Logs for jabber
[00:07:00] * solarius joined the chat.
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[00:21:48] * the ♚ left the chat.
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[00:44:59] * Lastwebpage left the chat.
[00:47:54] * xa0c left the chat.
[01:09:39] * Tobias_ joined the chat.
[01:17:50] * Tobias left the chat.
[01:20:13] <ThurahT> owcza: that could very well be so.. Since the other works fine.
[01:26:32] * Z_God left the chat.
[01:31:51] * Alex_MatriXClient joined the chat.
[01:36:42] * Alex_MatriXClient left the chat.
[01:47:55] * Ken Hagler joined the chat.
[01:48:05] * Ken Hagler left the chat.
[01:55:04] * kid joined the chat.
[02:42:59] * harding26723 joined the chat.
[02:43:36] <harding26723> Is anyone else having trouble using the jabber server to communicate with Google Talk users?
[02:43:45] * harding26723 in now known as Anonymouse.
[02:44:15] <Anonymouse> Just curious. :p
[02:44:27] <ThurahT> yes.
[02:44:48] <Anonymouse> Good, then its not just me.
[02:44:56] <ThurahT> heh.. anonymice.. that's funny.
[02:45:08] <Anonymouse> Thank you. :)
[02:45:15] <ThurahT> nope.. there is a server 2 server problem with jabber and google.
[02:45:20] <Anonymouse> Have the admins acknowledged it yet?
[02:45:45] <ThurahT> don't know really since it's weekend and so. But lets hope.
[02:45:53] <Anonymouse> Indeed.
[02:46:49] <louiz’> They know about it.
[02:47:04] <ThurahT> louiz’:
[02:47:10] <louiz’> :)
[02:47:33] <ThurahT> been out partying?
[02:53:31] <louiz’> me? Sort of
[02:54:26] <ThurahT> me too, I find this a lot more difficult than usual.
[02:55:45] <ThurahT> gnight all : )
[02:56:07] <louiz’> aha :p
[02:56:08] <louiz’> Good night
[02:56:16] <ThurahT> : )
[03:12:54] * indu.rani@ge.com joined the chat.
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[03:25:54] * kid left the chat.
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[04:07:57] * Anonymouse left the chat.
[05:13:46] * kid left the chat.
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[08:22:10] * Swapnilaranya joined the chat.
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[08:34:49] * hoover11839 joined the chat.
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[08:53:49] * Kev joined the chat.
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[08:58:30] * Lantizia left the chat.
[09:10:57] * herco joined the chat.
[09:19:15] * Kev joined the chat.
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[10:00:40] * Lastwebpage joined the chat.
[10:03:24] * ThurahT left the chat.
[10:11:54] * cheney19048 joined the chat.
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[11:12:21] * Tobias_ left the chat.
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[11:46:37] * Tobias joined the chat.
[11:49:09] * Vincent V. left the chat.
[11:49:36] * Vincent V. joined the chat.
[11:51:49] * coolidge38862 joined the chat.
[11:55:44] <coolidge38862> hi
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[12:00:48] * Celexi joined the chat.
[12:06:56] * sin joined the chat.
[12:07:09] <sin> any 1 alive
[12:07:34] * mebs joined the chat.
[12:10:37] * xa0c joined the chat.
[12:11:20] <xa0c> hi all. gmail users still offline?
[12:11:35] <mebs> it seems
[12:11:37] * sin left the chat.
[12:12:25] * tabitha.graham35 joined the chat.
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[12:13:09] <xa0c> its interesting issue. i'm also registered at gajim.org but there everything works...
[12:13:56] <xa0c> maybe it depends on jabber-server daemon
[12:14:19] <Kev> Not that, even.
[12:14:35] <Kev> It's specifically jabber.org that gmail seems to not want to connect to.
[12:14:57] <Kev> We're waiting to hear back from the Google guys on why they think that might be.
[12:15:33] <xa0c> omg. so they just block jabber.org?
[12:15:56] <xa0c> the original old-school server
[12:16:04] <Kev> No, I don't think they're blocking it.
[12:16:13] <Kev> I think there's some issue that's only showing up against jabber.org
[12:17:04] <Kev> Or an issue with jabber.org itself, maybe.
[12:17:24] <mebs> Kev: and what about other M-Link servers? are they ok?
[12:17:34] <Kev> mebs: Yep.
[12:20:59] * treebilou joined the chat.
[12:22:15] * roosevelt35060 joined the chat.
