Logs for jabber
[00:28:09] * harrykar left the chat.
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[03:55:50] * darkham joined the chat.
[03:56:11] <darkham> hi people
[03:56:21] <darkham> i'm using gajim 0.14.1
[03:56:51] <darkham> and i only would to know if i can type a command to look a room list
[03:56:59] <darkham> for conference.jabber.org
[04:02:18] <darkrain> darkham: Actions->Discover Services, type in "conference.jabber.org", and wait while it spins for a bit
[04:03:17] <darkham> eh darkrain i'm asking because gajim seems to crash
[04:03:26] <darkrain> Yes, I was about to mention that fact
[04:03:47] <darkrain> I'm pretty sure it has to do with the size of gajim's room list, so a command to list it wouldn't help either
[04:03:55] <darkrain> oops, conference.jabber.org's room list
[04:04:15] <darkham> yes
[04:04:43] <darkham> pidgin run correctly , but it havent't user's number
[04:06:02] <darkrain> Getting the number of users in each room is a wholly unfriendly thing to do if the server doesn't provide it in the description
/ name (it ends up requiring a second query *per room*)
[04:06:10] <darkrain> Which /may/ be why gajim is unhappy, but may not
[04:06:34] <darkrain> I would recommend ensuring you're using a recent version of Gajim, and if so, and you still see the issue, report it in their
[04:06:43] <darkrain> /me digs out pkill
[04:07:06] <darkham> i'm using the latest
[04:07:12] <darkham> the 0.14.1
[04:07:31] <darkham> no newer version available
[04:09:47] * allu2 joined the chat.
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[05:38:44] * marseille joined the chat.
[05:39:48] * Neustradamus joined the chat.
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[06:26:21] <eisenhower52055> hai
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[08:06:38] * Kev joined the chat.
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[08:12:40] * Lastwebpage joined the chat.
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[09:23:33] * ThurahT left the chat.
[09:25:20] * Link Mauve left the chat.
[09:26:22] * Virus109s joined the chat.
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[09:26:55] * ThurahT joined the chat.
[09:28:34] * Link Mauve joined the chat.
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[10:31:11] * Bug joined the chat.
[10:37:24] * Jaxån left the chat.
[10:45:52] * alice joined the chat.
[10:49:46] * dynam1te joined the chat.
[10:50:47] <Bug> Finally I ask. What is the target of Psi and what is the target of Swift?
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[11:00:40] * BARA11 joined the chat.
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[11:27:10] * hesgoodboy joined the chat.
[11:28:00] <hesgoodboy> has stpeter been online in the last few days?
[11:29:20] <Lastwebpage> yes
[11:30:19] <hesgoodboy> I wonder why he hasn't answered my email yet
[11:30:23] <hesgoodboy> hm
[11:31:21] <Lastwebpage> Bug PSI is a jabber client
[11:31:34] * ThurahT left the chat.
[11:31:34] * marseille_ left the chat.
[11:31:45] <Lastwebpage> Swift?
[11:32:04] * treebilou left the chat.
[11:32:08] <Lastwebpage> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swift_(disambiguation) ???
[11:32:17] * ThurahT joined the chat.
[11:34:04] * hesgoodboy left the chat.
[11:34:36] <Kev> Swift and Psi are both XMPP clients.
[11:55:58] * MattJ joined the chat.
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[12:16:48] <max.spicer> Hi. I'm looking at setting up a separate confernce server just to host multi-user chats, that our users (who will be using
Google Talk accounts) can connect to. We currently run our own XMPP server using ejabberd, but want to move the im side to
Google, and maybe just configure ejabberd to act solely as the conference server. Can anyone offer any pointers?
[12:25:17] * mathieui left the chat.
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[12:28:18] * Tobias joined the chat.
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[12:40:49] * the ♚ joined the chat.
[12:56:29] * naw joined the chat.
[12:57:40] <naw> max.spicer: you certainly could just setup the ejabberd server and block user registrations
[12:58:29] <naw> and also disable many of the modules, since they won't be required
[12:59:23] <max.spicer> That's what I was hoping. I'm struggling to find much documentation about muc servers at the moment though. Is there a standard
way of advertising a conference server for a particular domain?
[12:59:59] <max.spicer> At the moment, the clients find the conference server by magic as far as I can tell. ;-)
[13:00:13] * wjt joined the chat.
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[13:00:28] <naw> when you do "service discovery" of a server you see the services provided by it, let it be rooms, gateways to msn/yahoo......
[13:01:15] * Tobias left the chat.
[13:02:20] <naw> if you are curious about that part of the protocol: http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0030.html
[13:03:11] <max.spicer> I'm guessing that's not an option if users are connecting to Google's servers (hosted under our domain using apps), but we
want them to go elsewhere for a conference server though.
[13:03:38] <max.spicer> I was wondering if there were other methods - default hostnames, srv records etc
[13:06:01] <naw> no, as far I know, if google's server supported bookmarks you could bookmark rooms and join automatically
[13:06:37] <max.spicer> Ok, so we just have to tell users to enter the name of our conference server manually. That's a shame, but fair enough.
[13:07:08] <max.spicer> We'll likely be using Pidgin as a client, which does allow bookmarks. Google's client doesn't do muc at all (and is Windows
[13:07:40] <naw> oh, pidgin doesn't store the rooms in the server, so you could just add the rooms to the contact list
[13:07:41] <max.spicer> Happily, Google haven't blocked muc through other clients though.
