Logs for jabber
[00:14:53] * emad2 left the chat.
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[00:21:01] * dreamcast joined the chat.
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[01:53:02] * kilteddrummer joined the chat.
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[01:55:02] * kilteddrummer joined the chat.
[01:56:09] <kilteddrummer> Hello... new here, have a question about deleting unused rooms
[01:58:55] <naw> you want to delete one?
[02:01:05] <kilteddrummer> naw: well, I haven't used a jabber client in a LONG time, and I've forgotten a lot :( the jabber.org faq mentions helping
the admins by deleting unused rooms.. seems I create a few while trying to JOIN some, and I'd like to clean them up - but
the client I'm using (Psi on Ubuntu 12.10, XFCE) doesn't have an obvious way of doing that. Any help is greatly appreciated
- just trying to be a good citizen here :)
[02:02:28] <naw> rooms are non-persistent by default, that means that they are deleted when they become empty
[02:02:44] * sono joined the chat.
[02:03:14] <kilteddrummer> naw: ahhh... so my action item is to take no action :D thanks for the help!
[02:04:01] <naw> if you want to check to be sure, just join them again, you will see the message saying that the room just has been created
[02:04:16] <naw> :)
[02:04:24] <kilteddrummer> right, I saw that the first time.. I'll join one again and see.
[02:05:08] <kilteddrummer> naw: yep, it was created again.. ok, no worries then.
[02:05:19] <naw> and, if you want to delete an existing room, assuming that you are the owner, you can configure it to be non persistent
[02:05:36] <naw> some clients, like psi, also have a "Destroy room" button
[02:06:18] * kilteddrummer left the chat.
[02:07:01] * kilteddrummer joined the chat.
[02:07:29] <kilteddrummer> naw: wow.. I JUST tried to configure a room, and Psi crashed...
[02:07:45] <naw> :s that's bad
[02:08:08] <kilteddrummer> trying the same thing, if I disappear you'll know why.
[02:08:11] <naw> there are many more clients, by the way
[02:08:48] * kilteddrummer left the chat.
[02:09:48] * kilteddrummer joined the chat.
[02:10:31] <naw> you can use gajim, pidgin... if you want one qt-based, try kopete, swift
[02:10:59] <kilteddrummer> naw: happened again - Psi segfaulted... and I'm running the latest versions of it and the libraries it needs.. yeah, I've
used pidgin but can't say I'm a huge fan...
[02:11:25] <naw> psi 0.15 is the latest, you are using 0.14
[02:11:40] <naw> anyway, it shouldn't happen
[02:11:41] <kilteddrummer> i'll try a few other clients... tvm!
[02:11:57] <naw> some clients inform about the version and the OS
[02:12:23] <kilteddrummer> oohh... wait, that's right, I didn't build from source, just got the latest package so it must not have been rolled u
[02:12:26] <kilteddrummer> p yet
[02:16:22] <naw> hmmm maybe you should fill a bug report
[02:17:17] <kilteddrummer> I won't trash Psi yet... I'll try a few more tests, take good notes, and might file
[02:17:40] <naw> also, if you still want to use psi, but need to configure a room, you could just login with other client, configure and logoff
(all without need of disconnecting psi)
[02:17:47] <naw> ok :)
[02:18:14] <kilteddrummer> yeah, that's true...
[02:18:24] <naw> psi-plus seems to be also in ubuntu
[02:18:43] <naw> is a patched version of psi, with more features
[02:19:30] <kilteddrummer> thanks again... hey, you're doing all my digging for me, doesn't leave me much to do.. *lol*
[02:19:37] <naw> some of those patches got merged in psi-0.15
[02:19:44] <kilteddrummer> gotcha
[02:19:54] <naw> but psi developement has been slow since I know it
[02:20:00] <naw> hehe
[02:20:22] <kilteddrummer> well, I just stumbled upon it - only installed it today
[02:22:59] <kilteddrummer> naw: brb.. logging out, then in with kopete
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[02:26:05] <naw> hey
[02:26:11] <kilteddrummer> naw: hey
[02:37:39] <naw> interesting, I just saw this resource name: "MJC - Mensajero Jabber Comunista" (MJC - Communist Jabber Messenger)
[02:40:42] <kilteddrummer> naw: back... yep, interesting :)
[02:42:38] <kilteddrummer> naw: hey, you mentioned Swift as a client - taking a look at it, the interface looks very nice: do you know if there's OpenPGP
[02:47:16] <naw> no, but there are certificates support, but I'm not sure how are they used
[02:47:18] * kilteddrummer left the chat.
[02:47:49] <naw> you shouldn't rely too much on openpgp usage in jabber since there are several issues
[02:48:43] <naw> http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0027.html#security
[02:49:38] <naw> they were working on an OTR based extension for the protocol, but I don't know its status
[02:52:11] * treebilou joined the chat.
[02:55:54] <naw> bye
[03:21:56] * naw left the chat.
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[03:32:49] * dreamcast left the chat.
[03:52:42] * adfenohuvlov joined the chat.
[03:55:34] <adfenohuvlov> Hello... I have a problem when adding friends, so I've decided to come here and ask nicely: Is there anyone interested on
hearing me out? (Sorry for the bad English).
[04:00:16] <adfenohuvlov> For short: Whenever I try to add a new friend, the invite isn't sent, but I can talk with him/she, although we both are recgnised
as being offline or not autorized.
[04:00:29] <adfenohuvlov> *authorized.
[04:02:40] <adfenohuvlov> I remember three, or more, months ago, the invite feature did actually work.
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[04:35:07] * dynam1te left the chat.
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[06:34:18] * Shahrukhbargir joined the chat.
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[07:25:46] * sono left the chat.
[09:07:01] * MattJ joined the chat.
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[09:12:25] * treebilou left the chat.
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[09:51:01] * yuppinturic joined the chat.
[09:52:02] * MattJ left the chat.
[10:02:11] * am83er joined the chat.
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[10:08:44] * yuppinturic left the chat.
[10:18:03] * dynam1te left the chat.
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[10:22:22] <Kev> re: Psi crashing on room config - this seems to be a bug introduced into the Debian builds of Psi somehow.
[10:23:20] * aRyo joined the chat.
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[10:48:54] * aRyo left the chat.
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[11:22:57] * Neustradamus left the chat.
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[12:28:59] * naw joined the chat.
[12:52:38] * adfenohuvlov left the chat.
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[15:03:14] * Kev left the chat.
[15:45:46] * dynam1te left the chat.
[15:45:54] * Z_God joined the chat.
[15:57:51] * dynam1te joined the chat.
[16:17:06] * sono joined the chat.
[17:09:07] * yuppinturic joined the chat.
[18:02:29] * Z_God left the chat.
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[18:06:52] * THE.SOUL.19 joined the chat.
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[18:23:54] * KiDo joined the chat.
[19:47:40] * dreamcast joined the chat.
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[20:07:33] * niekie joined the chat.
[20:54:03] * adfenohuvlov joined the chat.
[20:54:19] <adfenohuvlov> Hello everybody.
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[21:40:05] <adfenohuvlov> Does someone knows where I can discuse problems about the process of adding contacts and their offline status? I'm experiencing
a bug on these two features.
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[22:41:14] * niekie left the chat.
[22:46:36] * naw left the chat.
[23:18:51] * yuppinturic left the chat.
[23:40:05] * Z_God left the chat.