[12:22:44] <xa0c> google says that this problem first appeared in 2009. and then it was fixed several timeshttp://www.google.com/support/forum/p/Talk/thread?tid=12547027e1d0db93&hl=en
[12:22:57] <xa0c> sorry for bad link
[12:24:09] * the ♚ joined the chat.
[12:27:12] * harrykar left the chat.
[12:28:45] * harrykar joined the chat.
[12:31:55] <Kev> Oh, that's interesting.
[12:32:27] <Kev> That predates migrating to the current software.
[12:36:10] * roosevelt35060 left the chat.
[12:45:12] * Lastwebpage left the chat.
[12:54:05] <Celexi> i guess we should just wait for google jabber cache to drop its configuration of jabber.org and have it reconnect
[12:54:12] <Celexi> if they wont' manually fix it
[13:09:09] * David joined the chat.
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[14:01:07] * the ♚ left the chat.
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[14:16:24] * Kev left the chat.
[14:29:58] * solarius left the chat.
[14:34:54] * nikita left the chat.
[14:36:46] * cleveland8498 joined the chat.
[14:37:30] <cleveland8498> Can't see buddy list or can't add anyone
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[14:39:46] * Lastwebpage joined the chat.
[14:44:07] * the ♚ left the chat.
[14:44:23] * the ♚ joined the chat.
[14:55:32] * bush18136 joined the chat.
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[15:02:58] * Celexi left the chat.
[15:06:30] * Douglas Wolfen joined the chat.
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[15:07:26] * Douglas Wolfen joined the chat.
[15:07:30] * Douglas Wolfen in now known as dougal .
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[15:07:31] * Douglas Wolfen in now known as dougal .
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[15:21:08] <dougalwolfan> Testing testing, is this thing on?
[15:21:10] <dougalwolfan> does anyone know an android jabber client that has the capacity to register and set up transports?
[15:21:10] <dougalwolfan> does anyone know and android jabber client that has the capacity to register and set up transports?
[15:21:10] <dougalwolfan> Not sure if i'm connecting properly. Is anyone out there? Can anyone see me?
[15:27:49] * madison28567 joined the chat.
[15:28:15] <madison28567> in the pubsub examples, an item payload is xml: http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0060.html#publisher-publish
[15:28:27] <madison28567> is it possible to put other data like binary data?
[15:28:46] <Link Mauve> No.
[15:29:03] <madison28567> why not? isn't it a valid use case?
[15:29:07] <Link Mauve> But you can use a link to an alternate representation, or to a resource.
[15:29:11] <madison28567> for example, publish an image
[15:29:32] <Link Mauve> That’s not the point, in-band XMPP can’t transport binary data.
[15:29:48] <Link Mauve> You could, by encoding it in base64.
[15:29:48] <madison28567> ok, got it
[15:29:50] <madison28567> so maybe base64
[15:29:58] <madison28567> thanks
[15:30:14] <Link Mauve> But you have to keep an enclosing element in its own namespace.
[15:30:27] <Link Mauve> In this example it’s Atom’s entry.
[15:30:32] <dougalwolfan> does anyone know any android jabber client that has the capacity to register and set up transports?
[15:30:50] <Link Mauve> No, sorry.
[15:33:10] <Link Mauve> Anyway madison28567, you should put a reference to another method to retrieve your media, like a JID of an automated entity
that sends the image with SI or JingleFT, or an HTTP link, or both, or any other way.
[15:33:42] <Link Mauve> Bits of Binary [xep 231] could help you, too.
[15:36:36] * ivan left the chat.
[15:41:00] <madison28567> Link Mauve: I have to use something like: <entry xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom'> ?
[15:43:08] * dougalwolfan left the chat.
[15:43:35] <Link Mauve> madison28567, not necessarly, any <foo xmlns='bar'/> element can do it, if the node is configured to accept it.
[15:44:44] <madison28567> ok
[15:49:48] * winand joined the chat.
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[15:51:14] * Dvorak joined the chat.
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[15:53:28] <Dvorak> Does anyone here have experience configuring jabberd2 on a Debian machine?
[15:55:36] <Dvorak> I am wondering how I can configure a IRC transport on jabberd2, mayby someone knows how or knows a usefull tutorial?
[15:56:38] * Tobias left the chat.
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[16:08:58] * taft22413 joined the chat.
[16:09:21] <taft22413> all Gmail buddies show as "offline" the last three days. Is this a known issue?
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[16:24:07] * Dvorak left the chat.
[16:24:24] * Z_God left the chat.
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[19:56:48] * Ward5555 joined the chat.
