Logs for jabber
[00:33:11] * Damascus joined the chat.
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[04:02:43] <ball103411> Hey
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[05:26:32] * roosevelt594 joined the chat.
[05:27:32] <roosevelt594> when receiving a pubsub event the spec says <message from='pubsub.shakespeare.lit' to='francisco@denmark.lit' id='foo'>...</message>
without a type attribute
[05:27:39] <roosevelt594> http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0060.html
[05:27:52] <roosevelt594> shouldn't the message stanza have type=headline?
[06:02:08] * marseille_ joined the chat.
[06:11:30] * Neustradamus left the chat.
[06:19:09] * tichodroma joined the chat.
[06:20:57] * harrykar joined the chat.
[06:28:10] * marseille_ left the chat.
[06:29:03] * Kamil joined the chat.
[06:33:53] * Tobias joined the chat.
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[07:14:32] * Kev left the chat.
[07:17:03] * Kev joined the chat.
[07:17:11] * Lastwebpage joined the chat.
[07:28:50] * RAFEELA.SALIM joined the chat.
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[07:37:32] * yuppinturic joined the chat.
[08:17:43] * Tobias left the chat.
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[08:20:30] * roosevelt594 left the chat.
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[09:12:48] * Neustradamus joined the chat.
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[09:21:12] * HedgeMage left the chat.
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[10:50:37] * Neustradamus left the chat.
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[10:59:50] * naw joined the chat.
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[11:25:45] * Jubyavarachan joined the chat.
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[12:52:01] * Tobias joined the chat.
[13:17:43] * tichodroma left the chat.
[13:18:53] * Kamil left the chat.
[13:26:38] * Iraq.nasir joined the chat.
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[13:34:43] * lucapost joined the chat.
[13:34:47] <lucapost> hi all
[13:35:02] <MattJ> Hi
[13:35:12] <lucapost> is there a way to show member list of my room on @conference.jabber.org?
[13:35:20] <MattJ> What client are you using?
[13:35:25] <lucapost> pidgin
[13:35:31] <lucapost> 2.7.1
[13:35:49] <MattJ> I think the answer is no then, but I'm not a frequent Pidgin user
[13:36:04] <lucapost> uhm...
[13:36:06] <MattJ> I know you can view it in Psi, Gajim and others
[13:36:18] <lucapost> on linux?
[13:36:21] <MattJ> Yes
[13:36:26] <lucapost> ok
[13:36:29] <MattJ> I'm using Gajim on Linux
[13:37:32] <lucapost> does gajim support video on xmpp?
[13:37:37] <louiz’> yes
[13:37:51] <louiz’> gajim is XMPP only
[13:37:53] <Kev> Oh, does it? I didn't know that.
[13:38:12] <MattJ> It does, has done for a while
[13:38:22] <Kev> Knew about voice, didn't know about video.
[13:38:28] <Kev> Is that Windows too?
[13:38:32] <louiz’> nope
[13:38:33] <MattJ> I don't think so
[13:38:34] <ThurahT> no : (
[13:38:51] <lucapost> uhm.. is there windows client with video support on xmpp?
[13:38:58] <ThurahT> no : (
[13:39:04] <lucapost> :(
[13:39:20] <MattJ> ThurahT, sure about that?
[13:39:30] <ThurahT> last time I checked.
[13:39:48] <louiz’> sipcommunicator does’nt ?
[13:39:59] <lucapost> ok...testing gajim now...
[13:40:08] * lucapost left the chat.
[13:40:36] <MattJ> SIP communicator is now http://jitsi.org/
[13:40:41] <MattJ> and it says it does...
[13:40:41] <louiz’> yes
[13:40:54] <louiz’> but I always forget that new name :D
[13:40:54] <MattJ> I don't have Windows to confirm that though :)
[13:40:56] <ThurahT> oh.. cool.
[13:41:10] <darkrain> Glad it renamed if it's going to support !SIP protocols
[13:41:41] <louiz’> it already does
[13:41:54] <darkrain> Yes, I saw. Which is why I'm glad it renamed.
