Logs for jabber
[00:07:22] * srldd left the chat.
[01:26:46] * naw joined the chat.
[01:28:46] * jameschurchman left the chat.
[01:47:46] * darkrain left the chat.
[01:50:47] * yuppinturic left the chat.
[01:55:20] * naw left the chat.
[02:01:31] * harding10891 joined the chat.
[02:14:25] * Mister Acacia joined the chat.
[02:14:25] * Mister Acacia left the chat.
[02:42:29] * Mister Acacia joined the chat.
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[02:46:09] * Mister Acacia joined the chat.
[03:07:00] * Mister Acacia left the chat.
[03:39:32] * HedgeMage joined the chat.
[04:22:25] * harding10891 left the chat.
[04:24:12] * evilotto left the chat.
[04:26:33] * HedgeMage left the chat.
[04:35:21] * mahdieh.saeed joined the chat.
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[04:41:50] * treebilou joined the chat.
[05:44:55] * marseille_ joined the chat.
[05:55:30] * ford6180 joined the chat.
[05:56:07] <ford6180> Hi there. Is it possible to connect to jabber.org via 80 or any other port, more generic then 5222?
[05:58:46] * harlock joined the chat.
[06:08:38] * Kamil joined the chat.
[06:27:32] * marseille_ left the chat.
[06:40:13] <Kev> 'more generic'?
[06:40:38] <Kev> 80 is the assigned port for HTTP client connections, 5222 is the assigned port for XMPP client connections.
[06:51:13] <ford6180> Kev: yes, but I have firewall with 5222 port closed. I used jabber.ru earlier and they had allports server there I was able
to use any port to coonect, even 80
[06:51:43] <ford6180> So I have only http, ftp, imap pop and smtp ports available
[06:57:48] <Kev> If you have your own proxy you could do that, but jabber.org itself doesn't listen on 80.
[07:02:43] * tichodroma joined the chat.
[07:40:03] * Lastwebpage joined the chat.
[07:45:26] <ford6180> ok, thanks for support
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[07:58:44] * treebilou left the chat.
[08:10:47] * carter13213 joined the chat.
[08:10:54] * carter13213 left the chat.
[08:51:53] * amer222 joined the chat.
[08:52:09] * amer222 left the chat.
[09:03:06] * tichodroma left the chat.
[09:06:20] * ciccio joined the chat.
[09:08:20] <ciccio> ploffed:(
[09:08:21] * tichodroma joined the chat.
[09:08:38] <ThurahT> ploffed??
[09:09:57] * Jo-Erlend Schinstad joined the chat.
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[09:23:21] * treebilou joined the chat.
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[09:29:49] * ciccio left the chat.
[09:31:22] * naw joined the chat.
[09:37:23] * louiz’ left the chat.
[09:37:32] * louiz’ joined the chat.
[09:52:53] * cheney37036 joined the chat.
[09:54:00] <cheney37036> Hi there.. how can i use jabber.org to connect to yahoo chat or msn chat?
[09:55:01] <naw> you will need to use transports for that
[09:55:13] <cheney37036> how can i use that?
[09:55:31] <naw> another option is to use a multiprotocl client, that will connect to jabber, msn, yyahoo,.... at th same time
[09:56:04] <cheney37036> on my phone.. i do have Palringo.. which allows that
[09:56:21] <naw> http://www.jabberes.org/servers/ there you can see a list of servers with transports (you can use their transports with your
jabber.org account)
[09:56:44] <naw> go to the service discovery dialog in your client, put the address of one of the servers
[09:57:12] <naw> the dialog should display their services, and you should see the option to register on the transport
[09:57:19] <naw> what client are you using?
[09:57:38] <cheney37036> Palringo
[09:58:35] <naw> well, then you don't need transports since palringo also connects to yahoo and msn
[09:58:59] <naw> and I don't know if palringo has service discovery
[09:59:01] <cheney37036> No.. the version of Palringo I have does not connect to yahoo on its own.. its limited version for india
[09:59:46] <cheney37036> on this client .. it is asking for Username, Domain, Password and Server
[10:00:03] <naw> then look at the transports, but you may need to use a pc client (like Psi) to register in the transport
[10:00:27] <naw> do you already have a jabbber.org account?