[13:08:23] <naw> so the users won't need to put the room address achtime they want to join the room
[13:08:33] * yuppinturic left the chat.
[13:08:36] <max.spicer> but they need to specify it the first time they add it?
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[13:09:55] <naw> yes, but since, as far I know, it it stored locally maybe you could tweak the installer to ship with a default set of rooms.
But it only will be woorth if you have a lot iof users
[13:10:14] <max.spicer> probably not. Good to know though.
[13:12:02] <max.spicer> Thanks, that's useful information.
[13:17:52] * misha joined the chat.
[13:18:03] <misha> great, it works.
[13:19:08] * Tobias joined the chat.
[13:32:07] * Kamil left the chat.
[13:33:18] <Bug> Kev: I know both are XMPP clients. Just asking what's the real difference that made you guys code another client. So what
is the goal of each?
[13:33:36] <Kev> Bug: Right, that comment was to Lastwebpage.
[13:34:05] <Kev> Bug: Psi caters for power users, Swift for end users.
[13:35:20] <Bug> Kev: I always thought power users == end users.
[13:36:17] <Kev> The implication is that power users know what they're doing, are happy with a rough UI as long as it has many features, while
end users largely want things that are pretty, and easy to use, not caring about the more obscure features.
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[13:50:05] * harlock left the chat.
[13:55:39] * Tobias left the chat.
[13:55:58] * Jaxån joined the chat.
[13:57:35] <Bug> Kev: Psi has rough gui? I thought it was pretty minimalistic gui.
[13:58:37] * allu2 joined the chat.
[13:58:50] <naw> Bug: yes, it has, the path to bookmark a room is anything but intuitive
[13:59:50] <louiz’> and a lot of features means a lot of buttons/commands, so difficulties for non-power users
[13:59:59] <Bug> naw: When I think about it, I never bookmark a room, I just enter those I need when I feel like it.
[14:00:17] <Bug> louiz’: But shooting flys with a bazooka is fun.
[14:02:27] <louiz’> yes, but not for everyone. So not for the user that would use Swift
[14:04:21] <naw> Bug: sometimes want a powerfull system, others just a simple one, it depends on your needs
[14:04:51] <Kev> Basically, if you like the Psi UI, Psi is for you. If you don't, Swift might be for you.
[14:04:54] <Jaxån> I use Gajim for power using. And I find it pretty easy to use.
[14:05:07] <Jaxån> Like bookmarking rooms. :)
[14:20:21] <Bug> Kev: Well mostly I just use Pidgin due to the OTR. [We've already discussed the validating part]
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[16:13:15] * polk46497 joined the chat.
[16:14:04] <polk46497> Is jabber.org service support offline message?
[16:15:22] <louiz’> yes
[16:16:16] <polk46497> thx~
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[16:25:08] * Googolinez joined the chat.
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[16:30:52] <googolinez> Hi, what is the maximum number of users in a MUC?
[16:31:33] <HedgeMage> it's configurable, though specific server software may have an upper limit of its own.
[16:32:28] <googolinez> Thanks, But at conference.jabber.org what is the maximum ?
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[16:34:27] <HedgeMage> hmm... I'm not sure... the guys who run the server are idling in here, though, so if you wake up they may pop in and answer.
[16:36:01] <googolinez> thanks, i will do that
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[16:49:09] * czhan joined the chat.
[16:49:43] <czhan> what is Open Discussion Day?
[16:52:05] <MattJ> http://opendiscussionday.org/
[16:52:12] <Lastwebpage> no idea, everyone can say anything? :D
[16:52:26] <Bug> What's that?
[16:52:59] * ad joined the chat.
[16:53:07] <czhan> not many people using xmpp...
[16:53:21] <Bug> czhan: What makes you say that?
[16:53:42] <ad> Hi
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[16:55:21] <czhan> only i using this thing
[16:55:47] <Bug> czhan: What about everyone else in here? What about all the gtalk / facebook / livejournal users?
[16:57:18] <czhan> my friends using skype, because M$ windows can't support jingle protocol.
[16:57:50] <Bug> Which makes me wonder, how does Jingle preform compared to SIP?
[16:57:59] <MattJ> It can support it, just most of the clients do not support it on Windows yet
[16:58:21] <Lastwebpage> Sorry, but I still don't know what is an "Open Disucussion day", similiar to Linux day?
[16:58:24] <MattJ> I don't have Windows handy to test, but http://jitsi.org/ may work on Windows
[16:58:33] <czhan> sadly...
[16:59:11] <HedgeMage> lastwebpage: The idea is that one day/year those of us who believe in interoperable communication systems should advocate
their use to others.
[16:59:16] <MattJ> Lastwebpage, it started as a day to use only open communication protocols
[16:59:30] <Lastwebpage> okay ;)
[16:59:43] <MattJ> http://www.deepdarc.com/2006/05/19/full-time-jabber/
[16:59:55] <MattJ> Note the date on the post :)
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[17:11:00] <Bug> MattJ: Whats Evolve exectly?
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[17:14:03] <dam-alhanaa> hi:-)
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[18:10:48] <czhan> lonely...
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[20:25:49] * p0pa@jabber.org in now known as p0pa.
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[23:59:17] * Lastwebpage left the chat.
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