Logs for jabber
[00:13:05] * jsfrederick joined the chat.
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[01:57:12] * monroe26631 joined the chat.
[01:58:44] <monroe26631> helo
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[02:15:53] * darkrain left the chat.
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[04:55:53] <matt>
[04:56:46] * garfield44612 joined the chat.
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[04:57:24] <garfield44612> hey, does anyone here happen to have any experience with strophe.js?
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[04:57:33] * taft52238 joined the chat.
[04:58:14] <taft52238> oops, I just accidentally exited out and I'm taft now (from garfield)
[04:58:54] <taft52238> specifically, the strophe.js PEP plugin by flosse
[04:59:01] * norm joined the chat.
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[05:00:55] * norm joined the chat.
[05:09:16] <taft52238> or pubsub in general for that matter : )
[05:09:50] <MattJ> Hey
[05:10:04] <MattJ> You might get a little more luck in jdev (or you might not at this time of night)
[05:10:15] <MattJ> Strophe's pubsub plugin is hoooooorrible
[05:10:21] <MattJ> The PEP plugin I haven't seen
[05:11:26] <taft52238> yeah, I've noticed. it works fine until I try to do bidirectional presence + PEP
[05:11:35] <taft52238> bidirectional presence subscription*
[05:11:39] <taft52238> I will check jdev, thanks
[05:19:54] * norm left the chat.
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[05:27:28] * darkrain joined the chat.
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[06:02:55] * MattJ left the chat.
[06:04:43] * harlock joined the chat.
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[06:53:19] * Tobias joined the chat.
[06:55:54] * treebilou joined the chat.
[07:08:38] * yuppinturic joined the chat.
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[07:35:44] * Lastwebpage joined the chat.
[07:39:39] * harrykar joined the chat.
[09:14:32] * dynam1te joined the chat.
[09:23:54] * Queenmh joined the chat.
[09:24:23] <Queenmh> هاي
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[10:07:29] <rsoni> Jgmdg
[10:07:51] <rsoni> Gmd
[10:08:00] * badlop joined the chat.
[10:08:19] <rsoni> Gjm
[10:08:43] <Kev> rsoni: I'm not entirely conviced this is contributing much.
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[10:29:58] * Kev left the chat.
[11:12:17] <dynam1te> Does someone know whether there is a list of xmpp servers that AIM federates with? I know that they have opened their S2S
interface for GoogleTalk but I don't know about any other service
[11:21:11] * Kev joined the chat.
[11:48:42] <Tobias> maybe that's all
[11:49:57] <Kev> I don't know of any others. I would hope they'd open S2S globally at some point.
[11:53:10] * mebs left the chat.
[11:59:41] * paulmad left the chat.
[13:02:26] * ford19218 joined the chat.
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[13:54:49] * naw joined the chat.
[13:57:07] * Crazy-angel joined the chat.
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[14:43:41] * Nobu joined the chat.
[14:48:09] * MrGrage joined the chat.
[14:48:16] <Nobu> What's up with xep-0257, CCM for SASL EXTERNAL? Seems interesting and useful, but the spec hasn't been updated since '09 and
it's status is "defered".
[14:48:40] <Kev> Nobu: On the other hand, it *is* implemented and deployed.
[14:48:54] <MrGrage> Chat@c.j.org blocked?
[14:49:03] <Kev> Sorry.
[14:49:05] <Kev> Mental blip.
[14:49:30] <MrGrage> O
[14:49:35] <Kev> I off-by-one errored and read 258 instead.
[14:49:42] <Kev> MrGrage: Blocked?
[14:49:52] <Nobu> Heheh.
[14:51:54] <MrGrage> Kev: im cannot join in chat@j.org
[14:54:26] <louiz’> chat@c.j.org ?
[14:55:17] <MrGrage> Chat@conference.jabber.org
[14:55:21] <MrGrage> louiz’:
[14:55:44] <louiz’> and why can’t you join?
[14:57:52] <MrGrage> louiz’: forbident
[14:57:59] <louiz’> ah :/
[14:58:06] * louiz’ left the chat.
[14:58:11] <MrGrage> Yeah
[14:58:12] * louiz’ joined the chat.
[14:58:17] <Kev> That would imply a ban. Let's see.
