Logs for jabber
[00:34:09] * Lastwebpage left the chat.
[01:06:43] * naw left the chat.
[01:09:11] * ThurahT joined the chat.
[01:14:54] <ThurahT> hi all, I am trouble shooting over here.. Can someone check from which server I am connected? or is that not visible perhaps
[01:23:58] * yuppinturic left the chat.
[01:29:05] <darkrain> ThurahT: It's not visible
[01:29:10] <darkrain> (in this room)
[01:29:48] <ThurahT> ah.. is it a specific room setting for that?
[01:30:27] <darkrain> Yes
[01:30:28] <louiz’> yes
[01:30:53] <ThurahT> so if I go to nother I can see for my self perhaps
[01:30:59] <ThurahT> *+a
[01:33:13] <ThurahT> ah.. I see now. thx for tips.
[01:34:40] * ThurahT left the chat.
[01:34:42] * thuraht joined the chat.
[01:35:06] <thuraht> woa. lavsbit dodn't liek that I guess..
[01:35:14] <thuraht> *didnät like
[01:35:22] <thuraht> crap keyboard..
[01:35:53] * thuraht left the chat.
[01:35:56] * ThurahT joined the chat.
[01:37:11] <ThurahT> is there a specific reason why retrieving info would get you disconnected?
[01:44:02] * the ♚ left the chat.
[01:45:47] <darkrain> No
[01:46:02] <darkrain> What error did you see?
[01:46:39] <ThurahT> didn't have the console on.. But each time I get disconnected. i'll turn it on and check..
[01:50:51] <ThurahT> it only states that I sign off. Don't know how too check under the hood.
[01:54:06] <darkrain> What client?
[01:54:12] <ThurahT> pidign latest
[01:54:20] <darkrain> Help->Debug Window
[01:54:36] <ThurahT> hah.. was looking under tools..
[01:56:51] <ThurahT> looking in the debug window first reveals: I cant see so much since text is black and I am a black background user. I'll mark
it too see it all.
[01:59:30] <darkrain> Make sure Level is set to All
[01:59:36] <ThurahT> yep
[02:01:53] <ThurahT> meh.. now when I finally could see under the hood I do NOT get disconnected. The log reveals that I get everything ok. Guess
it was a hiccup..
[02:04:03] <ThurahT> thx for finding me the debug window : )
[02:04:16] <darkrain> Haha, you're welcome :)
[02:38:06] * louiz’ left the chat.
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[03:21:48] * darkrain left the chat.
[03:21:49] * darkrain joined the chat.
[03:57:26] * czhan joined the chat.
[03:58:15] <czhan> hi
[03:59:05] <louiz’> hi
[03:59:31] <czhan> jabber is a nice protocol
[04:00:22] <louiz’> yes
[04:00:42] <czhan> can i using voice and video call?
[04:00:59] <louiz’> Yes, on Linux
[04:01:37] <czhan> linux only?
[04:03:49] <louiz’> as far as I know, yes
[04:04:48] <czhan> even pidgin?
[04:05:52] <louiz’> Dunno, see on their website
[04:06:49] <ThurahT> http://developer.pidgin.im/wiki/Using Pidgin#DoesPidginsupportvoiceorvideo
[04:07:28] <ThurahT> don't click sopy paste.. since there is a space in the adress.
[04:07:37] <ThurahT> or even copy.
[04:09:31] <czhan> could gnu call will replace jingle protocol?
[04:11:26] <ThurahT> isn't gnu call a open source skype program?
[04:11:49] <louiz’> hum, I donn’t think so
[04:12:06] <louiz’> I thought that was just a sip client
[04:12:14] <czhan> gnus is not a open souce skype
[04:13:09] <czhan> does Gtalk support voice and video call?
[04:13:09] <louiz’> That’s SIP, indeed
[04:13:15] <louiz’> czhan, yes
[04:13:24] <ThurahT> http://mybroadband.co.za/news/software/19177-GNU-Call-open-source-Skype.html but this?
[04:13:57] <louiz’> this what?
[04:14:08] <louiz’> The title is wrong
[04:14:29] <louiz’> That’s not an open source skype client.
[04:15:02] <louiz’> That uses SIP, which can easily replace Skype
[04:16:30] <ThurahT> either way it wont replace jingle will it?
[04:17:06] <louiz’> that’s just two different protocole for almost the same thing
[04:17:12] <ThurahT> yea
[04:17:49] <czhan> sadly, i can't using jingle protocol in window$
[04:18:12] <louiz’> sadly you use windows
[04:19:11] <czhan> how many % of people using linux?
