Logs for jabber
[00:10:11] * steven.1 joined the chat.
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[00:22:19] * Twey joined the chat.
[00:51:49] * mckinley3445 joined the chat.
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[01:24:58] * Eye joined the chat.
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[01:47:48] * lurker12125 joined the chat.
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[02:06:45] * MattJ left the chat.
[05:01:58] * harrison43882 joined the chat.
[05:04:48] * hoover8525 joined the chat.
[05:05:08] * harrison43882 left the chat.
[05:07:31] <hoover8525> Hello can someon help me with setup EmClient chat? Settings for server Host:? and Port:?
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[05:08:49] * hasapimapetilon\40jabbim.com joined the chat.
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[06:39:17] * alwinviji joined the chat.
[06:39:17] * alwinviji left the chat.
[07:13:57] * yuppinturic joined the chat.
[07:21:53] * anonymous49146 joined the chat.
[07:23:51] <anonymous49146> Hi everyone!
[07:24:31] <anonymous49146> hoover, the host is jabber.org, the port is 5223. SSL encryption set to On.
[07:37:59] * Tobias joined the chat.
[07:54:56] * harlock joined the chat.
[07:57:57] * anonymous49146 left the chat.
[08:00:14] * johnson40637 joined the chat.
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[08:22:00] * madison64764 joined the chat.
[08:22:16] <madison64764> hi
[08:22:26] <madison64764> none have problem with jabber?
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[08:24:54] <louiz’> nope
[08:45:21] * pinchartl joined the chat.
[08:45:25] <pinchartl> hi
[08:45:36] <louiz’> hi
[09:06:00] * paulmad left the chat.
[09:30:15] * Lastwebpage joined the chat.
[09:38:44] * harlock left the chat.
[09:45:15] * mjoc27x joined the chat.
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[09:47:44] * buchanan56247 joined the chat.
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[10:15:43] * Naek.mohammad joined the chat.
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[10:20:23] * jameschurchman joined the chat.
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[10:53:00] * treebilou joined the chat.
[11:08:53] * Tobias left the chat.
[11:19:48] * pinchartl left the chat.
[11:19:54] * pinchartl joined the chat.
[11:38:05] * Tobias joined the chat.
[11:50:57] * pinchartl left the chat.
[12:46:31] * MattJ joined the chat.
[12:53:29] * akuckartz@jabber.ccc.de joined the chat.
[12:58:36] * mpranj joined the chat.
[13:05:03] * dAnjou joined the chat.
[13:05:03] * dAnjou left the chat.
[13:06:02] * dAnjou joined the chat.
[13:06:54] <dAnjou> hi, one "pre-question" :P .. is this the official jabber/xmpp support chatroom? because 17 people are really not much
[13:07:54] <Lastwebpage> nearly all questions about XMPP are questions about clients...
[13:08:06] <dAnjou> now my actual question: what xmpp python library would you recommend for a beginner?
[13:08:18] <dAnjou> well, not that one :)
[13:09:29] <dAnjou> there are 7 on the website but i can't decide which one is well maintained and documented and so on .. has a quite active
[13:10:21] <Lastwebpage> That's thi kind of question that need special answers. ;) I don't know.
[13:11:43] <dAnjou> this one for example seems to be dead http://jabberpy.sourceforge.net/
[13:11:55] <louiz’> dAnjou, sleekxmpp
[13:12:17] <Lastwebpage> I found this too, some seconds ago https://github.com/fritzy/SleekXMPP/wiki
[13:15:28] <dAnjou> this one got a commit 4 hours ago, so it seems quite active https://github.com/Jajcus/pyxmpp2
[13:16:04] <louiz’> I’m using SleekXMPP, personnaly
[13:16:43] <dAnjou> well, if you recommend it, i'll give it a try first
[13:16:58] <dAnjou> if i don't like it, i look at pyxmpp2
[13:17:26] <louiz’> èk
[13:19:23] * akuckartz@jabber.ccc.de left the chat.
[13:34:43] * buchanan41214 joined the chat.
