Logs for jdev

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[00:20:28] * stpeter left the chat.
[00:41:29] * swmohsin joined the chat.
[00:44:16] * swmohsin left the chat.
[01:00:06] * luca tagliaferri left the chat.
[01:01:35] * harrykar left the chat.
[01:08:43] * evilotto left the chat.
[01:23:43] * justin left the chat.
[02:05:09] * jcea left the chat.
[02:08:30] * louiz’ left the chat.
[02:10:08] * louiz’ joined the chat.
[02:15:53] * darkrain left the chat.
[02:23:26] * Fabian left the chat.
[02:23:26] * Fabian joined the chat.
[05:05:10] * Wojtek joined the chat.
[05:05:22] * Wojtek left the chat.
[05:05:37] * teo left the chat.
[05:05:37] * teo joined the chat.
[05:15:35] * matt joined the chat.
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[05:17:01] * taftman joined the chat.
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[05:19:04] * matt joined the chat.
[05:20:51] * taft2308 joined the chat.
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[05:22:29] <matt> .
[05:22:45] <matt> woops, was testing. does anyone here have any experience with strophe.js + PEP?
[05:23:03] <matt> or pubsub and strophe.js in general : )
[05:23:45] * tnorm22 joined the chat.
[05:23:45] * tnorm22 left the chat.
[05:27:28] * darkrain joined the chat.
[05:27:41] <MattJ> I'm using both
[05:28:32] * tnorm22 joined the chat.
[05:28:32] * tnorm22 left the chat.
[05:30:26] <matt> have you run into any issues attaching the pubsub event handler?
[05:30:38] <MattJ> No
[05:30:38] * tnorm22 joined the chat.
[05:32:53] <matt> hmmm
[05:33:16] <matt> in my connected block, I send presence / get roster as well as attach a presence handler
[05:33:33] <matt> once bidirectional presence has been achieved, I subscribe to that person's node, which works
[05:33:36] <matt> but I don't get their messages
[05:33:42] <matt> any ideas at all?
[05:33:59] <matt> get their publishes*
[05:34:13] <MattJ> No idea, but I'm quite tired :)
[05:34:23] <MattJ> Try posting to the Strophe mailing list?
[05:34:35] <matt> however, when I manually do the bidirectional presence subscription through ejabberd the publishing / receiving works fine
[05:34:38] <MattJ> Quite a few Strophe-knowledgable eyes on there
[05:34:47] <matt> my fellow developer already did : (
[05:35:01] <matt> a few days ago - no answer yet
[05:35:05] <matt> we're really at a road block
[05:38:43] * Fabian left the chat.
[05:40:00] * tnorm22 left the chat.
[05:42:05] <matt> emailed the PEP plugin author, hopefully that will help.
[05:42:20] <MattJ> Good luck
[05:42:22] * Fabian joined the chat.
[05:59:51] * Fabian left the chat.
[06:02:55] * MattJ left the chat.
[06:44:53] * Alex joined the chat.
[06:46:58] * matt left the chat.
[06:53:19] * Tobias joined the chat.
[06:55:54] * Treebilou joined the chat.
[07:08:38] * luca tagliaferri joined the chat.
[07:10:30] * luca tagliaferri left the chat.
[07:10:31] * luca tagliaferri joined the chat.
[07:27:49] * Treebilou left the chat.
[07:37:30] * guus joined the chat.
[07:39:39] * harrykar joined the chat.
[07:51:52] * rtreffer joined the chat.
[08:07:37] * scippio joined the chat.
[08:21:43] * petermount joined the chat.
[08:29:11] * mlundblad joined the chat.
[08:56:30] * pKs joined the chat.
[09:04:41] * nabatt joined the chat.
[09:13:33] * mcepl joined the chat.
[09:14:36] * dwd joined the chat.
[09:17:44] * jcea joined the chat.
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[09:44:54] * pKs left the chat.
[10:08:00] * badlop joined the chat.
[10:18:59] * pKs joined the chat.
[10:29:58] * Kev left the chat.
[10:47:28] * dwd left the chat.
[11:00:20] * Alex left the chat.
[11:20:16] * pKs left the chat.
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[11:21:11] * Kev joined the chat.
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[11:59:48] * gigam left the chat.
[12:10:08] * swmohsin joined the chat.
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[12:49:31] * sonny joined the chat.
[12:55:29] * Alex joined the chat.
[13:10:50] * scippio left the chat.
[13:35:16] * Alex left the chat.
[13:35:16] * Alex joined the chat.
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[13:41:31] * jlkkllkklj joined the chat.
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[13:54:49] * naw joined the chat.
[14:34:44] * xnyhps left the chat.
[14:38:25] * nabatt left the chat.
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[14:58:06] * louiz’ left the chat.
[14:58:12] * louiz’ joined the chat.
[15:04:40] * gigam joined the chat.
[15:08:22] * guus left the chat.
[15:20:22] * mlundblad left the chat.
