Logs for jabber
[00:25:30] * xa0c left the chat.
[00:33:50] * Blake Barrie joined the chat.
[00:33:58] <Blake Barrie> hey, guys
[00:33:58] * naw left the chat.
[00:34:10] <Blake Barrie> how can i find some of the more active jabber.org conferences?
[00:34:52] <louiz’> there are not a lot of active rooms…
[00:35:00] <Blake Barrie> why is that?
[00:35:06] <Blake Barrie> what do people use xmpp for?
[00:35:10] <Blake Barrie> mostly internally?
[00:35:15] <Blake Barrie> i figured it would be as busy as IRC
[00:35:45] <ThurahT> IRC has some years head start.. like 15..
[00:35:55] <ThurahT> or smthing.. : )
[00:35:56] <louiz’> yeah
[00:36:06] <Blake Barrie> so what are some of the busier chats on conference.jabber.org
[00:36:09] <Blake Barrie> i run an IRCd btw
[00:36:13] <Blake Barrie> just wanted to play with xmpp
[00:36:28] <louiz’> That’s one of the most populated, I think :p
[00:36:35] <Blake Barrie> no
[00:36:39] <louiz’> you can list them all with your client
[00:36:41] <Blake Barrie> i mean on conference.jabber.org
[00:36:48] <Blake Barrie> i use adium, i can't find how to list them
[00:36:51] <Blake Barrie> any idea?
[00:36:53] <louiz’> nope
[00:37:13] <ThurahT> u list them by choosing join chat and then choose server and list
[00:37:23] <Blake Barrie> not on adium you don't
[00:37:41] <ThurahT> okies.. I thiught adium was a bit like pidgin..
[00:37:50] <Blake Barrie> it's built on libpurple
[00:37:53] <Blake Barrie> the same as pidgin
[00:37:53] <Blake Barrie> hm
[00:37:53] <louiz’> no, adium sucks a lot more :o
[00:38:00] <Blake Barrie> i prefer adium to pidgin
[00:38:03] <Blake Barrie> pidgin is ugly
[00:38:08] <Blake Barrie> adium is a pretty client =]
[00:38:25] <ThurahT> pidgin follows GTK theme, which is awesome.. : )
[00:38:29] <louiz’> yeah
[00:38:42] <louiz’> maybe adium is nice on Mac Os…
[00:38:49] <Blake Barrie> it's only on os x
[00:38:53] <Blake Barrie> it's not available on other OSs
[00:38:53] <louiz’> but why would one use that? :o
[00:38:57] <louiz’> ok
[00:38:59] <ThurahT> It ahould be somewhere in hte mian menu though..
[00:39:10] <ThurahT> *s
[00:39:22] <ThurahT> lol.. lemme take that again.
[00:39:22] <louiz’> /list ?
[00:39:26] <Blake Barrie> /list
[00:39:29] <Blake Barrie> lol
[00:39:32] <Blake Barrie> guess not
[00:39:33] <louiz’> aha
[00:39:45] <ThurahT> It should be somewhere in the menu. Like join conference or chat
[00:39:54] <Blake Barrie> yeah, but you have to enter a name
[00:39:56] <Blake Barrie> it doesn't list them
[00:40:05] <ThurahT> oh.
[00:40:22] <ThurahT> well.. I don't know then.
[00:40:36] <Blake Barrie> is openfire a good xmpp server?
[00:40:41] <ThurahT> I have no experience with adium.
[00:40:47] <Blake Barrie> also, jabber and xmpp are the same thing, just different words, right?
[00:40:59] <louiz’> approxymately, yes
[00:41:02] <ThurahT> almost.
[00:41:17] <louiz’> XMPP => HTPP
Jabber => Web
[00:41:23] <Blake Barrie> web?
[00:41:32] <Blake Barrie> what is web? web isn't a protocol
[00:41:36] <louiz’> no
[00:41:36] <Blake Barrie> http is
[00:41:39] <louiz’> jabber either
[00:41:52] <louiz’> that’s the name of the network, built around HTPP
[00:41:59] <Blake Barrie> okay
[00:42:12] <louiz’> like jabber is the network built with XMPP servers/clients
[00:42:19] <Blake Barrie> oh
[00:42:26] <Blake Barrie> so jabber uses the xmpp protocol
[00:42:35] <Blake Barrie> so no such thing as a "jabber server" exists
[00:42:37] <louiz’> yes
[00:42:47] <Blake Barrie> jabber is just an xmpp service, like google talk
[00:42:47] <Blake Barrie> right?
[00:42:53] <louiz’> no
[00:43:17] <louiz’> google talk is one jabber service
[00:43:32] <louiz’> Just like the google search homepage is one website
[00:43:36] <louiz’> using HTPP
[00:43:39] <louiz’> HTTP*
[00:44:04] <Blake Barrie> google talk isn't a jabber service, is it?
[00:44:07] <Blake Barrie> isn't it xmpp?
[00:45:20] <ThurahT> I thought it was. But I am fairly new to this.