[13:34:54] <buchanan41214> hi guys
[13:35:22] <buchanan41214> that's a weird name I have... how do I change it?
[13:36:46] <dAnjou> client?
[13:38:38] <MattJ> /nick somenewnickname
[13:41:16] * dAnjou left the chat.
[13:42:44] * buchanan41214 in now known as oioi.
[13:42:56] <oioi> thanks!
[13:43:44] <oioi> what's up guys
[13:43:53] <oioi> enjoying the summer
[13:44:36] <MattJ> Hoping for winter
[13:44:55] * dAnjou joined the chat.
[13:44:56] * dAnjou left the chat.
[13:45:43] * dAnjou joined the chat.
[13:45:49] <dAnjou> summer? we had rain the last two weeks
[13:45:53] * niekie joined the chat.
[13:46:15] <dAnjou> this week will finally have about 25°C in average
[13:46:50] <dAnjou> *on
[13:47:18] <dAnjou> still waiting for the 30°C
[13:47:26] <Tobias> MattJ, why hoping for winter? haven't had much summer yet here
[13:47:53] <MattJ> Because it was over 40C here last week
[13:48:15] <dAnjou> *envy*
[13:48:37] <MattJ> dAnjou, I'd gladly swap if I could :)
[13:48:57] <Tobias> MattJ, ouch..here it's a chilly 27°C :)
[13:49:16] <Tobias> previous days all cloudy and rainy :/
[13:49:58] <dAnjou> the only problem with 40°C are the dying people in public transport -.-"
[14:08:12] * louiz’ left the chat.
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[14:12:20] * k_bx joined the chat.
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[14:30:56] * coward50898 joined the chat.
[14:31:36] * coward50898 in now known as anuj.
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[14:33:21] * mpranj joined the chat.
[14:33:35] <anuj> hello guys, i want to ask something about making an IM client integrating Google, there are a lot of API available around,
so what is the purpose of studying XMPP thoroughly?
[14:37:17] <dAnjou> anuj: i'm not sure what you mean
[14:38:06] <dAnjou> studying xmpp is good for knowing what you do
[14:38:20] <dAnjou> as with any other protocol
[14:39:19] <dAnjou> integrating google basically means integrating xmpp
[14:42:29] <anuj> yeah, i know that, i have been looking on for the google chat API many other, so i just wanted to ask was, studying XMPP,
will provide me a good foundation of what goes beneath, right?
[14:54:35] <dAnjou> anuj: lol, yes .. as with anything you study
[14:59:23] * niekie left the chat.
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[14:59:30] <anuj> yeah, but i also don't get how to use the xml stanzas, i am not getting how to start coding, i plan to do it in C#
[15:02:43] <dAnjou> you don't make xml stanzas on your own
[15:03:04] <dAnjou> there are tons of libraries available in every possible language
[15:03:24] <dAnjou> see http://xmpp.org/xmpp-software/libraries/
[15:04:23] <anuj> yeah, i have downloaded it, but i am not getting the start point for making an IM, can you please tell that?
[15:04:53] <dAnjou> the projects should have examples or tutorials
[15:05:02] <dAnjou> if not, google for tutorials
[15:05:30] <anuj> hmm, can you suggest a search keyword :|
[15:05:35] <anuj> plz
[15:06:12] <dAnjou> just visit their websites o.O
[15:06:18] <dAnjou> this is just one http://www.ag-software.de/agsxmpp-sdk/
[15:06:29] <dAnjou> and voila, there is an example
[15:07:19] <dAnjou> and another one http://code.google.com/p/jabber-net/wiki/GettingStarted
[15:08:03] <anuj> thanks for the second one sir :)
[15:08:24] <dAnjou> are you sure you know how to use teh interwebz?
[15:08:26] <dAnjou> :P
[15:08:57] <anuj> interwebz?
[15:09:20] <anuj> ok, got it internet, hmm i guess i do, but not sure now :)
[15:09:26] <dAnjou> sorry, my cat wrote that ..
[15:09:43] <anuj> ok, kill the cat :P
[15:12:27] <anuj> hey, and which one is a better paltform, ADOBE or SILVERLIGHT for making up good applicatons?