[14:59:51] <MrGrage> I can not enter the room and no description of any
[15:00:28] <Kev> Yes, all of xmpp.ru seems to have been banned.
[15:01:12] <MrGrage> Kev: oh, only for jabber.org bro?
[15:01:19] <Kev> Only for that one room.
[15:01:25] <Kev> Else you wouldn't be heer.
[15:01:27] <Kev> *here.
[15:01:42] * tsk joined the chat.
[15:01:59] <MrGrage> Ok thanks for your information bro :-)
[15:04:40] * paulmad joined the chat.
[15:10:11] * harrison47080 joined the chat.
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[15:31:32] * kittenpaw joined the chat.
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[16:19:20] * NEOhidra joined the chat.
[16:30:29] * arthur22825 joined the chat.
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[16:40:34] * evilotto joined the chat.
[17:04:28] * yuppinturic left the chat.
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[17:58:23] * Nobu left the chat.
[18:09:19] * hoover27089 joined the chat.
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[18:26:24] * naw left the chat.
[18:37:51] * paulmad left the chat.
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[19:26:34] * Queenmh joined the chat.
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[19:56:25] * Kev left the chat.
[20:15:20] * naw joined the chat.
[20:18:59] * fanil_jol joined the chat.
[20:21:21] <fanil_jol> How can i use xml script in nimb
[20:21:39] <louiz’> what is an xml script?
[20:22:26] <fanil_jol> I want to know about it
[20:23:18] <fanil_jol> Xml script is a one kind of code in internet
[20:25:49] <PaulFertser> XML is a markup language, not scripting.
[20:27:24] <fanil_jol> Yes script made of xml language can be use in nimbuz to flood or hack room. I want to know about it
[20:29:30] <fanil_jol> I want to hack your room:p
[20:30:17] <louiz’> then you won’t get help
[20:30:45] <louiz’> and, still, xml is not a scripting language, so a script cannot be made of xml language
[20:31:54] <fanil_jol> But in nimb formu all are say that it is xml script :s
[20:32:38] <louiz’> strictly speaking, they are wrong :s
[20:32:41] * badlop left the chat.
[20:32:55] <louiz’> anyway, just learn XML and look at nimb documentation?
[20:33:08] <fanil_jol> I want to know how can i use xml code in nimbuz:)
[20:33:44] <louiz’> anyway, just learn XML and look at nimbuz documentation?
[20:34:02] <louiz’> http://www.w3schools.com/xml/
[20:35:59] <fanil_jol> They generally say xml script to the following coding .....
freeze and disconnect any id
<iq to="nimbuzz.com" type="set" id="discoResult"><query xmlns="jabber:iq:register"><body>"""</body><status>"error"</status><username>"TARGET
[20:36:51] <louiz’> that’s not a script, that’s an XMPP stanza
[20:36:57] <fanil_jol> So above is what type of coding
[20:37:07] <louiz’> that’s not coding, that’s XMPP
[20:37:18] <fanil_jol> Oh yes
[20:37:25] <louiz’> and, no, that won’t disconnect any id :/
[20:37:42] <fanil_jol> So how can i use this in nimb
[20:37:50] <louiz’> I don’t know.
[20:38:16] <fanil_jol> Why it can not disconnect any id
[20:39:12] <louiz’> why would it?
[20:39:13] <fanil_jol> Want to know about it
[20:39:39] <louiz’> http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0077.html
that’s the documentation about it :)
[20:39:49] <fanil_jol> Because it is written to do that
[20:40:01] <louiz’> nope
[20:40:25] <fanil_jol> Big contradiction:d
[20:40:33] <louiz’> ok
[20:40:52] <fanil_jol> So funny:p
[20:41:48] <fanil_jol> I will talk with you tomorrow. Now i will sleeep
[20:42:16] <fanil_jol> i need your help
[20:42:26] <louiz’> but I won’t help you
[20:42:49] <louiz’> because I don’t want to help you disconnect people using a buggy server/client
[20:43:03] <fanil_jol> Why brother:)
[20:43:24] <louiz’> that’s bad
[20:44:04] <fanil_jol> Ok i just want to know how to use it:)
[20:44:25] <fanil_jol> Nothing more than it
[20:44:53] <louiz’> how to use what?
