Logs for jabber
[00:16:48] * jameschurchman joined the chat.
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[00:40:47] * hartem left the chat.
[00:48:11] * eisenhower34749 joined the chat.
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[00:59:22] * MattJ left the chat.
[01:31:15] * yuppinturic left the chat.
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[01:40:35] * Lastwebpage left the chat.
[01:54:02] * obama20905 joined the chat.
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[02:38:02] * fillmore45342 joined the chat.
[02:38:34] <fillmore45342> hey, do you know if jabber works for ichat?
[02:38:45] <louiz’> Yes
[02:39:20] <fillmore45342> i tried to set it up but it wont work.... do you know how to set it up?
[02:41:08] <louiz’> No, I do not use it, sorry
[02:41:26] <louiz’> What’s the error?
[02:42:01] <fillmore45342> every time i type it in it will not show up that they are online even though they are
[02:42:24] <louiz’> I don’t know then :/
[02:42:53] <fillmore45342> does any one know how to set it up?
[02:44:06] * yuppinturic left the chat.
[02:48:43] * arthur52225 joined the chat.
[02:49:11] <arthur52225> hey, do you know if jabber works for ichat?
[02:50:00] * fillmore45342 left the chat.
[02:52:13] <louiz’> http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?path=iChat/3.0/en/fz102.html ?
[02:52:34] <louiz’> http://prowiki.isc.upenn.edu/wiki/IChat_and_Jabber
[02:56:16] * Link Mauve left the chat.
[03:03:46] * Link Mauve joined the chat.
[03:05:26] * Jaleelkadampuzha joined the chat.
[03:05:26] * Jaleelkadampuzha left the chat.
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[03:06:06] * Jaleelkadampuzha joined the chat.
[03:06:31] <arthur52225> those did not help
[03:07:42] <arthur52225> im looking for a way to talk to a freind who has a jabber acount i have an aim
[03:07:55] <Jaleelkadampuzha> Taks
[03:08:45] <arthur52225> ?
[03:10:19] <louiz’> You need a Jabber account to talk to someone who has a Jabber account
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[03:14:41] * arthur52225 left the chat.
[03:23:40] * arthur35251 joined the chat.
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[04:52:07] * BeardedMandolin left the chat.
[05:04:11] * kf joined the chat.
[05:04:49] * kf left the chat.
[06:07:57] * HedgeMage left the chat.
[06:15:28] * treebilou joined the chat.
[06:54:23] * Jonathon Conte joined the chat.
[06:55:26] * Jonathon Conte left the chat.
[07:04:26] * Kamil joined the chat.
[07:08:49] * 03.computer joined the chat.
[07:08:49] * 03.computer left the chat.
[07:15:54] * tichodroma joined the chat.
[07:48:43] * naw joined the chat.
[08:05:03] * naw left the chat.
[08:06:52] * Lastwebpage joined the chat.
[08:45:39] * yuppinturic joined the chat.
[08:50:30] * Kev left the chat.
[08:51:00] * Kev joined the chat.
[10:05:03] * john--connor joined the chat.
[10:05:33] <john--connor> hey
[10:06:26] <john--connor> Kev, hi
[10:06:35] <john--connor> hey tanguy
[10:06:39] <john--connor> wc
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[10:37:46] * Munaf joined the chat.
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[10:52:37] * buchanan59432 joined the chat.
[10:53:06] <buchanan59432> hi
[10:56:27] * alice joined the chat.
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[11:25:18] * alice left the chat.
[11:30:28] * Tobias joined the chat.
[11:41:32] * mpranj joined the chat.
[11:43:04] * Tobias left the chat.
[12:10:48] * jackson29315 joined the chat.
[12:11:25] <jackson29315> hi there :)
[12:12:01] <jackson29315> some friends and i want to switch from icq/oscar to xmpp
[12:12:20] <jackson29315> so far everything works great (we are registered at jabber.ccc.de), but tile transfers are incredibly slow
[12:12:34] <jackson29315> i presume that they are going over the ccc.de-server
[12:12:53] <jackson29315> how can i make direkt connections, peer-to-peer?
[12:13:01] <jackson29315> we are using pidgin on ubuntu 10.10
[12:15:45] * treebilou left the chat.
[12:23:33] * Tobias joined the chat.
[12:45:25] * heam.rn joined the chat.
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[12:53:05] <jackson29315> no one? :(
[12:59:12] * Kamil left the chat.
[13:24:49] * /gentili.nicola joined the chat.
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[13:29:55] * Kamil joined the chat.
[13:30:14] * /gentili.nicola joined the chat.
[13:30:28] * lurker13129 joined the chat.
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[13:30:39] * lurker35828 joined the chat.
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[13:46:54] * /gentili.nicola left the chat.
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[13:49:31] * harlock joined the chat.
[14:03:47] * naw joined the chat.
[14:11:47] * HedgeMage joined the chat.
[14:17:04] * tichodroma left the chat.
[14:19:54] * Kamil left the chat.
[14:24:23] * Tobias left the chat.
[14:24:44] * Tobias joined the chat.
