Logs for jabber
[00:35:39] <HedgeMage> hmm, if he'd stuck around I'd have helped... silly flybys
[00:38:51] * jode.sss joined the chat.
[00:44:54] <ThurahT> He stayed exactly 42 seconds.. Which happens to be the answer to his question..
[00:46:18] <HedgeMage> lol
[00:46:25] <ThurahT> : )
[01:00:06] * jode.sss left the chat.
[01:14:05] * Zeno joined the chat.
[01:14:57] <Zeno> س ع
[01:15:34] <Zeno> في حدا عربي
[01:16:26] * Zeno left the chat.
[01:16:32] * Zeno joined the chat.
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[01:36:48] * jode.sss joined the chat.
[01:59:31] * yuppinturic left the chat.
[01:59:34] * jode.sss left the chat.
[04:25:35] * lurker57618 joined the chat.
[04:25:48] <lurker57618> test
[04:26:18] <lurker57618> uzzap?
[04:31:58] <HedgeMage> Speaking English might help :P
[04:32:29] <lurker57618> wer r u came from?
[04:33:10] <HedgeMage> I live in the US.
[04:33:20] <lurker57618> do you know Uzzap..?
[04:33:32] <HedgeMage> what?
[04:33:52] <lurker57618> Uzzap.com..visit it..
[04:34:17] <lurker57618> uhmm,by the way..do you know how to logged in to jabber.org..?
[04:35:04] <lurker57618> I live in Philippines:)
[04:35:44] <lurker57618> are you busy?:D
[04:38:07] <lurker57618> hedgemage?
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[04:56:10] * mahdieh.saeed joined the chat.
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[05:45:50] * marseille joined the chat.
[06:11:19] * harlock joined the chat.
[06:13:09] * Kamil joined the chat.
[06:26:57] * harrykar joined the chat.
[06:47:29] * marseille left the chat.
[06:49:29] * bush27623 joined the chat.
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[07:21:20] * amer.83 joined the chat.
[07:23:15] * HedgeMage left the chat.
[07:25:34] * amer.83 left the chat.
[07:45:40] * clinton7913 joined the chat.
[07:45:55] <clinton7913> hi
[07:48:27] <clinton7913> any one here?
[07:49:36] <clinton7913> heelo
[07:49:41] <clinton7913> test
[07:49:43] <clinton7913> dfdfd
[07:49:45] <clinton7913> dd
[07:49:47] <clinton7913> sss
[07:49:53] <Kev> Stop that, please.
[07:50:41] * Testoo joined the chat.
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[07:54:42] <clinton7913> I need help
[07:56:39] <clinton7913> Kev?
[07:57:27] * Lastwebpage joined the chat.
[07:57:59] <Kev> You need to say what you need help with before anyone can help you.
[07:58:19] <clinton7913> ok
[07:58:32] <clinton7913> I ma trying to develop chat
[07:58:39] * Tobias joined the chat.
[07:58:41] <clinton7913> using jabber with xmpp
[07:59:05] <clinton7913> I have room but I cam invite anyone to my room
[07:59:19] <clinton7913> I have user1 with rooster user2
[07:59:34] <clinton7913> and user1 can not invute user2
[08:00:09] <clinton7913> i get <body>invitation</body><error code="404" type="WAIT"><recipient-unavailable xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas"/>
[08:00:39] <clinton7913> </error><x xmlns="http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user">
[08:00:48] <Kev> Pastebin the complete stanzas.
[08:01:00] <clinton7913> ??
[08:01:03] <clinton7913> what
[08:01:30] <clinton7913> <message id="pmIXR-12" to="hadar@nkstream.com/Smack" from="broadcast@conference.nkstream.com/smack" type="error"><body>invitation</body><error
code="404" type="WAIT"><recipient-unavailable xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas"/></error><x xmlns="http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user"><invite
><reason>My Room</reason></invite></x></message>
[08:02:43] <clinton7913> ???
[08:02:44] * yuppinturic joined the chat.
