Logs for jabber
[00:40:10] * Z_God left the chat.
[02:48:41] * Soulmate joined the chat.
[02:49:10] <Soulmate> Merry Christmas to you all.
[02:49:54] * Soulmate left the chat.
[03:35:26] <sono> Happy Kwahannukhamas
[03:36:32] <sono> There covered all three holidays that I know celebrated around where I'm at (Christmas, Hannuhkah, and Kwanzaa)
[03:36:51] <sono> Hannukkah*
[03:49:21] <sono> http://youtu.be/JiUKIWSqqDM
[05:33:02] * sono left the chat.
[05:33:50] * sono joined the chat.
[05:46:55] * 333 joined the chat.
[05:47:26] * 333 left the chat.
[06:09:35] * sono left the chat.
[09:13:01] * Soulmate joined the chat.
[09:13:26] * Soulmate left the chat.
[10:32:22] * nomadofnorad left the chat.
[12:03:06] * Evanescence joined the chat.
[12:08:57] * Evanescence left the chat.
[12:34:32] * aRyo joined the chat.
[12:37:50] * Evanescence joined the chat.
[12:38:56] * aRyo left the chat.
[12:40:01] * Lastwebpage joined the chat.
[12:42:00] * KiDo joined the chat.
[12:45:41] * Evanescence left the chat.
[12:50:17] * Z_God joined the chat.
[12:56:44] * Z_God left the chat.
[13:04:21] * Z_God joined the chat.
[13:12:34] * Evanescence joined the chat.
[13:15:02] * Evanescence left the chat.
[13:17:19] * Neustradamus joined the chat.
[13:17:49] * Z_God left the chat.
[13:19:40] * Z_God joined the chat.
[13:45:23] * KiDo left the chat.
[14:00:59] * KiDo joined the chat.
[14:01:18] * KiDo left the chat.
[14:29:48] * armorattak joined the chat.
[15:07:02] * Kev_ joined the chat.
[15:18:09] * Kev_ left the chat.
[15:30:18] * armorattak left the chat.
[15:44:30] * dreamcast joined the chat.
[16:05:25] * dreamcast left the chat.
[16:25:59] * Kev_ joined the chat.
[17:49:56] * Kev_ left the chat.
[17:58:55] * sono joined the chat.
[18:51:44] * nomadofnorad joined the chat.
[18:51:44] * nomadofnorad left the chat.
[18:51:44] * nomadofnorad joined the chat.
[18:51:44] * nomadofnorad left the chat.
[18:54:03] * nomadofnorad joined the chat.
[19:21:31] * cblop joined the chat.
[19:24:22] * cblop left the chat.
[19:30:14] * Z_God left the chat.
[19:31:51] * Z_God joined the chat.
[20:01:31] * KiDo joined the chat.
[20:43:22] * KiDo left the chat.
[21:27:52] * sono left the chat.
[21:28:24] * sono joined the chat.
[21:31:58] * Evanescence joined the chat.
[21:34:17] <Evanescence> Hi
[21:35:32] * Evanescence left the chat.
[21:40:16] <nomadofnorad> hmmmmm..... what is that Arabic-looking stuff that keeps getting posted here? (and that doesn't make it to the buffered copy
of the chat)
[22:04:59] * darkrain left the chat.
[22:05:11] * darkrain joined the chat.
[23:43:43] * Z_God left the chat.