Logs for jabber
[00:15:17] * evilotto left the chat.
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[05:38:45] * marseille_ joined the chat.
[05:49:26] * Link Mauve joined the chat.
[05:57:46] * harlock joined the chat.
[06:16:11] * Kamil joined the chat.
[06:22:22] * marseille_ left the chat.
[06:22:58] * Lastwebpage joined the chat.
[06:49:45] * harding9788 joined the chat.
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[06:57:26] * MisterKanister joined the chat.
[07:00:13] * hoover2533 joined the chat.
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[07:14:51] * grant32869 joined the chat.
[07:17:06] * winfried joined the chat.
[07:18:16] * grant32869 left the chat.
[07:23:00] <winfried> morning,
[07:23:21] <winfried> is there some kind of s2s problem with the conference.jabber.org?
[07:23:44] <winfried> Using my jabber.org account I can browse it and join mucs (like now)
[07:24:35] <Kev> Not that I'm aware of.
[07:24:52] <Lastwebpage> I am here without a jabber.org account
[07:24:58] <winfried> but when coming from another server, I can't browse into it when using service discovery
[07:25:15] <Kev> Ah, that's different.
[07:25:25] <winfried> nor join my muc ;-)
[07:25:29] <Kev> Your server is probably blocking the stanza because there are too many rooms.
[07:25:53] <winfried> nope, it just chokes Psi ;-)
[07:26:06] <Kev> So you *can* browse the service discovery?
[07:26:26] <winfried> oops, sorry my mind messed up, it chokes from jabber.org
[07:26:40] <winfried> but joning the muc fails...
[07:27:02] <winfried> form tilanus.com (Florian Jensens service)
[07:27:36] <Kev> I just tried from Swift on my server, and browsing for rooms on jabber.org took less than 4 seconds.
[07:27:48] <Kev> So there doesn't seem to be much of a problem there.
[07:27:54] <winfried> hmmm
[07:28:24] <winfried> ok, just got words from some others who can join
[07:28:47] <Kev> tilanus.com doesn't have correct DNS set up, btw.
[07:28:47] <winfried> so it is between tilanus.com <-> jabber.org
[07:28:57] <winfried> no srv you mean?
[07:29:01] <Kev> Yes.
[07:29:07] <winfried> I know :-(
[07:29:35] <Lastwebpage> add njs.netlab.cz<->jabber.org to the list :|
[07:29:49] <winfried> xs4all doesn't allow me to set srv's, so I resorted to A records
[07:29:57] <Lastwebpage> I can't search for Mucs too
[07:29:57] <Kev> I can disco both njs.netlab.cz and tilanus.com fine from jabber.org.
[07:30:02] * MisterKanister left the chat.
[07:30:09] <Kev> Lastwebpage: Yes, see above, njs.netlab.cz is probably blocking the stanzas.
[07:30:20] <Kev> Probably running ejabberd with default config or something.
[07:30:31] <Lastwebpage> must be new, it works some days ago
[07:30:41] <winfried> yep, same here
[07:31:31] <Kev> Lastwebpage: Given that you're using your netlab account here, it can't be an s2s issue, and given that I can disco rooms
fine it's unlikely to be a jabber.org issue - so it's probably your side of the connection, and blocking last stanzas is the
most likely reason.
[07:32:58] <winfried> looking again...
[07:33:23] <Lastwebpage> <iq from="conference.jabber.org" to="lastwebpage@njs.netlab.cz/Home" type="result" id="mir_264" xml:lang="en">
<query xmlns="http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info">
<identity category="conference" name="Isode M-Link Conferencing" type="text" />
<feature var="http://jabber.org/protocol/muc" />
<feature var="http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#unique" />
<iq from="Lastwebpage@njs.netlab.cz" to="Lastwebpage@njs.netlab.cz/Home" id="mir_266" type="result" />
[07:33:27] <winfried> trying to browse conference.jabber.org
[07:33:27] <Lastwebpage> that's all
[07:35:54] <winfried> asking access to a muc never gets an response
[07:36:45] <winfried> <iq type="get" to="conference.jabber.org" id="afeea">
<query xmlns="http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info"/>
[07:36:57] <winfried> also never gets any response
[07:37:27] <Kev> winfried: Right, that makes it look like an s2s problem.
[07:37:45] <winfried> yep
[07:39:16] <winfried> will ping Florian/Artur about it, from eJabberd there doesn't seem to be a problem...
[07:46:31] * mpranj joined the chat.
[07:49:08] * yuppinturic joined the chat.
[07:55:44] * Tobias joined the chat.
[08:11:57] <HedgeMage> /quit
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[08:49:40] * ThurahT left the chat.
[08:59:53] * wilson44334 joined the chat.