[15:13:10] <Tobias> depends on what OS it's supposed to run on
[15:13:24] <Tobias> but i guess flash player has a wider distribution currently
[15:14:23] <Link Mauve> I'd say the Web has a wider distribution. :p
[15:14:41] <Tobias> sure..but not the same feature set .)
[15:14:43] <Tobias> *:)
[15:14:55] <anuj> yeah, but for a windows based desktop application, both run the same way
[15:15:03] * jameschurchman joined the chat.
[15:15:42] <Tobias> for windows desktop silverlight sounds like a better choice then
[15:16:22] <anuj> yeah, i guess so, but can we code any flash application using c#?
[15:16:23] <Link Mauve> Tobias, I'm not sure.
[15:16:34] <anuj> other than AS3?
[15:16:41] <Link Mauve> With the Web, you can do really pretty things.
[15:21:02] * mpranj left the chat.
[15:21:03] * niekie left the chat.
[15:22:09] * niekie joined the chat.
[15:22:57] * MattJ left the chat.
[15:27:02] <anuj> /QUIT
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[15:37:37] * wilson35551 joined the chat.
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[15:39:23] * mckinley52262 joined the chat.
[15:40:35] * stpeter joined the chat.
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[15:41:21] * Tobias left the chat.
[15:42:25] * grant55155 joined the chat.
[15:44:59] <grant55155> Can anyone here help me with a jabber/empathy network error issue?
[15:45:37] <louiz’> maybe
[15:45:38] <louiz’> ask
[15:45:51] <grant55155> Well...
[15:46:11] <grant55155> I am running empathy. I created a jabber accoun t and tried to connect.
[15:46:19] <grant55155> I get "Network error."
[15:46:40] <grant55155> I checked some forums and I seem to be doing everything right.
[15:46:45] <louiz’> what did you enter in the form for your account?
[15:47:01] <grant55155> Oh running Kubuntu.
[15:47:18] <louiz’> doesn’t matter
[15:47:51] <grant55155> My user name (darcycain@jabber.org)
[15:48:43] <grant55155> And my password.
[15:49:35] <grant55155> The main problem appears to be that it doesn't remember my password.
[15:49:53] <louiz’> Can you open the Help->Debug dialog, clear it, try to reconnect, and paste the messages somewhere?
[15:50:12] <grant55155> "org.freedesktop.secrets was not provided by any .service files"
[15:51:21] * memosoo11 joined the chat.
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[15:52:16] <grant55155> Hmm. Now it works but it still won't save the password.
[15:52:32] <louiz’> hum
[15:52:37] <louiz’> don’t know
[15:54:31] * memosoo11 joined the chat.
[15:55:00] <grant55155> OK, I guess it's an empathy issue now. The jabber connection does seem to work.
[15:55:05] <grant55155> Thanks.
[15:55:09] <louiz’> ok, great
[15:55:23] * grant55155 left the chat.
[15:58:45] * memosoo11 left the chat.
[15:59:51] <dAnjou> "great"? :D
[16:00:27] <dAnjou> "great, it's still buggy but it's not our fault. NEXT!"
[16:00:29] <dAnjou> :D
[16:01:26] <louiz’> exactly :)
[16:07:34] * dAnjou left the chat.
[16:13:45] * jameschurchman left the chat.
[16:18:38] * Tobias joined the chat.
[16:40:29] * oioi left the chat.
[16:42:21] * yuppinturic left the chat.
[16:45:18] * PaulFertser joined the chat.
[16:46:03] * nn2 joined the chat.
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[18:32:28] * jackson24282 joined the chat.
[18:32:51] <jackson24282> more gchat connectivity problems today?
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[18:37:18] * mebs joined the chat.
[18:37:50] <stpeter> seems so :(
[18:40:01] <stpeter> following up with the rest of the admin team
[18:40:38] <mebs> are there another jabber servers with gchat connectivity problems? Or the problem is only between jabber.org and gchat?
[18:40:45] * naw joined the chat.
