Logs for jabber
[00:15:38] * treebilou left the chat.
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[00:22:51] * dynam1te left the chat.
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[00:33:21] * Z_God left the chat.
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[01:06:38] * Neustradamus left the chat.
[01:06:53] * Neustradamus joined the chat.
[01:30:54] * polk40982 joined the chat.
[01:31:22] * polk40982 left the chat.
[01:37:11] * Matthew Lee joined the chat.
[01:38:11] * Matthew Lee left the chat.
[02:08:45] * czhan joined the chat.
[02:51:40] * czhan left the chat.
[03:24:35] * grant34058 joined the chat.
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[04:49:52] * mahdieh.saeed joined the chat.
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[06:50:38] * naval21bisht joined the chat.
[06:50:39] * naval21bisht left the chat.
[06:51:30] * naval21bisht joined the chat.
[06:51:43] * naval21bisht left the chat.
[06:53:42] * naval21bisht joined the chat.
[06:54:40] <naval21bisht> Any 1 there
[06:55:17] <HedgeMage> Sort of.
[06:55:53] <naval21bisht> Whts ur nme
[06:57:14] <HedgeMage> HedgeMage
[06:57:15] <HedgeMage> :P
[06:57:37] <naval21bisht> R u indian
[06:58:07] <HedgeMage> No, American, why do you ask?
[06:58:27] <HedgeMage> You might try typing out the entire word you are trying to say -- that makes it much easier to read what you type.
[06:59:03] <naval21bisht> R u female
[06:59:22] <HedgeMage> Does it matter?
[06:59:40] <naval21bisht> Plz tell me
[06:59:54] <HedgeMage> /me goes back to doing something productive.
[07:01:07] * Kamil joined the chat.
[07:01:30] <naval21bisht> Any girl
[07:02:13] <naval21bisht> Any female
[07:02:39] <HedgeMage> naval21bisht: This isn't a dating room, this is a room for Jabber support. If you have a question about using Jabber, we'd
love to help you. If you are after something else, you need a different room.
[07:03:28] <naval21bisht> I want to chat with any girl
[07:03:45] <HedgeMage> naval21bisht: Do it somewhere else.
[07:04:40] <naval21bisht> Where
[07:04:55] <HedgeMage> naval21bisht: Every time you speak in here, a bunch of us get pinged that someone has a support question. It's kind of annoying
to be derailed by some guy looking to hit on women.
[07:05:14] <HedgeMage> naval21bisht: Create your own room, or use service discovery in your client to see rooms offered by various servers.
[07:05:28] <naval21bisht> Sex
[07:05:46] <naval21bisht> Shut up
[07:05:54] * naval21bisht left the chat.
[07:20:19] * Z_God joined the chat.
[07:26:11] * Neustradamus left the chat.
[07:34:22] * asandiyudo joined the chat.
[07:35:46] * asandiyudo left the chat.
[07:45:55] * naw joined the chat.
[07:47:33] * marseille_ joined the chat.
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[08:04:00] * manu joined the chat.
[08:04:10] * harrykar joined the chat.
[08:12:12] * mathieui left the chat.
[08:19:41] * Kamil left the chat.
[08:26:07] * Lastwebpage joined the chat.
[08:27:20] * niekie left the chat.
[08:30:39] * Tobias joined the chat.
[08:31:01] * Tobias_ joined the chat.
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[08:33:25] * Kev left the chat.
[08:50:36] * Tobias joined the chat.
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[08:56:57] * mathieui joined the chat.
[09:17:23] * Neustradamus joined the chat.
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[09:22:36] * naw left the chat.
[09:28:09] * marseille_ left the chat.
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[09:42:56] * Tobias joined the chat.
[09:51:39] * allu2 joined the chat.
[10:11:37] * marseille_ left the chat.
[10:23:51] * dynam1te joined the chat.
[10:49:54] * louiz’ left the chat.
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[11:01:02] * bush63342 joined the chat.
[11:12:09] * naw joined the chat.
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[11:16:19] * treebilou joined the chat.
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[11:17:15] * treebilou joined the chat.
[11:21:57] * bush63342 left the chat.
[11:42:24] * richard@jabber.relatedworks.com joined the chat.
[11:55:09] <Z_God> does anyone know a good roster migration tool?
[11:55:28] * mahdieh.saeed left the chat.
[11:56:32] * mahdieh.saeed joined the chat.
[11:56:32] * mahdieh.saeed left the chat.
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[12:01:26] * mahdieh.saeed joined the chat.
[12:21:57] * Kev joined the chat.
[12:23:47] * Kev left the chat.
[12:31:38] <Z_God> just found everything I needed inside Psi+ :)
[12:32:24] <Z_God> wow!!