[13:42:26] <louiz’> ok
[13:42:28] <ThurahT> I haven't checked in on that site for quite some time I notice..
[13:44:37] * dijon joined the chat.
[13:44:39] <ThurahT> http://www.jitsi.org/index.php/Main/Features <-- that is pretty impressive..
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[13:46:40] * lucapost joined the chat.
[13:46:51] <lucapost> ri-hi
[13:46:55] <lucapost> uhm...
[13:47:20] <lucapost> I like gajim, is like pidgin...
[13:47:41] <ThurahT> : )
[13:48:46] <lucapost> wow
[13:48:59] <lucapost> it have a lot of options...
[13:49:43] <ThurahT> lucapost: Btw.. I was wrong about V&V support on windows.
[13:50:07] <ThurahT> jitsi former sip communicator has it http://www.jitsi.org/index.php/Main/Features
[13:50:23] <louiz’> yes, we said that :p
[13:50:33] <ThurahT> but he had left by then.. : )
[13:50:43] <louiz’> ah ok :D
[13:51:12] <ThurahT> but he maybe saw that when rejoining btw.. : )
[13:51:33] <ThurahT> it logs back some rows..
[13:51:44] <Kev> ThurahT: Not necessarily.
[13:51:53] <Kev> Depends on how much history the client asks for.
[13:52:02] <ThurahT> ok
[13:52:21] <MattJ> Gajim asks for all since the last time it was in the room
[13:53:37] <Kev> MattJ: I knew that :)
[13:54:04] <louiz’> but the server does’nt send that much
[13:54:04] <Kev> It's not a given that it'll get it, though :)
[13:54:12] <louiz’> indeed
[13:54:46] <ThurahT> well.. I'm off for easter break. Happy egg-eating everyone
[13:54:48] <lucapost> I have contacts with multiple xmpp accounts, can I merge these in gajim like pidgin?
[13:55:33] <MattJ> lucapost, yes, drag one onto the other
[13:56:18] * ThurahT left the chat.
[13:56:20] <lucapost> MattJ, yeah
[13:56:25] <lucapost> thanks
[13:59:04] <lucapost> MattJ, and for video calls with gajim?
[13:59:52] <MattJ> You need Gajim 0.14 and the python-farsight package
[14:00:08] <MattJ> and the buttons appear in the conversation window to start an audio/video call if the contact supports it
[14:01:41] <lucapost> uhm...
[14:01:50] <lucapost> i have only 0.13.4
[14:02:05] <MattJ> I don't think it was in that version :(
[14:02:06] <lucapost> in mint debian
[14:02:44] <lucapost> MattJ, do you think that gajim is the more complete xmpp client for linux?
[14:03:31] <Kev> The featuresets aren't usually supersets or subsets.
[14:03:57] <Kev> So the best thing to do when picking a client is to find one that has the stuff you need it to have, rather than picking the
one with the most features, IMO.
[14:04:08] <louiz’> indeed
[14:04:44] <louiz’> but, yeah, gajim is the most complete, afaik
[14:04:57] <Kev> It does have a lot of features, certainly.
[14:07:20] <MattJ> I use it because of the clients with the most features (Psi, Gajim, tkabber) I prefer its UI
[14:07:58] * bagaz joined the chat.
[14:10:19] <lucapost> uhm...i like pidgin interface, but I need some gajim options...
[14:10:21] <lucapost> :)
[14:11:31] <Kev> I still like Swift's interface best of all - but Jitsi looks pretty shiny, I should try that sometime.
[14:11:45] <Kev> Need to get a few more features into Swift.
[14:21:49] <lucapost> MattJ, is there a way to remove smiles figures in gajim? I like, but only like text...
[14:22:08] <MattJ> Yes, I have it that way too
[14:22:44] <lucapost> in pref?
[14:23:00] <MattJ> Yes, except I can't remember the option...
