Logs for jabber
[00:11:25] * xa0c left the chat.
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[06:25:19] * Kev joined the chat.
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[14:09:09] * Tobias joined the chat.
[14:18:49] * pierce44953 joined the chat.
[14:18:56] <pierce44953> hi guys
[14:19:24] <pierce44953> I want change my password is there such funciton?
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[14:23:32] <obama46066> /nicl zl0y
[14:23:37] * obama46066 in now known as zl0y.
[14:23:42] <zl0y> :]
[14:24:24] * Neustradamus left the chat.
[14:26:47] * naw joined the chat.
[14:30:17] <zl0y> thanks
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[17:07:19] <shahidulbd7> "The topic is: Welcome to the Jabber help room! | Visit discuss@conference.jabber.org to talk about other topics. This room
chats in English." -
[17:07:42] <naw> yes, this is a help toom
[17:07:44] <naw> room
[17:09:52] * shahidulbd7 left the chat.
[17:34:24] * asandiyudo@mayplaces.com left the chat.
[17:40:10] * Tobias joined the chat.
[17:50:26] * asandiyudo@mayplaces.com joined the chat.
[17:56:21] * tsk joined the chat.
[18:06:11] <asandiyudo@mayplaces.com> guys anyone tried http://thecoccinella.org/ client chat, i think it's cool
[18:07:29] <asandiyudo@mayplaces.com> i like the whiteboard feature
[18:10:24] * tsk left the chat.
[18:14:28] * ressu@ressukka.net joined the chat.
[18:15:48] <ressu@ressukka.net> Is there a decent tool for transferring roster from one server to another? I remember that JRU and friends failed with multiple
groups and such..
[18:16:17] <asandiyudo@mayplaces.com> hm..
[18:17:16] <asandiyudo@mayplaces.com> dunno the answer, perhaps kev knows about it
[18:17:56] <Kev> I wrote a tool a while back, but it was for server admins migrating a whole server, rather than a user migrating themselves.
[18:23:21] <asandiyudo@mayplaces.com> may i know a reason why people migrating their server?
[18:23:37] <Kev> I wanted to change the software I was running.
[18:24:15] <asandiyudo@mayplaces.com> i understand how pain that can be
[18:24:28] <Kev> It wasn't so bad, actually.
[18:24:34] <Kev> At least for my server (30ish users).
[18:24:37] <Kev> It was much harder for jabber.org
[18:25:19] <asandiyudo@mayplaces.com> physically migrate or switch type of xmpp server?
[18:25:32] <Kev> Change the software.
[18:25:53] <asandiyudo@mayplaces.com> from what server to what server?
[18:26:14] <Kev> Ejabberd to Isode M-Link in both cases.
[18:27:07] <asandiyudo@mayplaces.com> i thought ejabberd is the good one
[18:27:53] <asandiyudo@mayplaces.com> i was also had the same think, migrate from openfire to ejabberd
[18:28:20] <Kev> I went jabberd->openfire->ejabberd->M-Link.
[18:28:46] <asandiyudo@mayplaces.com> M-Link not free right
[18:29:01] <Kev> Correct.
[18:29:32] <Kev> It's commercial. Both jabber.org and I have donated licenses, though.
[18:29:51] <asandiyudo@mayplaces.com> nice
[18:30:07] <Kev> (And some time after that, I started work for Isode as well)
[18:31:02] <badlop> what a coincidence
[18:31:34] <badlop> i thought ejabberd is the good one <-- umm, i prefer to evaluate alternatives in terms of particular requirements, not absolute
good/bad: "what's the best one for my particular needs: features, customizable, freedom, cost, ...?"
[18:32:32] <asandiyudo@mayplaces.com> yea that should think too before decided choose one of the server
[18:34:00] * marseille left the chat.
[18:34:18] <asandiyudo@mayplaces.com> do you think which one fit your need badlop?
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[18:34:53] <badlop> are we gona speek about my needs, or your needs? those may not be the same :)
[18:34:59] <Kev> I rather imagine badlop (employed by the people who sell ejabberd) is as fond of that as I am of M-Link :)
[18:35:39] <badlop> are we gona speek <-- umm, better: "are we going to speak"
[18:37:37] * Ktariq4545 joined the chat.
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[18:38:42] * Ktariq4545 joined the chat.
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[18:39:05] * Neustradamus left the chat.
[18:39:16] <asandiyudo@mayplaces.com> Kev do you know why they use M as a prefix for their products http://www.isode.com/products/index.html
[18:39:24] * Neustradamus joined the chat.
[18:39:34] <Kev> asandiyudo@mayplaces.com: Curiously, I don't. I never thought to ask.
[18:40:10] <asandiyudo@mayplaces.com> perhaps M means messaging
[18:40:37] <Kev> Which would make sense for M-Box, M-Link, M-Switch, but not so much for M-Vault.
[18:42:18] <asandiyudo@mayplaces.com> looks nice
[18:42:22] <Kev> (M-Vault is an X.500/LDAP server)
[18:43:06] * ressu@ressukka.net left the chat.