[18:42:47] <jackson24282> thanks for the update!
[18:44:20] * naw left the chat.
[19:01:04] <stpeter> ok
[19:01:10] <stpeter> I've poked the Google Talk team about this
[19:13:12] <jackson24282> FYI jabber.no seems to be working with gchat
[19:19:16] * elmo joined the chat.
[19:24:01] * niekie joined the chat.
[19:25:58] * Jason Garrett joined the chat.
[19:26:28] <Jason Garrett> what is the connect server for jabber?
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[20:17:12] * naw joined the chat.
[20:28:02] * elmo left the chat.
[20:32:00] * garfield63068 joined the chat.
[20:48:47] * Tobias left the chat.
[20:56:35] * mckinley40 joined the chat.
[20:56:58] <mckinley40> hah, well, i guess that answers my question
[20:57:05] * mckinley40 in now known as neek.
[20:57:52] <neek> seems like gchat/jabber breaks quite often, no?
[20:58:07] <stpeter> I've asked the Google Talk team to investigate
[20:58:39] <neek> think it has to do with the cert change? i've noted that on one of my pidgen clients it whines about a cert mismatch
[20:58:55] <neek> (the google side, that is)
[20:59:00] <stpeter> hmm
[20:59:15] <stpeter> well, they don't enforce security on server-to-server links, so I doubt it
[20:59:17] <neek> i've not investigated it at all, so it may just be me being silly :)
[21:00:24] <neek> /me laughs
[21:00:32] <neek> so it's secure to the server, but clear text from server to server?
[21:00:55] <stpeter> currently that's the case with google talk
[21:01:06] <neek> wow, talk about watching sausage being made...
[21:01:16] <stpeter> some servers encrypt the server-to-server link, but not many yet :(
[21:01:39] <stpeter> we're working on improvements to make it easier, especially for large services like Google Talk
[21:01:46] <neek> it's not like google has a diverse infrastructure all over the world anyway, so why should they worry about man in the middle
[21:02:07] <stpeter> heh
[21:03:44] <neek> gchat sounds like it's kind of a pain in the ass for you guys to deal with
[21:03:50] <stpeter> sometimes :)
[21:04:03] <neek> 300 pound gorilla?
[21:04:46] <stpeter> 300, 800, whatever...
[21:06:20] <neek> ballpark estimate, how many users do you all have on jabber.org?
[21:06:30] <stpeter> a little over 600,000
[21:06:39] <stpeter> but not all of them are active users
[21:06:43] <stpeter> that's registered users
[21:06:51] <neek> perfectly fine :)
[21:07:01] <neek> one of our clients has some contacts in google, seeing if he can help
[21:07:16] <neek> completely different area though, so it may not work
[21:07:24] <stpeter> oh
[21:07:29] <stpeter> I've pinged the right folks
[21:07:31] <stpeter> earlier today
[21:07:36] <stpeter> just waiting for them to investigate
[21:07:58] <stpeter> in fact I saw one of the right people at the IETF meeting last week in Quebec City, but I forgot to ask him about it :(
[21:08:12] <neek> no doubt
[21:08:18] <neek> how long has it been down?
[21:08:24] <stpeter> it comes and goes
[21:09:06] <neek> le sigh
[21:09:21] <neek> probably not best to hook zabbix up with using it through gtalk, then
[21:09:22] <stpeter> I hope we'll get some clarifications this week
[21:11:16] <neek> man, that must frustrate the hell out of you
[21:11:35] <stpeter> I'm a very patient person -- that's why they call me Saint Peter ;-)
[21:11:42] <neek> hah
[21:11:45] <neek> indeed
[21:11:49] * albi joined the chat.
[21:12:01] <stpeter> brb
[21:12:04] <albi> hello
[21:12:10] <albi> im having huge problem configuring my GG transport
[21:12:15] <albi> is here somebody willing to help me?
[21:12:19] <albi> i registered to service succesfully
[21:12:25] <albi> but every time i write something to tansport
[21:12:29] <albi> or a contact form that transport
[21:12:35] <albi> i get error message
[21:12:40] <albi> Recipient unavailable.