[10:00:35] <cheney37036> yes.. i already have that
[10:01:24] <naw> well, fill the fields then
[10:01:53] <naw> I guess that you can leave the server field empty and it will use the domain field
[10:02:09] <cheney37036> Now.. let me start with first one.. Username - should it be Yahoo Username or Jabber Username?
[10:04:01] <naw> if you registering on the transport, then the yahoo data
but if you are trying to setup the jabber account on palringo, then the jabber data
[10:04:34] <cheney37036> ok.. so using Yahoo username..
[10:04:40] <cheney37036> what should be domain?
[10:06:02] * ThurahT left the chat.
[10:06:44] <naw> the part that goes after the @ in your email address
[10:06:59] <naw> yahoo.com, yahoo.es or whatever
[10:07:12] <cheney37036> server
[10:07:32] <cheney37036> ?
[10:08:22] <naw> I don't know, but I think that a yahoo transport should only ask for the yahoo user id and fot the password
[10:09:00] <cheney37036> ok.. thanks.. just one more question.. how does my registration with Jabber.org helps to use Yahoo?
[10:11:38] <naw> jabber is a instant messaging network, when you connect to one account (like the one you created on jabber.org) you can talk
with other users and join roms like this one
there are also "transports" that translate from msn or yahoo to jabber. It present your yahoo contacts as if they were jabber
users and enable you to talk to them as if they used jabber, and the transport translate the messges to yahoo format
[10:12:13] <cheney37036> ok.. thanks for your help...
[10:13:12] <cheney37036> i tried yahoo.. but its not working.. saying that "could not establish connection with server"
[10:14:09] <naw> are you sure that it isn't asking the jabber account data?
[10:14:42] <cheney37036> there is one more field.. called Resource
[10:15:15] <cheney37036> but apart from that it is not asking for jabber account data
[10:17:05] <cheney37036> for facebook chat.. i had to give domain and server as chat.facebook.com (which is working) for Yahoo.. i am using Yahoo.com..
but not working
[10:17:14] * yuppinturic joined the chat.
[10:19:30] <naw> if it asks you for a resource name, then it is asking you for the jabber data
[10:20:32] <cheney37036> well.. it is just resource name.. no place to put user name and password
[10:21:20] <naw> it asked you before for the username, domain and password
[10:21:48] <cheney37036> that is for Yahoo .. right?
[10:22:16] <naw> by the way, in jabber, the resource name is whatever you want, I would put "palringo" or "hone" for example
[10:22:25] <naw> I guess that it was for jabber
[10:22:59] <cheney37036> ok.
[10:30:26] * sahvishal joined the chat.
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[10:30:50] * cheney37036 left the chat.
[10:31:27] * sahvishal joined the chat.
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[11:38:39] * tichodroma left the chat.
[12:59:23] * mahdieh.saeed left the chat.
[13:33:27] * Kamil left the chat.
[13:35:25] * darkrain joined the chat.
[13:47:56] * ThurahT joined the chat.
[13:58:19] * harlock left the chat.
[14:19:06] * andrea.cordani@gmail.com joined the chat.
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[14:22:41] * andrea.cordani@gmail.com joined the chat.
[14:25:03] * andrea.cordani@gmail.com left the chat.
[14:26:42] * jackson13614 joined the chat.
[14:28:00] * MattJ joined the chat.
[14:42:03] * amer222 joined the chat.
[14:42:13] * amer222 left the chat.
[14:45:52] * jackson13614 left the chat.
[14:46:17] * madison37643 joined the chat.
[14:46:42] <madison37643> hi there! could anybody tell me how I could reach a person who gave me a adress like ...@jabber.org ?
[14:47:23] <Kev> You mean someone told you their JID was something@jabber.org, and you want to know how to chat to them?
[14:48:03] <madison37643> yes,exactley..o.k. instead of something there was the name..^^
[14:48:52] <Kev> You'll need a Jabber account and a Jabber client. You could register with jabber.org at https://register.jabber.org, or on
any number of other servers. Then add someone@jabber.org to your roster and start chatting.