[09:01:04] <wilson44334> Hi there, I'm new-ish to Jabber. We use it for IM at work and I am trying to figure out how to remove old staff users from
our account ... any ideans ?
[09:03:59] <louiz’> on what server?
[09:05:30] * mpranj left the chat.
[09:05:31] <wilson44334> Windows server ... is that what you mean?
[09:06:07] <louiz’> no, the jabber server software
[09:08:56] <wilson44334> The details that I have are : The Jabber (OpenFire) server is running on (server name). The server is connected to Active
Directory. Your contact list is automatically populated from the "Jabber Users" group in Active Directory.
[09:10:06] <louiz’> ok, then you’re using OpenFire, and I never used it, sorry
[09:11:25] <wilson44334> We have staff that have been removed from ADS but they are still showing in the Jabber users ... I guess I need to figure
out how to remove them from this specific group ... unfortunately I'm just learning the ropes.
[09:11:38] <wilson44334> Thanks anyway Louiz.
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[11:46:27] * MattJ joined the chat.
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[12:25:07] * tyler49018 joined the chat.
[12:26:42] <tyler49018> Hello,
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[12:28:07] * fillmore26895 joined the chat.
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[12:31:08] * darkrain joined the chat.
[12:46:44] <fillmore26895> I do not understand why I can`t get on line any more with my sip telephone. Namely, I have been using it since jan 2009 i`ve
started to use jabber messaging (jabber.gigaset.net server) as pre-set member by Simens Gigaset and as IP telephone owner.
Well, IP telephone set-up is checked and I could not find where is the problem. Can somebody tell me why i can not establish
messenger connection? Thank you!
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[15:02:07] * MisterKanister joined the chat.
[15:04:06] <MisterKanister> hello everybody, are there currently problems with the jabber.org-service or will I have to search the reason for my many
disconnects within the last days on my client?
[15:05:57] * naw_ joined the chat.
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[15:07:08] <Kev> There was one outage yesterday morning, I don't know of any since.
[15:12:56] * HedgeMage joined the chat.
[15:13:24] * dynam1te left the chat.
[15:17:40] <MisterKanister> Kev: hm, okay thank you. I got disconnected ~20 times within the last 48hours
[15:17:57] * Tobias joined the chat.
[15:18:37] <MisterKanister> and my other accounts within psi+ stayed online
[15:20:47] * harrykar left the chat.
[15:35:04] * lurker53346 joined the chat.
[15:35:21] <lurker53346> Is there an account I can call to test video chat?
[15:35:44] * lurker53346 in now known as pidgin_video.
[15:52:03] * dynam1te joined the chat.
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[16:32:14] <pidgin_video> Hello?
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[16:44:51] <mckinley9974> hello
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[16:57:53] * manu joined the chat.
[16:59:21] * hesgoodboy joined the chat.
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[16:59:29] <hesgoodboy> evening
[16:59:40] <hesgoodboy> does stpeter come here sometimes?
[17:00:12] <MattJ> He does indeed
[17:00:33] <MattJ> Most weekdays
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[17:01:01] <hesgoodboy> I have never seen him in here^^
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[17:01:10] <hesgoodboy> but I'll try it next week again, thank you for the information ;)
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[17:04:23] * JustKeith joined the chat.
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[17:04:41] * evilotto joined the chat.
[17:07:28] * Tobias joined the chat.
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[17:10:36] * mmt@jabber.org joined the chat.
[17:12:31] * Tobias joined the chat.
[17:13:40] * Tobias left the chat.
[17:15:21] <mmt@jabber.org> can anyone tell me if there's a way to re-configure a chat room in Adium? alternately, is there a way to delete it so I can
re-create it?
[17:16:12] <MattJ> Does it say anything if you type: /help
[17:16:12] <MattJ> ?
[17:16:21] <MattJ> If it doesn't, probably not
[17:16:21] <HedgeMage> Sorry, I've never tried Adium. It's pretty easy to do in most clients, though; I'd be shocked if they didn't support it :/
[17:16:23] <manu> You should try with a more sophisticated client like Psi.
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[17:17:20] <mmt@jabber.org> thanks. i'll see if i can run psi and get it to do it
[17:17:34] <mmt@jabber.org> (nothing from /help, btw)
[17:18:02] * Tobias left the chat.
[17:18:19] <fillmore26895> Do we know when jabber will be available again?
[17:19:30] <Kev> "Know when jabber will be available again"?
[17:20:14] <fillmore26895> seems to be that I am not only one with connection difficulties...
[17:20:38] <Kev> I've just tested, and it's working fine for me.
[17:21:16] <fillmore26895> which client are u using, Kev?
[17:21:28] <MattJ> Works for me in Gajim
[17:23:12] <Kev> Works fine with Psi also.
[17:23:14] * mmt@jabber.org left the chat.
