Logs for jabber
[00:12:53] * treebilou left the chat.
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[04:15:56] * xxxxx joined the chat.
[04:16:43] * daPhyre joined the chat.
[04:18:39] <daPhyre> Hi there! I was wondering if there's any reason why Swift-im doen't appears yet in the XMPP Clients webpage...
[04:22:22] * xxxxx left the chat.
[04:34:18] * darkrain left the chat.
[05:37:11] * daPhyre left the chat.
[05:54:31] * darkrain joined the chat.
[07:49:52] * Tobias joined the chat.
[07:55:35] * Kev joined the chat.
[08:04:23] * kf joined the chat.
[08:06:29] * marseille left the chat.
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[08:07:53] * Lastwebpage joined the chat.
[08:16:25] * naw joined the chat.
[08:38:13] * kf left the chat.
[08:46:04] * kokojamba@jabber.org joined the chat.
[08:46:33] <kokojamba@jabber.org> hello. how I can install SSL connection to the JABBER.ORG server?
[08:47:33] <Kev> Install it?
[08:47:48] <Kev> Your client should be automatically using a TLS connection.
[08:48:06] <kokojamba@jabber.org> but I need to use SSL
[08:48:20] <Kev> I doubt that's true.
[08:48:28] <Kev> When people say SSL they usually mean TLS, these days.
[08:48:42] <Kev> TLS is the standard version of SSL.
[08:49:35] <kokojamba@jabber.org> how to change seetings
what is ssl server and ssl port
ssl port 5223?
and ssl server?
[08:49:53] <Kev> Oh, so it's not SSL you need particularly, you need to know where the legacy service is.
[08:50:01] <kokojamba@jabber.org> I need ssl to encode my messages
I use pgp also
[08:50:04] <Kev> jabber.org is the server, 5223 is the port.
[08:50:21] <Kev> But you should really use a client that supports the standards, rather than one that needs protocols obsolete since 2004.
[08:50:28] * Badja☺ joined the chat.
[08:50:59] <kokojamba@jabber.org> I used PSI and its dont allow me to use it
[08:51:10] <kokojamba@jabber.org> what client you reccomend me
[08:51:16] <Kev> If you use any modern version of Psi, it will support the standards.
[08:51:31] <Kev> Since 0.11, if I remember correctly.
[08:52:16] <Kev> Just choose 'encrypt connection: Always' instead of 'Legacy SSL' and don't specify the server/port manually.
[08:52:51] <kokojamba@jabber.org> If there any other SSL server?
[08:56:07] * kokojamba@jabber.org left the chat.
[09:21:58] * Badja☺ left the chat.
[09:29:25] * aRyo joined the chat.
[09:36:40] * xa0c joined the chat.
[09:37:46] * kokojamba@jabber.org joined the chat.
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[09:50:22] * aRyo left the chat.
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[11:43:33] * Lastwebpage joined the chat.
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[13:50:53] * Muhsinphysic joined the chat.
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[14:35:44] * lincoln54863 joined the chat.
[14:38:24] <lincoln54863> Help! Somehow my daughter's name appears in the "from" line in email replies from some colleague only. I went to address book
and found that in my daughter's entry her home email and business email have MY email - Jabber. Could someone explain how
that happened and how to stop it from happening?
[14:46:39] * Muhsinphysic joined the chat.
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[15:07:02] * Tobias left the chat.
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[16:37:54] * Lastwebpage left the chat.
[16:38:56] * treebilou left the chat.
[16:41:26] * Neustradamus left the chat.
[16:41:48] * Neustradamus joined the chat.
[16:41:58] * treebilou joined the chat.
[16:54:26] * Neustradamus left the chat.
[16:57:36] * dynam1te left the chat.
[17:05:39] * Neustradamus joined the chat.
[17:19:32] * naw joined the chat.
[17:39:22] * carter55709 left the chat.
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[18:04:38] * Lastwebpage joined the chat.
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[19:23:19] * aRyo left the chat.
[19:24:14] * say.hello.to.anna joined the chat.
[19:24:21] <say.hello.to.anna> hi
[19:24:24] <say.hello.to.anna> anyone there?
[19:25:26] <say.hello.to.anna> I have a problem - (and I am totally computationally inept)
[19:25:38] <say.hello.to.anna> when I try and add people, or when they try and add me
[19:25:50] <say.hello.to.anna> using jabber address in pidgin or empathy
[19:25:52] <say.hello.to.anna> nothing happens
[19:25:55] <say.hello.to.anna> at either end
[19:27:05] <louiz’> are you sure you enter the correct adress?
