Logs for jabber
[00:57:02] * Aviator joined the chat.
[00:57:03] * Aviator left the chat.
[00:58:27] * Aviator joined the chat.
[00:58:29] <Aviator> Is there support online?
[00:58:33] * Lastwebpage left the chat.
[00:59:40] * Aviator left the chat.
[01:01:54] * Aviator joined the chat.
[01:02:33] <Aviator> I need help, can any one help me?
[01:05:20] <ThurahT> I am no expert at all.. So I doubt it.. But do ask.
[01:05:57] <Aviator> Thanks. I found myself"banned"in several jabber chat rooms
[01:06:16] <Aviator> But some of them I have never participated in
[01:06:27] <Aviator> I enter with my gmail account
[01:06:44] <Aviator> I guess it might be due to google
[01:06:49] <Aviator> But I'm unsure
[01:07:33] <ThurahT> have no experience with using google as a xmpp server so I do not know either..
[01:08:04] <Aviator> I've also contacted the administrator of chat rooms that forbid me from entering
[01:08:09] <ThurahT> You sure you are being banned? It is just not an error?
[01:08:19] <Aviator> But it's confirmed I'm not banned
[01:08:55] <ThurahT> Then I suspect it's more likely some sort of error.. Server client mis communication.
[01:09:30] <Aviator> May be, it has lasted long
[01:09:43] <ThurahT> I never used talkanout either..
[01:10:47] <ThurahT> if you try another client with the same account are you still being unable to enter?
[01:11:29] <Aviator> I tried another account
[01:11:35] <Aviator> Jabber account
[01:11:44] <Aviator> And everything was going well
[01:12:00] <Aviator> only with my google account
[01:12:22] <ThurahT> then try same account but another client and see what happens.
[01:12:30] <Aviator> Google account with plenty of other clients, the error persists
[01:12:47] <ThurahT> ah..
[01:13:12] <Aviator> Both on pc and mobile phone
[01:13:31] <Aviator> So it's nearly confirmed, may be due to google
[01:13:40] <ThurahT> must be then
[01:13:40] * Aviator left the chat.
[01:16:03] * Aviator joined the chat.
[01:16:03] * Aviator left the chat.
[01:16:18] * Aviator joined the chat.
[01:16:18] * Aviator left the chat.
[01:16:43] * Aviator joined the chat.
[01:16:51] * Aviator left the chat.
[01:17:13] * Aviator joined the chat.
[01:17:22] * Aviator left the chat.
[01:17:53] * Aviator joined the chat.
[01:17:54] * Aviator left the chat.
[01:18:19] * Aviator joined the chat.
[01:18:31] <Aviator> Could you notice jabber team please?
[01:19:34] <ThurahT> Isn't google who should be notified? Or is it only on conference.jabber.org that is affected?
[01:20:02] <ThurahT> I mean where the error occurs?
[01:20:06] <Aviator> Yes, some rooms in conference.jabber.org are affected
[01:20:35] <Aviator> eg. Chat@conference.jabber.org
[01:21:10] * Aviator left the chat.
[01:21:21] * Aviator joined the chat.
[01:21:33] <ThurahT> I can't join that room either. 403 Forbidden.
[01:21:59] <Aviator> oh...
[01:22:07] <ThurahT> And I do not use jabber.org as server.
[01:22:22] <ThurahT> I'll try my lavabit account.
[01:22:48] <Aviator> I have to turn to people here since I don't know other people
[01:23:06] <Aviator> Google geeks, nope
[01:23:23] <ThurahT> intresting.. Lavabit came through..
[01:23:46] <Aviator> Hmm...
[01:23:48] <ThurahT> looks like a russian room.
[01:24:30] <Aviator> Yes, sir
[01:24:48] <Aviator> Some indonesian are there too
[01:25:09] <ThurahT> so I guess room owners despite their claims have done some restrictions to the room config.
[01:25:45] <Aviator> Yeah, may be
[01:26:16] <Aviator> Well, so I should enquire the room owner right?
[01:26:48] * dreamcast joined the chat.
