Logs for jabber
[00:21:44] * treebilou left the chat.
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[00:51:54] <asdsdf> hi
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[01:57:52] <reagan46787> hi I created a jabber account, but it seems to not want to log in. does it take a while for accounts to be active?
[02:08:59] <reagan46787> I guess the password was either too long or used unaccepted characters
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[02:37:18] * dvdwrng@jabber.org left the chat.
[02:39:32] * Aviator joined the chat.
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[03:47:16] * SteveG joined the chat.
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[05:40:12] * Aviator joined the chat.
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[05:50:55] * Aviator joined the chat.
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[05:52:25] * Aviator joined the chat.
[06:17:23] * harrykar joined the chat.
[06:34:05] * JimoY joined the chat.
[06:35:34] <JimoY> hello, could somebody refer me a link "how to work with Prosody" or let saya "tutorial"
[06:36:34] <JimoY> be right back in 5 minutes
[06:36:39] * JimoY left the chat.
[06:38:04] <Kev> Isn't there one on http://prosody.im?
[06:40:24] * vilpan joined the chat.
[06:43:05] * harrykar left the chat.
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[08:00:02] * Lastwebpage joined the chat.
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[08:11:42] * Aviator left the chat.
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[08:18:15] * Tobias joined the chat.
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[09:31:08] * louiz’ left the chat.
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[09:31:53] * aurelianobalthasar joined the chat.
[09:34:05] <aurelianobalthasar> Hello
[09:34:19] <aurelianobalthasar> I am new to this xmpp, anyone here?
[09:35:56] <louiz’> yes
[09:36:51] <aurelianobalthasar> ive got some questions
[09:37:11] <aurelianobalthasar> care to answer, if you can?
[09:37:37] <louiz’> yes
[09:37:41] <aurelianobalthasar> k thx
[09:37:49] <aurelianobalthasar> 1 my name is lower case
[09:37:59] <aurelianobalthasar> while iregistered with upper case at jabber.org
[09:38:07] <louiz’> a jid cannot have upper case
[09:38:22] <aurelianobalthasar> hmm
[09:38:23] <louiz’> so it has been converted
[09:38:43] * jean.parpaillon left the chat.
[09:38:44] <aurelianobalthasar> did i miss an option for a separate chatroom nick then?
[09:39:09] <louiz’> you can choose your nick in your client, independently from your JID
[09:39:25] <aurelianobalthasar> either i missed that, orit hastn that option (gajim)
[09:39:40] <aurelianobalthasar> i can change that any time?
[09:40:00] <louiz’> gajim has this option
[09:40:08] <louiz’> yes, just type /nick newnick
[09:40:38] <aurelianobalthasar> huh
[09:41:01] <louiz’> you joined again, you didn’t change your nick
[09:41:11] <louiz’> (just so you know)
[09:41:18] <aurelianobalthasar> so i have to reconnect to make it work?
[09:41:33] <aurelianobalthasar> ill have to look into that
[09:41:59] <louiz’> to make what work?
[09:42:09] <aurelianobalthasar> ok i found it i guess
[09:42:20] <louiz’> you can decide your nick when joining a room, with gajim. And you can change it afterward with the /nick command
[09:42:21] * jean.parpaillon joined the chat.
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[09:42:42] <aurelianobalthasar> simple things getting complicated
[09:42:54] <aurelianobalthasar> i typed /nick and upper case name. wrong?
[09:43:04] <louiz’> no
[09:43:17] <louiz’> oh
[09:43:31] <louiz’> ok, forget the
“11:41:01 louiz’> you joined again, you didn’t change your nick “
[09:44:02] <aurelianobalthasar> ill just reconenct now
[09:44:06] * aurelianobalthasar left the chat.
[09:44:14] <louiz’> ok
[09:44:18] * AurelianoBalthasar joined the chat.
[09:44:25] <AurelianoBalthasar> k
[09:44:42] <AurelianoBalthasar> well
[09:45:00] <AurelianoBalthasar> next question: why are there so few people in the chat rooms?
[09:45:19] <louiz’> because Jabber’s chatrooms aren’t very popular.
[09:45:24] <louiz’> And that’s a problem
[09:45:26] <AurelianoBalthasar> i saw quite some text about how modern this is and largest server and most people and the likes...