[19:27:10] <say.hello.to.anna> yeps
[19:27:17] <louiz’> the jid is of the form user@server.com
[19:27:23] <say.hello.to.anna> and my buddies who have rtied to add me
[19:27:28] <say.hello.to.anna> are expirienced techs
[19:27:34] <say.hello.to.anna> and I see nothing at my end
[19:27:35] <say.hello.to.anna> from them
[19:28:38] <say.hello.to.anna> pretty sure its not the address thing :s
[19:28:46] <louiz’> don’t know then :/
[19:29:03] <say.hello.to.anna> ah well, thanks for trying :)
[19:29:12] <say.hello.to.anna> can you try adding me
[19:29:17] <say.hello.to.anna> and see if anything happens?
[19:30:05] <louiz’> give me your JID (in private if you want)
[19:30:37] <Kev> In private would be hard.
[19:30:43] <Kev> The room blocks PMs.
[19:30:46] <louiz’> ah.
[19:30:48] <say.hello.to.anna> well
[19:30:53] <louiz’> Didn’t know
[19:31:00] <say.hello.to.anna> its not like I can't just remove you right
[19:31:11] <louiz’> yeah
[19:31:20] <say.hello.to.anna> say.hello.to.anna@jabber.org
[19:31:23] <say.hello.to.anna> is this what you mean?
[19:31:29] <louiz’> yes
[19:31:40] <say.hello.to.anna> lol. phew. I am learning stuff! :)
[19:31:56] <louiz’> I added you
[19:32:25] <say.hello.to.anna> well
[19:32:29] <say.hello.to.anna> it seems to have worked!
[19:32:31] <say.hello.to.anna> okay
[19:32:33] <louiz’> yes
[19:32:45] <say.hello.to.anna> well
[19:32:53] <louiz’> (and I removed you)
[19:32:56] <say.hello.to.anna> stupid intermittent computing problem
[19:32:59] <say.hello.to.anna> (thankyou!:)
[19:33:12] <louiz’> yeah, that’s strange, I don’t know…
[19:33:37] <say.hello.to.anna> i tried adding you
[19:33:40] <say.hello.to.anna> did it work?
[19:34:01] <louiz’> doesn’t seem so…
[19:34:11] <say.hello.to.anna> so
[19:34:20] <say.hello.to.anna> can you walk me though what i do to add someone?
[19:34:31] <say.hello.to.anna> im in pidgin now
[19:35:36] <louiz’> brb
[19:35:37] * louiz’ left the chat.
[19:35:47] * louiz’ joined the chat.
[19:35:55] <say.hello.to.anna> ok
[19:36:54] <louiz’> buddies -> add buddy
Account should be your XMPP account
Buddy username: user@domain.com
and leave the rest empty
[19:36:55] * dreamcast joined the chat.
[19:37:34] <say.hello.to.anna> did it work thistime?
[19:37:44] <say.hello.to.anna> (i think i was sending them to goggle)
[19:37:58] <louiz’> no
[19:38:57] <say.hello.to.anna> trying in empathy
[19:39:53] <say.hello.to.anna> still no luck?
[19:40:08] <louiz’> no
[19:40:38] <say.hello.to.anna> grr. may I repeat what I am tryping in to see if it is correct?
[19:41:03] <louiz’> yes
[19:41:20] <say.hello.to.anna> louiz@louiz.org
[19:41:27] <louiz’> that’s it
[19:42:09] <louiz’> I just re-added you to confirm that it still works on my side
[19:42:20] <say.hello.to.anna> yep
[19:42:22] <say.hello.to.anna> its find
[19:42:27] <say.hello.to.anna> whats wierd
[19:42:29] <say.hello.to.anna> is on empathy
[19:42:35] <say.hello.to.anna> i have you that you just sent me
[19:42:40] <say.hello.to.anna> and you that I tried to add
[19:42:43] <say.hello.to.anna> showing offline
[19:43:27] <louiz’> I don’t know what the problem is, then :/
[19:44:03] <say.hello.to.anna> thanks anyway buddy :) anyone else around here know whats up with my jabber :(
[19:44:27] * ras0ir joined the chat.
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[19:45:10] <louiz’> Kev is (afaik) a jabber.org admin, maybe… :p
[19:45:29] <Kev> Summary?
[19:45:48] <say.hello.to.anna> people can add me (they coudlent yesterday) but I can't add them
[19:45:49] <louiz’> he cannot add user to his roster
[19:45:57] <say.hello.to.anna> in pidgin (at my end) nothing happens
[19:46:07] <say.hello.to.anna> in empathy I get a grey buddy
[19:46:30] <louiz’> and if he adds me, I do not receive anything
[19:47:06] <say.hello.to.anna> (she - sorry to correct.)
[19:47:12] <say.hello.to.anna> :)
[19:47:13] <Kev> Ok, you have three users in your roster.
[19:47:24] <louiz’> (oh, ok, sorry, that’s kind of an habit :))
[19:47:27] <Kev> One of them is ok, you have a two-way presence subscription and will see them when they're online.