[01:27:11] <ThurahT> jabber.se got through as well. So yeah.. ask him again.. google and jabber.org users can't join.
[01:27:52] <Aviator> OK. I appreciate your kind help, sir
[01:28:03] <ThurahT> your welcome.
[01:28:23] <ThurahT> and plz don't sir me as I feel old enough being 30.. : )
[01:28:56] <Aviator> :-) I just couldn't find another polite address
[01:29:21] <ThurahT> u may call me Mr. T /kidding
[01:29:27] <Aviator> Esquire seems too formal
[01:29:51] <ThurahT> I have to hit the sack now. Good luck with the room. Bye and good night
[01:30:04] <Aviator> See you
[01:30:09] <ThurahT> Yep.
[01:30:18] * jameschurchman left the chat.
[01:53:55] * Aviator left the chat.
[01:55:15] * Aviator joined the chat.
[01:55:15] * Aviator left the chat.
[01:58:19] * Aviator joined the chat.
[02:09:53] * Aviator left the chat.
[02:12:50] * Aviator joined the chat.
[02:15:57] * Aviator left the chat.
[02:38:37] * sssssssssss joined the chat.
[02:38:41] <sssssssssss> aaaaaaaaaaaaaa
[02:39:08] * sssssssssss left the chat.
[02:50:10] * the ♚ left the chat.
[02:55:19] * Aviator joined the chat.
[02:55:19] * Aviator left the chat.
[02:57:57] * Aviator joined the chat.
[03:01:29] * Aviator left the chat.
[03:02:58] * Aviator joined the chat.
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[03:36:38] * dreamcast left the chat.
[03:38:09] * Aviator joined the chat.
[03:40:08] * madison5439 joined the chat.
[03:40:39] <madison5439> aaaaaaaaaaaaaa
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[03:41:19] * Aviator left the chat.
[05:01:06] * Aviator joined the chat.
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[05:02:27] * Aviator joined the chat.
[05:17:36] * mebs joined the chat.
[05:21:49] * Aviator left the chat.
[05:29:22] * JimoY joined the chat.
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[06:22:01] * عامر joined the chat.
[06:22:54] * anonymous27996 joined the chat.
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[06:24:51] * coward27896 joined the chat.
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[06:25:13] * عامر left the chat.
[06:41:10] * pritamsingh.ajm joined the chat.
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[06:41:41] * pritamsingh.ajm joined the chat.
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[06:46:21] * Aviator joined the chat.
[06:46:21] * Aviator left the chat.
[06:50:25] * Aviator joined the chat.
[07:20:40] * Aviator left the chat.
[07:21:15] * the ♚ joined the chat.
[07:23:49] * the ♚ left the chat.
[07:51:45] * Aviator joined the chat.
[07:51:46] * Aviator left the chat.
[07:51:51] * Aviator joined the chat.
[07:51:51] * Aviator left the chat.
[07:56:53] * Aviator joined the chat.
[08:18:37] * Aviator left the chat.
[08:36:40] * Tobias joined the chat.
[08:56:16] * naw joined the chat.
[09:40:56] * NEOhidra joined the chat.
[09:41:37] * NEOhidra left the chat.
[10:12:49] * lincoln28868 joined the chat.
[10:13:15] <lincoln28868> hellooo
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[10:17:28] * naw left the chat.
[10:39:56] * the ♚ joined the chat.
[10:48:54] * zawwinhtetloveyou joined the chat.
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[11:02:38] * NEOhidra joined the chat.
[11:23:07] * naw joined the chat.
[12:27:55] * Lastwebpage joined the chat.
[13:59:04] * Kev left the chat.
[14:01:32] * jefferson64453 joined the chat.
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[14:10:03] * Kev joined the chat.
[14:15:16] * MattJ joined the chat.
[14:16:59] * harding28322 joined the chat.
[14:17:55] * Abra Cadabra joined the chat.
[14:18:50] <Abra Cadabra> lohel
[14:21:24] * Abra Cadabra left the chat.
[14:23:57] * harding28322 left the chat.