[04:19:51] <ThurahT> too few.. : /
[04:20:03] <czhan> sadly =_=
[04:20:07] <louiz’> We cannot know
[04:21:55] <czhan> that why only a few people using xmpp protocol
[04:22:20] <ThurahT> actually...
[04:22:47] <ThurahT> there are More than 500 million active users of xmpp..
[04:23:10] <louiz’> Why is this related to the linux users?
[04:23:32] <ThurahT> and that is only on face book.. luckily other as well.. like every one using g-talk..
[04:23:54] <czhan> jingle can't support window$
[04:24:01] <ThurahT> no.. not yet..
[04:24:23] <louiz’> But a lot of people do not care about audio/vidéo…
[04:24:51] <czhan> could fakebook will support voice and video call?
[04:25:32] <louiz’> if they want to, why not?
[04:26:01] <czhan> i just want to make a free phone call to my oversea friends, but i don't like skype
[04:26:24] <louiz’> Then I don’t know
[04:45:41] <czhan> what is SILC protocol?
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[06:09:16] * Kamil joined the chat.
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[07:18:45] * Tobias joined the chat.
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[08:51:28] * Tobias left the chat.
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[09:44:56] * Lastwebpage joined the chat.
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[11:37:52] * ThurahT left the chat.
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[12:05:20] * treebilou joined the chat.
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[14:00:17] * MattJ joined the chat.
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[15:11:29] * Jason Beach joined the chat.
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[15:41:32] * Jason Beach left the chat.
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[17:16:23] * Kevmin left the chat.
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[18:32:38] * paulmad left the chat.
[18:35:00] * Love.me joined the chat.
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[19:04:38] * Neustradamus joined the chat.
[19:05:06] * garfield41687 joined the chat.
[19:05:32] <garfield41687> sa
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[19:15:12] * Tobias joined the chat.
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[19:59:41] * Z_God joined the chat.
[20:26:02] * harlock joined the chat.
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[21:03:06] * Kamil left the chat.
[21:08:37] * Man28 joined the chat.
[21:11:29] * Holger left the chat.
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[21:13:59] * Holger joined the chat.
[21:17:18] * Man28 left the chat.
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[21:26:09] * tyler46460 joined the chat.
[21:26:22] <tyler46460> xep-0085 defines 'composing' and 'paused' events
[21:26:28] <tyler46460> what about 'stopped' event?
[21:27:02] <tyler46460> a user start typing but than delete what he typed completely
[21:27:10] <tyler46460> you don't want to show 'paused' for ever
[21:31:00] <louiz’> tyler46460, that’s "active" in that case
[21:31:11] <louiz’> or gone if you want
[21:33:56] <tyler46460> doesn't active/gone have other meaning?
[21:35:00] <tyler46460> "Note that the <active/>, <inactive/>, and <gone/> states refer to the overall chat session interface whereas the <composing/>
and <paused/> states refer to the message input interface"
[21:35:13] * Nado joined the chat.
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[21:38:26] <louiz’> yes but if you’re looking at the conversation AND the input is empty, that’s "active"
[21:41:09] <tyler46460> I think "stopped" is more intutitive
[21:41:11] * treebilou left the chat.
[21:41:11] <tyler46460> thanks
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[22:15:56] * taylor58871 joined the chat.
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[22:17:28] <taylor58871> I want to use Jabber for internal IM only, can I block it from going out to the web?
[22:17:44] <louiz’> yes
[22:17:52] <louiz’> by disabling s2s
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[22:17:58] <louiz’> (server to server)
[22:18:19] <taylor58871> Thanks
[22:18:39] <louiz’> how you do that depends on the server
[22:19:03] <taylor58871> I will research
[22:19:06] <louiz’> ok
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[22:37:44] * Z_God left the chat.
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[22:45:48] <taylor58871> It worked, thanks. [{allow,host_name},{deny,all}]
[22:47:22] <louiz’> :)
[22:47:22] <louiz’> ping?
[22:47:24] <louiz’> ok
[23:06:57] * Soha joined the chat.
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[23:24:12] * MattJ left the chat.
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[23:38:32] * lizziekinz45@gmail.com/Meebo joined the chat.
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[23:39:40] <lizziekinz45@gmail.com/Meebo> sup louiz
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[23:41:46] <louiz’> sup