Logs for jabber
[00:03:07] * Lastwebpage left the chat.
[00:06:17] * naw left the chat.
[00:20:20] * treebilou left the chat.
[00:20:43] * treebilou joined the chat.
[00:41:04] * jameschurchman left the chat.
[01:25:14] * bagaz left the chat.
[01:27:46] * harrykar left the chat.
[01:38:42] * bagaz joined the chat.
[01:45:28] * yuppinturic left the chat.
[02:08:22] * ThurahT left the chat.
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[02:47:10] * M.Ali Akmanalp joined the chat.
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[03:19:51] * darkrain left the chat.
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[03:30:57] * ford60967 left the chat.
[03:51:53] * bagaz left the chat.
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[05:08:29] <jmkcmx.0520> louiz’
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[05:42:22] * ThurahT left the chat.
[05:46:22] * ThurahT joined the chat.
[05:59:34] * stuklist joined the chat.
[05:59:50] * mahdieh.saeed left the chat.
[06:01:02] <stuklist> hi
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[06:13:00] * harlock joined the chat.
[06:15:22] * stuklist left the chat.
[06:18:51] * Kamil joined the chat.
[06:19:11] * tichodroma joined the chat.
[06:38:48] * Kev left the chat.
[06:40:15] * Kev joined the chat.
[06:56:00] * harrykar joined the chat.
[07:12:35] * Lastwebpage joined the chat.
[07:26:53] * RAFEELA.SALIM joined the chat.
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[07:47:15] * bagaz joined the chat.
[07:58:16] * yuppinturic joined the chat.
[08:15:46] <louiz’> Free highlight :o
[09:14:05] * louiz’ left the chat.
[09:17:20] * louiz’ joined the chat.
[09:37:12] * naw joined the chat.
[09:38:26] * Kev left the chat.
[09:43:37] * Kev joined the chat.
[09:43:52] * jameschurchman joined the chat.
[09:47:12] * Kev left the chat.
[09:47:55] * Kev joined the chat.
[09:53:25] * harlock left the chat.
[09:53:26] * harlock joined the chat.
[09:59:08] * Tobias joined the chat.
[10:31:17] * mahdieh.saeed left the chat.
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[10:38:50] * naw_ joined the chat.
[10:39:54] * naw_ left the chat.
[10:55:07] * Kevin joined the chat.
[11:17:16] * bagaz left the chat.
[11:38:48] * Tobias left the chat.
[12:02:53] * GavYur joined the chat.
[12:03:49] * GavYur left the chat.
[12:13:13] * Kevin left the chat.
[12:40:22] * mahdieh.saeed left the chat.
[12:42:55] * kevin joined the chat.
[12:43:05] * lucapost joined the chat.
[12:43:30] <lucapost> hi
[12:43:43] * kevin left the chat.
[12:43:47] <lucapost> is there a windows client for xmpp with video support?
[12:44:14] * Kevin joined the chat.
[12:44:41] <Kevin> is it possible to ignore a user at reference.jabber.org?
[12:45:10] <Kevin> When I send a privacylist it returns a 503 error
[12:45:25] <Kev> reference.jabber.org?
[12:45:29] <Kev> There's no such service.
[12:45:39] <Kevin> conference* sorry
[12:46:19] <Kev> jabber.org doesn't support blocking, if that's what you're asking. It will soon, although that won't help you with users within
a chatroom.
[12:46:36] <Kev> If someone in a room is a nuisance, removing them from the room is appropriate
[12:46:58] <Kevin> Okay thanks
[12:47:56] <Kevin> One more question, is 1 on 1 chat available on conference.jabber.org? Or do I have to create a private room?
[12:50:38] <lucapost> hi, can anybody help me? is there windows client with video supporto for xmpp?
[12:50:58] <lucapost> I can't found it...
[12:55:15] <Kev> Kevin: One on one chat? Explain. You can chat to anyone in a room with you unless the room owner disallowed it.
[12:55:54] <Kevin> I want to be able to whisper to somebody in a room
[12:56:15] <Kevin> but it has to open a new window and send an invite to the person you want to whisper to
[13:01:55] * Kevin left the chat.
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[13:20:48] * Kevin left the chat.
[13:22:50] * Kevin joined the chat.
[13:25:03] * KevinTest joined the chat.
[13:25:42] * darkrain joined the chat.
[13:26:32] * lucapost left the chat.
[13:28:22] * Kamil left the chat.
[13:38:01] * adams51400 joined the chat.
[13:38:03] * adams51400 left the chat.
[13:47:00] * tichodroma left the chat.
[13:47:38] * kozlic\40jabber.org joined the chat.
[13:47:41] * kozlic\40jabber.org left the chat.
[13:47:56] * harlock left the chat.
[13:48:16] * bush4604 joined the chat.
[14:18:06] * KevinTest left the chat.
[14:25:32] * Kev left the chat.
[14:26:41] * Kev joined the chat.
[14:30:10] * jameschurchman left the chat.
[14:34:58] * bush4604 left the chat.
[14:35:30] * jens joined the chat.
[14:35:39] * jens left the chat.
[15:13:45] * mpranj joined the chat.
[15:16:45] * alice joined the chat.
[15:19:14] * harrison51123 joined the chat.
[15:21:02] <harrison51123> ??
[15:21:53] <louiz’> ??
[15:24:08] * harrison51123 left the chat.
[15:24:09] * hoover45242 joined the chat.
[15:24:16] * hoover45242 left the chat.
