Logs for jabber
[00:03:51] * jameschurchman left the chat.
[00:06:14] * louiz’ left the chat.
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[01:13:08] * MattJ left the chat.
[01:17:56] * Kasper Nymand left the chat.
[01:18:02] * Kasper Nymand joined the chat.
[04:30:50] * dreamcast left the chat.
[04:30:55] * dreamcast joined the chat.
[04:55:00] * nixon27347 joined the chat.
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[04:56:10] * alexsg\40jabber.org joined the chat.
[04:56:28] <alexsg\40jabber.org> hi all.
[04:56:58] <alexsg\40jabber.org> who can advise, how can use MSN via jabber ?
[05:04:20] * alexsg\40jabber.org left the chat.
[05:24:47] * darkrain left the chat.
[05:25:22] * darkrain joined the chat.
[05:40:21] * draco left the chat.
[06:18:04] * Kasper Nymand left the chat.
[06:18:08] * Kasper Nymand joined the chat.
[06:29:55] * vilpan joined the chat.
[06:43:22] * Link Mauve left the chat.
[06:45:41] * Link Mauve joined the chat.
[06:46:29] * treebilou left the chat.
[06:49:59] * Kasper Nymand left the chat.
[06:55:21] * test joined the chat.
[06:56:18] * test left the chat.
[07:07:29] * jean.parpaillon joined the chat.
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[07:08:32] * jean.parpaillon joined the chat.
[07:19:14] * yuppinturic joined the chat.
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[07:23:27] * yuppinturic joined the chat.
[07:42:51] * sami joined the chat.
[07:42:56] * sami left the chat.
[08:12:38] * Tobias joined the chat.
[08:38:15] * oleg_kaa joined the chat.
[08:38:46] <oleg_kaa> Hi! Any admin is here?
[08:39:43] <Kev> Partially. What's up?
[08:40:33] * Aviator joined the chat.
[08:40:33] * Aviator left the chat.
[08:45:47] <oleg_kaa> I can't delete my chat room, it's always automatically created when Psi connecting
[08:46:59] <oleg_kaa> I am tired from this bug :)
[08:48:23] * jean.parpaillon left the chat.
[08:48:36] * jean.parpaillon joined the chat.
[08:49:14] <Kev> That doesn't sound like a bug.
[08:49:27] <Kev> It sounds like you've got a bookmark that's marked to autojoin.
[08:49:33] * dreamcast left the chat.
[08:52:12] <oleg_kaa> thanks :)
[08:52:19] * oleg_kaa left the chat.
[08:54:13] * oleg_kaa joined the chat.
[08:54:24] <oleg_kaa> its work!! Thanks!
[08:54:42] * oleg_kaa left the chat.
[09:00:27] * Kev left the chat.
[09:12:10] * jean.parpaillon left the chat.
[09:12:41] * jean.parpaillon joined the chat.
[09:13:21] * Tobias left the chat.
[09:57:55] * Lokesh joined the chat.
[10:08:41] <Lokesh> How can i create public conference room that will always available to all jabber users?
[10:09:56] <niek> lokesh: As far as I am aware... you can specify a room as "persistent" in the room's configuration.
[10:10:14] <niek> At least, in most MUC implementations.
[10:11:28] <Lokesh> niek: Ok thanks.
[10:21:10] * Lokesh left the chat.
[10:22:30] * Kasper Nymand joined the chat.
[10:24:46] * Tobias joined the chat.
[10:45:03] * Tobias left the chat.
[10:50:33] * Tobias joined the chat.
[10:57:26] * yuppinturic left the chat.
[11:13:08] * yuppinturic joined the chat.
[11:43:03] * Tobias left the chat.
[11:46:55] * Tobias joined the chat.
[11:49:05] * Lastwebpage joined the chat.
[12:04:56] * Tobias left the chat.
[12:13:21] * MattJ joined the chat.
[12:20:58] * Tobias joined the chat.
[12:33:29] * wеstsibe joined the chat.
[12:42:33] * naw joined the chat.
[12:59:12] * Kev joined the chat.
[13:06:52] * darkrain left the chat.
[13:06:54] * darkrain joined the chat.
[13:27:05] * Kev left the chat.
[13:31:31] * naw left the chat.
[13:33:12] * Kev joined the chat.
[13:41:35] * wеstsibe left the chat.
[13:42:33] <Kev> Anyone familiar with how Pidgin works? Someone is telling me that "the Pidgin client has a button called Image (to send images
or files).", but that it's disabled - anyone any ideas, please?
[13:44:09] <MattJ> darkrain, if he's awake
[13:50:22] * Tobias left the chat.
