Logs for jabber
[00:17:38] * BARA11 joined the chat.
[00:17:49] <BARA11> ه
[00:32:37] <louiz’> that’s getting shorter and shorter
[00:45:27] * BARA11 left the chat.
[00:52:07] <Jaxån> Glad påsk!
[00:55:36] * treebilou left the chat.
[01:04:10] * evilotto left the chat.
[01:06:38] * jameschurchman left the chat.
[01:14:17] * philz joined the chat.
[01:39:50] * philz left the chat.
[03:16:05] * ceuklian joined the chat.
[03:16:05] * ceuklian left the chat.
[03:17:29] * ceuklian joined the chat.
[03:17:39] * ceuklian left the chat.
[03:37:29] * Qiangning Hong joined the chat.
[03:37:30] * Qiangning Hong left the chat.
[03:38:17] * Qiangning Hong joined the chat.
[03:38:59] * adams33844 joined the chat.
[03:39:13] * adams33492 joined the chat.
[03:39:26] * adams33492 left the chat.
[03:40:57] * adams33844 left the chat.
[03:42:09] * Qiangning Hong left the chat.
[03:42:11] * Qiangning Hong joined the chat.
[03:42:12] * Qiangning Hong left the chat.
[04:36:04] * Tanguy left the chat.
[04:40:48] * Tanguy joined the chat.
[05:09:05] * 123321 joined the chat.
[05:09:22] * 123321 left the chat.
[05:24:30] * Kamil joined the chat.
[05:50:26] * coward40184 joined the chat.
[05:51:27] * coward40184 left the chat.
[05:55:22] * mpranj joined the chat.
[06:00:25] * mpranj left the chat.
[06:00:35] * mpranj joined the chat.
[06:06:42] * harlock joined the chat.
[06:08:23] * mpranj left the chat.
[06:33:16] * Manishk966 joined the chat.
[06:33:17] * Manishk966 left the chat.
[06:33:42] * Manishk966 joined the chat.
[06:33:45] * Manishk966 left the chat.
[06:45:31] * Jaxån left the chat.
[06:46:19] * mohd.salman085 joined the chat.
[06:46:19] * mohd.salman085 left the chat.
[06:50:12] * mohd.salman085 joined the chat.
[06:51:28] * mohd.salman085 left the chat.
[06:52:33] * mohd.salman085 joined the chat.
[06:52:47] * mohd.salman085 left the chat.
[07:03:09] * HedgeMage left the chat.
[07:50:48] * Lastwebpage joined the chat.
[07:54:02] * Amyroox joined the chat.
[07:54:02] * Amyroox left the chat.
[07:56:47] * Qiangning Hong joined the chat.
[07:56:47] * Qiangning Hong left the chat.
[07:58:11] * harlock left the chat.
[08:02:13] * Tobias joined the chat.
[08:13:24] * truman14370 joined the chat.
[08:22:22] * truman14370 left the chat.
[09:48:37] * Kamil left the chat.
[09:48:37] * Kamil joined the chat.
[09:53:22] * harrykar left the chat.
[09:53:23] * harrykar joined the chat.
[10:33:14] * yuppinturic joined the chat.
[11:12:14] * Jaisonkjs88 joined the chat.
[11:12:15] * Jaisonkjs88 left the chat.
[11:13:37] * Tobias left the chat.
[11:25:45] * MattJ joined the chat.
[11:52:42] * Neustradamus left the chat.
[11:59:31] * Neustradamus joined the chat.
[12:09:38] * treebilou joined the chat.
[12:55:39] * Kamil left the chat.
[13:18:24] * amera3 joined the chat.
[13:18:37] * amera3 left the chat.
[13:22:43] * treebilou left the chat.
[13:58:10] * treebilou joined the chat.
[14:04:19] * kf joined the chat.
[14:23:28] * yuppinturic left the chat.
[15:11:14] * Tobias joined the chat.
[15:20:06] * evilotto joined the chat.
[15:31:25] * garfield63134 joined the chat.
[15:34:22] * garfield63134 left the chat.
[15:38:41] * kf left the chat.
[15:55:31] * stpeter joined the chat.
[16:05:16] * amera3 joined the chat.
[16:07:52] * amera3 left the chat.
[16:09:30] * Neustradamus left the chat.
[17:02:56] * Tobias left the chat.
[17:03:43] * kennedy53308 joined the chat.
[17:05:20] * marseille_ joined the chat.
[17:16:36] * Neustradamus joined the chat.
[17:31:15] * tyler25748 joined the chat.
[17:31:21] <tyler25748> ?
[17:31:29] <tyler25748> Не понял
[17:33:29] * tyler25748 left the chat.
[18:21:18] * Z_God joined the chat.
[18:29:54] * Eknath joined the chat.
[18:29:55] * Eknath left the chat.
[18:33:23] * kennedy53308 left the chat.
[18:45:36] * Kev left the chat.
[18:46:47] * Kev joined the chat.
[18:56:25] * dreamcast joined the chat.
[19:29:36] * dan joined the chat.
[19:30:23] * dan left the chat.
[19:50:06] * jameschurchman joined the chat.
[20:05:38] * Kamil joined the chat.
[20:09:18] * stpeter left the chat.
[20:22:13] * evilotto left the chat.
[20:25:29] * marseille_ left the chat.
[20:44:49] * harrykar left the chat.
[21:19:20] * abo.haedar joined the chat.
[21:19:40] * abo.haedar left the chat.
[21:23:32] * Kamil left the chat.
[21:29:00] * bbattal415 joined the chat.
[21:29:00] * bbattal415 left the chat.
[21:30:56] * abo.haedar joined the chat.
[21:31:10] * abo.haedar left the chat.
[21:37:37] * niekie joined the chat.
[22:31:50] * harrison184 joined the chat.
[22:33:06] <harrison184> Hello
[22:33:39] <harrison184> i'm having trouble getting Pidgin to work with jabber.org
[22:40:35] * marseille_ joined the chat.
[22:52:54] * harrison184 left the chat.
[22:57:59] * Z_God left the chat.
[23:11:20] * lo0lo0 joined the chat.
[23:13:27] * marseille_ left the chat.
[23:14:55] * Stephan joined the chat.
[23:16:15] <Stephan> Hello
[23:17:39] <Stephan> Who i can got agile for nokia E5
[23:19:38] <Stephan> MattJ:
[23:20:10] * lo0lo0 left the chat.
[23:24:47] <Stephan> It.s simes that u help no one :-(
[23:30:28] <Stephan> Kev:
[23:30:54] <Stephan> :-S
[23:32:06] * harrykar joined the chat.
[23:45:13] * Stephan left the chat.
[23:59:54] * grzesir joined the chat.
[00:00:00] * grzesir left the chat.
[00:01:05] * grzesir joined the chat.
[00:01:06] <grzesir> hello
[00:01:06] * grzesir left the chat.