[08:03:24] <Kev> Paste the stanzas there, from you joining the room onwards.
[08:03:26] <Kev> http://pastie.org/
[08:07:11] <clinton7913> hey Kev, Im tring to build a conference chat with other users, using a request method, any idea?
[08:07:25] <clinton7913> the chat working fine when its 2 clients...
[08:07:43] <clinton7913> the only problem is when adding the third client to the same room
[08:08:35] <Kev> Put the stanzas in a pastebin like pastie, provide the link here, and describe what's going wrong
[08:10:45] <clinton7913> http://pastie.org/1863362
[08:11:00] <clinton7913> I can not invite anyone to my room
[08:11:24] <clinton7913> the other user do not get any message with invitation
[08:11:27] <Kev> Not just the error, all the stanzas - joining the room, inviting them and the responses.
[08:12:00] <clinton7913> ok,five minutes
[08:17:41] <clinton7913> http://pastie.org/1863379
[08:17:52] <clinton7913> the complete xml
[08:18:18] <clinton7913> take a look at recipient-unavailable
[08:19:15] <Kev> <message id="q1bgN-7" to="broadcast@conference.nkstream.com/smack" from="hadar"><body>invitation</body><x xmlns="http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user"><invite
[08:19:23] <Kev> That's not legal, look at the 'from'.
[08:20:16] <Kev> Not that it is necessarily the cause of this problem, but it's certainly something to fix.
[08:20:38] <clinton7913> what should I enter instead
[08:20:39] <clinton7913> ?
[08:20:48] <clinton7913> hadar@nkstream.com?
[08:20:53] <clinton7913> the full jid?
[08:21:03] <Kev> If you're a client, you shouldn't be setting the 'from' attribute.
[08:21:15] <clinton7913> ok
[08:22:18] <clinton7913> you think that if I will fix it .I will able to invite roster to my room
[08:22:28] <Kev> If broadcast@conference.nkstream.com is your room, I'm not sure you're using the full room JIDs correctly.
[08:22:36] <Kev> No, I don't think that'll fix it, but that's one problem you need to solve.
[08:24:29] <Kev> So, explain what you think you're doing when you're sending messages to broadcast@.../smack, and broadcast@.../smack/hadar
[08:24:34] <Kev> Because I don't think you've got this right.
[08:25:14] <clinton7913> I am using java
[08:25:34] <clinton7913> and I am using MultiUserChat
[08:28:20] * Tobias left the chat.
[08:32:17] <clinton7913> I started with creating dynamic rooms but I did not succeeded so I opened Room call BroadCast in my conference.nkstream.com
[08:33:11] <clinton7913> and I joined to rhe room with the user I made the login
[08:33:20] <clinton7913> user name is hadar
[08:33:34] <Kev> <presence id="q1bgN-5" to="broadcast@conference.nkstream.com/smack/hadar"><x xmlns="http://jabber.org/protocol/muc"></x></presence>
[08:33:42] <Kev> That stanza says to join the room with the name "smack/hadar"
[08:33:55] <Kev> Why are you using 'smack/' there?
[08:36:24] <clinton7913> I tried so mant kind of user name with amck and with out and I do not know what is the corrrect one
[08:37:05] <Kev> Have you read http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0045.html or http://oreilly.com/catalog/9780596521271 ?
[08:38:55] <clinton7913> http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0045.html return blan page
[08:39:26] <Kev> It doesn't for me.
[08:39:33] <clinton7913> ok it opened but
[08:39:44] <clinton7913> this is only the xml formats
[08:40:22] <clinton7913> it describe the protocol and I need the objects and methods in java
[08:51:36] <louiz’> what java object?
[08:55:09] <clinton7913> MultiUserChat
[08:55:22] <clinton7913> org.jivesoftware.smackx.muc.MultiUserChat
[09:03:25] <louiz’> you won’t find that on xmpp.org :p
[09:05:21] * naw joined the chat.
[09:07:25] <clinton7913> no
[09:08:13] * clinton7913 left the chat.
[09:11:18] * coolidge63532 joined the chat.