[09:45:33] <louiz’> yes
[09:45:48] <AurelianoBalthasar> and then you go to .org itself and its almsot empty ;)
[09:45:51] <AurelianoBalthasar> funny
[09:46:08] <louiz’> but people still keep on using IRC and old stuff like that…
[09:46:39] * jean.parpaillon joined the chat.
[09:46:42] <AurelianoBalthasar> so it
's the same like not using mumble speak because people know only Teamspeak. ?
[09:47:06] <AurelianoBalthasar> technically mumble is on par at least
[09:47:15] <louiz’> Yes. Even though I don’t know anyone using Teamspeak :p
[09:47:26] <louiz’> (all my friends use mumble)
[09:47:31] <AurelianoBalthasar> Louiz, how long have you been using xmpp roughly?
[09:47:37] <AurelianoBalthasar> thats nice to read
[09:47:42] <AurelianoBalthasar> i favour free solutions
[09:47:46] <AurelianoBalthasar> without hardware ids
[09:47:54] <AurelianoBalthasar> saved on some dubious server
[09:47:55] <louiz’> hum, 3 years, maybe
[09:48:16] <AurelianoBalthasar> you use mumble for gaming?
[09:48:24] <louiz’> yes, mostly
[09:48:28] <AurelianoBalthasar> or telefone replacement, too?
[09:48:33] <louiz’> no
[09:48:39] <AurelianoBalthasar> and it works great?
[09:48:50] <louiz’> just to talk to friends, who are gaming most of the time :p
[09:48:54] <louiz’> very, yes
[09:48:57] <AurelianoBalthasar> k
[09:49:37] <AurelianoBalthasar> how did you people come to mumble, did someone have to persuade hard?
[09:50:29] <louiz’> no, they were just using it, don’t know why…
[09:51:05] <louiz’> And then I installed a murmur on my server, so we are now using only that
[09:51:08] <AurelianoBalthasar> well, becasue its not corporate, and its faster than teamspeak, latency wise
[09:51:12] <AurelianoBalthasar> i guess
[09:51:35] <AurelianoBalthasar> do you have a root?
[09:51:48] <louiz’> a root on the server?
[09:52:16] <AurelianoBalthasar> a root server
[09:52:21] <louiz’> what is that?
[09:52:50] <louiz’> I’m root on my server, yes, if that’s the question
[09:52:51] <AurelianoBalthasar> im not familair with terms. root server would be either at your home, or at some company
[09:53:06] <AurelianoBalthasar> so ayou have full access to the whole machine i mean
[09:53:24] <louiz’> ah, no
[09:53:32] <AurelianoBalthasar> using linux, or unix, or windows on it, free choice
[09:53:56] <louiz’> It depends, I have 3 servers, one is in a datacenter, and I monthly pay to use it.
[09:54:19] <louiz’> But I chose to use Linux on it. And that’s where murmur is running (with a great bandwidth)
[09:54:28] <AurelianoBalthasar> yes bandwidth
[09:54:48] <AurelianoBalthasar> i guiess mumble/ts needs more than i have at home...
[09:55:11] <louiz’> It depends on the number of people you want to be able to have
[09:55:31] <AurelianoBalthasar> well, 64kb send rate is not much
[09:55:37] <louiz’> ah, indeed
[09:56:17] <AurelianoBalthasar> regarding xmpp:
[09:56:33] <AurelianoBalthasar> there is some initiative of people that needs something else than email
[09:56:43] <AurelianoBalthasar> i wonder if xmpp can be of use to them
[09:56:56] <AurelianoBalthasar> im not familiar with this, i just know irc from old days of quake tf
[09:57:13] <louiz’> I don’t understand the question
[09:57:17] <AurelianoBalthasar> does this allow users to set up own chatrooms on the server?
[09:57:26] <AurelianoBalthasar> xmmp, i mean
[09:58:27] <AurelianoBalthasar> and how many of them, and, can those be password protected, and be moderated by the one who set them up?
[09:58:28] <louiz’> yes, you can create a chatroom, and be owner of it, etc
[09:58:43] <louiz’> any number
[09:58:54] <louiz’> you can create them on any server
[09:58:57] <AurelianoBalthasar> because, we have jsut email so far, and it's not suited for communications of people.
[09:59:05] <louiz’> indeed
[09:59:06] <AurelianoBalthasar> how long will such rooms last?
[09:59:14] <louiz’> until you destroy it
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[09:59:23] <louiz’> you can configure it to be persistant
[09:59:26] * jean.parpaillon joined the chat.
[09:59:36] <louiz’> if you don’t, it will be destroyed when everyone leaves.