[12:32:27] <Z_God> big news
[12:32:29] <Z_God> http://www.aim.com/google-chat-changes
[12:35:35] <Tobias> yup
[12:35:49] <Tobias> seems aol.com has now standard XMPP server SRV records :)
[12:36:06] <Tobias> so what's left would be ICQ, MSN and Yahoo :)
[12:37:07] <Z_God> let's hope this will also work for ICQ
[12:37:18] * richard@jabber.relatedworks.com left the chat.
[12:48:40] * paulmad joined the chat.
[12:55:55] * louiz’_ joined the chat.
[13:03:06] * mahdieh.saeed left the chat.
[13:11:54] * louiz’ left the chat.
[13:20:27] * harrykar left the chat.
[13:25:08] * harrykar joined the chat.
[13:42:59] * bigdave2011 joined the chat.
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[13:48:37] * BigDave2011 joined the chat.
[13:48:59] <BigDave2011> hello everyone :)
does anyone know anything about http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0126.html in here
[13:56:24] * Kev joined the chat.
[14:05:00] <naw> so, AIM goes XMPP?
[14:06:34] <naw> it only thas the _xmpp-server SRV record :(
[14:07:45] <BigDave2011> am i in wrong room i have 2 questions on to XMPP extentions
[14:11:17] <naw> no, you are in the right room
[14:11:24] <naw> what are your questions?
[14:11:48] <naw> hmm, well, maybe it would be better the jdev room
[14:12:50] <BigDave2011> ok wins
[14:13:04] <BigDave2011> erm on xep-0126
[14:13:25] <BigDave2011> it states i have to send stanza to set invisablity
[14:13:41] <BigDave2011> like this part
[14:13:42] <BigDave2011> <list name='visible-to-Frodo'>
[14:13:55] <BigDave2011> can this be <list name='visible-to-anything'>
[14:14:11] <BigDave2011> or does it need to be JID
[14:14:48] <BigDave2011> and my second Q is on http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0234.html
[14:14:57] <BigDave2011> Jingle File transfer
[14:15:03] <naw> as far I know, though I'm no expert, you could use any name for the list
[14:15:14] <BigDave2011> OK that helps
[14:15:15] <BigDave2011> :)
[14:16:05] <BigDave2011> for the second its just me i think but how does it know where the file is stored on pc as not once does it show the file location
in the XML log of PSI
[14:16:32] <naw> it just shows a way in wich privacy lists can be used to get the invisivility funcionality
[14:17:17] <BigDave2011> like here <file xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/si/profile/file-transfer'
[14:17:30] <BigDave2011> how does the server know where the file is on PC
[14:17:48] <naw> psi doesn't support jingle file transfer
[14:17:54] <BigDave2011> im asking because my interface for the server is in a browser
[14:18:02] <BigDave2011> it does
[14:18:09] <BigDave2011> i sent 2 files testerday
[14:18:21] <BigDave2011> both were succsessful
[14:18:54] <naw> oh, it's in the oficial version, or in the git version?
[14:19:09] <BigDave2011> official
[14:19:30] <BigDave2011> it does give errors but still sends fine
[14:19:31] <Z_God> naw: S2S is the most important IMO
[14:20:12] <BigDave2011> but im looking in intergrating file transfer on my browser client i just was wondering how it knows where the file is
[14:20:14] <BigDave2011> :)
[14:20:41] <naw> Z_God: yes, the most important thing is that they could become federated with the xmpp network
[14:21:09] <Z_God> yep :)
[14:21:17] <Z_God> I talked with them about this 1,5 years ago
[14:21:38] <Z_God> at the time they had no plans at all
[14:21:41] <naw> BigDave2011: how does the browser know where is the file that it is going to send?
[14:21:49] <BigDave2011> yea
[14:21:50] <Z_God> so it'll be interesting
[14:22:20] * harrykar left the chat.
[14:22:28] <BigDave2011> well not mainly the browser more the server
[14:22:37] <BigDave2011> i presume
[14:22:48] <naw> maybe looking to the value if the <input type='file' /> field of the page?
[14:23:13] <naw> *of the
[14:23:19] <BigDave2011> its not that i just would of thought it would send like this
[14:23:30] <BigDave2011> name='C:/pathtofile/test.txt'
[14:24:10] <naw> why not just send 'test.txt' like in the example?