[15:41:05] * justin joined the chat.
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[16:02:30] * nabatt left the chat.
[16:03:15] * nabatt joined the chat.
[16:24:37] * sonny left the chat.
[16:29:27] * nabatt left the chat.
[16:40:34] * evilotto joined the chat.
[16:53:12] <swmohsin> hi everyone
[16:53:47] <swmohsin> i have just finished reading XMPP: TDG and installed and configured Openfire server on my mac.
[16:54:02] * tsudot joined the chat.
[16:54:18] <swmohsin> I have written an xmpp client app to connect to this server but i am encountering connection issues. I need help.
[16:55:18] <louiz’> we need details on your error
[16:56:39] <swmohsin> <stream:error><host-unknown xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-streams"/><text xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-streams">This server does not serve algotreks-mac-mini.local</text></stream:error>
[16:57:17] <louiz’> well, the message is pretty clear :p
[16:57:37] <swmohsin> but when i connect using iChat client providing it with exact same host name .. it connects
[16:57:39] <louiz’> the server at algotreks-mac-mini.local is not configured to serve that domain
[16:58:14] <louiz’> that might be that your client does a wrong DNS query
[16:58:20] <louiz’> or takes a wrong result
[16:59:00] <swmohsin> what does that mean ... my client and server both are running on local machine ... does this communication also involve DNS lookups and all ?
[17:01:27] <louiz’> hum, not sure
[17:01:52] * petermount left the chat.
[17:02:25] * petermount joined the chat.
[17:03:22] <swmohsin> i noticed that my iChat mac client connects to 5223 (SSL) port instead of the default 5222 while my xmpp client library gets my app to connect at 5222
[17:03:41] <swmohsin> let me quickly make it connect to 5223 .. perhaps my openfire local installation only supports 5223
[17:03:47] <louiz’> 5222 is the correct port
[17:04:07] <swmohsin> yes ... it's the default no tls one, right ?
[17:04:18] <louiz’> 5222 is the old port that was used for SSL, in the past, but that is deprecated
[17:04:26] <louiz’> 5223 is the old port that was used for SSL, in the past, but that is deprecated
[17:04:28] * luca tagliaferri left the chat.
[17:04:31] <swmohsin> oh i see
[17:04:32] <louiz’> sorry, mistake :p
[17:04:59] <swmohsin> i have just noticed server ports ... and it says 5222 and there is lock next to it.
[17:05:59] <swmohsin> but it's optional ... my issue is not related to the port ... it is during the negotiation of the stream and resolving server name ... am i right ?
[17:06:48] <louiz’> yes
[17:07:23] <louiz’> and it seems that your client is being connected to a server that does not now about the algotreks-mac-mini.local domain name…
[17:08:13] <swmohsin> the following is from openfire admin panel, server information tab:
[17:08:15] <swmohsin> Server Name: algotreks-mac-mini.local
[17:08:27] <swmohsin> and everything is local
[17:08:49] <louiz’> and by looking at the log console from openfire, do you see it denying your client?
[17:10:12] <swmohsin> openfire Logs menu shows the Log Viewer which is empty for error, warn, info, and debug
[17:10:25] <louiz’> for debug? Wtf
[17:10:36] <louiz’> I don’t know openfire, but that seems odd
[17:11:31] <swmohsin> but i think my client is not even getting to the openfire service ... because of the 'host-unknown' thingy
[17:11:42] * petermount left the chat.
[17:11:51] <swmohsin> which happens as soon as the stream tries to get connected
[17:12:52] <louiz’> hu, that error should be comming from openfire itself. So you should see something in the debug console. If it’s not, then you may be connected to something else, and I don’t know what that is
[17:12:53] <swmohsin> but when i change 'algotreks-mac-mini.local' with just 'localhost' my stream gets connected and receives server features
[17:13:00] * marseille_ left the chat.
[17:13:17] <swmohsin> but this time ... my JID authentication gets rejected.
[17:13:42] <louiz’> and trying with an other host, like jabber.org?
[17:13:44] <swmohsin> but strangely enough .. when i use algoreks-mac-mini.local using iChat mac client .. everything works perfectly and
[17:13:55] <swmohsin> when trying with other host .. my client works fine.
[17:14:22] <swmohsin> i think this is something to do with my client library not resolving things properly
[17:14:48] <swmohsin> it's http://code.google.com/p/xmppframework/
[18:04:34] * justin left the chat.
[18:26:24] * naw left the chat.
[18:37:51] * gigam left the chat.
[18:46:25] <swmohsin> hey louiz ... 'this server does not server $DOMAIN' what can that mean
[18:47:01] <louiz’> that it is not configured to serve that domain
[18:47:33] <louiz’> It means that you’re contacting a server, telling it that you want to be connected with $DOMAIN but the server doesn’t know about that domain.
[18:48:19] <swmohsin> i just did a telnet session with my local mac machine algotreks-mac-mini.local on port 5222
[18:49:00] <swmohsin> when i sent a stream stanza ... it returned the same error that i pasted in this window a while back ...
