Logs for jabber
[00:06:25] * louiz’ left the chat.
[00:06:34] * louiz’ joined the chat.
[02:00:08] * HedgeMage left the chat.
[02:36:21] * cc00 joined the chat.
[02:44:57] * dmex left the chat.
[02:51:14] * cc00 left the chat.
[03:45:11] * Santhosh.akd joined the chat.
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[04:09:37] * sahvishal joined the chat.
[04:09:37] * sahvishal left the chat.
[04:11:53] * sahvishal joined the chat.
[04:23:17] * treebilou joined the chat.
[04:25:04] * asandiyudo@mayplaces.com joined the chat.
[04:31:01] * asandiyudo@mayplaces.com left the chat.
[04:49:50] * HedgeMage joined the chat.
[06:22:49] * sahvishal left the chat.
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[06:32:34] * cc00 joined the chat.
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[07:20:49] * kf joined the chat.
[07:21:15] * Lastwebpage joined the chat.
[07:23:46] * allu2 joined the chat.
[07:32:45] * sahvishal joined the chat.
[07:32:46] * sahvishal left the chat.
[07:33:00] * Kamil joined the chat.
[07:36:29] * Lastwebpage left the chat.
[07:37:48] * sahvishal joined the chat.
[07:45:20] * allu2 left the chat.
[07:45:32] * allu2 joined the chat.
[08:05:56] * Lastwebpage joined the chat.
[08:11:41] * Mohd.suhail657 joined the chat.
[08:11:42] * Mohd.suhail657 left the chat.
[08:16:50] * HedgeMage left the chat.
[08:28:34] * Tobias joined the chat.
[08:28:45] * sahvishal left the chat.
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[08:32:26] * kf left the chat.
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[08:35:42] * sahvishal left the chat.
[08:39:08] * kf left the chat.
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[09:02:11] * dreamcast joined the chat.
[09:23:36] * Z_God joined the chat.
[09:50:06] * cc00 joined the chat.
[09:50:14] * cc00 left the chat.
[10:00:31] * marseille_ left the chat.
[10:06:24] * Kamil left the chat.
[11:07:08] * marseille_ joined the chat.
[11:10:02] * mahdieh.saeed joined the chat.
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[11:10:03] * mahdieh.saeed joined the chat.
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[11:24:29] * mpranj joined the chat.
[11:38:26] * Z_God left the chat.
[11:38:50] * Kamil joined the chat.
[11:44:06] * naw joined the chat.
[11:44:39] * Kev joined the chat.
[11:57:23] * mahdieh.saeed left the chat.
[11:59:31] * mahdieh.saeed joined the chat.
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[11:59:32] * mahdieh.saeed joined the chat.
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[11:59:32] * mahdieh.saeed joined the chat.
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[12:23:37] * alice joined the chat.
[12:46:03] * harrykar joined the chat.
[12:50:36] * mpranj left the chat.
[12:59:56] * alice left the chat.
[13:06:34] * ThurahT joined the chat.
[13:13:30] * mahdieh.saeed left the chat.
[14:46:00] * mathieui left the chat.
[14:46:08] * mathieui joined the chat.
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[15:00:57] * mathieui joined the chat.
[15:01:53] * Neustradamus joined the chat.
[15:03:40] * Kamil left the chat.
[15:06:12] * Z_God joined the chat.
[15:11:31] * cc00 joined the chat.
[15:11:45] * cc00 left the chat.
[15:11:55] * cc00 joined the chat.
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[15:18:20] * MattJ joined the chat.
[15:46:52] * the ♚ left the chat.
[15:54:55] * the ♚ joined the chat.
[15:55:49] * gfhgfh joined the chat.
[15:55:56] * gfhgfh left the chat.
[16:45:26] * Lastwebpage left the chat.
[17:04:06] * harrykar left the chat.
[17:04:09] * harrykar joined the chat.
[17:09:49] * dreamcast left the chat.
[17:16:46] * thar.s joined the chat.