[19:47:30] <Kev> Thene there's louiz.
[19:47:37] <say.hello.to.anna> (lol. no probs)
[19:47:43] <say.hello.to.anna> yes
[19:47:46] <say.hello.to.anna> I see three people
[19:47:47] <Kev> You've wrongly tried adding him with a space before his JID in one of them.
[19:47:51] <say.hello.to.anna> all from my google mail
[19:47:53] <say.hello.to.anna> hum
[19:47:59] <say.hello.to.anna> one moment, let me try again
[19:48:28] <louiz’> oh
[19:48:41] <louiz’> now that’s ok, but that’s not your jabber.org account
[19:48:43] <say.hello.to.anna> tried again
[19:48:49] <say.hello.to.anna> ah lol
[19:48:50] <say.hello.to.anna> sorry
[19:48:52] <say.hello.to.anna> i kjeep forgetting
[19:48:59] <say.hello.to.anna> is it just a space before?
[19:49:03] <Kev> You've deleted one of louiz (the correct one) but not the other.
[19:49:03] <say.hello.to.anna> that cause the problme?
[19:49:07] <Kev> Yes.
[19:49:28] <say.hello.to.anna> I didnt see a space
[19:49:35] <say.hello.to.anna> I have dual monitor on ubuntu
[19:49:39] <say.hello.to.anna> curser no like
[19:49:44] <say.hello.to.anna> so dont see spaces
[19:49:46] <say.hello.to.anna> thanks! :)
[19:49:47] <louiz’> say.hello.to.anna, you added me again, again with your googlemail address… :p
[19:50:03] <say.hello.to.anna> lol
[19:50:09] <say.hello.to.anna> I am so pants today!
[19:50:22] <say.hello.to.anna> and voila!
[19:50:24] <louiz’> ok that time!
[19:50:50] <louiz’> so, it works
[19:51:10] <say.hello.to.anna> okay
[19:51:12] <louiz’> (and thank you, that was some extensive testing for my client, and it seems to work correctly :D)
[19:51:31] <say.hello.to.anna> :)
[19:51:34] <say.hello.to.anna> thansk so much guys!
[19:51:39] <say.hello.to.anna> that was really handy
[19:51:44] <louiz’> you’re welcome
[19:51:44] <say.hello.to.anna> :) very kind
[19:51:45] <Kev> You're welcome.
[19:51:51] <say.hello.to.anna> au revoia!
[19:51:56] <say.hello.to.anna> also www.flossie.org <http://www.flossie.org>
[19:52:01] <louiz’> au revoir :)
[19:52:03] <say.hello.to.anna> spead the word to women in FS!
[19:52:06] <say.hello.to.anna> :) cya
[19:52:08] <louiz’> aha
[19:53:16] * say.hello.to.anna left the chat.
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[22:24:38] <laurent.pinchart> hi
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[22:36:49] * pinchartl joined the chat.
[22:36:56] <pinchartl> hi
[22:37:31] <pinchartl> is there any chance to get rid of the jabber.org <-> gmail.com S2S issues in the near (as in before XMPP gets obsolete :-))
future ?
[22:38:36] <Link Mauve> Ask google to fix that, perhaps. ^^'
[22:40:11] <pinchartl> has the problem been identified to be on Google's side ?
[22:40:58] <Link Mauve> I don't know, but most problems I have had with them was due to them, and I couldn't do anything. :(
[22:41:14] <darkrain> pinchartl: I don't think the people who could knowledgeably address your questions (and potentially the issue) aren't here
right now.
[22:41:16] <pinchartl> I'm having S2S issues almost daily
[22:41:22] <darkrain> pinchartl: That said, what specifically are the symptoms of your issues?
[22:41:46] <pinchartl> there are multiple symptoms, sometimes occurring together
[22:41:49] * Tobias left the chat.
[22:43:30] <pinchartl> I get delivery error notifications from gmail.com when sending messages, gmail.com contacts get similar notifications as well,
and they often appear offline
[22:43:45] <pinchartl> it really looks like a low-level stanza delivery issue
[22:45:00] <darkrain> You're using jabber.org?
[22:45:40] <pinchartl> yes
[22:47:42] <darkrain> You may have better luck hanging around until one of the admins is awake, or potentially emailing one of themailing lists
(although I'll confess I'm not sure which is the most appropriate)
[22:49:24] <pinchartl> I've lurked in various mailing lists, and I'm surprised to see no recent mention of the issue
[22:50:01] <darkrain> There's been recent-ish discussion (in either here or jdev) within the last few weeks, but the details (and any resolution)
escape me
[22:50:58] <pinchartl> are those rooms logged ?
[22:53:27] <darkrain> http://logs.jabber.org/2011/6/
[22:53:39] <darkrain> Unidexed by google, it appears :/
[22:54:08] <pinchartl> thanks
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