[09:59:36] * jean.parpaillon left the chat.
[10:01:30] * jean.parpaillon joined the chat.
[10:01:32] <AurelianoBalthasar> so it is rather people that join who create the server load, not room count?
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[10:02:30] <Kev> It depends how you define 'load'.
[10:02:54] <Kev> A room existing isn't going to pull any significant network or processor usage. It will probably consume a very small amount
of RAM.
[10:03:03] <AurelianoBalthasar> well. if one wasnt barred from that, one could set up 20 channels?
[10:03:10] <AurelianoBalthasar> which i would consider not too polite
[10:03:40] <AurelianoBalthasar> problem is, maybe to phrase it problem, the chatrooms/channels have no tree option
[10:03:45] <AurelianoBalthasar> its all flat list
[10:04:05] <Kev> That's not strictly true. You could easily create a hierachy of components.
[10:04:11] <AurelianoBalthasar> btw, hello Kev.
[10:04:24] <AurelianoBalthasar> like in a message borad?
[10:04:30] <AurelianoBalthasar> that sounds good
[10:04:36] <Kev> So you couuld run a service where you have something@a.b.y.z, something@a.b.c.d.y.z, etc.
[10:04:56] <AurelianoBalthasar> define service in this context please
[10:05:25] <Kev> E.g. you could have services for @generalchat.example.org, @techchat.example.org, @official.example.org.
[10:05:59] <Kev> Service in this context means e.g. conference.jabber.org. A place you can create and use MUC rooms.
[10:06:29] <AurelianoBalthasar> hmmm
[10:06:31] * jean.parpaillon joined the chat.
[10:07:07] <AurelianoBalthasar> i also have leeched ejabberd on my private comp, and was wondering wether setting that up would be more appropiate. ?
[10:07:29] <AurelianoBalthasar> (=own xmpp server)
[10:08:30] <Kev> If you intend generating any significant load, running your own service is more appropriate than using a public one, yes.
[10:08:48] <Kev> Whether ejabberd is the most appropriate software to use depends what you want.
[10:09:05] <AurelianoBalthasar> i cant predict the load, becasue most of the people in question are not familiar with xmpp i guess,
[10:09:29] <AurelianoBalthasar> could be anything between 10 and 50 and later 100 people
[10:09:42] <AurelianoBalthasar> if people accepted it as a technology to use
[10:10:04] <AurelianoBalthasar> how much does cpu and bandwidth it needs, i have no idea
[10:10:25] * louiz joined the chat.
[10:10:51] <louiz> (wops, my machine is gone from the network…)
[10:11:06] <AurelianoBalthasar> well from what i saw on the net ejabberd is not the worst choice at least
[10:11:17] <AurelianoBalthasar> line cuts happen
[10:11:48] <AurelianoBalthasar> face to face conversation is more reliable...
[10:12:10] <AurelianoBalthasar> Kev, do oyu have a guess about the load it might generate, cpu and bandwidth?
[10:12:19] <Kev> Very little.
[10:12:34] <AurelianoBalthasar> it's just 64kb sending
[10:12:37] <AurelianoBalthasar> dsl line
[10:13:10] <AurelianoBalthasar> rough guess, that would do for 40 people without being full all time, if not all chat all time?
[10:13:58] <louiz> yes
[10:15:13] <AurelianoBalthasar> hm ok, so that MAY be an option
[10:16:00] <AurelianoBalthasar> the xmpp network, the servers in the net., how do they know of each other?
[10:17:02] <AurelianoBalthasar> so if i set up an own small xmpp server, with password protection maybe even, would it announce itself to the server list?
[10:17:17] <louiz> using DNS
[10:17:29] <louiz> what server list?
[10:18:01] <AurelianoBalthasar> well, if one uses xmpp to conenct you get a server list to choose from
[10:18:09] <AurelianoBalthasar> like jabber.org
[10:18:32] <AurelianoBalthasar> this lsit has to be communicated/created somehow
[10:19:43] <AurelianoBalthasar> i asking also because i just got a dynamic ip
[10:20:04] <AurelianoBalthasar> i wonder wether a line cut per day, an own xmpp would reannounce itself
[10:20:26] <AurelianoBalthasar> or if dyndns/no-ip/opendns is required to make it work at all?
[10:21:43] <AurelianoBalthasar> (got a router that would do the dyndns work if required)
[10:22:47] <Kev> There is no central list of XMPP servers. A few people collect lists, but that's very different.
