Logs for jabber
[00:29:02] * harrykar left the chat.
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[01:54:22] * Lastwebpage left the chat.
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[03:23:32] * Jonathon Conte joined the chat.
[03:23:55] * Jonathon Conte left the chat.
[03:38:12] * HedgeMage left the chat.
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[04:32:53] * hamoda joined the chat.
[04:33:22] <hamoda>
شرفونا باحلا روم روم البرنس البرنس@conference.jabber.ru
[04:33:25] <hamoda>
شرفونا باحلا روم روم البرنس البرنس@conference.jabber.ru
[04:33:28] <hamoda>
شرفونا باحلا روم روم البرنس البرنس@conference.jabber.ru
[04:33:31] <hamoda>
شرفونا باحلا روم روم البرنس البرنس@conference.jabber.ru
[04:33:34] <hamoda>
شرفونا باحلا روم روم البرنس البرنس@conference.jabber.ru
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[04:33:48] * ―•☆◦°бђфšτ◎яìδŧя°◦☆•― joined the chat.
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[07:07:36] * harlock joined the chat.
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[07:18:32] * Kamil joined the chat.
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[07:23:54] * tichodroma joined the chat.
[07:50:37] * Kamil left the chat.
[08:11:31] * harrykar joined the chat.
[08:26:07] * marseille_ left the chat.
[08:33:37] * Lastwebpage joined the chat.
[08:48:30] * naw joined the chat.
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[08:56:03] * Kev joined the chat.
[08:56:40] * nanoona joined the chat.
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[08:58:24] * naw joined the chat.
[08:59:10] * Jonathon Conte joined the chat.
[09:00:55] <Jonathon Conte> harrykar: what xmpp client are you using?
[09:01:23] <Jonathon Conte> niekie: same question--which client are you using?
[09:01:39] <Kev> Why those two in particular?
[09:01:53] <harrykar> Jonathon Conte, if im here gajim no? :-)
[09:02:06] <Jonathon Conte> I'm trying to figure out which clients support avatars and audio/video in chat rooms.
[09:02:15] <Kev> Ah.
[09:02:31] <Kev> Pretty much everyone supports avatars in MUCs.
[09:02:42] <Jonathon Conte> but you don't see my avatar, do you?
[09:02:45] <Kev> I do.
[09:02:55] <Jonathon Conte> oh? didn't know that
[09:02:58] <Jonathon Conte> guess I can't see myself
[09:03:25] <Jonathon Conte> can you see that my client supports audio & video?
[09:03:35] * nw joined the chat.
[09:03:55] <Kev> My client doesn't, so no.
[09:04:00] <harrykar> Kev: I do. > i not too(here) why?
[09:04:00] <Jonathon Conte> ah, okay.
[09:04:09] * rocknd joined the chat.
[09:05:27] <Jonathon Conte> harrykar: How would I guess gajim? There are lots of clients :-)
[09:05:28] <harrykar> sorry guys i thought i was in gajim MUC :-/
[09:05:39] <Jonathon Conte> no prob
[09:06:27] <harrykar> anyway Kev here in jabber MUC trough gajim i don't see any avatar
[09:06:53] <harrykar> in gajim MUC i see all avatars
[09:07:19] <harrykar> in jdev too
[09:07:32] <Kev> Ah, probably because this MUC doesn't let you send avatar fetching stanzas.
[09:07:45] <Kev> Although you should be able to see mine here if you can see it in jdev.
[09:08:30] <Kev> (Avatars work two-part. First part is saying what the hash of your avatar is, second is fetching the avatar to match the hash.
You probably can't fetch any avatars in here, but you do know what the hash is still, so if you fetched it through jdev you
should be able to see it here.)
[09:08:33] <harrykar> no i cant (i see it in jdev but not here)
[09:08:57] <Kev> Gajim being odd then, I expect :)
[09:09:15] <harrykar> i take a screenshot
[09:09:52] <Kev> No need, I believe you.
[09:09:58] <Jonathon Conte> Kev: I'm not sure I understand. Are you saying that clients connected to this room should not be able to retrieve avatars?
[09:10:08] <Kev> Jonathon Conte: That's probably the case, yes.
[09:10:20] <Jonathon Conte> what's strange is that I can see *some* avatars
[09:10:27] <Jonathon Conte> but I can't see my own
[09:10:57] <niekie> Jonathon Conte: Swift IM.
[09:10:59] <Jonathon Conte> I guess I assumed the ones that I couldn't see were users who hadn't set their avatar
[09:11:06] <Jonathon Conte> niekie: thanks
[09:11:21] <harrykar> http://img20.imageshack.us/i/screenshotmessagesgajim.png/ that's jabber MUC
[09:12:30] <harrykar> that's jdev http://img545.imageshack.us/i/screenshotmessagesgajim.png/
[09:13:06] <Jonathon Conte> weird--you're getting different results in different rooms on the same server?!