The intended recipient is temporarily unavailable.
This message couldn't be sent, because you are not connected to legacy network. You will be automatically reconnected soon
[21:12:46] <albi> any ideas?
[21:13:04] <albi> and it seems that it doesnt depend on which transport server i choose
[21:13:10] <neek> stpeter stepped away for a moment
[21:13:25] <neek> he said he'd brb, so wait for a few :)
[21:13:28] <albi> im using psi 0.14
[21:15:16] <albi> xml output when i try to "log in" into transport
[21:15:17] <albi> http://pastebin.com/rsmfQWis
[21:16:06] <albi> and when i try to send a message to a transport
[21:16:06] <albi> http://pastebin.com/E9P5CLjq
[21:16:25] <albi> ill be really grateful for any help
[21:18:14] <stpeter> I don't know anything about the GaduGadu transport -- probably you will more success if you chat with someone in Poland about
this problem
[21:19:13] <albi> ye, but i cant find any good channel with polish support
[21:19:16] * niekie left the chat.
[21:19:22] <albi> ill try find sbdy
[21:19:25] <stpeter> hmm
[21:19:27] <albi> thanks anyway :)
[21:19:35] <stpeter> maybe send email to jabster.pl people?
[21:19:40] <albi> in fact
[21:19:42] <stpeter> like webmaster@jabster.pl
[21:19:44] <albi> its jabbim.cz
[21:19:51] <albi> they merged
[21:19:53] <stpeter> ah
[21:19:54] <stpeter> right
[21:20:03] <stpeter> are you in Poland or Czech Republic?
[21:20:07] <albi> poland
[21:20:10] <stpeter> ok
[21:20:51] <stpeter> I probably know some of the jabbim.cz guys but I'd need to look for their contact info
[21:25:41] * Tobias joined the chat.
[21:27:49] * nn2 left the chat.
[21:35:15] * albi left the chat.
[21:40:45] * pinchartl joined the chat.
[21:40:57] <pinchartl> hi
[21:41:19] <Tobias> hi
[21:43:33] <pinchartl> has jabber.org <-> gmail.com S2S connectivity died for good ?
[21:43:51] <stpeter> not for good
[21:43:59] <pinchartl> for bad then ? :-)
[21:44:05] <stpeter> for *evil* ;-)
[21:44:10] <pinchartl> hehe
[21:44:20] <pinchartl> it's been down for the past 24h, hasn't it ?
[21:44:30] <stpeter> but seriously, I've contacted the google talk team
[21:44:54] <stpeter> I *think* the problem is on their end
[21:44:58] <stpeter> but I'm not sure
[21:45:28] <Tobias> stpeter, are they responsive on those support requests?
[21:45:34] <pinchartl> I've had sporadic issue for the past couple of months or so. it would usually last half an hour to an hour, pretty much everyday.
it's getting worse :-S
[21:45:52] <stpeter> Tobias: they've been responsive in the past
[21:45:58] <Tobias> ah..nice to hear
[21:46:06] <stpeter> at least when I contact them ;-)
[21:46:11] <Tobias> heh
[21:46:44] <pinchartl> what, that don't even anticipate your requests ? :-)
[21:46:50] <stpeter> ;-)
[21:47:46] <pinchartl> btw, would it be possible to report this kind of issues (and more importantly how you progress on fixing them :-)) on www.jabber.org
[21:48:06] <stpeter> yes, it would be possible :)
[21:48:29] <stpeter> I was mostly offline last week and I'm usually the person who posts things on the website
[21:48:32] <stpeter> I'll do that tonight
[21:48:36] <stpeter> need to log off here soon
[21:48:45] <pinchartl> thanks :-)
[21:49:00] <pinchartl> if I can see progress reports on the website I'll be less tempted to bother you here ;-)
[21:49:17] <stpeter> /me shrugs
[21:49:22] * naw left the chat.
[21:51:10] <stpeter> ok, I need to wander off for a bit, bbl
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[23:16:10] * Tobias left the chat.