[19:57:12] <Ward5555> ف:SMOKE:
[19:57:40] <Ward5555> دWard5555:
[19:57:53] <Ward5555> بد
[19:59:11] <Ward5555> /me
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[20:04:03] * ameer.alkobraa joined the chat.
[20:04:42] <ameer.alkobraa> Hi
[20:05:15] <ameer.alkobraa> 22:06 naw has joined
[20:05:41] <ameer.alkobraa> 22:06 naw has joined
[20:05:48] <ameer.alkobraa> /me
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[20:07:00] <naw> hello
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[21:10:54] * Tobias joined the chat.
[21:17:05] * Z_God joined the chat.
[21:19:32] * roosevelt5729 joined the chat.
[21:20:09] <roosevelt5729> Cheers! I'm experiencing the same problem az taft22413; all my gmail contacts seem to be offline. Any update on that?
[21:20:17] <roosevelt5729> *az = as
[21:25:37] <ThurahT> haven't heard anything new.
[21:26:06] <roosevelt5729> Thanks
[21:26:19] <roosevelt5729> I hope it's going to get fixed soon :)
[21:26:24] <ThurahT> as we all
[21:26:26] <ThurahT> : )
[21:26:43] <xa0c> it's a google-side problem. jabber.org team already contacted them
[21:26:44] <roosevelt5729> Any info on why it happened?
[21:26:48] <roosevelt5729> Oh, all right
[21:26:59] <roosevelt5729> You read minds, don't you, xa0c?
[21:27:00] <roosevelt5729> :P
[21:27:09] <xa0c> +1
[21:27:13] <xa0c> )
[21:27:14] <roosevelt5729> <3
[21:27:31] <roosevelt5729> (plus one is less than three)
[21:27:47] <roosevelt5729> Well, thanks for the information. See you later. :P
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[21:36:49] * ivan joined the chat.
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[23:24:57] <iPwn> hi
[23:25:15] <iPwn> anyone here uses Miranda?
[23:28:31] <ThurahT> nope.
[23:28:49] <ThurahT> mostly gajim and psi and some pidgin folks here..
[23:30:50] * Z_God left the chat.
[23:51:55] * whistlewright joined the chat.
[23:59:26] <iPwn> ok ThurahT
[00:00:25] <ThurahT> I used miranda back.. when it was some memories.
[00:01:19] <iPwn> well
[00:01:19] <iPwn> i want to encrypt my Miranda
[00:01:52] <iPwn> and want to know if anybody else here did do it
[00:02:15] <ThurahT> I'm sure there must be hundred plugins for that use?
[00:02:39] <iPwn> yes, there are but i didnt find any explanation how to use them
[00:02:45] <ThurahT> the forum used to be a great place to ask back when I used it.
[00:02:58] <iPwn> maybe i will ask on the forum =)
[00:03:04] <iPwn> thanks for the help ThurahT
[00:03:08] <ThurahT> np
[00:04:58] * whistlewright left the chat.
[00:05:03] <ThurahT> oh.. they have a wiki now days.
[00:08:45] <ThurahT> it can use both OTR and GnuPG.. I can vouch for both of them
[00:09:29] <ThurahT> especially OTR.
[00:12:56] <iPwn> ThurahT: im talking about protecting Miranda with a password when it starts, not chat encryption
[00:13:27] <ThurahT> ah..
[00:13:55] * Tobias left the chat.
[00:15:05] <ThurahT> put it on true crypt then.
[00:15:35] <iPwn> no, i want a plugin that make this task
[00:16:10] <iPwn> http://forums.miranda-im.org/showthread.php?15094-Miranda-Memory-Mapped-Database-Secured-Modification
[00:16:12] <iPwn> i found this
[00:16:16] <iPwn> but how to use it?
[00:16:22] <iPwn> there is no explanation
[00:17:12] <ThurahT> it looks like its a database replacer
[00:17:14] <ThurahT> dbx_mmap
[00:17:27] <ThurahT> instead of the vanilla version.
[00:17:41] <iPwn> what is vanilla?
[00:18:16] <ThurahT> the database engine that comes with the original installation.
[00:19:00] <iPwn> ok
[00:19:05] <iPwn> but how to use this?
[00:19:14] <xa0c> cya
[00:19:22] * xa0c left the chat.
[00:19:32] <ThurahT> you got two versions there: http://wiki.miranda-im.org/Pluginlist
[00:20:10] <ThurahT> you replace it. And if you download it I am sure it's explained in detail in the readme file.
[00:21:36] <iPwn> they sound old
[00:23:32] <ThurahT> well, that I can't help. GL.