[13:55:16] * pierce5506 joined the chat.
[13:58:14] * pierce5506 left the chat.
[14:02:18] * eisenhower51847 joined the chat.
[14:02:46] <eisenhower51847> in muc there are status codes like 100, 110, 210
[14:03:02] <eisenhower51847> why they are strings and not integers? <status code='100'/>
[14:04:13] * Aviator joined the chat.
[14:04:14] * Aviator left the chat.
[14:04:28] * Aviator joined the chat.
[14:04:28] * Aviator left the chat.
[14:05:17] <MattJ> eisenhower51847, what do you mean?
[14:05:28] <MattJ> Everything in XML is a string, in a sense
[14:06:53] <eisenhower51847> can't attributes be integers?
[14:07:08] <eisenhower51847> <div width=500 height=800></div>
[14:07:22] <eisenhower51847> <div id="myid"></div>
[14:07:25] * Kasper Nymand left the chat.
[14:07:46] * Kasper Nymand joined the chat.
[14:10:05] * Hmodlove2011 joined the chat.
[14:10:28] <Hmodlove2011> ده
[14:10:41] * Hmodlove2011 left the chat.
[14:14:24] <MattJ> eisenhower51847, no, they are always quoted
[14:15:17] <MattJ> You're thinking of HTML, most HTML parsers accept unquoted attributes, but that doesn't make them integers
[14:15:48] <eisenhower51847> MattJ: ok
[14:15:50] <MattJ> XML is stricter than HTML, and always requires quotes
[14:16:03] <eisenhower51847> ok. didn't know that
[14:43:05] <eisenhower51847> muc presence stanzas have child element with xmlns http://jabber.org/protocol/muc or http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user
[14:43:16] <eisenhower51847> muc message stanzas have type=groupchat
[14:43:44] <eisenhower51847> wouldn't it make more sense that muc presence and message stanzas (maybe IQ too) will have consistent structure
[14:44:06] <eisenhower51847> a namespace or attribute but not once a namespace and once an attribute
[14:45:07] <MattJ> the 'type' attribute is shared between a number of message types, they are defined in the core XMPP specification because
they have different routing rules
[14:45:40] <MattJ> Although unlikely, it's possible someone would make a MUC protocol that uses type='groupchat' messages but doesn't use the
rest of MUC (and would have different namespaces)
[14:46:00] <eisenhower51847> both clients and servers can benefit from a consistent tagging of muc stanzas
[14:46:23] <eisenhower51847> and the xmlns muc is not even in the top xml element which makes it even harder to parse
[14:46:26] <MattJ> It doesn't really affect the server, that much I can say
[14:46:49] <eisenhower51847> a muc room is like a client that the server manage
[14:47:08] <MattJ> It's actually better, because the server doesn't need to look inside the stanza, it can just look at the type
[14:47:13] <eisenhower51847> it has to know that the stanza is addressed to a muc room and not a normal user
[14:47:24] <MattJ> Sure
[14:47:28] <eisenhower51847> for message stanza type=groupchat helps
[14:47:33] <MattJ> and it does, via the 'to' attribute
[14:47:44] <eisenhower51847> so it's not consistent
[14:48:06] <eisenhower51847> once you need to look at the 'to' attribute, once the type=groupchat, once the xmlns=http://jabber.org/protocol/muc
[14:48:09] <eisenhower51847> it's a mess
[14:48:20] <MattJ> Different pieces look at the different parts
[14:48:42] <MattJ> There are actually 3 different entities here... the client, the client's server, and the MUC server
[14:49:31] <eisenhower51847> how does a client knows that a stanza is a muc stanza?
[14:50:15] <MattJ> Mine typically match on the 'from' address
[14:50:16] <eisenhower51847> if the server sends all to='room@chat.host.com/nick' stanza to the muc server, why do we need the type=groupchat
[14:50:34] <MattJ> Because the client's server needs it to apply the correct routing logic
[14:50:37] <eisenhower51847> so why do you need the muc xmlns and type=groupchat
[14:50:47] <MattJ> (which is, as I said before, independent of whether the protocol is MUC)
[14:51:00] <eisenhower51847> what does a server do with type=groupchat?
[14:51:07] <eisenhower51847> different that type=chat
[14:51:14] <eisenhower51847> that/than
[14:51:19] <MattJ> For example messages of type=groupchat are never stored as offline messages
[14:51:31] <MattJ> They are never redirected to another resource if the destination resource is offline
[14:51:34] <MattJ> etc.
[14:51:51] <eisenhower51847> where is this written?
[14:51:55] <eisenhower51847> in the muc xep?
