you will need to contact the admin for that domain
[20:56:37] <fillmore63432> I am the admin for that domain :)
[20:56:53] <fillmore63432> I'll tell you what started my confusion and maybe you can correct me...
[20:56:54] <psa> it would be kind of a security problem for me to be able to change passwords on every jabber server in existence, no?
[20:57:20] <buchanan25235> I mean here is if you can see which accounts have been established at this e-mail what you have written
[20:57:46] <fillmore63432> So in OSX in iChat when I enter matt.lund@lundfam.net as an account name, it comes up thinking it's an account type Jabber.
[20:57:57] <psa> fillmore63432: right
[20:58:12] <fillmore63432> That's what's causing my confusion. I do have a jabber account with that email address I'd like to close it so I can create
it as a google chat account....
[20:58:17] <fillmore63432> AmI making any sense?
[20:59:01] <fillmore63432> I meant to say "If I do have a jabber account"
[21:00:04] <buchanan25235> psa I know you have been crazy head but you can check
[21:02:22] <fillmore63432> I guess my question is - when I try to send up a Google Talk account in iChat and supply matt.lund@lundfam.net, it think's
it's a jabber account. Therefore, it makes me wonder if indeed I do have a jabber account with that address. If I do, I'd
like to delete it. I'll provide whatever information is necessary.
[21:02:31] <fillmore63432> *set up
[21:03:35] <Neustradamus> psa: when it will be the meeting ?
[21:04:37] <fillmore63432> Do jabber accounts only end in jabber.org??
[21:04:49] <fillmore63432> Or can they end with a custom domain?
[21:06:19] <psa> fillmore63432: sorry, I got interrupted
[21:07:27] <psa> fillmore63432: if you had an account at jabber.org, it would be matt.lund@jabber.org or somesuch -- we don't store any kind
of association between your jabber.org IM account and your email address, so you can't log into iChat using your email address
[21:08:13] <fillmore63432> OK. Any idea why iChat thinks matt.lund@lundfam.net is a Jabber account? I know that's not your software and not your problem
but just curious if you've seen this before? :)_
[21:10:08] <psa> fillmore63432: because jabber accounts look just like email accounts -- if you've configured that email address into iChat,
it probably assumes that you also have an IM account at that address (since iChat is IM software)
[21:10:23] <psa> Neustradamus: what meeting?
[21:10:29] <fillmore63432> OK, thx
[21:10:31] <Neustradamus> IETF, Paris
[21:10:41] <psa> Neustradamus: http://www.ietf.org/
[21:11:08] <Neustradamus> psa: thanks :D
[21:11:36] <buchanan25235> or you can check Unless the e-mail accounts were set up and are active
[21:12:17] <psa> buchanan25235: what email accounts?
[21:12:54] * fillmore63432 left the chat.
[21:13:50] <buchanan25235> wysłałem ci e mail
[21:14:14] <psa> oh nice
[21:14:32] <buchanan25235> I do not remember nick
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[21:28:25] <psa> yay, got my inbox below 200 messages :)
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[22:25:51] <psa> now down below 100, time for a break....
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[23:14:17] * شعاع حزين joined the chat.
[23:14:30] <شعاع حزين> د
[23:14:35] <psa> hi
[23:14:37] <psa> can we help you?
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[23:14:54] <psa> interesting
[23:15:32] <psa> I hope that server is TLS-only
[23:15:58] <psa> speaking of which, we might want to resurrect the debate about making jabber.org TLS-only
[23:16:35] <psa> I'd prefer that
[23:16:48] <psa> in the past we decided not to get rid of port 5223 because of older OS X versions
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[23:55:10] * Hoody_K joined the chat.
[23:57:10] <psa> yay, down to 44 messages in my inbox, let's see if I can get to zero tonight ;-)
[23:57:14] <psa> but first, time to head home
[23:57:15] <psa> bbl
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