[14:37:46] * darkrain left the chat.
[14:37:48] * darkrain joined the chat.
[14:40:56] * harrykar left the chat.
[14:41:30] * harrykar joined the chat.
[14:42:06] * carter16637 joined the chat.
[14:43:19] <carter16637> hey, can i use matrix sdk instead of agsXMPP
[14:43:34] <Kev> Matrix is the currently maintained one, I believe, yes.
[14:44:30] <carter16637> Yeah, thanks sir
[14:48:33] <carter16637> but i am not getting the XMPPClient class in visual studio
[14:49:47] <carter16637> i got it
[14:50:13] <carter16637> XMPP is good :) i am loving it, thank you Sir Kevin :)
[14:54:09] <carter16637> but while coding, to setup a connection, we have to code it ias " XmppClient con= new XmppClient();", in the paranthesis,
it asks for "xmppDomain", so what will be the domain for gmail? can you tell me that
[14:54:47] <Kev> I don't know MatriX at all well, but I think it's asking for the domain part of the JID.
[14:54:57] <Kev> So if your JID is some.guy@gmail.com, the server there would be gmail.com.
[14:56:29] <carter16637> ok, i will try
[14:59:25] * MattJ left the chat.
[14:59:49] * MattJ joined the chat.
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[15:32:56] * rameesanakkara joined the chat.
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[15:34:04] * rameesanakkara joined the chat.
[15:34:20] <rameesanakkara> Hai
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[15:34:43] <Kev> Hello.
[15:34:45] <Kev> Goodbye.
[15:35:21] <MattJ> I don't know why you say goodbye, I say hello
[15:35:51] <Kev> Hello, hello.
[15:36:13] <Kev> Although instead, I shal put on...
[15:36:18] <Kev> ~Hello darkness, my old friend
[15:37:25] <MattJ> and my words, like silent raindrops fell
[15:37:25] <Tobias> ouch ;)
[15:38:07] <Tobias> MattJ, what about the jingle ft interop you wanted to do? :)
[15:38:35] <MattJ> I can probably do it later
[15:38:47] <Tobias> nice
[15:38:57] <MattJ> I have about 30s before I finish this bagel and must resume "work"
[15:39:17] <Tobias> heh
[15:39:24] <Tobias> see..you're living on the edge
[15:39:27] <MattJ> :)
[15:50:23] * paulmad joined the chat.
[16:00:06] * naw left the chat.
[16:11:17] * jameschurchman joined the chat.
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[16:41:29] * Abra Cadabra joined the chat.
[16:42:59] <Abra Cadabra> Бу!
[16:47:47] * Solai1972 joined the chat.
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[16:49:12] * Abra Cadabra left the chat.
[16:49:32] * Abra Cadabra joined the chat.
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[17:01:10] * hoover39444 joined the chat.
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[17:08:21] * jameschurchman joined the chat.
[18:01:32] * MattJ left the chat.
[18:23:46] * paulmad left the chat.
[18:25:56] * jameschurchman left the chat.
[18:28:54] * Neustradamus left the chat.
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[18:40:56] * mebs left the chat.
[18:53:04] * paulmad joined the chat.
[18:54:48] * Abra Cadabra joined the chat.
[18:54:54] * Neustradamus left the chat.
[18:55:02] <Abra Cadabra> Вф
[18:55:35] <Abra Cadabra> =:OO
[18:55:41] * Abra Cadabra left the chat.
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[19:14:37] * paulmad left the chat.
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[19:59:52] * jameschurchman joined the chat.
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[21:36:00] * mpranj joined the chat.
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[22:01:16] * Holger joined the chat.
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[22:24:04] * Abra Cadabra joined the chat.
[22:24:27] <Abra Cadabra> Bi happy
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[23:01:54] * Link Mauve joined the chat.
[23:12:12] * dreamcast joined the chat.
[23:14:14] * MattJ joined the chat.
[23:16:49] * wilson60531 joined the chat.
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[23:57:25] * wjohnson82@jabber.org joined the chat.
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