[14:24:11] <BigDave2011> have google got filetransfer though there Web Chat yet
[14:25:04] <BigDave2011> ohh they have
[14:25:05] <naw> by the way, you may get better anwers on the jdev room
[14:25:11] <BigDave2011> still worth adding though
[14:25:44] <naw> they may not have implemented it according to the XEPs
[14:27:00] <BigDave2011> no i dont this they did
[14:27:05] <BigDave2011> think*
[14:27:29] <BigDave2011> req7_m ["jfm","gmailID","Op0ivGEViMv694dS","","",[["f","new 2.txt",2277]]]
[14:27:52] <BigDave2011> i enjoyed adding /me though lol
[14:28:21] <BigDave2011> i started adding search but man so many things todo on it
[14:29:37] <BigDave2011> my chat may not be as good as googles but it beats facebooks hands down
[14:29:50] <BigDave2011> plus XMPP rules
[14:32:19] <BigDave2011> took a while to get vcard working though cus i wanted avatar support
[14:34:43] <BigDave2011> ok i think i understand now first user sends presence of unavailible
[14:34:55] <BigDave2011> then tell server who not to show online to
[14:35:04] <BigDave2011> then send presence again
[14:36:01] * Tobias left the chat.
[14:38:16] <naw> no, the clients switch to X provacy list, then the server sends unavailable to all those that are not alowed to see the user
[14:38:31] <BigDave2011> ahhhh
[14:38:33] <BigDave2011> :)
[14:39:27] <BigDave2011> see i know im gonna do it Become invisible only to specific JIDs and have right click context menu with the option in the
context menu
[14:39:39] <naw> and the xep recomends to send again a presence, to sinchronice things
[14:43:54] <BigDave2011> yea i allready done
[14:43:55] <BigDave2011> var req = $pres({
type: 'unavailable'
[14:44:09] <BigDave2011> now the long part lol
[14:47:32] <naw> but you should send an available/away/dnd presence, not an unavailable one
[14:48:13] <BigDave2011> it states in section 3.4.1 First, the user sends unavailable presence for broadcasting to all contacts:
[14:48:57] <BigDave2011> The server then broadcasts that presence to all of the user's contacts.
Second, the user defines and sets a privacy rule that allows selective invisibility:
[14:49:10] <Z_God> it seems I can't batch import Jabber contacts easily, could anyone suggest me a client/program to do that?
[14:51:41] <BigDave2011> what server ejabberd?
[14:52:36] <Z_God> gmail
[14:53:45] <naw> BigDave2011: oh, right
[14:54:09] <BigDave2011> i thought gmail contacts were stored on googles server
[14:54:19] <naw> Z_God: I think that tkabber had something to export/import contacts
[14:55:02] <Z_God> naw: thanks, I'll look into it, it seems I am running into another problem though, I'm getting
<error type="wait" code="500"> now even when I try to add a single contact
[14:55:07] <naw> there also existed a web aplitacion called JRU
[14:55:42] <naw> on a jabber.org account?
[14:55:45] <Z_God> yeah, I tried everything like that, but they all failed ;)
[14:55:58] <naw> *aplication
[14:56:08] <Z_God> BigDave2011: yes, that's why I want to do it from a client
[14:56:16] <BigDave2011> ahhh
[14:58:15] <naw> Z_God: I mean, your account is a jabber.org account? then maybe a server admin should take a look to see why it's failing
[14:58:26] <BigDave2011> well i got the first to stanza's to send OK
[14:58:27] <BigDave2011> http://pastebin.com/SbhBAULR
[14:58:31] <BigDave2011> wins
[14:58:33] <BigDave2011> :)
[14:59:36] <Z_God> naw: no, I don't have a jabber.org account
[15:00:22] <naw> then maybe you should ask to your server administrator to see if there is a problem with the account
[15:01:55] <Z_God> I'm moving to gmail
[15:02:03] <Z_God> I think they locked it temporarily
[15:17:22] <BigDave2011> cheers *naw i just joined jdev room
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[15:37:32] * Kamil joined the chat.
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[16:07:10] * MisterKanister joined the chat.
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[16:14:51] * alice joined the chat.
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[16:22:35] * Kamil joined the chat.
[16:26:11] * Lastwebpage left the chat.
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[16:44:38] * Tobias joined the chat.
[17:08:46] * naw left the chat.
[17:22:38] * GavYur joined the chat.
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[17:37:20] * mpranj joined the chat.
[17:38:37] * MisterKanister left the chat.
[17:57:55] * asandiyudo joined the chat.
[17:58:12] * buchanan47111 joined the chat.
[17:58:49] <buchanan47111> hi
[17:59:07] <buchanan47111> i would like to know what is main purpose to use jabber
[17:59:16] <buchanan47111> i have already creat an accont in jabber
[17:59:23] <buchanan47111> soo what is the next step
[17:59:35] <asandiyudo> not sure :)
[17:59:36] <manu> chat.
[17:59:47] <buchanan47111> what but
[17:59:49] <buchanan47111> how ?
[18:00:11] <asandiyudo> huh?