[09:13:09] <harrykar> Kev: No need, I believe you. > sorry i see it right now
[09:13:17] <Kev> Jonathon Conte: Different rooms have different configurations.
[09:13:32] <Kev> jdev is looser with permissions because it gets less spam.
[09:13:55] <Jonathon Conte> okay, thanks. I didn't realize fine-grained control like that was available
[09:14:29] * rocknd left the chat.
[09:18:58] <harrykar> Kev: jdev is looser with permissions because it gets less spam. >jagim muc has captcha why not here?
[09:19:09] <harrykar> *gajim
[09:19:21] <Kev> For that type of spam, a captcha wouldn't help.
[09:19:35] <Kev> More generally, the software running jabber.org doesn't have captcha support yet.
[09:20:57] <harrykar> Kev what's your opinion about irc vs xmpp?
[09:21:08] <Kev> I think they serve different needs.
[09:21:49] <Kev> IRC is very specifically for getting a group of largely anonymous people into a common chat, without presence information,
extensibility or identity.
[09:21:55] <Kev> It does that pretty well.
[09:21:58] <harrykar> if u have time explain a bit better :-)
[09:22:16] <Kev> XMPP gives identity, extensibility, presence etc., and multi-user chat is just a small facet of it.
[09:23:31] <harrykar> so to say in another words XMPP is an advanced IM protocol whit extensions to chat
[09:24:06] <Kev> No.
[09:24:15] <harrykar> instead irc is a primarily chat protocol with extensions to IM
[09:24:19] <Kev> XMPP isn't an IM protocol - it's much more general than that.
[09:24:25] <Kev> It is able to support IM.
[09:25:04] * Kamil joined the chat.
[09:25:14] <harrykar> XMPP isn't an IM protocol - it's much more general than that. > how we can define it then?
[09:25:37] <harrykar> XMPP is a...?
[09:26:19] <tichodroma> ... extensible message and presence protocol :)
[09:26:31] <Kev> tichodroma: Thanks :)
[09:26:33] <harrykar> I precise: for me IM=1-1 comm and chat 1-n comm
[09:27:29] <harrykar> ... extensible message and presence protocol used not only in IM MUC but....
[09:28:57] <Kev> It's used for many things.
[09:29:30] <Kev> Chat, running multi-player games, shipping social network information, running task management systems, running student help
boards etc.
[09:29:31] * Jonathon Conte left the chat.
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[09:30:01] * Jonathon Conte left the chat.
[09:30:07] <harrykar> instead irc is used only as chating system right?
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[09:30:46] <Kev> Correct.
[09:32:37] <harrykar> i has a discussion in irc about that
[09:32:49] <harrykar> tnx Kev tichodroma
[09:33:10] <tichodroma> at your service :)
[09:33:28] <harrykar> at your service >LOL
[09:33:33] <harrykar> tnx
[09:34:07] <Jonathon Conte> Kev: what about SIP vs XMPP?
[09:34:18] <Jonathon Conte> is there room for both?
[09:34:39] <Kev> Yes.
[09:35:03] <Jonathon Conte> It seems like there is a lot of overlap, especially now that XMPP has the Jingle extension for audio/video
[09:36:19] * Tobias joined the chat.
[09:38:40] <Kev> There is, and there's work to interop between the two.
[09:39:56] * nw left the chat.
[09:42:03] <Jonathon Conte> Kev: In your opinion, what are some things that SIP does better than XMPP?
[09:46:21] <Jonathon Conte> gotta go to bed. goodbye all.
[09:46:31] <Kev> I don't know SIP well enough to comment. Apart from the Jingle VOIP extension, there's pretty much no overlap, I think.
[09:46:33] <Kev> Good night.
[10:03:34] * naw left the chat.
[10:03:50] * Kamil left the chat.
[10:03:50] * Kamil joined the chat.
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[10:07:43] * Kamil joined the chat.
[10:28:25] * Kamil left the chat.
[10:28:28] * Kamil joined the chat.
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[10:51:26] * treebilou joined the chat.
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[11:34:51] * MattJ joined the chat.
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[11:46:02] * treebilou left the chat.
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[11:47:25] * Lastwebpage left the chat.
[11:48:20] * Lastwebpage joined the chat.
[11:50:23] * paulmad joined the chat.
[11:52:40] * Lastwebpage left the chat.
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[12:02:43] * marseille_ joined the chat.
[12:11:45] * garfield28349 left the chat.
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[12:30:32] * hoover19405 joined the chat.
[12:50:03] * Kamil left the chat.
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[13:17:30] * sadesmile joined the chat.
[13:17:58] <sadesmile> هاي
[13:18:17] <sadesmile> :-D
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[13:18:43] <louiz’> …
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[13:29:30] * sckn joined the chat.
[13:29:42] <sckn> hi
[13:29:49] <sckn> r there anybody
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[13:36:15] * the ♚ joined the chat.
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[14:42:57] * jziemke joined the chat.