[14:23:10] <lucapost> emotion disabled
[14:23:13] <lucapost> :)
[14:23:20] <lucapost> in pref->general
[14:23:36] <lucapost> sorry for disturbs
[14:23:36] <MattJ> Heh, ah yes :)
[14:59:33] * louiz’ left the chat.
[14:59:39] * louiz’ joined the chat.
[15:33:58] <lucapost> thanks for help
[15:34:00] <lucapost> bye
[15:34:10] * lucapost left the chat.
[15:36:09] * NAGHAM12008 joined the chat.
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[15:52:58] * bagaz left the chat.
[16:04:00] * lucapost joined the chat.
[16:04:06] <lucapost> hi
[16:04:09] <lucapost> again
[16:04:51] <lucapost> and is there xmpp client with video support for macosx?
[16:08:12] <MattJ> No idea, though I think Jitsi said it supported OS X
[16:12:50] <lucapost> marseille, have it xmpp support? or only sip?
[16:13:40] <lucapost> ops
[16:13:43] <lucapost> MattJ,
[16:13:45] <lucapost> :)
[16:14:04] <MattJ> http://jitsi.org/
[16:17:44] * Z_God joined the chat.
[16:23:29] * marseille_ joined the chat.
[16:34:41] <lucapost> yep
[16:34:46] <lucapost> http://jitsi.org/index.php/Main/Features
[16:35:03] <lucapost> it have video support for windows and macosx
[16:35:07] <lucapost> great!
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[16:50:20] * shawn joined the chat.
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[17:01:14] * lucapost left the chat.
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[17:19:25] <obama23643> hi
[17:29:53] * evilotto joined the chat.
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[18:03:39] * Kamil joined the chat.
[18:05:32] * stpeter joined the chat.
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[18:15:46] * arthur44418 joined the chat.
[18:17:36] <arthur44418> Hi
[18:17:42] <arthur44418> I still don't get what jabber is
[18:18:41] <stpeter> it's an IM technology
[18:18:43] * 9tf003 joined the chat.
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[18:19:03] <stpeter> it lets you send messages, keep your buddy list, share presence information, join chatrooms, etc.
[18:23:27] * BARA11 joined the chat.
[18:23:30] <BARA11> ب
[18:23:53] <BARA11> هاي
[18:23:57] <louiz’> yes
[18:24:38] <louiz’> that’s still an english-speaking room
[18:24:55] <stpeter> yes
[18:25:00] <stpeter> hi louiz’!
[18:25:10] <louiz’> hi!
[18:25:13] <stpeter> louiz’: do you use louiz’ because louiz is reserved?
[18:25:29] <louiz’> no, because that’s more fun :)
[18:25:47] <stpeter> haha
[18:25:49] <stpeter> ok :)
[18:25:58] <louiz’> and that a diminutive of a previous nickname
[18:26:03] <louiz’> that’s
[18:26:39] <BARA11> هاي
[18:26:53] <arthur44418> thank you stpeter
[18:26:55] <BARA11> كيف لجميع
[18:26:58] <arthur44418> you are indeed the rock
[18:27:05] <louiz’> :)
[18:27:21] <stpeter> heh
[18:27:40] <louiz’> BARA11, we do not understand, you know?
[18:28:24] * BARA11 left the chat.
[18:31:22] <MattJ> /me reports stpeter to AOL for use of the trademarked term "buddy list"
[18:31:30] <louiz’> :D
[18:31:34] <MattJ> I'd report you to Cisco for use of "Jabber", but I suspect I wouldn't get far
[18:32:02] <stpeter> MattJ: oops, yeah, I usually try to avoid the-term-that-shall-not-be-mentioned
[18:32:19] <stpeter> perhaps I'll start to call it the friends list
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[22:16:09] * ★ joined the chat.
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[22:48:11] * BARA11 joined the chat.
[22:48:14] <BARA11> ب
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[22:48:38] <louiz’> still english O/
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[23:26:16] * Lastwebpage left the chat.
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