Logs for jabber
[00:01:01] * clinton5247 joined the chat.
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[00:02:45] * manu joined the chat.
[00:21:34] * jameschurchman left the chat.
[00:42:07] * Lastwebpage left the chat.
[01:01:51] * Tobias_ joined the chat.
[01:08:24] * Tobias left the chat.
[01:21:07] * MattJ left the chat.
[01:47:18] * vando left the chat.
[01:51:57] * evilotto joined the chat.
[01:59:46] * Tobias joined the chat.
[02:01:18] * evilotto left the chat.
[02:05:16] * Tobias_ left the chat.
[02:19:26] * asandiyudo left the chat.
[02:30:51] * Link Mauve left the chat.
[02:31:42] * Link Mauve joined the chat.
[02:31:50] * evilotto joined the chat.
[02:33:18] * evilotto left the chat.
[02:34:51] * evilotto joined the chat.
[02:42:33] * Link Mauve left the chat.
[02:42:55] * Link Mauve joined the chat.
[02:45:53] * louiz’ left the chat.
[02:46:02] * louiz’ joined the chat.
[03:10:02] * Hoki joined the chat.
[04:09:24] <Hoki> hello
[04:10:46] <HedgeMage> Hi.
[04:11:15] * darkrain left the chat.
[04:12:02] * darkrain joined the chat.
[04:44:59] * evilotto left the chat.
[05:16:24] * Hoki left the chat.
[05:17:03] * dynam1te joined the chat.
[05:56:40] * NSR.SiRYA joined the chat.
[05:57:19] <NSR.SiRYA> Hi
[05:58:00] <NSR.SiRYA> What
[05:58:13] * NSR.SiRYA left the chat.
[06:11:59] * Tobias left the chat.
[06:34:09] * Tobias joined the chat.
[06:36:07] * manu left the chat.
[06:41:38] * Tobias left the chat.
[06:47:53] * Kamil joined the chat.
[07:12:02] * Lastwebpage joined the chat.
[07:24:49] * monroe18227 joined the chat.
[07:29:37] * naval21bisht joined the chat.
[07:29:37] * naval21bisht left the chat.
[07:29:59] * naval21bisht joined the chat.
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[07:32:23] * naval21bisht joined the chat.
[07:35:05] * naval21bisht left the chat.
[07:51:14] * MisterKanister joined the chat.
[07:59:42] * Kamil left the chat.
[08:13:53] * treebilou left the chat.
[08:14:25] * treebilou joined the chat.
[08:15:00] * Neustradamus left the chat.
[08:16:11] * ThurahT joined the chat.
[08:24:36] * monroe18227 left the chat.
[08:39:47] * asandiyudo joined the chat.
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[08:54:40] * marseille_ joined the chat.
[08:59:28] * mpranj joined the chat.
[09:14:30] * asandiyudo joined the chat.
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[09:19:53] * Ravikant.ravi672 joined the chat.
[09:19:54] * Ravikant.ravi672 left the chat.
[09:20:38] * Ravikant.ravi672 joined the chat.
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[09:33:27] * jameschurchman joined the chat.
[09:35:58] * Z_God joined the chat.
[09:41:55] * Neustradamus joined the chat.
[09:45:31] * harrison51675 joined the chat.
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[10:04:27] * Sanilfrancisrock joined the chat.
[10:04:27] * Sanilfrancisrock left the chat.
[10:07:01] * Sanilfrancisrock joined the chat.
[10:10:17] * Sanilfrancisrock left the chat.
[10:10:58] * jameschurchman left the chat.
[10:11:31] * MisterKanister left the chat.
[10:28:29] * naw joined the chat.
[10:28:38] * mpranj left the chat.
[10:45:14] * naval21bisht joined the chat.
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[11:27:06] * marseille_ left the chat.
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[11:33:06] * taft12206 joined the chat.
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[11:46:11] * allu2 joined the chat.
[11:48:24] * allu2 left the chat.
[11:48:37] * allu2 joined the chat.
[11:48:46] <allu2> Hello
[11:51:27] * allu2 left the chat.
[12:08:06] * Link Mauve left the chat.
[12:08:59] * Link Mauve joined the chat.
[12:10:12] * marseille_ left the chat.
[12:45:54] * ivucica joined the chat.
[12:49:49] * marseille_ joined the chat.
[12:53:20] * MattJ joined the chat.
[13:02:17] <ivucica> Hey there! Anyone worked with libjingle tunnels? Anyone worked with libjingle for p2p only?
[13:21:01] * dynam1te left the chat.
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[13:40:19] * marseille_ left the chat.
[13:42:48] * asandiyudo joined the chat.
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[13:56:45] * haridevadiga joined the chat.
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[14:00:23] * haridevadiga joined the chat.
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[14:14:13] * Tobias joined the chat.
[14:17:00] * allu2 joined the chat.
[14:19:52] * b-seize joined the chat.
[14:34:55] * b-seize left the chat.
[14:43:58] * asandiyudo left the chat.
[14:56:11] * naval21bisht joined the chat.