[10:22:56] <Kev> Servers are 'discovered' using DNS, just like email.
[10:23:25] <Kev> If you ask to talk to alice@wonderland.lit, your server will lookup DNS records for wonderland.lit, and try to connect to
the server running there.
[10:23:29] <AurelianoBalthasar> so a priavte xmpp has to be registered to be in the official list?
[10:23:37] <Kev> There is no official list.
[10:23:42] <Kev> Just like email.
[10:23:47] <AurelianoBalthasar> ah yes ok its not "official"
[10:24:10] <AurelianoBalthasar> ok, i think i got it
[10:24:19] <AurelianoBalthasar> so dyndns is required
[10:24:35] <Kev> Some form of DNS, yes.
[10:24:36] <louiz> The list you saw was the list in gajim, that’s all
[10:25:48] <AurelianoBalthasar> you mean, the server list here is provided from the gajim installation data base?
[10:25:51] * Tobias left the chat.
[10:27:14] <AurelianoBalthasar> I don't mean to sound noobish, but it's somehwat a geeky tool, this xmpp net :P
[10:27:28] <AurelianoBalthasar> or im jsut getting old
[10:27:31] <AurelianoBalthasar> whioch is also the case
[10:27:40] * yuppinturic left the chat.
[10:28:55] * yuppinturic joined the chat.
[10:29:21] <Kev> It's no more geeky than email or the like.
[10:33:29] * yuppinturic left the chat.
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[10:36:20] <AurelianoBalthasar> i must be dying then...
[10:36:40] <louiz> It’s just that a very few “non noobish” people use it
[10:36:59] <AurelianoBalthasar> yes that may pose the first problem
[10:37:30] <AurelianoBalthasar> about the chat room list, in gajim it loads that list each time you open it. is this the same for all clients?
[10:37:48] <AurelianoBalthasar> i mean, loading once would do, takes ages, and refresh button if one needs to.
[10:38:23] <AurelianoBalthasar> sanme with psi and miranda?
[10:38:25] <AurelianoBalthasar> same
[10:39:08] <louiz> you don’t need that list to join a room
[10:39:21] <louiz> you just need to know the JID you want to join
[10:39:41] <AurelianoBalthasar> well i just wanted to look for a ejabberd chat room, so i had to laod it
[10:40:07] <louiz> indeed, and I think you won’t find it on jabber.org
[10:40:12] <Kev> The ejabberd room is ejabberd@conference.jabber.ru
[10:40:29] <AurelianoBalthasar> thanks
[10:40:33] <Kev> That isn't a list of all rooms globally, there is no such list, it's a list of all rooms on jabber.org.
[10:40:41] <AurelianoBalthasar> can bug those people there with stupid questions :)
[10:40:51] <AurelianoBalthasar> yes
[10:41:03] <AurelianoBalthasar> or roger
[10:41:31] <AurelianoBalthasar> centralized and decentralized, it has both its pros and cons
[10:42:41] <AurelianoBalthasar> for example, having more than three tv stations available results in dissipation
[10:44:22] <AurelianoBalthasar> wasting time on millions of links and videos, we are lost
[10:48:36] <AurelianoBalthasar> if you are still there, another question: file transfer. Most info on the net is from days where this wasnt standard for xmpp.
[10:48:43] <AurelianoBalthasar> how is that issue these days?
[10:49:05] <AurelianoBalthasar> can ynone transfer files to each other, rather regardless of clients one may use?
[10:49:05] <Kev> Client support is converging.
[10:49:11] <Kev> It's not there yet.
[10:49:34] <AurelianoBalthasar> is there a preliminary solution?
[10:49:47] <AurelianoBalthasar> (prelim. right word?)
[10:50:03] <Kev> Pidgin, Gajim and (experimentally) Swift support interoperable file transfer using the current standard.
[10:50:08] <Kev> Possibly others too.
[10:50:24] <AurelianoBalthasar> does this require some plugin to be installed eytra?
[10:50:31] <AurelianoBalthasar> or does it come with standard installation?
[10:51:08] <Kev> I don't know about Gajim and Pidgin. At least for Swift it's not been enabled in a release yet; when it has been it'll be
a standard feature.
[10:51:24] <AurelianoBalthasar> You are rather up to date about client capabilities, Kev?
[10:51:33] <AurelianoBalthasar> ah not that
[10:51:57] <AurelianoBalthasar> the clkeint you use, does that do transfers?
