Logs for jabber
[00:10:32] <evilotto> lincoln38493: yes, you could definitely do that. But you wouldn't be able to federate with other jabber servers.
[00:30:11] * dynam1te left the chat.
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[01:47:00] * hayes30929 joined the chat.
[01:47:47] <hayes30929> hello all. i have been searching unsuccessfully for a plugin that allows for canned messages and responses with jabber.
any ideas?
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[02:01:42] * treebilou left the chat.
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[05:22:27] * Eric Betts left the chat.
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[05:22:36] * Eric Betts joined the chat.
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[05:51:56] * harlock joined the chat.
[05:55:50] * Lastwebpage joined the chat.
[06:04:30] * marseille joined the chat.
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[06:10:47] * akuckartz@jabber.ccc.de joined the chat.
[06:15:34] * Tobias joined the chat.
[06:18:33] * Kamil joined the chat.
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[06:56:12] * paulmad left the chat.
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[07:21:09] * Rksheoran100 joined the chat.
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[08:00:39] * Tobias left the chat.
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[09:11:50] * dreamcast joined the chat.
[09:20:39] * Badga joined the chat.
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[10:54:32] * akuckartz@jabber.ccc.de joined the chat.
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[11:55:39] * Tobias left the chat.
[12:28:25] * akuckartz@jabber.ccc.de in now known as akuckartz.
[12:30:00] * asandiyudo@mayplaces.com joined the chat.
[12:33:26] * the ♚ left the chat.
[12:38:41] * anonymous7968 joined the chat.
[12:39:25] <anonymous7968> Good morning, does anyone know of a wordpress plugin that will allow me to use jabber on my blog?
[12:39:57] <asandiyudo@mayplaces.com> jappix
[12:40:02] <louiz’> use how?
[12:40:20] <anonymous7968> As a contact between visitors and reps
[12:40:27] <louiz’> reps?
[12:40:42] <anonymous7968> I want to use it as an IM
[12:41:05] <louiz’> ok
[12:41:14] <louiz’> then try jappix mini, maybe
[12:41:20] <asandiyudo@mayplaces.com> visitor as an anonymous?
[12:41:25] <anonymous7968> thank you asandiyudo I will take a look at jappix.
[12:41:52] <anonymous7968> thank you louiz' 8)
[12:42:07] <louiz’> that’s not a wordpress plugin, though, just a javascript code for any page that lets the visitors join a chatroom directly
with a little interface on the page
[12:42:33] <akuckartz> Try a search engine...
[12:42:43] <akuckartz> I spent a few seconds and found http://abhinavsingh.com/blog/2010/07/introducing-wp-chat-xmpp-chat-plugin-for-wordpress/
[12:43:16] <asandiyudo@mayplaces.com> for mini jappix http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/minijappix/
[12:43:59] <anonymous7968> It was requested that I use jabber.. So I was checking here before I researched other avenues..
[12:44:36] <louiz’> asandiyudo@mayplaces.com, oh, there’s a wp plugin now, nice. :)
[12:44:40] * infoassist joined the chat.
[12:44:55] <infoassist> hi all
[12:44:55] <asandiyudo@mayplaces.com> akuckartz that's pretty nice info
[12:45:31] <anonymous7968> thanks for the assist.
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[12:57:58] * jameschurchman joined the chat.
[12:58:13] * Kev left the chat.
[13:00:52] * kalatagi\40jabber.org joined the chat.
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[13:07:35] * Kev joined the chat.
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[13:09:22] <asandiyudo@mayplaces.com> akuckartz do you know who build http://jaxl.im/ ? it's very cool
[13:09:28] * the ♚ joined the chat.
[13:10:05] <akuckartz> No (in fact I am not even a Wordpress or PHP user or developer ;-)
[13:10:19] <asandiyudo@mayplaces.com> ah ok
[13:13:57] <akuckartz> jaxl seems not to be PHP. But it also is not Open Source, so I am not really interested in it. I also do not want to register.
[13:15:19] <asandiyudo@mayplaces.com> yea.. i already registered, curious to try it
[13:19:01] * dynam1te joined the chat.
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[13:27:30] <asandiyudo@mayplaces.com> anyone in here tried openfire?
[13:27:53] <Kev> Several, I imagine.
[13:28:21] <asandiyudo@mayplaces.com> how about openfire+jappix, anyone?
[13:31:15] <asandiyudo@mayplaces.com> ok change topic..
[13:31:33] <asandiyudo@mayplaces.com> how about, anyone try prodromus?
[13:32:08] <Kev> I haven't even heard of that.
[13:32:59] <asandiyudo@mayplaces.com> forge.webpresso.net/projects/prodromus
[13:33:19] <Kev> Yes, I found it.
[13:33:52] <asandiyudo@mayplaces.com> recently i use & modified a little bit for my site
[13:34:18] <asandiyudo@mayplaces.com> it nice & usefull script
[13:35:17] <asandiyudo@mayplaces.com> i was thinking it possible to pimp it so it will looks like http://jaxl.im/ :D
[13:36:11] <asandiyudo@mayplaces.com> would you like to try it live Kev?
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[13:38:01] <Kev> Not particularly.
[13:38:35] <asandiyudo@mayplaces.com> ok
[13:43:59] * Kamil left the chat.
[14:20:56] * akuckartz left the chat.
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[15:00:29] * Tanguy2 joined the chat.
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[15:06:58] * dreamcast joined the chat.
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[15:16:42] * Holger joined the chat.
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[15:18:39] * allu2 joined the chat.
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[15:45:32] * HedgeMage joined the chat.
[15:52:44] * Eric Betts joined the chat.
[15:54:18] * test joined the chat.
[15:54:32] <test> Hi all
[15:56:21] * Z_God joined the chat.
[15:58:52] * Kev joined the chat.
[16:01:59] * Donovan joined the chat.
[16:04:57] * louiz’ joined the chat.
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[16:41:52] * naw joined the chat.
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[17:04:35] * Alsaad joined the chat.
[17:04:44] <Alsaad> هاي
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[18:25:08] * taft50617 joined the chat.
[18:25:18] <taft50617> hey
[18:25:47] <taft50617> Can anyone give jabber servers list?
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[22:59:19] <lemur> Are there any good pages or blogs for xmpp news
[23:00:35] <naw> lemur: http://planet.jabber.org/
[23:01:11] <lemur> nice
[23:01:23] <naw> :)
[23:01:25] <naw> bye
[23:01:40] <lemur> tnx
[23:01:59] <lemur> I wonder if it also has news about major xmpp deployments in the world
[23:02:01] * naw left the chat.
[23:02:05] <lemur> or if it's just software development news
[23:17:22] * asandiyudo@mayplaces.com left the chat.
[23:33:12] * lemur left the chat.