[17:23:36] <Kev> And Swift.
[17:24:54] * reagan37768 joined the chat.
[17:24:58] <fillmore26895> jabber.gigaset.net server is one I am using. It is namely, jabber server for the Siemens sip telephone. Overthere I am receiving
message "...connection failed"
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[17:25:36] <Kev> Other servers don't have anything to do with us, we just run (Well MattJ and I, out of the people here) the jabber.org service.
[17:25:49] <Kev> If another server is down, you should talk to the admins of that server.
[17:26:09] <fillmore26895> thank you for response...
[17:26:48] <fillmore26895> well, it is server which belong to jabber but it is in service for Siemens Gigaset Ip telephone.
[17:27:09] <Kev> Jabber is just a colloquial name for the network of server.
[17:27:12] <Kev> *servers
[17:27:18] <Kev> Just like 'e-mail' or 'the web'
[17:27:27] <HedgeMage> fillmore26895: Jabber is a protocol (also called XMPP) -- many people run jabber server but no central point controls them.
[17:27:34] <HedgeMage> what kev said :)
[17:27:59] <Kev> Amazon wouldn't be able to fix problems you had reaching Facebook any more than the jabber.org admins help you with problems
on the
jabber.gigaset.net server.
[17:28:08] <MattJ> The web is down!
[17:28:20] <HedgeMage> /me bops MattJ
[17:28:22] <MattJ> :)
[17:28:27] <HedgeMage> Silly boy. :P
[17:30:34] <fillmore26895> Thank u for explanation.
[17:31:37] <fillmore26895> Kev, can you a bit more your last thought?
[17:31:58] <Kev> I think you're missing a verb.
[17:32:05] <fillmore26895> Kev, can you explain a bit more your last thought? Thanks.
[17:32:16] <Kev> Explain in what way?
[17:32:33] <Kev> These are services that happen to be on the same network, speaking the same protocol. They aren't run by the same people.
[17:33:33] <HedgeMage> fillmore26895: Think of it this way... if you have a Sprint phone and I have a Verizon phone, Sprint goes down so you can't
call me, but my Verizon tech support can't help with that.
[17:33:52] <HedgeMage> fillmore26895: Jabber servers aren't related to one another other than that the can talk to one another.
[17:34:46] <fillmore26895> actually I do not know to which server I need to adress for related question
[17:35:44] * hesgoodboy left the chat.
[17:36:45] <HedgeMage> fillmore26895: your JID looks like user@server.com -- whatever the server.com part is is who you need to contact.
[17:39:42] <MattJ> fillmore26895, jabber.gigaset.net? Well I went to http://gigaset.net/ and they have a contact page: http://gigaset.com/hq/en/cms/PageContact.html
[17:43:13] <fillmore26895> Thanks for your attention on this. I`ll try with gigaset further...
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[18:42:54] * johnson42889 joined the chat.
[18:44:26] <johnson42889> I have a question about Jabber MomentIM
[18:45:52] <johnson42889> We are using it as a collaborative tool, hosting our own server and such. When we create a new conference room everyone is
auto-muted. Is there a way to change it to where everyone can speak by default? This is a persistent room
[18:47:00] <Kev> Jabber MomentIM is Cisco's product, I don't *think* anyone here can help support that, I'm afraid.
[18:47:33] <johnson42889> darn... We have been beating our heads against the wall with this one...
[18:47:40] <Kev> However.
[18:47:50] <Kev> Assuming standard XMPPness (which it is)
[18:48:07] <Kev> If you can't work out how to do it with MomentIM, you could always download Psi, use that to configure the room, and then
go back to MomentIM.
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[19:02:22] <johnson42889> Unfortunately we don't have direct access to the chat server, but I think we figured out a way to do it. If we add everyone
as a member of the room, then they gain participant status and can chat
[19:03:02] <johnson42889> Since there are only about 80 or so users for this room it isn't too hard, or long, a job
[19:03:10] <Kev> If you're using MomentIM to connect to the server, surely you could use Psi to do the same?
[19:03:15] * djc left the chat.
[19:03:15] <Kev> It's just XMPP client protocol.
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[19:03:41] <johnson42889> We don't have the administrative priveledges to do that
[19:04:22] <johnson42889> We can create rooms, and stuff, but installing programs and such is out
[19:05:24] <Kev> Ah, right.
[19:05:26] <johnson42889> we are just mid-tier worker bees on the cosmic-scale hierarchy
[19:05:42] <Kev> Yes, locked-down workstations were always a mystery to me :)
[19:05:55] <johnson42889> Heh... you have no idea... lol
[19:06:38] <johnson42889> Although I am considereing installing Jabber on my server at home and seeing what I can do to tweak/break stuff so we can
set up things the way we like
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[23:24:59] * harding43657 left the chat.