[17:16:48] <thar.s> ب
[17:17:09] * Nizamtn joined the chat.
[17:17:09] * Nizamtn left the chat.
[17:21:29] * thar.s left the chat.
[17:28:57] * naw_ joined the chat.
[17:30:36] * Kamil joined the chat.
[17:33:48] * Eric Betts left the chat.
[17:36:50] * Eric Betts joined the chat.
[17:36:50] * Eric Betts left the chat.
[17:37:00] * Eric Betts joined the chat.
[17:37:00] * Eric Betts left the chat.
[17:37:00] * Eric Betts joined the chat.
[17:37:00] * Eric Betts left the chat.
[17:38:16] * Eric Betts joined the chat.
[17:42:39] * Jaxån left the chat.
[17:45:05] * rruggeri joined the chat.
[17:46:16] * Jaxån joined the chat.
[17:46:53] * rruggeri left the chat.
[17:49:48] * rruggeri joined the chat.
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[17:54:30] * Lastwebpage joined the chat.
[17:55:02] * Lastwebpage left the chat.
[17:55:20] * Lastwebpage joined the chat.
[18:02:13] * buchanan41960 joined the chat.
[18:02:21] * buchanan41960 left the chat.
[19:03:52] * dynam1te left the chat.
[19:04:31] * dynam1te joined the chat.
[19:18:08] * jameschurchman joined the chat.
[19:26:12] * allu2 left the chat.
[19:51:11] * Tobias left the chat.
[20:22:26] * Tobias joined the chat.
[20:35:28] * Kamil left the chat.
[20:40:03] * harrison1039 joined the chat.
[20:40:48] <harrison1039> Hello, I wish to enter an XMPP account to my pidgin client, what do I have to enter in the Domain field?
[20:41:57] <Kev> That depends what your address is on your XMPP server.
[20:42:09] <harrison1039> And how do I find that one?
[20:44:25] <Kev> Do you have an account yet?
[20:44:34] <harrison1039> Yes
[20:44:44] <Kev> What is it?
[20:45:08] <harrison1039> Goetz_von_Berlichingen@jabber.org
[20:45:16] <Kev> Then jabber.org is the server.
[20:45:28] <harrison1039> Ah
[20:45:30] <harrison1039> ...
[20:46:53] <ThurahT> resource is what you choose, like work or home or blank..
[20:47:00] <harrison1039> Yes, it works now
[20:47:04] <harrison1039> Thanks
[20:47:31] * harrison1039 left the chat.
[20:51:21] * asandiyudo@mayplaces.com joined the chat.
[20:53:25] * asandiyudo@mayplaces.com left the chat.
[20:54:06] * asandiyudo@mayplaces.com joined the chat.
[21:01:28] * jameschurchman left the chat.
[21:09:20] * the ♚ left the chat.
[21:11:29] * the ♚ joined the chat.
[21:12:27] * Tobias left the chat.
[21:12:27] * Tobias joined the chat.
[21:12:34] * Tobias left the chat.
[21:26:48] * kf left the chat.
[21:28:22] * naw left the chat.
[21:28:51] * naw_ left the chat.
[21:38:04] * paulmad joined the chat.
[21:51:22] * kf joined the chat.
[21:57:54] * Neustradamus left the chat.
[22:08:31] * Lastwebpage left the chat.
[22:12:53] * kf left the chat.
[22:13:55] * MattJ left the chat.
[22:20:03] * dynam1te left the chat.
[22:41:15] * dynam1te joined the chat.
[23:06:02] * HedgeMage joined the chat.
[23:27:09] * taft64758 joined the chat.
[23:28:21] <taft64758> hey folks.
[23:28:40] <taft64758> I'm hoping to find some help enabling jabber on my forum
[23:28:55] <taft64758> registered on jabber.org
[23:29:39] <taft64758> selected proxy.12jabber.net and tried to configure my phpbb board
[23:29:49] <taft64758> Information
Could not connect to Jabber server.
Error: open_socket() - Connection refused
Error: connect() #2