[18:49:21] <swmohsin> but when i connect to the same machine using iChat xmpp mac client ... it gets in correctly and even logged in properly
[18:50:10] <louiz’> S#Sydl "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KfuxKel6cIQ&feature=related"
[18:52:53] <louiz’> −_−
[18:52:58] <louiz’> wrong pane :D sorry
[18:53:19] <louiz’> and for your issue, I don’t know, sorry :/
[18:53:47] <swmohsin> do you know anyone how might know about this ?
[18:55:29] <louiz’> maybe on prosody@conference.prosody.im that’s for prosody and not for openfire, but that’s also the room to ask general XMPP question :D
[18:56:11] <swmohsin> do i have to register as a jabber user at prosody.im to open that chat room ?
[18:56:17] <louiz’> nope
[18:56:23] <louiz’> just join it
[18:56:27] <swmohsin> ok let me try
[18:57:24] <swmohsin> ok i have joined the room ... was that possible because jabber.org <http://jabber.org> and prosody.im has some kind of trust relationship between servers ?
[18:57:56] <louiz’> no, that’s how jabber works : each server can connect to an other server
[18:58:14] <louiz’> for example, I’m using my own server, and I’m in various room, like this one
[18:58:14] <swmohsin> oh i see
[18:58:28] <swmohsin> so no handshake between servers is rquired .. that's cool
[19:00:23] <louiz’> A handshake is required, but that’s done automatically behind the scene, and the user has nothing special to do
[19:00:32] <swmohsin> yeah
[19:00:48] <swmohsin> and there must be a way for servers to disallow such untrusted connectiosn
[19:01:53] <louiz’> you can disable S2S, yes (server to server), but that removes the main feature of XMPP : federation
[19:02:13] <swmohsin> i see.
[19:02:15] <louiz’> Facebook for example has no S2S, so you cannot contact a facebook user without a facebook account
[19:03:05] <swmohsin> got it.
[19:21:16] <swmohsin> is there a openfire specific developers chat room ?
[19:23:47] <darkrain_> swmohsin: Get a packet capture of iChat logging in over an unencrypted stream, and compare what it sends to what $other_client_that_gets_error is sending
[19:24:37] <swmohsin> i see ... first ichat is refusing to connect using unencrypted stream ... other how do i capture packets on mac ?
[19:24:47] * Florob joined the chat.
[19:25:39] <darkrain_> tcpdump
[19:25:43] * jameschurchman joined the chat.
[19:26:23] <swmohsin> ok .. i have to figure out how to use tcpdump
[19:26:36] * jameschurchman left the chat.
[19:27:25] <darkrain_> sudo tcpdump -s0 -i lo -n -w ~/xmpp.pcap "port 5222 or port 5223"
[19:29:21] <darkrain_> Hmm, oh wait. Can anyone validate OTOH whether it's "lo" on OS X?
[19:29:54] <Tobias> darkrain_, it's lo0 here
[19:30:04] <darkrain_> swmohsin: replace "-i lo" with "-i lo0"
[19:30:08] <darkrain_> Thanks Tobias
[19:30:11] <Tobias> np
[19:33:16] * luca tagliaferri joined the chat.
[19:41:01] * waqas joined the chat.
[19:50:18] * xnyhps joined the chat.
[20:04:56] <swmohsin> thanks darkrain
[20:05:16] <darkrain_> Once you've got packet captures, upload them some place I can grab them from :)
[20:06:35] <swmohsin> let me try that
[20:11:56] * waqas left the chat.
[20:15:20] * naw joined the chat.
[20:25:17] <swmohsin> i have done that ... connected my client to my server but get nothing on the console. is the captured data going to a file ?
[20:25:28] <swmohsin> Algotreks-Mac-mini:scripts algotrek$ sudo tcpdump -s0 -i lo0 -n -w ~/xmpp.pcap "port 5222 or port 5223" Password: tcpdump: listening on lo0, link-type NULL (BSD loopback), capture size 65535 bytes
[20:26:15] <Kev> ~/xmpp.pcap is the file.
[20:26:55] <swmohsin> o yes ... that should have been obvious to me
[20:32:37] * badlop left the chat.
[20:40:50] * Florob left the chat.
[20:47:20] * swmohsin left the chat.
[20:48:48] * whatever left the chat.
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[21:10:46] * Kev left the chat.
[21:11:55] * naw left the chat.
[21:23:35] * marseille_ joined the chat.
[21:52:04] * jameschurchman joined the chat.
[22:21:24] * evilotto left the chat.
[22:21:24] * evilotto joined the chat.
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[23:00:39] * luca tagliaferri left the chat.
[23:04:46] * luca tagliaferri joined the chat.
[23:10:39] * Tobias left the chat.
[23:41:24] * jameschurchman left the chat.
[23:41:52] * luca tagliaferri left the chat.