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[14:43:28] <Lastwebpage> !XEP roster
[14:43:48] <Lastwebpage> !xep 45
[14:43:59] <Lastwebpage> !xep death bot :|
[14:44:01] <Link Mauve> !xep roster
[14:44:14] <Link Mauve> Oh, HAL isn't here...
[14:45:26] * Tobias joined the chat.
[14:45:46] <Kev> I think HAL has been completely retired.
[14:45:53] <Kev> Or the old HAL, anyway.
[14:47:24] <Lastwebpage> okay, I ask here...
[14:47:44] <Lastwebpage> what can the roster contain?
[14:48:28] <Link Mauve> Now it's SAL, but the two are connected under the same nick. :)
[14:50:45] <Lastwebpage> btw, http://www.zdnet.com/blog/seo/office-15-microsoft-planning-instant-messaging-feature-for-social-networks-like-facebook/2672
[14:51:09] <Kev> Lastwebpage: What do you mean 'what can it contain'?
[14:51:28] <Lastwebpage> contacts and?
[14:51:38] <Kev> That's it.
[14:51:47] * harlock left the chat.
[14:51:49] <Kev> JIDs, names for them and tags for them (groups).
[14:52:03] <Kev> In theory you could store any junk in there (suitably namespaced), but few if any servers currently support that.
[14:52:05] <Lastwebpage> and e.g. Mucs?
[14:52:27] <Kev> You could if you wanted to, MUCs have JID identifiers, but it probably wouldn't be a good idea.
[14:53:20] <MattJ> A Microsoft XMPP server? Oh dear...
[14:53:25] <Lastwebpage> :D
[14:53:38] <Lastwebpage> that's my first though too
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[16:37:16] * andresdrr\40jabber.org joined the chat.
[16:37:25] <andresdrr\40jabber.org> LOL
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[16:50:21] * yuppinturic joined the chat.
[16:59:34] * andresdrr\40jabber.org left the chat.
[17:06:45] * misha joined the chat.
[17:11:05] * Kamil joined the chat.
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[17:41:40] * Kev joined the chat.
[18:03:47] * paulmad left the chat.
[18:04:13] * aciidx joined the chat.
[18:04:37] <aciidx> Hey are Jabber.org accounts still dropped by request?
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[18:25:48] * todd.waugh joined the chat.
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[18:26:44] <MattJ> aciidx, you mean you want your account deleted, or?
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[18:30:53] <mathieui> or someone else’s account? :D
[18:31:55] <louiz’> I want MattJ’s account to be deleted. Is this possible ?
[18:32:12] <louiz’> :)
[18:32:14] <MattJ> louiz’, sure, hold on
[18:32:19] <louiz’> :D
[18:32:27] <MattJ> I never liked that guy anyway
[18:32:38] <louiz’> Ah !
[18:32:50] <louiz’> I hate him
[18:33:41] <louiz’> Could you remove Prosody from the Internet too?
[18:34:18] <aciidx> MattJ: my old account
[18:34:27] <aciidx> which i never actually activated
[18:34:45] <MattJ> louiz’, that's harder :)
[18:35:00] <louiz’> oh :(
[18:47:30] * harrykar left the chat.
[18:52:31] * aciidx left the chat.
[18:56:40] * Z_God joined the chat.
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[20:59:06] * treebilou left the chat.
[21:01:36] * Neustradamus left the chat.
[21:15:51] * Kamil left the chat.
[21:20:01] * Lara.lolea joined the chat.
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[21:25:17] * Holger joined the chat.
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[22:13:49] * washington65385 joined the chat.
[22:15:47] <washington65385> hello, where i can get developer support for xmpp? (trying to authenticate with md5 digest, but always getting invalid authzid
failure from jabber.org)
[22:17:00] <Kev> I'm off to bed now, but a few things:
[22:18:10] <louiz’> dev support is mostly at dev@conference.jabber.org isn’t it?
[22:18:24] <Kev> * Please don't test new clients against jabber.org until they're known to work against your test server
* Check http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-xmpp-3920bis-22
* jdev@conference.jabber.org has developers in
* http://oreilly.com/catalog/9780596521271 is a good book (it won't help with digest-md5)
* DIGEST-MD5 isn't worth implementing anyway, use SCRAM-SHA1
* Please don't test new clients against jabber.org until they're known to work against your test server
[22:19:36] <washington65385> where to get password for dev@conference.jabber.org
[22:19:43] <louiz’> there’s none
[22:19:51] <louiz’> hum
[22:19:57] <louiz’> that’s jdev@conference.jabber.org sorry
[22:19:57] <Kev> jdev, not dev, see above.
[22:22:20] <washington65385> ok thx bye bye
[22:22:53] * washington65385 left the chat.
[22:39:56] * coolidge32296 joined the chat.
[22:40:23] <coolidge32296> hello
[22:40:43] <MattJ> Hi
[22:40:49] <louiz’> hi
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[23:31:33] * harrykar left the chat.
[23:38:26] * Tobias left the chat.