[00:45:45] <louiz’> It’s a service, on the jabber network, using the XMPP technology
[00:46:27] <louiz’> We can say, on the contrary, that facebook chat is not really a jabber server because it’s not part of the jabber network,
even if it’s using XMPP
[00:46:49] * Blake Barrie left the chat.
[00:47:34] * blakez joined the chat.
[00:47:41] <blakez> /clear
[00:47:43] <blakez> fuck
[00:47:51] <blakez> alright, i'm using iChat now
[00:47:54] <blakez> this isn't much better
[00:48:40] <louiz’> no, I can guess that by looking at the name starting with an i :))
[00:48:50] <louiz’> well, I got to go, anyway. Good night
[00:48:54] <ThurahT> : )
[00:48:57] <ThurahT> night
[00:49:07] <blakez> losers
[00:49:24] <louiz’> :o
[00:49:29] <louiz’> why?
[00:49:32] <blakez> because
[00:49:41] <louiz’> ah, right
[00:50:03] <ThurahT> that is always the best reason, is it not
[00:52:12] <blakez> yeah
[00:52:27] <blakez> IRC > Jabber/XMPP
[00:52:31] <louiz’> nope
[00:53:15] <blakez> yes, fuckboy
[00:53:19] <blakez> you just don't know it, yet
[00:53:24] <blakez> but IRC is much better
[00:53:25] <ThurahT> IRC is a locked protocol.. it's not much more you can do with it. With XMPP you could do anything you want really.
[00:53:43] <blakez> why is IRC "locked" and XMPP isn't?
[00:53:46] <blakez> what does that even mean?
[00:54:03] <blakez> i can modify my IRCd
[00:54:06] <blakez> and do whatever i like
[00:54:09] <blakez> irc.fraggr.com <http://irc.fraggr.com>
[00:54:13] <blakez> feel free to connect
[00:54:17] <ThurahT> well.. tell me what you can do with IRC? : )
[00:54:44] <ThurahT> I have used IRC since 96 so I do know actually..
[00:55:06] <blakez> connect to irc.fraggr.com <http://irc.fraggr.com>
[00:55:11] <blakez> we've got a customized ircd running
[00:55:17] <blakez> who knows, you might get back into IRC
[00:55:19] <blakez> :)
[00:55:42] <ThurahT> so? It is still IRC protcol, is it not? : )
[00:55:50] <blakez> yeah, of course
[00:55:52] <ThurahT> I still use IRC.. : )
[00:56:19] <ThurahT> along with the fish..
[00:57:40] <ThurahT> but it's a non-extensible protocol. While XMPP is the opposite.
[00:58:02] <blakez> i mean, clients have had features added that don't meet protocol standards
[00:58:10] <blakez> and in turn, the ircd's have added them as well
[00:58:15] <ThurahT> exactly.
[00:58:17] <louiz’> yeah, and that’s not a good thing :o
[00:58:21] <blakez> so IRC has broken away from the RFC
[00:58:39] <ThurahT> It's become a patch work..
[01:00:03] <ThurahT> XMPP is open and extensible. I see a bright future.. : )
[01:08:27] * dreamcast joined the chat.
[01:21:58] * blakez left the chat.
[01:31:09] * yuppinturic left the chat.
[01:38:15] * dreamcast left the chat.
[01:38:17] * dreamcast joined the chat.
[02:11:16] * aRyo left the chat.
[02:29:09] * Z_God left the chat.
[02:55:16] * dreamcast left the chat.
[02:56:28] * RoBoT_neutron joined the chat.
[02:57:09] * RoBoT_neutron left the chat.
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[05:44:32] * darkrain joined the chat.
[05:55:40] * Kev joined the chat.
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[06:04:42] * harlock joined the chat.
[06:37:56] * pinchartl joined the chat.
[06:38:08] <pinchartl> hi
[06:41:22] * yuppinturic joined the chat.
[06:44:13] <pinchartl> I'm still having gmail.com <-> jabber.org S2S issues :-(
[06:44:23] <pinchartl> it's quite annoying, as it happens almost daily
[06:44:41] * yuppinturic left the chat.
[06:45:00] * yuppinturic joined the chat.
[06:45:00] <pinchartl> is this being investigated ?
[06:47:48] <pinchartl> (bbiab)
[07:00:32] * waqas joined the chat.
[07:36:17] * waqas left the chat.
[07:41:18] * harlock left the chat.
[07:42:22] * harlock joined the chat.
[07:47:04] * Tobias joined the chat.
[08:01:00] <pinchartl> (back)
[08:04:51] * tyler61264 joined the chat.
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[08:47:17] * bca left the chat.
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[08:50:24] * pinchartl left the chat.
[08:54:01] * yuppinturic left the chat.
[08:54:05] * yuppinturic joined the chat.
[09:19:04] * Tobias left the chat.
[09:20:01] * Destructhor joined the chat.
[09:25:28] * xa0c joined the chat.
[09:47:46] * badlop joined the chat.
[09:53:16] * Destructhor left the chat.
[10:18:06] * Lastwebpage joined the chat.
[10:29:16] * ThurahT left the chat.
[10:29:25] * ThurahT joined the chat.
[10:39:52] * ThurahT left the chat.