[14:43:45] * naw left the chat.
[14:45:00] * quincyadams41030 joined the chat.
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[14:46:46] * /gentili.nicola joined the chat.
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[14:47:18] * Chandan7688 joined the chat.
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[14:51:30] * /gentili.nicola joined the chat.
[14:56:14] * harlock left the chat.
[15:14:25] * /gentili.nicola left the chat.
[15:32:27] * Abd..2011 joined the chat.
[15:33:03] <Abd..2011> The topic is: Welcome to the Jabber help room! | Visit discuss@conference.jabber.org to talk about other topics. This room
chats in English.
[15:36:46] <louiz’> Yes
[15:42:10] <lurker35828> yes..? :)
[15:42:35] <lurker35828> oh, i am jackson29314 from earlier....
[15:44:27] * hayes12364 joined the chat.
[15:45:02] <hayes12364> what program should I use to jabber on a pc?
[15:45:45] <louiz’> Any
[15:46:08] <louiz’> http://xmpp.org/xmpp-software/clients/
[15:46:20] <hayes12364> I tried cochinella (sorry if I spelled that wrong) and it wouldn't work
[15:47:04] <hayes12364> Just wondered if anyone had a recommendation
[15:47:29] <Kev> Psi is a bit clunky by comparison to some, but is pretty solid.
[15:47:50] * Abd..2011 left the chat.
[15:52:48] <hayes12364> Thank you.
[15:52:54] * stpeter joined the chat.
[15:55:19] * hayes12364 left the chat.
[16:16:49] * the ♚ left the chat.
[16:22:34] * fachtnaroe joined the chat.
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[16:23:26] * aciidx joined the chat.
[16:30:05] * hartem joined the chat.
[16:32:00] * Tobias left the chat.
[16:43:54] * clinton31551 joined the chat.
[16:44:50] <clinton31551> OK, got psi installed and ready to roll. I'm trying to join a chatroom but can't - any suggestions?
[16:45:04] <stpeter> you're in this one, no? :)
[16:45:08] <stpeter> that's a good place to test
[16:45:20] <aciidx> =)
[16:45:49] <clinton31551> no error message or anything - the icon just keeps circling. On on the web for this one, not psi
[16:46:16] <stpeter> hmm
[16:46:39] <stpeter> are you sure you're logged in?
[16:46:53] <stpeter> feel free to add me to your buddy list and we can test -- stpeter@jabber.org
[16:48:22] <stpeter> ok :)
[16:49:45] <lurker35828> hi
[16:49:55] <stpeter> hi lurker35828
[16:50:18] <lurker35828> one question: ist a direct file transfer (peer-to-peer) possible?
[16:50:25] <lurker35828> i'm using pidgin on ubuntu 10.10
[16:50:55] <lurker35828> according to the upload-speed i get when sending someone a file, it seems like the transfer goes over the proxy
[16:51:43] <stpeter> lurker35828: it depends on NATs and firewalls and so on
[16:52:31] * greattasteteri joined the chat.
[16:52:33] <lurker35828> hm, in the linux-firewall i've set up the correct port for both UDP and TCP, on my router too
[16:52:55] <lurker35828> and my opposite too
[16:53:13] <stpeter> hmm
[16:53:17] <greattasteteri> Okay, I'm in here. Let me try another
[16:53:24] <lurker35828> does the protocol automaticly choose the proxy, if the ports are blocked?
[16:53:24] <stpeter> greattasteteri: excellent
[16:53:35] * BeardedMandolin joined the chat.
[16:53:44] <stpeter> lurker35828: you might need to configure that in your client
[16:53:57] <stpeter> lurker35828: or your client might discover a relay from your server
[16:54:18] <stpeter> e.g., we run a file transfer proxy at proxy.eu.jabber.org
[16:55:28] <stpeter> brb
[16:55:35] <lurker35828> ah, i see
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[16:56:16] * BeardedMandolin left the chat.
[16:56:24] <lurker35828> so this means that, even if there is no proxy for data transfer set in my client settings, my server (jabber.ccc.de) might
relay the file transfer correct to a proxy?
[16:58:41] <Kev> No
[16:58:50] <Kev> It's always your client that sends the data to the proxy.
[16:59:03] <Kev> Your server may advertise a proxy that your client can choose to use.
[16:59:14] <Kev> And some clients have hard-coded proxies that they fall back to.
[17:03:10] <lurker35828> so there is no way to initialize a peer-to-peer connection?
[17:03:27] <Kev> Yes, there is, that should be tried first.
[17:03:41] <lurker35828> ok
[17:03:45] <Kev> Only if the sender doesn't have a compatible setup will it fall back to a proxy.
[17:04:18] <lurker35828> meaning the xmpp-protocol-version?
[17:04:34] <lurker35828> and port forwardet in firewall and router?
[17:04:59] <Kev> There are many factors - port forwarding, client configuration etc.
[17:05:06] <lurker35828> sorry for aksing that much, i was searching a lot of websites for informations about direct file transfer, just couldn't find
an answer
[17:05:12] <lurker35828> ok
[17:18:36] * Tobias joined the chat.