[15:25:02] * harrison18512 joined the chat.
[15:27:26] <harrison18512> Hi...I'm having problems contacting several buddies who all have accounts at jabber.org. I'm running my own Openfire server
and I'm trying to contact them from my Openfire server. Firewall settings are OK, port 5269 is open and reachable.
[15:28:09] <harrison18512> using Pidgin, my jabber.org buddies show up shortly with a "404 - remote server not found" status message and then they disappear
[15:28:20] <harrison18512> Any idea what could be wrong?
[15:28:48] <Kev> Are you aware that the recent Openfire release broke s2s?
[15:28:54] <harrison18512> um
[15:28:55] <harrison18512> no
[15:29:02] <Kev> Openfire's recent release broke s2s.
[15:29:03] <harrison18512> I'm running 3.7.0
[15:29:07] <Kev> Yes, that one.
[15:29:11] <harrison18512> oh, great
[15:29:18] <harrison18512> ok, thanks :-)
[15:29:46] <Kev> I believe there is a patch in their bugtracker, if you fancy compiling it yourself.
[15:32:25] <harrison18512> I think I'll rather downgrade to the last 3.6 release instead
[15:33:34] <Kev> Is that the one with the critical security vulnerability? :)
[15:34:44] * stpeter joined the chat.
[15:36:22] <harrison18512> Propably ;-)
[15:38:01] <Kev> Ah, no, 3.6.4 is seemingly not afflicted.
[15:39:42] <harrison18512> I've set "xmpp.server.tls.enabled = false" as a workaround. Seems to work
[15:40:20] <harrison18512> Encryption would be nicer, though
[15:40:36] <louiz’> of course, yes
[15:42:13] <mathieui> a lot
[15:46:12] <harrison18512> That's ok for now...I'll downgrade tomorrow. That'll take some time because Openfire is running in a cluster
[15:46:31] <harrison18512> However...thanks for helping
[15:47:58] <harrison18512> see you
[15:48:02] * harrison18512 left the chat.
[15:57:51] * srldd joined the chat.
[16:21:28] * treebilou left the chat.
[16:23:52] * treebilou joined the chat.
[16:31:09] * ala7ssass joined the chat.
[16:33:54] <ala7ssass> /me شوش
[16:34:35] <ala7ssass> /me امول
[16:35:25] <Lastwebpage> as usual Software: Talkonaut :|
[16:35:46] <ala7ssass> :-|
[16:38:25] * Iraq.nasir joined the chat.
[16:38:25] * Iraq.nasir left the chat.
[16:39:15] * Iraq.nasir joined the chat.
[16:40:33] <Iraq.nasir> هلوو
[16:43:59] <stpeter> Lastwebpage: yeah
[16:44:23] * Z_God joined the chat.
[16:45:39] * kf joined the chat.
[16:46:05] * Kevin left the chat.
[16:47:23] * ala7ssass left the chat.
[17:01:42] * Iraq.nasir left the chat.
[17:11:09] * mpranj left the chat.
[17:18:44] * anonymous17748 joined the chat.
[17:21:10] * anonymous17748 left the chat.
[17:30:54] * the ♚ left the chat.
[17:31:33] * Kamil joined the chat.
[17:36:15] * the ♚ joined the chat.
[18:14:02] * harrykar left the chat.
[18:14:39] * adams50354 joined the chat.
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[18:15:12] * naw left the chat.
[18:28:58] * yuppinturic left the chat.
[18:38:15] * alice left the chat.
[18:41:08] * DanMan joined the chat.
[18:42:22] <DanMan> Hi. Under http://xmpp.org/xmpp-software/libraries/ the link to the Lightr library is dead
[18:43:08] <DanMan> Google brought up this: http://code.google.com/p/lightr/
[18:43:16] <DanMan> and that: http://www.ohloh.net/p/lightr
[18:47:57] <DanMan> cheers
[18:48:00] * DanMan left the chat.
[19:10:52] * m.nona888 joined the chat.
[19:11:10] <m.nona888> ب
[19:11:21] <m.nona888> هاي
[19:11:36] <m.nona888> Hi
[19:11:42] * m.nona888 left the chat.
[19:11:59] <Lastwebpage> what a surprise Software: Talkonaut :D
[19:39:57] * kf left the chat.
[19:46:29] * Cute4687 joined the chat.
[19:46:29] * Cute4687 left the chat.
[19:46:30] * Cute4687 joined the chat.
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[19:46:47] * treebilou left the chat.
[19:54:40] * naw joined the chat.
[20:18:36] * marseille_ joined the chat.
[20:37:54] * chance.lemons joined the chat.
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[20:49:28] * harrykar joined the chat.
[21:01:29] <stpeter> /me fixes the link for Lightr
[21:01:35] <stpeter> although I wonder if the project is just dead
[21:01:51] <stpeter> the old URL was to area51, no wonder it's gone :)
[21:05:40] * jameschurchman joined the chat.
[21:14:39] * coolidge55868 joined the chat.
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[21:42:28] * marseille_ left the chat.
[21:46:41] * Kamil left the chat.
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[21:54:18] * roosevelt52943 joined the chat.
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[22:11:42] * stpeter left the chat.
[22:34:37] * naw left the chat.
[22:43:41] * Link Mauve left the chat.
[22:45:07] * Link Mauve joined the chat.
[22:58:13] * Z_God left the chat.
[23:01:13] * Lastwebpage left the chat.
[23:44:17] * vanburen13808 joined the chat.
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