[10:53:22] * goffi joined the chat.
[10:53:28] <goffi> hi
[10:55:31] <goffi> I'm the developper of "Salut à Toi", a multi-frontends XMPP client ( http://wiki.goffi.org/wiki/Salut_%C3%A0_Toi ), is it
possible to add it to xmpp.org clients' list ?
[11:07:27] * MetalBrewer joined the chat.
[11:07:57] * Destructhor joined the chat.
[11:11:55] <badlop> goffi: it seems the admins are busy/sleeping now; maybe most live in USA; can you idle a few hours here? :)
[11:15:23] <Destructhor> Hello
[11:16:23] <goffi> badlop: yes sure, thx :)
[11:17:39] <Destructhor> Are there problems with s2s connections?
[11:18:07] <Destructhor> I cannot enter any room on conference.jabber.org, with any jabster.pl account.
[11:18:44] <Destructhor> Technically, I just entered. And I am sending messages. But I never get any stanza back.
[11:22:45] <Kev> Destructhor: So you won't see this reply?
[11:22:55] <Kev> badlop: Worse, they're mostly in Europe and are busy working :)
[11:23:20] <MetalBrewer> Kev: I will, I'm logged with two accounts at once.
[11:23:48] <Kev> goffi: I'm not sure I have the ability to change that, I'll send a mail.
[11:23:52] <MetalBrewer> But only one ever receives anything.
[11:25:16] <Kev> That suggests one-way s2s issues - can you e.g. disco jabber.org (not conference.jabber.org)?
[11:25:45] <MetalBrewer> Yes I can.
[11:26:16] <Kev> goffi: I've posted to the communications team to ask them to post your client.
[11:30:40] <Kev> Jul 5 11:05:54 hermes xmppd[13160]: D-MBOX-Auth Successfully authenticated as c
onference.jabber.org to jabster.pl
[11:30:55] <Kev> So it was able to establish s2s fine.
[11:32:39] <goffi> Kev: cool, thx a lot
[11:43:34] * the ♚ joined the chat.
[11:51:26] * kennedy8395 joined the chat.
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[12:14:45] * harrykar joined the chat.
[12:17:07] * Tobias joined the chat.
[12:46:05] * Tobias left the chat.
[12:47:11] * Tobias joined the chat.
[12:50:14] * treebilou joined the chat.
[13:29:12] * ThurahT joined the chat.
[13:30:45] * Z_God joined the chat.
[13:32:35] * darkrain left the chat.
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[13:34:27] * naw joined the chat.
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[14:11:11] * xa0c left the chat.
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[15:00:16] * aRyo joined the chat.
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[17:09:21] * HedgeMage joined the chat.
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[20:02:34] * Badja joined the chat.
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[20:24:26] * Badja left the chat.
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[21:39:07] * Kev left the chat.
[22:02:42] * ThurahT left the chat.
[22:03:58] * treebilou left the chat.
[22:04:13] * Eric Betts left the chat.
[22:07:06] * Eric Betts joined the chat.
[22:08:42] * ThurahT joined the chat.
[22:08:43] * treebilou joined the chat.
[22:12:44] * pinchartl joined the chat.
[22:13:46] <pinchartl> hi
[22:13:46] * naw left the chat.
[22:14:41] <stpeter> hi
[22:14:47] <stpeter> can we help you?
[22:15:03] <louiz’> hi
[22:15:12] <pinchartl> if you can fix the jabber.org <-> gmail.com S2S issues, yes :-)
[22:15:22] <louiz’> that again :o
[22:15:29] <stpeter> hmph
[22:15:57] <pinchartl> it occurred almost daily for the past couple of weeks
[22:16:04] <pinchartl> that's really annoying
[22:21:45] <pinchartl> Peter, any idea ? should I wait for Kevin ?
[22:22:12] <stpeter> pinchartl: it seems we probably need to reboot the jabber.org service or kick the s2s process to gmail.com
[22:22:32] <pinchartl> does that need to be done daily ? :-S
[22:22:44] <stpeter> I sure hope not
[22:23:17] <pinchartl> the issue occurs almost daily nowadays
[22:24:06] <stpeter> I'm poking the jabber.org admins list
[22:25:43] <stpeter> we'll need to wait for Kev to reply
[22:25:51] <stpeter> it's rather late in the UK right now
[22:26:35] <pinchartl> there's no hurry, I'll go to bed soon anyway, but I'd like to help getting this fixed. I can't do much though, except provide
timestamps and JIDs. and poking you and Kevin constantly ;-)
[22:26:47] <stpeter> why thanks!
[22:27:15] <pinchartl> you're welcome :-D
[22:27:19] <stpeter> ;-)
[22:34:39] * Tobias left the chat.
[22:38:45] * grant38977 joined the chat.
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[22:44:44] * grant38977 left the chat.
[22:44:45] * goffi left the chat.
[22:55:44] * Lastwebpage left the chat.
[23:00:58] * stpeter left the chat.
[23:23:31] * pinchartl left the chat.
[23:23:58] * chevdor joined the chat.
[23:24:14] <chevdor> Hello
[23:39:02] * dynam1te left the chat.
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