[14:52:04] <eisenhower51847> I mean how to handle groupchat messages
[14:52:41] * Kasper Nymand left the chat.
[14:53:04] <MattJ> It's in the core XMPP spec
[14:53:56] * Kasper Nymand joined the chat.
[14:53:56] <MattJ> http://xmpp.org/rfcs/rfc6121.html#message-syntax-type
[14:54:10] <eisenhower51847> thanks
[14:54:56] <MattJ> The routing rules for different stanza types are in section 8: http://xmpp.org/rfcs/rfc6121.html#rules
[14:55:18] <MattJ> (the table in 8.5 is useful)
[14:55:34] <MattJ> *8.5.4
[14:56:16] <eisenhower51847> thanks
[14:57:24] * eisenhower51847 left the chat.
[14:57:48] * fillmore9521 joined the chat.
[14:58:17] * fillmore9521 left the chat.
[15:00:50] * Kev left the chat.
[15:00:52] * Tobias joined the chat.
[15:12:20] * jean.parpaillon left the chat.
[15:12:50] * jean.parpaillon joined the chat.
[15:17:50] * Kev joined the chat.
[15:25:40] * clinton56123 joined the chat.
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[15:29:51] * sami joined the chat.
[15:30:03] * sami left the chat.
[15:31:39] * Tobias left the chat.
[15:36:44] * Tobias joined the chat.
[15:42:18] * treebilou joined the chat.
[15:43:08] * roosevelt54756 left the chat.
[15:46:57] * anonymous20182 joined the chat.
[15:57:36] * Tobias left the chat.
[15:57:51] * Tobias joined the chat.
[16:20:12] * NEOhidra joined the chat.
[16:33:51] * Kev left the chat.
[16:35:16] * Neustradamus left the chat.
[16:40:16] * jean.parpaillon left the chat.
[16:48:46] * vilpan left the chat.
[17:02:56] * jameschurchman joined the chat.
[17:05:16] * Kasper Nymand left the chat.
[17:05:50] * Kasper Nymand joined the chat.
[17:26:34] * Kev joined the chat.
[17:33:04] * yuppinturic left the chat.
[17:34:54] * Tobias left the chat.
[17:35:08] * Tobias joined the chat.
[17:40:12] * Tobias left the chat.
[17:40:20] * Tobias joined the chat.
[17:45:02] * ryagas joined the chat.
[17:47:09] * sami joined the chat.
[17:47:26] * sami left the chat.
[18:00:32] * Kev left the chat.
[18:03:58] * sfyn joined the chat.
[18:04:06] * sfyn left the chat.
[18:04:22] * naw joined the chat.
[18:22:12] * Tobias left the chat.
[18:22:22] * Tobias joined the chat.
[18:46:16] * Kasper Nymand left the chat.
[18:49:10] * jean.parpaillon joined the chat.
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[18:49:11] * jean.parpaillon joined the chat.
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[18:59:22] * harrykar left the chat.
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[19:07:55] * evilotto joined the chat.
[19:10:24] * darkrain left the chat.
[19:12:05] * yuppinturic joined the chat.
[19:12:52] * darkrain joined the chat.
[19:18:23] * jean.parpaillon left the chat.
[19:23:06] * MattJ left the chat.
[19:23:20] * MattJ joined the chat.
[19:56:15] * darkrain left the chat.
[19:56:25] * darkrain joined the chat.
[20:01:11] * darkrain left the chat.
[20:01:11] * darkrain joined the chat.
[20:07:36] * darkrain left the chat.
[20:07:40] * darkrain joined the chat.
[20:22:54] * Lolin.wanos joined the chat.
[20:22:55] * Lolin.wanos left the chat.
[20:23:36] * ryagas left the chat.
[20:28:33] <ThurahT> Kev: Never seen such a button at all in pidign. Not even as a keyboard shortcut. It is only available through menus as far
as I know. This is on windows though.. *cough*
[20:41:01] * jameschurchman left the chat.
[21:09:45] * Kev joined the chat.
[21:09:54] * evilotto left the chat.
[21:10:00] * treebilou left the chat.
[21:14:30] * Kasper Nymand joined the chat.
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[21:18:41] * NEOhidra left the chat.
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[22:01:01] * sami joined the chat.
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[22:11:18] * Kev left the chat.
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[22:33:03] * marseille joined the chat.
[22:41:25] * MattJ left the chat.
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[22:45:56] * Lastwebpage left the chat.
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[23:09:48] * MattJ left the chat.
[23:09:53] * MattJ joined the chat.
[23:17:36] * MattJ left the chat.
[23:17:40] * MattJ joined the chat.