Logs for jabber
[00:19:17] * louiz’ left the chat.
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[06:22:37] * Kamil joined the chat.
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[07:02:17] * arthur21373 joined the chat.
[07:03:03] <arthur21373> bluecyber.00555@yahoo.com : i wanna to join ^_^
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[08:04:47] * Anmol.Anmoljain.Jain joined the chat.
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[08:56:31] * Chris January joined the chat.
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[10:05:50] * Tobias joined the chat.
[10:07:13] * ThurahT joined the chat.
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[11:04:20] * jameschurchman joined the chat.
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[11:14:34] * ldo joined the chat.
[11:16:37] <ldo> is there a list of chat rooms anywhere?
[11:18:52] <ThurahT> ask your client to retrieve it from conference@jabber.org
[11:20:32] <ldo> ThurahT, thx for the suggestion, but I can't find such an option.
[11:20:44] <ThurahT> hm..
[11:20:51] <ldo> running Habitual on Android.
[11:21:31] <ldo> sorry, "Jabiru"
[11:21:38] <mathieui> ThurahT, your client generates mailto: urls, which is evil
[11:21:51] <ThurahT> have no experience of that..
[11:21:55] <ldo> damn autocorrect
[11:22:33] <ThurahT> it wasn't the client.. just me typing.. : )
[11:22:43] <ldo> maybe I'll try a desktop client
[11:23:10] * Tobias left the chat.
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[11:35:16] <louiz’> ThurahT, no, your client is inserting « mailto: » on every JID, that’s bad
[11:36:21] <ThurahT> ah.. pidgin.. it's all darkrains fault.. : )
[11:37:45] <louiz’> :)
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[13:12:40] * Kamil left the chat.
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[13:41:21] * Bubuduwarah joined the chat.
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[15:01:47] * jackson18046 left the chat.
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[15:27:45] * buchanan59171 joined the chat.
[15:28:10] <buchanan59171> hi there :)
[15:28:30] <buchanan59171> has anyone time and knowledge to answer some questions about file transfer?
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[15:29:00] <buchanan59171> to be more specific: file transfer via a direct connection, not a proxy
[15:29:39] <Kev> Unless you ask the question, we're unlikely to know.
[15:30:28] <buchanan59171> i want to transfer a file to another jabber-user, but i want to have a direct connection and not use a filetransfer-proxy
[15:30:42] <buchanan59171> because via proxy it's very slow
[15:31:57] <buchanan59171> i don't know how to "say" to my client (i tried psy, pidgin, gajim and miranda) to establish a direct connection
[15:32:09] <buchanan59171> tried it on windows 7 and ubuntu 11.04
[15:32:31] <ThurahT> I have problems with this also actually..
[15:32:43] <buchanan59171> i think i've forwarded all the necessary ports (5222 tcp and 5222 - 5225 udp) in the firewall and router
[15:32:55] <Kev> Clients will always try to do a direct connection first. It's only when that fails that they'll fallback to a proxy.
[15:33:08] <buchanan59171> but it always semms to use the proxy, according to the slow upload
[15:33:10] <Kev> No, 5222 is the XMPP client connection port for talking to servers, not for file transfer.
[15:33:17] <buchanan59171> ah
[15:33:31] <buchanan59171> how can i find out or set the port for file transfer?
[15:33:33] <Kev> Your client will probably have a setting for which port to use.
[15:33:37] <Kev> Psi certainly has such a setting.
[15:33:41] <Kev> (And uses 8010 by default)
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[15:35:18] <buchanan59171> hang on, i'm trying
[15:36:47] <buchanan59171> hm
[15:36:55] <ThurahT> I told my client to use what ever between 1036-65535 and same thing on the receiver and we never had any success.. FTP was
the only thing that worked.. It is always sending through slow proxy servers.. : (
[15:37:00] <buchanan59171> psi says "Unable to connect to peer for data transfer.
Ensure that your Data Transfer settings are proper. If you are behind
a NAT router or firewall then you'll need to open the proper TCP port
or specify a Data Transfer Proxy in your account settings."
[15:37:24] <buchanan59171> i have my firewall deaktivated and the ports set on the router
[15:39:17] <ThurahT> pretty much the same here. Once we successfully managed a DC.. But the file was to big.. so it was back to FTP.
[15:39:18] * marseille_ joined the chat.
[15:40:22] <buchanan59171> i am now on psi+ and ubuntu 11.04
[15:40:29] <buchanan59171> my opposite on miranda and windows 7
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[15:49:14] * asandiyudo@mayplaces.com joined the chat.
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[15:50:27] <buchanan59171> hmmmmmmm, damnit, it's a problem on my side. my opposit can send files with full upload-speed
[15:50:34] <buchanan59171> in that case i am in the wrong chat here ;)
[15:50:39] <Kev> buchanan59171: Well.
[15:50:52] <Kev> Psi has an extension that means that if either end is open it'll work.
[15:51:01] <buchanan59171> i just don't know what more to do then to deactivate the firewall and set the ports on the router
[15:51:10] <Kev> Miranda has no such extension, so for file transfers to work in both directions, both ends need to be set up correctly.
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[15:51:26] <buchanan59171> he just sent me from miranda to my psi a file with full speed
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[15:52:16] <buchanan59171> ok, so i have to find the solution on my system
[15:52:36] <buchanan59171> thanks for your support anyway, answered a lot of questions :)
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[16:49:27] <buchanan59171> ok, i've got it
[16:49:35] <buchanan59171> it was a classical layer 8 problem *facepalm*
[16:50:19] <buchanan59171> the standard-setting in pidgin is, that the program will use the automatically detected IP adress
[16:50:37] <buchanan59171> and it detects my internal ip adress, not the public from the router
[16:50:50] <buchanan59171> so, i've unchecked it and put in my public adress, and it works
[16:51:05] <buchanan59171> i'm pretty sure that this will solve the problem in psi+ as well :)
[16:54:41] <ThurahT> hm.. wonder if that could be my problem also..
[16:55:39] <ThurahT> ah.. nope. It detects my public IP there as it should.. : / I'll dig further..
[16:59:56] <buchanan59171> best luck with it :)
[17:00:33] <ThurahT> yeah. I actually stop trying 4 months ago.. : )
[17:00:59] <buchanan59171> i've opened the ports 15222 - 15225 on both udp and tcp on the router and the firewall
[17:01:06] <buchanan59171> uh, long search...
[17:04:43] <ThurahT> : )
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[18:16:04] * Kamil joined the chat.
[18:18:09] * treebilou left the chat.
[18:19:27] * buchanan59171 left the chat.
[18:20:50] * coolidge26302 joined the chat.
[18:21:15] <coolidge26302> Is there a guide for setting up a jabber server on Ubuntu server? Google is giving me bubkiss!
[18:22:01] <louiz’> see prosody’s documentation ?
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[18:31:16] <coolidge26302> I haven't... To google!
[18:32:04] <coolidge26302> ah that's pretty straightforward. Cheers!
[18:32:17] <coolidge26302> I was trying to do it with straight "apt-get install jabber"
[18:32:25] <Kev> You don't want to do that :)
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[18:51:39] * Kamil left the chat.
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