[14:50:13] <madison37643> hhm..I made a jabber account and downloaded one of the clients for windows..and then I was here -_-
[14:51:21] <madison37643> I could not see any rooster or something..
[14:52:09] <madison37643> sorry for my mistakes,I am from germany and my english is not that well..
[14:54:46] * ford1449 joined the chat.
[14:54:54] <madison37643> the client I downloaded was exodus..still there anyone?
[14:55:21] <MattJ> 21 people are here, and you :)
[14:56:12] <madison37643> well...btw. I am not madison..no idea why her name is written there instead of mine..
[14:56:42] <MattJ> Did you tell it your name? If not, how is it supposed to know what your name is? :)
[14:56:46] <MattJ> It's just a random one
[14:57:06] <MattJ> Anyway, I'm not sure how well Exodus works on jabber.org, it's a rather old client
[14:57:10] <MattJ> I don't know what its current status is
[14:57:39] <madison37643> do you know a better client for windows 7 ?
[14:58:37] <MattJ> Kev, Swift works on 7?
[14:58:43] <Kev> Certainly.
[14:59:07] <MattJ> madison37643, try http://swift.im/ then
[15:00:29] <madison37643> thanks a lot,then I will try it with swift again..no idea how I came here,but nice to meat you all! If I ever find back to
here I will tell if it worked better..will try this now..
[15:08:03] <MattJ> :)
[15:13:29] <madison37643> I downloded it,now I will look if I can find the person I´m looking for..I put this chatroom on favorite list to find it back..it
is a little bit funny for me to get to a chatroom where english is spoken..at least I wrote in english at school,some years
ago..maybe anytime I find myself in french one..^^ see you later maybee..
[15:13:57] <MattJ> There are French ones too :)
[15:14:17] <MattJ> http://www.jabberfr.org/
[15:15:44] <madison37643> oO..my french is even more worse than my english is..come to a german one and try your luck..I don`t want to think how my
sentences may sound for you..^^
[15:17:42] <MattJ> Ha
[15:20:21] <madison37643> I speak german the whole day.. I had a few years at school..I´m happy this is written english..when I try to watch movies
in english they do speak that fast,I understand less than half of it..
[15:21:18] <madison37643> *I meant english I had a few years at school
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[15:29:27] * kf joined the chat.
[15:34:22] * niekie joined the chat.
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[15:50:01] * evilotto joined the chat.
[15:56:03] * niekie left the chat.
[16:25:45] * yuppinturic left the chat.
[16:48:53] * marseille_ joined the chat.
[17:34:54] * naw left the chat.
[17:44:15] * Tobias joined the chat.
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[19:01:26] * Tobias joined the chat.
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[19:42:17] * Kamil joined the chat.
[20:00:45] <ThurahT> what is the pros and cons with swift compared to psi?
[20:01:30] <Kev> Cons: fewer features
[20:02:06] <Kev> Pros: easier to use, actively developed, nicer code (less of a benefit to an end-user, I realise), some newer features that
Psi doesn't have.
[20:03:27] <ThurahT> I see. I noticed you work on both projects.
[20:04:28] <Kev> Indeed.
[20:04:32] <Kev> At some length :)
[20:05:21] <ThurahT> I'm trying to introduce xmpp for a friend but he was afraid he wouldn't understand the interface and features compared to
[20:05:44] <Kev> Then I think Swift rather than Psi is the one to go for.
[20:05:59] <Kev> Grab a copy, give it a try and see if you agree :)
[20:06:52] <ThurahT> yes. I'll link him.
I need pidign for msn and icq.. : )
[20:07:17] * yuppinturic left the chat.
[20:08:12] <ThurahT> I'll try it though. I always try everything.
[20:08:33] <ThurahT> that didnät sound right. But think mainly software wise..
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[22:14:14] * Kamil left the chat.
[22:50:23] * treebilou left the chat.
[23:28:59] * naw joined the chat.
[23:49:30] * Lastwebpage left the chat.
[23:51:20] * Tobias left the chat.