[18:00:38] <buchanan47111> how can i use jabber
[18:00:38] <buchanan47111> ?
[18:00:56] <buchanan47111> i have an account
[18:00:58] <buchanan47111> now ?
[18:01:07] <asandiyudo> well some jabber service provide different functional
[18:01:41] <buchanan47111> for example
[18:01:45] <buchanan47111> ?
[18:01:50] <asandiyudo> http://mayplaces.com :D
[18:02:13] <buchanan47111> i have open then
[18:02:14] <buchanan47111> ??
[18:02:30] <asandiyudo> http://mayplaces.com/im/
[18:02:47] * treebilou left the chat.
[18:02:54] <buchanan47111> i mean what is the main purpose to use jabber
[18:02:59] <buchanan47111> ?
[18:03:06] <asandiyudo> which jabber
[18:03:18] <buchanan47111> jabber.org
[18:03:31] <buchanan47111> how many jabber ?
[18:03:37] <asandiyudo> ask the moderator then
[18:04:00] <buchanan47111> how many jabber ?
[18:04:31] <asandiyudo> i thought jabber service
[18:04:39] <asandiyudo> xmpp
[18:04:56] <buchanan47111> actually i m not understand what u want to say
[18:05:06] <asandiyudo> me too lol..
[18:05:10] <buchanan47111> i have simple quesiton that why pepople are use jabber
[18:05:30] <buchanan47111> i have make an account in jabber then how can i use it?
[18:05:40] <buchanan47111> in which plase and what purposees
[18:05:43] <buchanan47111> and how ?>
[18:05:54] <asandiyudo> in jabber i can't explain
[18:06:03] <asandiyudo> i mean jabber.org
[18:06:15] <asandiyudo> but in MayPlaces i can
[18:06:27] <asandiyudo> lol.. sounds advertising
[18:06:28] <buchanan47111> in broader sense
[18:06:38] <buchanan47111> noo i m talking frm pakistan
[18:06:44] <buchanan47111> and i m not adverting
[18:07:01] <asandiyudo> i mean myself sounds like an advertising
[18:09:12] <asandiyudo> IMO jabber/xmpp can be use for collaboration
[18:13:47] <asandiyudo> communication, real time, cross platform, cross domain, etc.
[18:14:38] * jameschurchman joined the chat.
[18:18:21] <buchanan47111> oky
[18:18:30] <buchanan47111> u can say that like facebook
[18:18:31] <buchanan47111> ?
[18:19:09] <asandiyudo> it depends from what angle u see the picture
[18:19:33] <buchanan47111> suppose that i wana like facebook
[18:19:37] <buchanan47111> then how it is possible
[18:19:43] <buchanan47111> to connect poplle
[18:19:45] <buchanan47111> to share pic
[18:19:50] <buchanan47111> to share vedio
[18:19:53] <buchanan47111> and lot more
[18:19:54] <buchanan47111> then how
[18:19:55] <buchanan47111> /
[18:20:07] * Lastwebpage joined the chat.
[18:20:33] <asandiyudo> u should clone Mark Zuckerberg lol...
[18:20:46] <buchanan47111> what ?
[18:21:10] <asandiyudo> Mark Zuckerberg is the fb brain
[18:21:19] <buchanan47111> ok
[18:21:23] <buchanan47111> soo how i can go
[18:21:24] <buchanan47111> got
[18:21:25] <buchanan47111> ?
[18:21:28] <ThurahT> this chat is awesome...
[18:21:59] <asandiyudo> not sure about that
[18:23:55] <ThurahT> buchanan47111: I have never tried to talk to ppl using facebook. I just know that it is possible. About video and voice support
I don't know. If it doesn't work now it is sure to do so in the future at least.
[18:24:03] * buchanan47111 left the chat.
[18:24:08] <ThurahT> right..
[18:24:12] * Kev left the chat.
[18:25:23] <asandiyudo> he's leaving while u try to explain :)
[18:25:36] <ThurahT> yea.. : )
[18:31:47] * clinton47456 joined the chat.
[18:31:47] * manu left the chat.
[18:32:27] <clinton47456> noo i m here
[18:32:31] <clinton47456> soo what can i do ?
[18:32:39] <clinton47456> by the way where u frm ?
[18:37:37] * clinton47456 left the chat.
[19:12:05] * truman8488 joined the chat.
[19:12:11] <truman8488> hello
[19:12:30] <truman8488> trying to set up jabber from phpbb3
[19:12:37] <truman8488> not sure what to put in "server name"
[19:13:03] <truman8488> couldn't find the list of servers
[19:13:11] <truman8488> HELP
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[20:25:37] <BigDave2011> ohh shame i missed him im a master at phpBB lool
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[23:49:08] * Z_God left the chat.