[14:56:12] * naval21bisht left the chat.
[14:58:07] * naval21bisht joined the chat.
[14:58:32] <naval21bisht> Pg
[14:58:51] <naval21bisht> Hello every one
[14:59:15] <naval21bisht> J
[14:59:39] <naw> hello
[14:59:53] <naval21bisht> Howz u
[15:00:02] <naw> fine, and you?
[15:00:12] <naval21bisht> F9999999999999999
[15:00:49] <naval21bisht> Whts ur nme
[15:01:53] <naval21bisht> Wht is ur name
[15:02:14] <naw> this is a room for talking about jabber, if you are looking ot just chat , better take a look to other rooms ;)
[15:02:48] <naval21bisht> Thnx fr adwise
[15:03:01] <ivucica> naval21bisht, check out conference room "discuss@conference.jabber.org" as advised in this room's topic.
[15:03:11] * MattJ left the chat.
[15:03:48] <naval21bisht> Hi
[15:04:49] * naval21bisht left the chat.
[15:10:06] <ivucica> Heh, interesting
[15:10:11] <ivucica> discuss@conference.jabber.org is empty :)
[15:13:45] * MattJ joined the chat.
[15:16:34] * naw left the chat.
[15:22:12] * alice joined the chat.
[15:24:54] * louiz’ left the chat.
[15:25:02] * louiz’ joined the chat.
[15:36:03] * Tobias left the chat.
[15:48:09] * roopankar028 joined the chat.
[15:48:09] * roopankar028 left the chat.
[15:49:28] <ivucica> When setting up a component (e.g. componentus.zatemas.zrs.hr), to make its managed bare JIDs available externally (e.g. stuff@componentus.zatemas.zrs.hr),
do I have to set up any additional DNS entries apart from A record or CNAME record?
[15:49:36] * roopankar028 joined the chat.
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[15:51:04] <MattJ> No
[15:54:26] <ivucica> Heh, to the point, MattJ :D Let's hope it'll work
[16:03:01] <Kev> You *should* set up _xmpp-server._tcp. SRV records, but servers will fall back to A.
[16:05:36] * naw joined the chat.
[16:16:35] <ivucica> Kev, for component too?
[16:16:48] <Kev> A component is just another server, as far as the network's concerned.
[16:42:59] <ivucica> Kev: thanks! Hopefully Google's servers will pick up the DNS changes soon.
[16:43:04] <ivucica> Bye!
[16:43:14] <Kev> It is, as Matt says, going to work fine without the SRV, too.
[16:43:15] <Kev> Bibi.
[16:43:22] <Kev> (Assuming the A matches etc.)
[16:44:15] <ivucica> Kev, Google's public DNS server ( picked up CNAME (componentus.domain) and the A (commander.domain)
[16:44:15] * naw left the chat.
[16:44:32] <ivucica> It did not pick up SRV (or does not respond to SRV requests)
[16:44:52] <ivucica> talk.google.com/gmail.com does not, however, want to add any "accounts" from the component
[16:44:59] <ivucica> Well, nevermind :)
[16:45:03] <ivucica> Thanks, bye!
[16:45:11] * ivucica left the chat.
[17:07:08] * dynam1te left the chat.
[17:17:31] * marseille_ joined the chat.
[17:18:10] * marseille_ left the chat.
[17:36:29] * taft23871 joined the chat.
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[18:42:04] * dynam1te joined the chat.
[18:56:51] * johnson34897 joined the chat.
[18:57:04] <johnson34897> hi there
[18:57:15] * alice left the chat.
[18:58:02] * allu2 left the chat.
[18:59:36] * Kamil joined the chat.
[19:05:58] * Tobias joined the chat.
[19:13:46] <johnson34897> /name Sifoncho
[19:13:53] * johnson34897 in now known as sifoncho.
[19:27:29] * sifoncho left the chat.
[19:35:57] * marseille_ joined the chat.
[19:38:40] * niekie joined the chat.
[20:39:29] * asandiyudo joined the chat.
[20:39:51] * asandiyudo left the chat.
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[20:47:10] * dynam1te left the chat.
[20:47:10] * dynam1te joined the chat.
[21:06:41] * asandiyudo left the chat.
[21:47:32] * tsudot joined the chat.
[22:16:16] * Kamil left the chat.
[22:24:54] * Tobias left the chat.
[22:25:03] * Tobias joined the chat.
[22:41:12] * Tobias left the chat.
[22:42:30] * MattJ left the chat.
[22:42:32] * MattJ joined the chat.
[22:46:49] * jode.sss joined the chat.
[22:49:23] * Lastwebpage left the chat.
[22:52:31] * jode.sss left the chat.
[23:11:26] * harrykar left the chat.
[23:14:43] * Man28 joined the chat.
[23:21:15] * marseille_ left the chat.
[23:32:38] * Man28 left the chat.
[23:33:45] * b-seize joined the chat.
[23:38:12] * tsudot left the chat.
[23:40:26] * MattJ left the chat.
[23:40:29] * b-seize left the chat.