[10:52:07] <Kev> I use (and develop) Swift.
[10:52:19] <AurelianoBalthasar> ah
[10:52:53] <AurelianoBalthasar> well, with those chatromm user numbers, seems chances are still higher to stumble upon developers
[10:53:52] <AurelianoBalthasar> how comes there are quite a bunch of cleints in the make, is it something of a chase for emerging with the best?
[10:54:15] <AurelianoBalthasar> while technical traits of xmpp are still solidifying?
[10:54:23] <Kev> I'm not sure it's disproportionate to any other protocol.
[10:54:35] <Kev> There are lots of web browsers, lots of email clients, lots of IRC clients, lots of FTP clients...
[10:54:53] <AurelianoBalthasar> hm yes
[10:55:19] <AurelianoBalthasar> but not that many browsers as xmpp cöients, for sure ;)
[10:55:33] <Kev> I don't believe that's true.
[10:56:03] <Tanguy> Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Explorer, Konqueror, Epiphany, Seamonkey…
[10:56:27] <Tanguy> There are many Web browser. Really many.
[10:57:21] <AurelianoBalthasar> http://xmpp.org/xmpp-software/clients/ lists some 100 clients, though no info about development
[10:57:43] <AurelianoBalthasar> wel doesnt matter
[10:58:05] <AurelianoBalthasar> it's jsut, every cleitn has some features taht others don't, it seems
[10:58:12] <Tanguy> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_web_browsers
[10:58:16] <Tanguy> That is a lot too.
[10:58:53] <Kev> AurelianoBalthasar: Yes, different clients have different properties.
[10:59:04] <Kev> Some try to be easy to use, others try to satisfy power users. I think this is healthy.
[11:05:27] * Tobias joined the chat.
[11:05:41] <AurelianoBalthasar> let's assume file sharing (not music nor porn) is an issue. Then either pigdin or gajim are the client way to go?
[11:05:56] <AurelianoBalthasar> i tried to look up on that but info is a bit scarce
[11:06:11] <AurelianoBalthasar> are pigdin and gajim file sharing compatible to each other?
[11:07:22] * Ahmde joined the chat.
[11:11:46] <AurelianoBalthasar> >support interoperable file transfer using the current standard. According to that they should be compatible.
[11:11:55] <AurelianoBalthasar> are they?
[11:13:09] <Ahmde> مرحبا
[11:15:43] <AurelianoBalthasar> Some acquaintance of mine works in a larger electronics shop. He told us, people almost each day stumble in there, approach
the store clerks and utter elaborate things like: "USB?"
[11:16:03] <AurelianoBalthasar> or: "Laptops?"
[11:16:09] <AurelianoBalthasar> rofl
[11:17:45] <AurelianoBalthasar> ok, maybe i got some better idea now. thanks for answers, all.
[11:17:56] * vilpan left the chat.
[11:19:13] * Ahmde left the chat.
[11:47:33] * Aviator joined the chat.
[11:47:33] * Aviator left the chat.
[11:48:14] * Aviator joined the chat.
[11:48:50] <Aviator> AurelianoBalthasar: :-D
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[18:05:19] <harding14823> hı
[18:05:27] <harding14823> türk admın var mı
[18:06:20] <louiz’> what
[18:06:23] <louiz’> english room here
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[20:26:57] <senthil13@jabber.org> do i need an gmail adress??
[20:28:00] <ThurahT> do you wan't one?
[20:28:05] <ThurahT> *want
[20:28:28] <senthil13@jabber.org> j only got hotmail
[20:28:34] <ThurahT> you don't need it to chat with gtalk users.
[20:28:56] <senthil13@jabber.org> ok
[20:29:36] <ThurahT> gtalk uses xmpp so jabber.org or any other xmpp server can chat with gtalk.
[20:30:08] <ThurahT> hotmail is working on some sort of xmpp solution. not sure what it will become though.
[20:31:26] <senthil13@jabber.org> i am trying
[20:32:20] <ThurahT> trying what?
[20:32:50] <senthil13@jabber.org> with my hotmail account
[20:33:11] <ThurahT> to do what?
[20:34:31] <senthil13@jabber.org> i lost my ntfl
[20:34:41] <senthil13@jabber.org> no dualboot
[20:35:57] <ThurahT> you lost me there..
[20:37:03] <senthil13@jabber.org> evolution comes every up
[20:38:45] <ThurahT> it's a glitch in the matrix
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