[17:19:14] <clinton31551> how do I set up a bot to save all the history in my chatroom and if this is done, will that saved content still be active
and editable in the chat? ie a "to do list"
[17:36:19] * the ♚ joined the chat.
[17:37:03] * Kev left the chat.
[17:38:59] * Kev joined the chat.
[17:43:05] * clinton31551 left the chat.
[17:48:50] * aboatmo joined the chat.
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[17:51:00] * /gentili.nicola joined the chat.
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[17:51:55] * lurker35828 left the chat.
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[18:00:46] * Batoome70000 joined the chat.
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[18:04:40] * yuppinturic left the chat.
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[18:16:18] * hartem left the chat.
[18:26:32] * marseille left the chat.
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[18:41:43] * Kamil joined the chat.
[18:51:36] * Kamil left the chat.
[18:58:40] * /gentili.nicola left the chat.
[19:05:30] * yuppinturic joined the chat.
[19:11:49] * aciidx left the chat.
[19:16:51] * Shahinmn joined the chat.
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[19:22:30] * /gentili.nicola joined the chat.
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[19:24:11] * kf joined the chat.
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[19:30:07] * alex1981 joined the chat.
[19:31:32] * anonymous55990 joined the chat.
[19:31:51] <alex1981> Hi every one
[19:32:27] <anonymous55990> Hello, does anyone know what command I could use to run a silent install of jabber?
[19:32:47] <alex1981> hello? Any body here?
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[19:36:05] <alex1981> Anybody speak spanish?
[19:36:40] <Kev> anonymous55990: What do you mean by 'jabber'? Jabber isn't a bit of software.
[19:40:30] <anonymous55990> Hi Kev, Jagger is an IM client
[19:40:35] <anonymous55990> Jabber
[19:40:55] <Kev> Link?
[19:42:27] <louiz’> Jabber is not a client
[19:43:02] <alex1981> hello?
[19:43:09] <louiz’> hello ?
[19:43:24] <alex1981> please?
[19:43:51] <louiz’> Sorry, no
[19:44:28] <alex1981> louiz pv no?
[19:44:36] <louiz’> ?
[19:44:43] <louiz’> I do not speak spanish
[19:45:18] <alex1981> ok, pv please
[19:45:40] <louiz’> If you want
[19:45:48] <louiz’> But what for?
[19:46:53] <alex1981> my connection is very slow
[19:47:06] <louiz’> So?
[19:47:22] <alex1981> I wanna ask you something about jabber servers
[19:47:34] <anonymous55990> yes please
[19:47:50] <anonymous55990> or it could be called MomentIM
[19:48:17] <alex1981> I'm from Cuba, where are you all from
[19:49:21] * treebilou joined the chat.
[19:49:28] <louiz’> Just ask here
[19:49:49] * Neustradamus left the chat.
[19:49:52] <alex1981> I'm trying conecting a jabber server with yahoo and msn transports
[19:50:07] * anonymous55990 left the chat.
[19:53:02] * hartem joined the chat.
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[19:55:31] <alex1981> Are there recently jabber servers with this option?
[19:57:03] <Kev> It's not the server that supports that, but a transport.
[19:57:22] <Kev> Almost all servers support running transport components, and you can use http://spectrum.im as the transport.
[19:58:32] <alex1981> yes, I know that
[19:58:48] <alex1981> I only need a url jabber with that
[20:07:36] * alex1981 left the chat.
[20:20:26] * LoOloO joined the chat.
[20:20:56] * LoOloO left the chat.
[20:33:46] * Kamil joined the chat.
[20:37:49] * hartem left the chat.
[20:39:32] * Tobias left the chat.
[20:42:30] * Neustradamus joined the chat.
[20:44:47] * Tobias joined the chat.
[20:55:59] <Lastwebpage> someone knows something about "centralpark" ?
[20:57:04] <stpeter> hmm
[20:57:05] <louiz’> That’s something in New York
[20:57:17] <stpeter> I used to take walks there when I was a student in New York City :)
[20:57:31] <Lastwebpage> no, I mean the largest jabber muc
[20:57:36] <louiz’> :D
[20:57:43] <Lastwebpage> 500 members or more
[20:57:49] <louiz’> On what server ?
[20:58:29] <Lastwebpage> I did a mistake and hit the delete button :|
[20:58:54] <louiz’> :|
[20:59:05] <stpeter> you deleted it from this server?
[20:59:31] <Lastwebpage> from my contactlist, because I got a 404 error
[20:59:49] <louiz’> an you can’t remember the server?
[21:00:25] <Lastwebpage> no :/
[21:09:12] <Lastwebpage> okay, seems to me I must search for other large mucs to test my client
[21:09:36] <Kev> #ubuntu on FreeNode through an IRC transport would do the job.
[21:11:12] <louiz’> Indeed :)
[21:12:03] <Lastwebpage> found it, was chesspark.com, but down :/
[21:12:51] <louiz’> :/
[21:26:57] * Tobias left the chat.
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[23:26:48] <Bob> hj
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