[09:11:31] <coolidge63532> anyone used tsung to test BOSH connections?
[09:11:39] <coolidge63532> I couldn't find info about it
[09:13:04] * wilson43605 joined the chat.
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[09:36:24] <jackson8381> coolidge63532
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[10:10:20] <coolidge63532> jackson8381
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[10:14:08] * Saro joined the chat.
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[10:15:24] * MattJ joined the chat.
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[10:16:19] * treebilou left the chat.
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[10:53:07] * Tobias left the chat.
[10:54:28] <Neustradamus> Jappix 0.6 "Lumo" has been released https://project.jappix.com/
[10:56:48] * Saro left the chat.
[11:07:17] * Tobias joined the chat.
[11:35:19] * saw.king2011 joined the chat.
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[12:02:16] * jode.sss joined the chat.
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[12:26:16] * coolidge63532 left the chat.
[12:26:41] * treebilou joined the chat.
[12:27:41] * Tobias joined the chat.
[12:30:03] * jefferson44126 joined the chat.
[12:33:18] <jefferson44126> can I use speeqe for the ejabberd chat room?
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[12:35:33] * mahdieh.saeed joined the chat.
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[12:35:35] * mahdieh.saeed joined the chat.
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[12:37:31] <MattJ> Maybe, try changing jabber@conference.jabber.org in your address bar to ejabberd@conference.jabber.ru
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[13:02:17] <jefferson44126> they require you to be registered (I think)
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[13:47:50] * harlock left the chat.
[13:55:55] * Kamil left the chat.
[14:00:53] * fillmore19467 joined the chat.
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[17:13:06] * Zeno joined the chat.
[17:13:28] <Zeno> Hi
[17:13:56] <Zeno> Hlo
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[18:31:27] * Epy joined the chat.
[18:35:03] <Epy> Hi guys
[18:40:25] <Epy> I have a new problem with my new chatroom :$ (no I'm not locked outside again :D )
[18:43:14] <Epy> when someone connects on the chatroom, he can't write until I add him the right to. but I don't want to. I'd like everybody
that connects to the chatroom could express as he wants (using this https://www.jappix.com/?r=carmedia@conference.jabber.org
for those who don't have a jabber account and doesn't want to have one)
Did i miss something when i created it ? thanks
[18:43:36] <mathieui> you made it moderated
[18:43:52] <Epy> arg :x
[18:44:09] <Epy> it's only that ! :x so stupid I am
[18:44:16] <mathieui> :D
[18:44:48] <Epy> thank you very much !
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[19:32:43] <ivucica> Hi all! >(
[19:32:47] <ivucica> :) *
[19:33:03] <ivucica> Has someone worked with libjingle and an external XMPP library, for purposes of establishing a non-voice session?
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[20:31:48] * coward16429 joined the chat.
[20:32:42] <coward16429> :/
[20:32:51] <coward16429> /name
[20:32:53] <coward16429> \name
[20:32:57] <coward16429> nop no irc
[20:33:19] <manu> coward16429, what are you looking for ?
[20:34:53] <manu> good night
[20:34:53] <coward16429> a faq
[20:35:04] * manu left the chat.
[20:35:12] <coward16429> I am looking for a faq to use it for my phpbb forum
[20:36:06] <coward16429> I am suppose to have a jabber server .. but I cant find out how and where and the faq on the site is short
[20:36:10] <naw> you need to configure a jabber account for your forum, and your users will receive notifications from that account
[20:36:27] <naw> you can create the account on jabber.org or in other servers
[20:36:53] * treebilou left the chat.
[20:36:53] <coward16429> I did it in jabber.org
[20:37:16] <coward16429> but I dont know how to find a list of server ( its asking me for a jabber-server
[20:38:13] <coward16429> but Its could be me thinking or comparing it to much with irc
[20:40:02] * HedgeMage joined the chat.
[20:42:05] * ivucica left the chat.
[20:47:54] * Tobias left the chat.
[20:52:23] <naw> then your server is jabber.org
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