[20:46:03] <fanil_jol> How to use this xmpp coding
[20:46:15] <louiz’> by learning XMPP
[20:46:24] <fanil_jol> In nimb server
[20:46:31] <louiz’> http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6121
you’re welcome
[20:47:10] <fanil_jol> Where can i learn this xmpp coding
[20:47:22] <louiz’> http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6121
[20:47:58] <fanil_jol> In this above server
[20:48:02] <louiz’> …
[20:48:32] <louiz’> XMPP is not a kind of “coding”, that’s a (instant messenging) protocol. If you can’t understand that, you won’t be able to
do anything with it
[20:48:48] * whatever left the chat.
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[20:51:52] <fanil_jol> But there is a different type of coding or anything what you say using this xmpp protocol to do definite work in nimbuzz server.
Which i mention in the above
[20:53:07] <fanil_jol> I have this type of coding for doing different purpose. I need to know how to use this thing
[20:54:38] <louiz’> no
[20:54:52] <fanil_jol> What
[20:54:58] <louiz’> no you
[20:56:01] <fanil_jol> What no
[20:57:10] <fanil_jol> I want to ask you what is the option in my gajim application named as xml console:d
[20:57:50] <fanil_jol> It is exactly that what i said you
[20:58:43] <fanil_jol> Please say me how can i use this thing
[20:59:28] * Amjad joined the chat.
[21:03:37] <louiz’> that’s in the advanced menu
[21:06:29] * Amjad left the chat.
[21:06:54] <fanil_jol> I think you intentionally dont want to say to me:p
[21:07:08] <louiz’> no
[21:07:11] <louiz’> that’s in the advanced menu
[21:07:53] <PaulFertser> s/fanil_jol/fanil_lol/
[21:08:07] <louiz’> :D
[21:09:15] <fanil_jol> Lolz:d
[21:09:37] <fanil_jol> But now i get it:d
[21:11:55] * naw left the chat.
[21:12:07] <fanil_jol> The procedure is I have to login my account in jabr and then send the xml script in the xml manu to do any work with the xml
[21:12:39] <louiz’> ok
[21:12:53] <fanil_jol> Ha ha ha lol:d
[21:13:06] <louiz’> what
[21:14:03] <fanil_jol> It is the procedure
[21:15:21] <fanil_jol> I want to be a flooder of nimbuz. Pray for me brother:)
[21:17:07] <PaulFertser> fanil_jol: just please avoid those awful addictive substances and you'll be fine ;)
[21:17:14] <louiz’> :)
[21:17:24] <louiz’> and don’t be a dick
[21:18:03] <PaulFertser> Yeah, taking substances you'll hurt yourself, by being a dick you'll have others hurt you. Indeed :)
[21:18:18] <louiz’> :)
[21:18:29] <fanil_jol> Your emotion says that my procedure is write:)
[21:19:20] <fanil_jol> Thanks bro:p
[21:19:29] <louiz’> is write?
[21:19:35] <louiz’> your english is not
[21:20:04] <fanil_jol> I had to wait many days for knowing this procedure:p
[21:20:23] <louiz’> and you still don’t know it
[21:20:24] <PaulFertser> louiz’, hey, who are you to judge dam' proper getto inglish ;)
[21:20:39] <louiz’> :)
[21:21:24] <fanil_jol> :)
[21:23:10] <fanil_jol> What is the write word instead of is lolz
[21:23:27] <louiz’> “right”…
[21:23:35] * marseille_ joined the chat.
[21:23:57] <fanil_jol> Unintentional mistake
[21:24:20] <louiz’> that’s what a mistake is
[21:24:58] <fanil_jol> But very silly mistake:d
[21:26:13] <PaulFertser> But nevertheless. fanil_jol, take care ;)
[21:26:18] <fanil_jol> Ok by bro:)
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[23:06:31] * dynam1te left the chat.
[23:10:39] * Tobias left the chat.
[23:12:56] * eisenhower56868 joined the chat.
[23:14:03] <eisenhower56868> User enables “click to launch” feature in chat client. After restarting the client, the “click to launch” feature is no longer
showing as being enabled and user is not able to use this feature. Any ideas to fix this
[23:14:34] <eisenhower56868> application - DCO Chat 5.4. v3
[23:15:30] <louiz’> never heard of that client
[23:15:57] <eisenhower56868> error or feature
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