[18:43:18] <asandiyudo@mayplaces.com> that's for SSO right
[18:43:42] <Kev> It's a directory server.
[18:43:45] * Ktariq4545 joined the chat.
[18:43:57] <Kev> Microsoft's Active Directory exposes itself as an LDAP server, for example.
[18:44:24] <Tobias> X.500 = LDAP in the ITU world?
[18:44:31] <Kev> It's essentially a specialised hierachical database.
[18:44:42] * Ktariq4545 left the chat.
[18:45:01] <Kev> Tobias: Yes.
[18:45:15] <asandiyudo@mayplaces.com> this conversation begin heavy :)
[18:45:21] <Kev> LDAP = Lightweight DAP, where DAP is part of X.500.
[18:45:22] <Tobias> ah..X.500 is the blown up version for LDAP...LDAP without the Light ;)
[18:45:30] <Tobias> *of
[18:45:57] <Kev> And that's about the limit of my knowledge, the other Isodeians are much more knowledgeable (e.g. Steve Kille the CEO is an
original LDAP RFC author).
[18:46:53] <badlop> the people who sell ejabberd <-- erroneous and misleading sentence. nobody sells ejabberd; each new release is freely distributed
as you surely know
[18:47:32] <Kev> badlop: It wasn't intended to mislead, I couldn't think of a concise way to put it.
[18:48:05] <Kev> The people who don't sell ejabberd, but have a business model revolving around it and associated products doesn't roll off
the tongue so much :)
[18:48:55] <asandiyudo@mayplaces.com> do you think nowadays company always use their own chat server?
[18:49:16] <Kev> (In fact, I didn't know that Process One didn't include customised ejabberds in their lineup, so I stand corrected)
[18:49:46] <asandiyudo@mayplaces.com> some of it as far as i know prefer to use yahoo or gtalk as their communication tools
[18:50:12] * naw left the chat.
[18:50:20] <asandiyudo@mayplaces.com> it's free :)
[18:50:25] <Kev> asandiyudo@mayplaces.com: I think it depends on the company. Certainly some use things like GTalk and Skype and what have
you, and certainly some have their internal services (be it XMPP-based, or whatever else).
[18:51:03] <asandiyudo@mayplaces.com> i aggree, internal in terms inside their LAN
[18:52:06] <badlop> and some small companies use free XMPP services like jabber.org
[18:52:14] <asandiyudo@mayplaces.com> yea..
[18:52:43] <badlop> i'm aware of several companies with more than 20 accounts in a server i help administrate
[18:53:39] <Kev> Talkr?
[18:55:20] <badlop> in a non-sponsored, non-company supported, independent server
[18:56:13] <asandiyudo@mayplaces.com> what is Talkr
[18:57:41] <asandiyudo@mayplaces.com> ah ProcessOne product
[18:58:36] <asandiyudo@mayplaces.com> kev big site like twitter, which server do you think they use as a backend?
[18:58:47] <Kev> They don't, as far as I know.
[18:58:55] <Kev> Weren't they running something, but gave up on it?
[18:59:13] <Kev> I don't know the details, it was before I was remotely interested in Twitter (I was a late starter :))
[18:59:16] <Tobias> yeah..IIRC they said jabber/xmpp doesn't scale :P
[19:00:00] <asandiyudo@mayplaces.com> you mean twitter don't use xmpp?
[19:00:22] <Tobias> nope
[19:00:27] <Kev> Maybe they do, I expect a quick search would show one way or the other.
[19:01:05] <Tobias> at least it would be new to me if they use XMPP
[19:01:27] <Tobias> however behind layers of various software stacks you'll never know unless they tell you :)
[19:01:31] <asandiyudo@mayplaces.com> they must be develope something on their own to presents realtime microblogging
[19:01:45] <badlop> Kev: if they use in backend only, you may never find a reliable proof at internet
[19:01:53] <Kev> badlop: True.
[19:02:27] <badlop> because i'm certain about other services using XMPP, and precisely ejabberd, and i couldn't find any public proof to add to
Wikipedia :P
[19:02:59] <Kev> Oh, was it ejabberd Twitter used to us?
[19:03:03] <Kev> *use?
[19:03:06] <Kev> (Or still use?)
[19:04:14] <badlop> anyway, why should they bother using an open and extensible protocol like XMPP as backend of a closed, proprietary service
like twitter?
[19:04:33] <Kev> We can live in hope :)
[19:05:52] <asandiyudo@mayplaces.com> the hard thing is to find a way using an existence technology to bring a business advantage to enduser
[19:07:04] <Kev> Surely it's much harder to created a business advantage while also reinventing the wheel?
[19:07:52] <asandiyudo@mayplaces.com> well that's depends on the approach
[19:08:37] <asandiyudo@mayplaces.com> as an example, you and I have some destination, let's say to A
[19:09:11] <asandiyudo@mayplaces.com> but each of us can have different way to achieve that goals
[19:12:54] <asandiyudo@mayplaces.com> just my thought
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[21:43:47] <harding35035> вопрос такой
[21:44:16] <harding35035> есть кто русский понимает?
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